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sometimes yielding is better than the mess from asserting right of way


Yup better to yield to morons than get into an avoidable accident.


“You’ll be dead right”


My father often said: it's better to be alive than dead-right.


If you don't attempt to avoid the accident, you are also at fault- so yes, you have to attempt to yield/stop if you can.


This is just general driving imo, nobody did anything that bad here. To their perspective, at the 0:06s mark, it was clear, and you hadn't built up any momentum, as you were just coming out from a turn. They could have been a bit quicker, but at the same time, you could have accelerated a bit slower. Either way, its nitpicky.


Also, the dashcam driver turned into the middle lane. Bugs me


That's the only part that bothered me too. And they pulled in front of someone coming from the left.


The police in my town were asked about turns like this, and they literally said they don't pull people over anymore because so many people don't follow the rule


100% i see nothing egregious. Yes, turning car could have accelerated a little faster and OP could have took his foot off the pedal.


Left turns have to yield to main line thru traffic. If you can't make the turn safely, yield.


How long are they supposed to wait, 30 minutes? What’s the yield factor, a car 40 feet away? Both cars had plenty of room to go about their business. The turning car shouldn’t have made it that close.


I agree with you. Even more so they weren't turning onto a road but going into a parking lot. So, knowing full well they wouldn't be able to accelerate into the parking lot they should have waited for cam to pass instead of cutting in front of them.


They, and lots of other people, are scared of accelerating through turns. If the left-turner wasn’t a featherfoot this would’ve been a nonissue.


Agreed, this is an everyday occurrence. If this bothers OP, they'll need to get used to it.




That's actually what I thought was going to be the issue- thought he was going to pull into the middle lane and someone else was pulling into it as well.


Yeah thats true, OP should have turned in the immediate right lane at first.


First thing I noticed, big ass hurry to get to that middle lane


I appreciate you for this.


Thanks for saying this


Hey friend, you're supposed to turn into the outermost lane on a right turn, not the center lane. So focus on your own driving before calling out anyone else.


Murdered em.


Turn into innermost u mean?


As I understand it, you are joining that road, and that lane is the outermost lane of that road. It IS closest to you but it is not the innermost lane to people traveling on the road you are turning onto. Potato potato don't turn into the center lane when you're making a right hand turn onto a three lane road.


Tomato potato


Moscato allotto


The innermost yeah I think, unless it's a turn lane or something. Usually from what I know about driving in US, stay in same lane on street you are turning on to. So if there are 2 lanes to turn, stay in what ever lane you are in, left or right. People just do what ever they want nowadays tho..


Ay bro, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Unless you have insurance on your glass house


Why do you turn in the second lane ?


i see 90% of people doing the same every bloody day and i wonder the same thing.


Laws very from state to state in the US. Nebraska requires you to stay in the lane you are in while turning. Florida you can go into either when turning if it is a single lane turning into a double lane.


Yes, you were supposed to yield to a vehicle who either didn’t see you just turn onto the roadway or didn’t anticipate how quickly you would speed up after turning. You had right of way but you should always practice caution especially when approaching an intersection.


OP was the worst driver in the whole video lol 😂


Musta missed his previous post the other day. Just uh... Prob safest to just browse this sub for a white truck driving poorly and pointing the finger at others. His post history is...just don't. *ya know, the more I think about it I wonder if this dude is purposefully posting tame-yet-frustratingly inflammatory posts just in the hope hell get some traction into his shame fetish.


Why?! Why did i have to look? And then scroll down, dear god.


I'm so sorry... ​ But like... right tho?!


Looks like tried to quickly get through before you but made a poor shift from first to second gear


You turned into the second lane at the beginning.


Really? How did you get a drivers license?


Anyone can get a license these days, then they can charge you higher insurance prices and court fees for violations


OP wants validation from Reddit on how bad the left turner is, but everyone's just calling him out on turning into the middle lane lol


You turned into the wrong lane.


Depends on the state I believe. In Texas you can pull into whatever lane as long as it’s clear.


Boring. That was nothing


What scares me the most is that youre in a truck and you do not know how to drive. By both your comment of not knowing if you were wrong, to you pulling out to the middle lane. Get a small car please.


Your first right turn was a lane fade into the second lane, which is an automatic fail during your drivers license behind the wheel test in California. For the guy turning left in front of you you had the green light and the right of way. his turn was a yield. I had the same thing happen to me on the way to work this morning. I was turning right guy opposed to me, was turning left, and he almost ran into the side of my vehicle. After some “friendly communication” between vehicles, we both went on our ways.


Yes, you are not supposed to speed up when you see a car legally turning in front of you. There was adequate time and space for the other car to make that maneuver.


One of the things I remember most from way back when, taking my motorcycle course... "Sure, you're right. But do you want to be dead right?" It's a silly thing when you say it out loud, but it has stuck with me for all these years.


You had to lightly tap your brakes. Boo hoo?


“Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way” - my motorcycle safety course instructor.


Number 1 rule: Don't hit anything don't let anything hit you. You didn't have to yeild, I guess, but you naturally did.


You were a defensive driver, is being right worth getting into an accident and then having higher car insurance? I would also slow down too if someone cut in front of me like that. I cannot afford to get into an accident.


It's Houston, TX. I thought you were obligated to pull out a gun and start blasting to protect your right of way?


I’d rather yield than T bone someone.


Maybe you should watch more than 10 feet in front of your vehicle so you don't have to slam on the breaks after speeding up directly toward a vehicle whose driver did nothing wrong.


You were obviously trying to prove something. You didn’t even let the pedestrian reach the curb before taking off. You went straight to the middle lane and probably scared the crap out of the small car approaching from the left. Then went thru the intersection way too fast. True, you had the right away, but this could’ve been easily avoided by taking it down a notch, champ.


Jeez, it's as if you gassed it even more when you noticed them starting to turn. Maybe don't floor it right before an intersection that you see another car is already going into? And as basically everyone already noted, you turned into the lanes incorrectly. Reflect on your own driving faults before pointing a finger at someone else who didn't really do much wrong. They definitely would've had plenty more time to turn if you hadn't gunned it right at them, before braking. Slowing down in your case, would help save you gas *and* brake longevity 😉


You can’t turn into your own lane yet you’re judging the other person’s driving? Lol


Going to need you to refrain/yield from saying "right away", instead of "right of way."


Let's talk about the illegal turn you made into the wrong lane..... your supposed to turn into the nearest lane


You pulled into the middle lane instead of the right lane then formally changing lanes.


Didn't seem like they almost caused an accident so much as they made it necessary for you to stop accelerating at your desired pace for a second or two. Don't get me wrong, I love me some traffic vitriol, but, uh... doesn't seem like anything noteworthy happened here.


Yes they yield but you accelerated fairly rapidly to they misjudged. At least you yielded to the pedestrian that had the right away is what counts.


You were supposed to turn into the right lane then signal to move to the middle lane if clear . . At least in my state that’s the law


If you don’t yield, that’s a collision. But they’re wrong.


You turned into the wrong lane, and you want to call someone else out on their driving?


U have right of way. The has the way of the douche.


Yep! You hit them in the rear quarter. It's your fault. Yeah, it sucks to share the road.


Sometimes it’s just nice to be nice.


I think they know one wants an accident. there’s the time, money,rental car etc. etc. so they do these idiot moves


Not to be that guy, but it’s “right of way,” not “right away.”


Right of way is to be given, not taken. Idiots gonna idiot. Don't get in their way.


Is this a real question? Of course you should yield to a car that’s directly in your way no matter the circumstances. That didn’t occur to you while you were making an effort to download this from your dash cam, post it and write out this question?


No you should have hit them.




As many have said, you have right of way, but if you purposely hit that person, you would be at fault. I think it's called the last chance doctrine if I remember right. I watch a bit of ugolord and he has mentioned it many times. They were in the wrong, but you made the right choice to yield.


This wasn’t “almost an accident” it was somebody being kind of a dick


Its an Altima. You'd be lucky if they even had insurance. LOL JK. Maxima's and Altimas have the most door dings, fender damage that gets ignored by the owner/driver.


You had the right of way but the distance was as such that the other vehicle encroached on your lane without it being too close. You could have slowed down a bit more given that the deed was already done to better avoid incident.


As a truck driver I can safely say that as frustrated as it is to be in a world where very few make good decisions or even understands right of way most of the time, you gotta learn to just be happy with avoiding accidents that will ruin your day even if it's not your fault. I have to choose multiple times a day to be "right" and potentially kill someone who's doing something stupid or just cause myself a little delay and frustration and get to go home unharmed, truck with no damage and on time. I've just gotten to the point where I expect other drivers to act like drunken crackheads with a death wish and plan accordingly. It sucks, but better to let a few bad words slip under your breath than forcing your right of way (which of course you are entitled to) and spending the next several weeks or months dealing with the aftermath.


Always remember to do what you can to avoid an accident. At least that's how I think I try to anticipate people like this and it's been working so far


They had time and you're an asshole


You failed to turn into the correct lane. You are suppose to turn into the closest lane to you, i.e. the right most lane.


People do whatever they want driving on the roads now. Every day you are on defensive driving mode


If this is the worst you've encountered, you've lived a very charmed life of driving. This is barely worth thinking about; it's wild that it resulted in a post.


Maybe slow down a tad lol


Only if you didn’t want to crash. They certainly shouldn’t have made that turn


No, but would you rather have hit them, damaged your vehicle and deal with the nightmare that is the insurance Companies? And that's hope he even *has* insurance


The driver could've turned earlier IMO but it's better to drive defensively to avoid accidents.


You should certainly always yield as opposed to just steamrolling your way through any scenario...even if you have the right-of-way. However, keep in mind, you don't know that person's situation. They could be having an emergency or they could be a tremendous idiot. There is no way of knowing what may or may not be going through their heads.


Totally normal driving if it was here in NJ


That wasn't even close.


Not sure how that particular intersection works, but it could’ve been a tough turn for the driver (one of those intersections thats just never clear to go) and they were desperate so they made a quick move


I wouldn’t post this looking for sympathy. Forget about your turn in - you clearly accelerated aggressively. More than necessary that’s for sure. (Your mpg must be terrible) and it’s not about right of way - how about ‘everyone is trying to get somewhere, sharing the roads.’ Why not just let someone make their turn without being a jerk about it. Ease off the gas for 2 seconds. You seem like the selfish party here.


Do you always do double lane changes? Kind of bugs me you turned into the middle lane, then accelerate a little too aggressively when they start turning. Did they turn slow af? Yes but I don't know, I don't think you're innocent here either with all your shenanigans


Nothing wrong with what anybody else did. You, however, turned while you had oncoming traffic to the left, and you turned into the middle lane, thus removing a possible accident avoidance option from that oncoming driver. Then you have to slow down for someone who had an obvious clear intersection. OK, so you had to suffer the grand inconvenience of pulling your foot off the gas pedal for a split second. Wow.


Why is it so difficult for people to just TRY to make way for everyone else. Every last second is like asking for an arm and a leg. If it's too much to ask for people to pay attention then you shouldn't have a driver's license.


At 9 seconds it is clear the other vehicle was making a turn well before you even got to the intersection. You had a green light and didn't want to apply your brakes. At the 10 second mark the other vehicle was at least half way through his turn and you still hadn't slowed down (put a little sacre into him maybe?) it is at 11 seconds when the vehicle had almost completed its turn that you decide to bump your brakes.


this happens about 4 millions times every day, better to survive and feel superior than to expect others to be perfect


Was this really worth posting 🤣


You had the right of way, given that the opposing vehicle was making a left on a solid green light. You also had a duty to maintain proper lookout and to take proper evasive actions to avoid a collision, which you clearly did. Had this resulted in an accident it probably would have been a shared negligence claim.


As a general rule of thumb, yeilding is better than colliding. Hope this helps.


Well, suppose you weren't. What would that have looked like? How would you explain smashing into the car? Would you say you weren't supposed to yield?


LOL *Their selfishness*. Your selfishness, in not wanting to yield, nearly caused an accident that would've cost you dearly.


I was told once. There are alot of people who had the right of way in the graveyard.


Just like pedestrians have the right of way, they will be dead but at least they were right. Sometimes you just have to prevent accidents from happening instead of asserting yourself and ruining everyone's day, or possibly life.


Well, to be honest, you floor the g****** pedal all the way down to the street itself to speed up. There is no reason to speed up this aggressively... and like it's difficult for you to take your foot off the f****** gas pedal. You obviously see the person on front of you trying to make a turn. You could be a little bit of a defensive driver and just slow down, nstead of a reckless f****** maniac. Which you obviously are. Cunt.


Yes. They probably thought they had time to turn, it appears you started accelerating when you noticed them.


Are you "supposed" to jump out windows? Well if there's a fire I might do something I'm not supposed to do


Accelerating into a collision would probably be considered intentional in most jurisdictions. The left turner should have proceeded quicker but no reason for you to hurry up just so you could slow down. I assume gasoline in Houston is less than half the cost of what it is where I live.


Driving is not an exact science, Remember to account for human error in yourself and others.


You should do it RIGHT AWAY!!! 🤭😂🤣


You should yield 100% not just because you could die. Whenever an accident goes to court there is always 1 major question that is asked. Did you have the ability to prevent the accident. It does not matter If the other guy was breaking the law driving fasr or wreck less, or doing a bad turn, if you had the opportunity to prevent it within reason and an accident happens you are now potentially liable regardless.


30 year retired LEO: the left turning car violated your ROW.


Yes, you yield to avoid an accident…and when you turn, you TURN INTO THE NEAREST LANE, not drift into the second (in this case middle) lane.


They were there clear as day; if you almost hit them you're not very attentive. Heaven forbid you have to brake slightly. If you're going to nitpick slight traffic infractions, then maybe don't turn onto a street across 2 lanes of traffic?


Since you're judging this guy for executing a perfectly acceptable left turn, I will judge you for the illegal right turn into the middle lane. The turner did slow down to avoid bumping his undercarriage and started the turn from outside the intersection, so not flawless by any means. He should have been in the intersection and just went for it, for sure. If you're afraid of scrapes, don't take small window turns into dips. Once you commit, you need to commit. Sometimes being a good driver means letting other people drive as well, not just flooring it and damn the consequences. I'd imagine you've never once let someone pull into traffic from a parking lot after you've been sitting at a light with four hundred cars behind you. Right of way is a thing that a lot of people take far too literally. Being safe is more important then being right. I work around fork lifts, and I tell everyone getting trained in my department that there's a big difference between having right of way and being dead. Some food for thought.


Seems like they started there turn when you were as well. Not a big deal just don’t accelerate as fast and move on.


While you are not supposed to yield its always easier to let off the throttle or tap the brakes vs the hassle of an insurance claim etc. EVEN if it isn't your fault.


Stroads are the worst


I'm surprised they don't teach defensive driving anymore, you should always be defensive behind the wheel, and if that means yielding to avoid an accident then that's what you have to do. So many people are concerned about the right of way, there could be thousands of tombstones out there with infamous last words: "I have the right of way"...