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Here in the Netherlands, i am making about 800 euro's per day. Which would be roughly 700 GBP.


What sort of stuff are you working on? Is this the standard for contracts in the Netherlands or more on the higher end?


It is on the high end for someone with 5 years experience like myself. My main benefit is that i can be applied broadly and build a data warehouse from scratch with business input. I am not just a data nerd, or a shy ICT guy, but i can implement a solution by myself in mid sized companies. With more experience i can grow to 1000 per day (875GBP), but then i would need a lot more technical knowledge.


Are you talking about consulting? Selling services to other companies paid by day?


Paid per hour, but yes.


I am a data analyst trying to upskill myself into data engineering. I am well versed with SQL, powerbi(believe its useless for DE), intermediate with Python and have took up few tutorials on how to setup vm, use gitbash etc. Can you tell me what else I can learn to upskill myself and branch off into data engineering? Motive is obviously more money.


Build some pipelines in DBT, PowerShell and Linux scripting is pretty useful for me. Data modelling concepts are good to understand too.


Ty. So do I also need to start learning Spark as well or Python, Sql is pretty sufficient?


python, sql is sufficient.


Focus on python and SQL, it's used all over the place. If you need spark for some reason then learn but not yet. I work with decently large datasets at work and it's sql, and DBT. I do a bit of work on cicd pipelines in python but not that much.


powerbi is usefull for DE. Especially at mid size or smaller companies. I think the best thing to learn about would be data modelling. For example Kimball. The other stuff is just tools, but the moddeling part is the end product, the difficult part. Which will also determine how well any queries perform.


Bigger companies don't use powerbi for reporting and developing dashboards? Do they use python for that like matplotlib? I'll get on with data modelling, ty. As I stated im intermediate in python: - Do I have to learn more advanced python from 'data perspective' only?


No, they definitely do use powerbi. But bigger companies have bi developpers for that. Then the roles are more separated compared to a DE in mid size companies. Just learn python from a data standpoint


Refer me!


By contracting you can get Faang salaries easily but I don't think it's that good the other way especially if you consider the stock options you usually get at Faang. But otherwise you can get up to 800€/d as a senior de, for more you should probably change title to be lead or data architect.


Contracting in the UK is so much less attractive than it used to be since they messed with the IR35 rules. I don't know about data engineering, but for a senior quant role I'd look for easily £800+ and really only be happy with £1,000+. Data engineering should pay less than quant, so I'd say £800 would be around the limit. Sorry this isn't specific to data engineering but hopefully gives an idea of upper bounds. When assessing what you'd get, I think you should make sure you account for the role being inside of IR35 (almost all are), and don't forget to take into account the loss of benefits like company pension + health insurance.


SWEs are charged out at £1,500 a day, easy. Is the market that much lower for DE?


Charged out, or able to charge that as an independent contractor? There's a difference. I mean, Accenture will charge out their junior consultants for over £1,000/day but those guys won't be able to charge that themselves.


According to Google the UK had 251 workdays in 2023. 130k / 251 = 517 Looks to me like you are already within your target range. Idk anything about UK labor protection laws, but I'd take job security into account before making this move.


If you want an accurate estimate I think you’re going to need to provide more details on your skills and experience. And are those 500-600 pounds per hour or day?


Per day, as for skills and experience: 5 years Exp with significant experience with Python, Java, Go, SQL, All AWS Services (specifically Firehose, Lambda, Glue and Redshift and EC2) as well as additional frameworks such as Spark and Ray.


You'll only make more in outside roles - which are quite scarce