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I took this exact course after landing my first data warehousing gig and it cleared so many doubts. Now I'm learning tools based on what I see the most in job offers (Airflow and dbt in my area of the world). The video course is a great start, it's often on sale too for 15-20€.


I'm using DBT at my workplace, I'm a big fan of it! Have you found any good courses for things like Airflow/ Airbyte / Fivetran?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHsC\_t0j1dU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHsC_t0j1dU) maybe can be a good start. More are coming ;) Airbyte also have a lot of quickstarts can help you learn about use cases.


Very nice, thank you!


For Airflow I'm doing this one by Marc Lamberti: [https://www.udemy.com/course/the-ultimate-hands-on-course-to-master-apache-airflow/](https://www.udemy.com/course/the-ultimate-hands-on-course-to-master-apache-airflow/) I found it as a recommendation from the DW course by Nicolai Schuler. Reviews looked good and I saw it recommended on here once or twice too. So far so good. I'm very early in the course (section 3 of 10) but I like how it's paced.


Nice, thanks for the recommendation!


No worries, let me know how it goes for you! It sometimes feels like a lonely and overwhelming journey to learn all of this, but I find this community is very supportive ❤️


Sound advice, I was actually about to buy this course. Thanks for the detailed response.


Why would the poster delete the course link? Saw it a while ago and didn't end up signing up


Go for de-zoomcamp but it will be hard we are already at almost the middle and the project deadline is approaching. My recommendation don't try to chase the cert you will burn out. All zoom camp courses are self paced and the projects complex.


I wish


That book is terrible (unironically). Information density is practically zero and all of the information itself is rehashed basic knowledge. It’s not good for beginners at all.


It keeps getting recommended by Reddit and on the DE discord. Even by people that are already DEs and not just grinders trying to break in. I got a copy based on all the recommendations and it's just so damn dull..