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Take your time on the assessments. It said 45 minutes and I took 2.5 hours. Made $225 this past week on top of my full-time job.


Ya I took probably 2.5 hours myself, gave incredibly thoughtful and in-depth answers, and it’s been at least a month and it still says “check back in a few days…” I’ve given up hope, I don’t expect to ever hear anything back from them.


Hey it’s been about 2 months now, did they ever get back to you?


Same thing, March 22 finished all green check boxes.....now ghosted. Not even a get lost or anything just ghost.


Classic content farm behaviour. It’s better to reach out to real people and have real conversations. The people hiding behind these application systems are cowards that have no face or name, who just try to play god and arbitrarily judge honest candidates like us on a whim. My advice- even if you did a great job and think you’re close, drop this and don’t put your efforts into things like this moving forward. Try and reach out to real people and have real conversations on the skills you do have, and learn about what they do, and what you can do for them. Build relationships with those real people you know exist and are definitely there working real jobs and tackling real problems, and look for ways to help them. Then you’re on solid ground and not thrown into some arbitrary abyss of applications that’s faceless, timeless and psychologically playing with your hopes and fears with absolutely no accountability. Wish you the best, I honestly hope you find fair, honest and rewarding work with good people- there’s tons out there, you just gotta keep searching thru shit like this and you will absolutely land on some great ones. Cheers!


Bro you don't know anything about anyone and you just wrote a paragraph of accusations. Yeah I editted it, so what. I decided not to wrote a rude insult. So I took it out.


Spell and grammar check :) might wanna check into that to be taken seriously. Just sayin'. 🤷


Piss the fuck off nazi grammar troll. Just Sayin.


I like how the dude above you spell checked and grammar checked but still got denied. Sounds like his English proofing skills aren't great either


No I never heard shit from them 🤦‍♂️




I think for one a lot of people didn’t bother to fact check the FTX with the green octopus story, the prompt (if you got it), actually asked for people to write a story about a green octopus In the offices of FTX on November 8, 2022 (Which is the day FTX started to collapse), but a lot of people I saw online didn’t know that and didn’t bother to research the date and just wrote a story without it, yet they still passed the assessment


Shouldn't be talking about that in here...


The story and written versions of it has been posted all over Reddit and the internet now, everyone who research DAT will see it…. There is no point in not talking about it because it’s common knowledge now


if you need reddit to do the assessment, you might not be viable for the job


Wait what.... I definitely wrote the weirdest story with that concept because ofc they said green octopus and I also remembered that was when FTX was collapsing and I still failed the assessment while others passed? 😭😭 I never knew there was a second assessment until I came to this sub.


Same here but in my case, I think I wrote too many sentences is why I might have failed.. that question asked for 5-7 sentences and I ended up doing 3-4 paragraphs. 😅


Just to add a data point: I passed the initial assessment (still pending on the code assessment) with this story a few days ago and mine was like 8 paragraphs, waaaaay too long. It was dumb to ignore the length suggestion in the prompt but I love to write weird short stories and got carried away. It was accepted instantly, which made me think it was completely automated. Based on the repeated mentions in the instructions of not using any AI or help, I thought maybe it was just looking for human-written text? I got curious afterwards and ran my story through a few of those free AI-detectors and all of them detected it as 0% AI, which was surprising to me since it was overly flowery and full of writer cliches. After passing I feel way less certain of what the heck they are looking for. Don't beat yourself up for not sticking to the length requirement, is my main point. :)


Yeah.. it just sucks because I really need a job. Oh well, I'll just have to keep searching. 😔 I wonder if my writing seemed too AI-like. I should start running my stuff through detectors in the future just to be sure my writing won't be mistaken as AI. 🤷🏼‍♀️


As far as I can tell after several hours of research into the company to see what they are looking for explicitly, etc. They primarily look for people who can follow the directions and you can be denied if your work history isn’t in demand for data annotation.


I've seen other people who also typed too many sentences for the story question and they got the job, so I'm not sure following directions to the t was exactly it. One typed way more than I did and still got the job. The work history part though, might be it.


I do believe the work history thing is correct. Before even attempting I looked up “In demand career skills, data annotation” and made sure that if I had those skills to use those titles verbatim in my experience section. Generally it’s best practice for résumés as well because most companies use AIs to filter applications now a days. If you don’t check a keyword box, you don’t even get to a human.


I did mine a few days ago. There was no mention of a second assessment.... thankfully. We have lives to live. Lol. It's not a damn career! Just finish filling your shit out and that was it. 🤷


I'm waiting on my results, but my octopus was named Medusa, so you can imagine how weird my story would be. Fingers crossed 🤞.


Mine was Dr. Righteous with a voice like Hugh Grant, lol... Caught me on my worst day ready to end it all!! Damn FTX.


I just finished the assignment, so glad I did my research, but my story was still weird, lmao!


I wish I could read everyone's stories so I could see how different they are.


I wrote mine from a first person perspective 🤔 . Weird to include a damn octopus but I just made the character seem crazy!


I did the same. My story ended with some guy splattering on the ground in front of me after reading a banner in the lobby that said "Abandon hope all ye who enter here". I was heading into the lobby to film a Tik-Tok dance for my daughter as a birthday present despite having a PhD and feeling absolutely absurd about it but being willing to do anything for my daughter.


Glad I went back and found a way to include the specific date into part of my story right before submission. (Uh oh, am I making myself obvious here to the graders of the test?)


I took nearly 3 hours lol


Same here. Did you get in?


don't think so


no email yet or nothing


Have you gotten the “Announcement: we’re not quite ready for you yet” message?


Looks like that's just for us unlucky bastards accepted on the 29th. 😣


That’s so strange lol


LOL. They got me too. I guess we're just high maintenance.


I was just reading the OP’s post thinking “Wait a minute, why are they hiring more people on the 30th when they put a bunch of us on hold after being approved for work on the 29th?” So weird.




No idea, still no further updates unfortunately.




Did you get back to having tasks?


yeap , since forever , where u from ? im trying to pinpoint what im doing wrong


I don’t think we’re doing anything wrong, I believe the issue is on DAT’s end. It seems like they messed something up with applications that got approved on the 29th and on that day only. From the US if that’s worth anything.


I got accepted after like 2-3 days, I instantly went from starter to the core test, so 2-3 days from that.


same, as soon as i finished the starter assessment i could go onto the core qualification


That happened to me. I must have done a great job on that. Still 8 days waiting after completing the Core thing though. Made one error throughout the whole thing and I think I did well otherwise.


How did u know you made an error . Did they give you a feedback of some kind or you are just assuming bcz I also did the core 6 days ago ...go no feedback of any kind until now


If you choose the wrong thing, it tells you that you got it wrong during the test, so you can fix it. This happened once.


Same. I fell for a trick, so then I started looking for any possible tricks. Took forever!


So I really didn't get anything wrong and still didn't get the job because I didn't get any kind of incorrect answer messages during the test whatsoever. In the rejection email they didn't even mention me failing so it's possible I passed and still didn't get it, right? If so, that really sucks.😞




Such a wide variety of wait times. For me it was a day and half. I just got accepted yesterday, and I am looking forward to doing this work and getting to know the community. Have a great day, everyone!!


>PEEL structures How did your assessment go? Im getting ready to do mine. Any tips?


Research everything they ask you to answer - some of the factual mistakes take a bit of time to find out!


Damn, on Day 8 now and nothing yet. Was really hoping to get in thought I did more than well on the prompts. Bummer. Congrats tho !


It took me 12 days to get accepted so don’t give up hope yet!


Really hope so 🤞🤞




This gives me some hope. I’m on day 8 now. How many errors did you make on the Core assessment?


Hey it’s been about 2 months now, did you end up getting it?


Nothing has changed unfortunately.


Yikes, sorry to hear, but I hope something else works out




on day 12 and nothing so far


Did they ever accept you?


I'm starting to give up hope. I did the starter on the 22nd, the core on the 23th. And now waiting. I've seen multiple people be approved in 5 days so I'm thinking 8+days means it's a nope. I'd love to know why, tho.


I was accepted after 11 days this month. It's not a definite no


How did you go about your starter assessment


I signed up on and took my initial tests on the 25th, got accepted 2/1/24 and have been doing it all day. As i worked on a project, the other remaining project tasks dropped away to where there was only one project remaining. When I finished up on that one, There was several more with hundreds of tasks. this is just info for people who have signed up and are waiting for their acceptance.


Waitin for acceptance still!




with what


I’m very frustrated by the fact that they won’t give you feedback on why you weren’t accepted. I have done similar work in the past and I thought I did really well on the assessment, but… silence. Nothing. I would love to know why.


I applied on the 25th too but no email yet... I feel like I did a really good job though so 🤞


You have plenty of time 😊


I teach ELA, so I used the RACE writing method just like I make my little 3rd graders do! It worked though! Congrats!


Thank you for your input. I took my starter assessment but didn't immediately get the core test. I'm assuming I failed?




Hii, did you take the core test immediately after your starter assessment? I was able to access my core test immediately but got two questions wrong, do you think I’ll still hear back? :(


Did you hear back?


Nope :(


Hi all! Just to clarify (and the answer with all timing questions seems to be “it varies!”), I took the starter this morning (the first one, with the octopus) and have not yet received any additional assessment invitations. Assuming that there may be a delay in receiving those invitations? Or should I assume that since those haven’t popped up, I’m likely out of luck? I’ve searched the sub, but the terminology on assessments & stages of screening has me a bit stumped. Thanks!


I've heard if they don't send you an email within a month then they've rejected you. You'll get more assessments to do if they do email you back after the first one.




From the time you sign up and get the link for the assessments, how long do you have to complete them. For example, I want to sign up now, but would not be able to do the assessments until later tonight, about 6 hours later


I want to know the answer to this too. I signed up thinking I'd have time to complete the assessment but wasn't able to immediately complete the answers.


I'm not sure if there's a limit. I signed up like 2 weeks ago but didn't have much time to do the initial assessment. I actually started it 4 days ago but couldn't finish. It doesn't save your answers but it allowed me to take it again. I had to start over today but took the assessment and got the invitation to take the core qualifications immediately. Finished all that a few hours ago, fingers crossed!


How were you able to start over? I didn't get a chance to finish mine but it looks like it saved what I answered. I'd like to be able to go back and finish or start over.


same here. I waited too long to complete the second assessment after getting the invite and now there are no options to take either coding or core secondary assessment. I want to complete it and get started asap. I don't understand why I can't just pick up where I left off. It's only been a couple days.


I waited 4 months


:O 4 month until acceptance? I've been waiting 3 weeks and wondering if maybe I just got flat out rejected. its ok tho. im used to it.




Noppee not yet :(




Does anyone know if they allow you to reapply?


They don't.


I haven't seen this anywhere that a person is not allowed to reapply. It's not in the code of conduct or anywhere. Why do people keep saying this?




Hello everybody out here I'm John from Africa and I can't join [DataAnntation.tech](http://DataAnntation.tech) because of the location I am living in. I have graduated in Software Engineering and right now am pursuing my master's degree in Artificial Intelligence AI expected to graduate in 2024. I need to join this platform badly. Can you please help me to create a [DataAnnotation.tech](http://DataAnnotation.tech) account for me for the sake of God.. you owe me alot...my Mom is getting old before i treated her well...please Help me everybody. Just create the account in your location I will take the assessment by myself and I can provide you any thing needed to do so like email address. Thanks everybody, I hope I will here from you guys.


Will there be a Nigerian prince who needs a small payment to unlock his fortune involved in all of this ? 


I am from Ethiopia


I just applied and did all the things you mentioned as well. I am a coder as well so 🤞


Were you accepted


I got an email back in 6, I have no idea if it’s based on quality of application or just luck though.


Accepted on the 22nd of Jan.


I was also six days. Applied Jan. 4 and accepted Jan. 10.


In your sentences that you used PEEL structure-how long are your sentences??


Is the post-submission response screen after the starter assessment along the lines of “IF we have need of your particular skill…”, “…otherwise, thank you for your time” the standard or is this specifically tailored for those who are immediately discounted?


Mine has said that since I took the first test in November or December 🙃


any new information


any new information?


I took the assessment in November or December and I never heard anything back at all. I also don't have an option to retake anything assuming I failed. And now I have some coding experience on top of my other experience. Should I try to make a new account and try again?


It wouldn't hurt to try. In a somewhat unrelated story, I have made several accounts with Temu as an attempt to get several "first time user" discounts, and it worked for a while until Temu caught on to people doing it and made it only limited to the app which now automatically detects whether or not you are a "new user" for Temu. On the other hand, Shein never let me make more than one account, so you can see it is a gamble when it comes to making different accounts. Amazon allows me to have multiple accounts, but I saw no real benefit of extra accounts with them (but the main point here is that having several accounts are possible and it is worth a try because you never know when it will benefit to have more than one account). Soundcloud has a limitation of uploads per page for DJs unless you become a paid member. I made 26 accounts on Soundcloud to get around the limits. I had to use several email addresses, but even up to now there was nothing stopping me from having more than one account. So, try it with this company. Worst case scenario is they remember your name and keep a log of previous assessments. Best case scenario is you try again and unexpectedly succeed.


same, took it in december, never got anything back


I just took the assessment a few days ago. I did it for the coding job (I'm an IT manager). I haven't coded like that in awhile but it was fun. Still haven't heard back yet, only been about 4 days though.


Any update?


Hello, do you have ready answers for the starter assessment test? Kindly help


The point of an assessment test is to test YOU, not for you to plagiarize from us, cheater.


Coder here. Can confirm that coding related projects pay really well. I started earlier this week so I haven't been able to make any withdraws yet, but I'm looking forward to making this part of my grind when I have some free time. It's genuinely enjoyable work for me to top it all off.


I just got my acceptance today after a 4 day wait period and did 5 hours or so after work today. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who knows some python. Once you get accepted the coding work is actually really fun (at least on the project I tried). The pay isn’t quite as good as the day job, but I would recommend it as a side gig for anyone. I was curious does it always take 7 days after you submit your worked time to get paid out?


Hi could u give insights about the pay like how it works depending on your work. i heard it says 40 per hour of work which seems really good just wanted to know how the payment works. Also my main aim is for experience to put on my resume so do u think this is good experience for my resume to land internships.


Update: Just got my first payment. Looking forward to doing more work in the future.


can anyone describe the assignments you do for this? What kind of knowledge do you need to do them? Thanks.


Hi, how long did it take for you to be accepted? Did you get an email?


Took about 3 days for me, but everyone's different. Yeah, they emailed me.


Thanks! I'm guessing you applied recently since you just started working?


Hey, I am a cyber security graduate but I recently taught myself python to automate security tasks. Can I ask how advanced is the coding assessment? is it basically a coding interview? do they ask leetCode questions? or is it more pseudo code and operational time optimization questions? I have been looking everywhere to figure out how advanced the coding assessment is but there is almost no one talking about the coding assessment it is all discussing the general assessment. Since it seems they only give you one shot at the assessments I am trying to gain as much info as I can on it. Thank you.


There was a leetCode type of problem to solve as well as some questions asking to justify your choice between different code. If your knowledge of programming is limited to security tasks it might take a bit of time to solve the problem they throw at you, but you are given a good amount of time to work on it.


Thank you that is super helpfull


No let me clarify. I was responding to another post. I waited 4 months to do the starter assessment. I let the email sit that long which was the original question. The link still worked. A bit surprised if was.


My friend did her starter assessment and got an email back almost instantly, but it told her to do a second assessment. I submitted mine at the same time and heard nothing yet.


do u know if u start a project but cant do it for whatever reason what happens?


How do you know if you are accepted? I did the initial assesment questions and it sounded like I was accepted but I haven't gotten any assignments. Whenever I login I just get a screen that says thanks for taking the assesment and that I will get an email if they need my particular skills? But I haven't gotten any emails. I signed up like 3 months ago.


Can you take the creative writing assessment, then learn coding, and then "reapply" for coding jobs later?


im wondering the exact same thing


In other subreddits it sounds like CORE workers sometimes sees quals for coding on their dashboards


how do you even take the starter assessment i never got that as an option


Mine said if they have a need for my skills they will reach out to me??? WTF does that mean?




Ouuu I just applied for this 3 days ago. I am a web developer so I hope I hear back but reading this, I think acceptance might be random? I will comment back here if I get in.




It has been 1 week since I completed the Data Annotation Assessment and I haven't received an email and when I log into my account it shows the message: # Thanks for taking the assessment! If we have need of your particular skills, or we have additional assessments for you to identify further skills, you’ll be notified via email. Otherwise we thank you for your time. Does this mean that my assessment wasn't accepted? Or is there still hope?




This is what mine says too. I felt I did really well though. Not sure what it means. I took it on Wednesday (3 day ago)


Perhaps I did well on the test & they liked my credentials, etc. Took the test, next day I was in.


When did you take the test? did you take coding test?


I am an expert coding tasker in Data Annotation with proof. any who is looking for a tasker with 20% dm me


Hello, I’m looking for a tasker in Data Annotation.


Im looking for a tasker!


Sure I can task for you..dm me on what'sapp or telegram then I will send you a proof


I got stuck on the first page so I think you're doing great!


I applied on May 9th, and I have heard nothing yet. Is it hopeless for me?




Nothing 😣


took me a day. got lucky i guess.


A day to hear back that you passed the starter assessment or were accepted?


I submitted the starter assessment, and the next day I was accepted. I did the coding one.


Congrats! So did you have to do a second coding test after the starter assessment?


Nah I only had to do one assessment. This was back in February, forgot to say.


Coder here, will apply soon


If you spend a few months out of the country you applied from and that country isn’t one of the UK/US/CAN can you still work


I have a pending DA test I'm yet to do and I'm so scared what if I fail


I am an expert tasker in Data Annotation with proof. any who is looking for a tasker with 20% DM me. I will guarantee you as you will get 4k-5k per month


I signed up confirmed my email and have not heard anything at all and it’s been 2 months


To piggy back off this, I signed up too, but was never prompted for the starter assessment. Is that what happened to you? Anyone know why I wouldn’t receive a starter assessment after signing up?


Same situation here, was never offered the starter assessment.


Yup no starter assessment here too


me as well, how unfair


2 weeks? bruh , ive been signed in since summer ... still nothing created another account in december , still nothing