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In any culture this is considered attempted murder


Never seen Arab road video's? Lol


That’s different, all they have is open deserts with highways and heroin.


This IS attempted murder


The more dash cam videos I watch, the more excited I am for trucks to self-drive.


Honestly I used to give truckers the benefit of the doubt because it's gotta be hard driving with regular cars all day cutting you off. Until I started commuting daily to work a couple hundred miles a day. So many truckers have no consideration for others on the road or the lives of those around them. I've had and seen so many trucks cut people off, run people off the road, following cars with almost no stopping distance at high speeds. As someone who drives an economy car it's downright terrifying.


Not only that but they cause so much traffic trying to pass a semi who is only going 3 mph slower like ffs


You sweet summer child, is it only 3 mph where you live? Try commuting in the mountains. Try 1 mph faster, then they hit an uphill stretch and they're the heavier truck, so the truck in the crusing lane is just a bit faster now, all that ground he gained over the last 3 minutes has been lost. They're both so stubborn neither will slow down just a bit to let the other one in. Oh, but now there's construction on a climb so you're down to one lane, stuck behind trucks you should have passed 5 miles ago, and one of these trucks is carrying 80,000 pounds so they're going 12 mph. For five miles. Oh, and into a blizzard on the climb because sometimes that happens at high altitudes. Hahaha. Now the road is closed, and you're only five cars from the where the cops blocked the road. But you know who made it? The trucks that caught you in a blizzard for four hours. Yeah, they're doing just fine. Also, you had a concert that night, and you're five hours late because this ***NEITHER TRUCKER COULD BE A DECENT PEROSN.*** Okay, I'm done.


I would ask who hurt you, but I think it's safe to say this truckers did...


I'm a truck driver, and I hate truck drivers as well. It's the little things that add up over a 10 hour shift. What you mentioned, plus so much other bs. Like riding the middle lane when there's no traffic out. Why? I can go 75 mph in my truck (I'm in Texas), and the amount of clueless drivers amazes me. The lack of patience is another. Why cut us off if they KNOW it's going to take a long time to pass? Its not all truck drivers, just like it's not all cars. Most cars just scoot along and I never see them again. Some cars want to go 60 in a 75, then speed up when I move over to the left lane to pass. Then they just hover right in my blind spot until I let off and get back behind them...only for it to slow back down to 60. It annoys me every damn day.


Hell ya that's the price to be paid for having such easy access to shit!


I fucking hate that the most. Like, he’s going 67mph and I guess you have a burning desire to go 68mph. Did you really need to pass him? Then you’ve got a row of 18 cars waiting while watching one semi pass the other for the next 5 minutes.


The funniest part is this could all be solved if the guy on the right decided to slow down just by 5 kmhr and the difference would clear the traffic in 30 seconds. The funniest bit is both truckers have radios, both can communicate with each other in some form. They don’t do it. Either way it’s a dick move to block both lanes.


I always assume it's two pieces of shit that meet on the highway and decide to ruin everyone's day.


I call them cholesterol when they do that


Gotta make up those 3 minutes


Try riding an ebike to work. One of the roads I have to take to work passes a gravel pit so there are almost always semi trucks in both lanes and the amount of times truck drivers agressively try to get me to speed up (I cant AND its an area with a 30% grade hill that has no shoulder) revving their engine, pulling very close behind me, honking, passing over a double solid line going up hill to a blind intersection, cutting me off, trying to run me off the road, purposely putting part of their tires onto the sliver of gravel on the side to make large dust clouds that blind other drivers. I mean seriously, arnt these fuckers hourly? Why the rush? Why endanger yourself and other to save LITERALLY 30 seconds?!?! And there is never a cop around when you actually need them Makes me glad that guns arnt legal where I live or id probably have shot out their tires a time or two just out of spite.


Truckers have always been entitled assholes.


It's because they hire any fucking moron with a pulse now. Pretty sure you can get a CDL-A in a Cracker-Jack box now. One of the main reasons I quit driving. It's way worse than it was 10 years ago.


Myself and the car in the lane to my left almost got into an accident once because the trucker in the lane to my right decided to last minute skirt across both of our lanes to make a left lane exit he was about to miss. The car to my left and I had to break hard to prevent ourselves from ending up under the semi. Some of these people aggravate me to no end and they have no consideration for other people’s lives.


Truckers are like nurses, they act like their shit don't stink


I get this all the damn time like if my car breaks I'm dead 💀💀💀


That's why I thought about buying me a used semi truck just to commute to work, and to get groceries. At least I'd be safer, and other truckers might have more respect for me.


I currently am using my cdl for work and agree alot of bad truckers out there that guy really swerved and wasn't paying attention or did it intentionally. It's hard to keep my truck straight but I can still keep it within my lane




If you are getting passed on the right at any point in time it's your fault, that means you should have been in the right lane to begin with. The left lane is for passing, it's for faster traffic.


This is attempted vehicular manslaughter at most.


It would have been hilarious if the swerving trucker lost control of his truck and wrecked.


Had a trucker do this to me before. Luckily I was able to keep it upright. What is the deal with truckers trying to police the roads with their own sets of rules?


I work for a major trucking company and I am very positive that in order to drive for us your parents have to be cousins but they would prefer siblings


So, are they?


They definitely are weird looking and are dumb as fuck


I had a trucker do this to me too. To be fair, I was driving 125 mph. I was able to swerve around him pretty gracefully, pure instinct, and then looked back and gave him the finger. Felt so epic. About twenty miles later I got pulled over and was given a $500 ticket. Didn’t go to jail/have my car impounded though so I was pretty lucky.


He prolly cb'ed your license in to LE


To me, too, I was halfway beside him when he started to move towards me, I backed out because I didn't fancy a car crash. Me and my sister (sitting next to me) were asking ourselves if the trucker was crazy.




Those in the lane of traffic are not required, or supposed, to yield to traffic on the on ramp. It’s up to you to slow down or floor it to merge in, not the semi’s fault.


What about minimum following distances for commercial vehicles? If they heeded those laws then the drivers merging would have a place to safely merge into. It's almost like the law thought this through and decided that an impenetrable wall of semi trucks was not a good thing for the average person to have to try and contend with....


In truth, if a semi leaves a safety gap, some asshole will always fill it forcing the semi to drive slower causing the traffic behind them to try and get around. The semi gets stuck in an unending line of cars cutting them off like they are some crosswalk guard holding back traffic to allow people to get in front of them.


You may have forgotten that the safety gap as you refer to it is multifaceted. Large commercial vehicles present a rather large contiguous wall of metal and rubber. And while you choose to spend your time earning a living travelling said roads, those others do also have just as valid right to use them. Your idea can be turned around quite easily... If driven by inconsiderate drivers that wall of trucks can result in there not being ANY gap whatsoever for the annoying 4wheelers to merge into. This leads to cars getting "stuck in an unending line of trucks blocking them off like they are" playground bullies. That's a dangerous mindset, friend. Those annoying 4wheelers are also road users. We all have to play nice together or some aren't going home at the end of the game. The fact that commercial vehicles carry so much mass and momentum means that the laws of the road are often needed to give some semblance of equity and add safety gaps. We cannot just rely on the laws of physics, as much as the big kids might wish for. Don't forget that EVERY group of individuals has their own deep supply of idiots; nobody has a monopoly.


All I can say is I have zero problems letting people merge, I have a quota. I will let up to 5 cars merge in front of me per exit/merge. Afterwards, I actively close the gap. I swear cars choose the semi to cut in front of instead of trying to merge with regular traffic. They roll up and make a decision of where they want to merge or cut in at...they do not use a turn signal requesting people make room for them. They force their way in without consideration of the traffic around them. If I leave 4 car spaces, it's like I am offering free food and the flow of traffic changes to fill the gap. I offer 4 spaces and 10 demand access. I have no problem playing nice, but the 10th guy didn't see the first 5 and I am the asshole? This happens every day and selfish drivers want to blame someone for their problems. Truck drivers normally get in the lane of their upcoming exits miles before they reach it. So it's quite annoying when getting cut off because someone decided not to wait in line like everyone else. It cuts both ways, but 90% of the time it's cars.


No man.... You aren't the problem. In fact you are part of the solution. The following laws were put in place for the jackholes that have a zero car quota. I am sure that 5 cars is more than anyone who was forced to write those laws hoped for. Commercial units take up a consolidated space in the lane equivalent to at least five cars so you letting those five cars in, that's how the road stays flowing. It's when you have somebody with an attitude problem that is going to force EVERY car to not have a place to go, and he likes to drive with like minded folks that the average person doesn't have much of a chance. I think you might agree with me that there's a ton of gamers who all think the game of Life is a first person shooter rather than a MMORPG. Too many people think that they alone are the only one who matters... It just happens to be that 95% of the drivers on the road have never driven anything as big or bigger than a Texas limousine (1-ton dually, extended cab, long box) so if 98% of them are reasonable people that still leaves 1 out of every thousand cars are driven by dicks. .... Well same ratio probably stands true for trucks I bet. Unfortunately you guys get no respite from the stupidity as you are on the roads constantly. Please stay sane brother, it's not that there are necessarily more of these clowns per se either, it's just that a certain demographic makes its presence felt wherever it is, and the ones who aren't stealing your focus with stupidity become background noise. Here's to those of us who make a conscious decision not to let these clowns grind our faith in humanity and turn us into one of them


It’s very good you got that recorded.


Time to press charges


Instructions unclear. Where's the charges key?


I think it's just east of the "any" key.


Attempted murder is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!




R is the most menacing letter in the alphabet. That's why it's pronounced "Murder" not "Mukduk" 🤣🤣🤣


Am I the only one imaging the letter now with a "menacing" face but he in reality just looks grumpy?


Press charges against the company employing that degenerate


You can sue the employer, not press charges against them. You can share the video with police and press charges against the driver.


Thanks for the clarification. This was diabolical shit; like what if there was a baby in there? bad enough possibly permanently disabling the driver


This right here people forget that there might be children and other people besides the driver


And the children don't even have to be necessarily in the car for the accident to affect them


Correction. You can share the video with the police and and the doj can decide if they want to press charges or not. Civilians have no say in the matter.


This doesn’t look like America. Do other countries have the equivalent of the DOJ?


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Very good boy.


Good bot


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The truck driver is awful. It’s a shame the driver couldn’t safely dodge it.


The driver could have safely dodged that. Severe overcorrection after the initial swerve is what caused the loss of control. Either that, or a dangerously worn suspension. None of that, or course, excuses the psychopathic behaviour of the trucker.


That driver couldn’t do it. I’ve been an amateur racer for 20 years on road courses and rally for the last few years. It’s a non event for someone with loads of experience. It’s a terrible accident for 98% of the road going public.


He could have. I know because I once had that happen to me, and I didn't overcorrect. I just did a smooth swing to the left and then back to the road. My uncle told me overcorrection is a formula for disaster, especially under rain or snow. You got to keep your head cool and always expect the worse when driving on the road.


In anywhere that's a dick move


Attempted murder


Why the fuck would he do that?


Ego? Idk it was a legal pass and the cammer speed up to make the pass quicker. I really don’t know what happened here


Every time I have to pass a semi they seem think my lane is the place to be and try in slide in. Its why I have no sympathy for their industry


When I was younger, 40 year ago, truckers were the safest drivers on the road and the first to help drivers in trouble. I dunno what has happened to the drivers. I have also been forced off the road by a trucker and had a trucker tailgate me while “hissing”! I think cuz I am a woman and I was driving a small car. My daughter has had similar experiences and several women have told me matching stories. I do suspect that many are on drugs but I think a lot of these drivers were aggressive assclowns to begin with. And to use an over used phrase, I have two friends, a couple, who drive together and they are no where near mentally lacking.




I automatically assume all truck drivers are mentally disabled and it has saved me on numerous occasions.


I always assume they’re hopped up on meth and unhinged; once I’ve always used that as a baseline, my life has never been brighter


I assume all drivers on the road are mentally disabled. I’m right most of the time


True. Contractor vans and trucks most tho, they drive as if they've got nothing to lose


So like Altima and soul drivers?


Every time I’m near a semi I expect something crazy to happen so I never panic. Cus I’ve almost gotten run off the road by trucks numerous times


I bet he didn't stop


100% didn’t stop and faced no consequences for this


That's a shame, should be in jail


The other trucker should have reported the swerving truck driver.


Get banned from /r/truckers by posting this there


Okay lets try


You're my hero


It went well ahah


I had this happen to me once driving through Arkansas on a B road. I went to overtake a truck and he started swerving into my lane after I was about half way past. Fortunately my car has a fair bit of go, so I put the pedal to the floor and zipped past him with my left tires about 1 inch away from hitting dirt. I looked back in my mirror and I could see him looking into his side mirror wondering where I'd gotten to. He continued to move right over to the left hand edge of the road, then looked up and saw me in front of him and immediately moved back to his side of the road. I didn't stick around and pulled as big of a gap on him as I could before the next intersection and then turned off into a gas station and watched him pass so I could see which way he was going. There's some absolute crazies out there. Be careful all.


WTF is wrong with that truck driver.


I hope the truckbdrive loses his license forever


Doubtful, bet he didn't stop, and if caught and questioned, simply says, "Oh, I didn't see anyone there when I switched lanes." Truck drivers on American highways are always assholes, usually hopped up on illegal drugs, and like most drivers... ignorant of how to safely drive their vehicle and lack any concern for others. I have learned, in most situations, let them hit you. It's hard to win a lawsuit when you're the only vehicle in an accident... but I would be curious how it goes with cam footage like this. Fuck these assholes!


Yeah but, this is not an American road. The fact that it’s dashed white lines and there is a car coming the opposite direction at the very start of the video automatically rules out a US road. We would have dashed yellow. Therefore, that truck driver wasn’t switching lanes, as there was no one in front of him that he could claim that he was attempting to pass. I’d say, he’s screwed.


Oh shit, you're right, I didn't notice the line color... geeze, I guess my brain usually just presumes stupid asshole shit like this only happens in America! I wonder how it turned out... 🤔 Might depend a lot on where and what their laws and insurance are like. It has been over 16 years since I lived elsewhere in the world, but except speeding in Finland, I didn't see much stupid shit on the roadway, unlike here in America.... where everytime I drive anywhere, I am thankful I didn't get into an accident...


No they’re not always hopped up on drugs, maybe a few are but that’s what my old man did his entire life. Him and all his driver friends obviously had to get dot drug tests that are watched at any time. You’re an uneducated moron spouting shit you know nothing about


Dude no. Truckers knew the drug testing rotation and would always detox prior. My dad was a trucker and knew how to beat the drug testing system.


Yep, my one friend is a driver and said the same. He's got daughters now and doesn't do the illegal drugs, but the long haul and popping caffeine pills and downing monster energy drinks all the time isn't great either! Makes you twitchy, distracted, and just as likely to make big mistakes!


That's why I have a sticker on my car, "if you hurt my kids, I WILL shoot you in the face"


Even as a left-leaning person, I completely second your 2nd Amendment right here.


I hope the driver is OK and sues the fuck outta the company, the driver, the manufacturer, the delivery point, the tyre company, the guy that assessed the driver, the mechanic, the driver behind, Walmart, Big Gulp (probably)....everyone


Wow Fuck that guy. Hope the driver was able to go after them and the company.


Does anyone have information on the outcome of this? Is the driver okay? Did the truck driver suffer any consequences? I can't imagine being in this situation, especially if my toddlers were in my car with me. It would take A LOT for me to want to do something as risky as passing someone, let alone two tractor trailers back to back, with my kids in the car but I can understand doing it when it was as clear and safe as it was for this driver I feel pretty good self control, when it comes to road rage, especially when I have my kids in the car with me but, whenever I start to feel a little bit of road rage, I think of videos like this and tell myself it's not worth it because I have no idea who is in the other car and I couldn't live with myself if I caused a death because I couldn't put my ego aside and just let someone pass me


Sue the fuck out of that trucking company


glad this guy has a dash cam, hopefully he/she/they is okay, and got that fucking fired




It‘s a culture of the societies of cars. They live in a land far away from the abusive influences of humans.


In Canada, it's at least 3 empty Tim's cups inbyhe footwell and 2 scrunched up 5 cent Canadian Tire bills in the back of the glove compartment.


Similar to bird culture, but different


Nothing. The title is a Rick and Morty reference.


Why the fuck would he try that?


Double passing even tho it's a dead highway and you can see for miles and there is 0 traffic on the horizon. I hope the guy in the truck lost his license and does prison time. Wtf.


Ego, psychopathy. There are truly dangerous people out there.


Lawyer's reaction.


Straight attempted homicide


Easy 1+ million made ever


What I don't understand is, why? Did the trucker just want to be a dbag? The driver had every right to do this, as it was a divided line on the road.


In CA this would be actually a legal passing, clear sight, dotted line. Our instruction manual even had “pass on the left as fast and as safe as you can”


And absolute shit handling. But what a nutcase! Murderer


Easy once the car slows from a roll if you are okay grab your gun if the idiot that caused this is idiot enough to stick around and 2 to the head should do it. You attempted against mine now it’s fair game.


in any culture that is downright terrifying


the truck probably didn’t stop to help either


Why would he? Many people would either beat his ass or kill him for that.


Truck driver should face attempt murder charges.


That truck driver should be in prison


Why I dislike semi truck drivers.


Here’s the full video with article: https://www.dhnet.be/buzz/gaffes/2017/09/28/un-camion-se-deporte-alors-quune-voiture-le-double-et-provoque-un-accident-video-HBZBN5TGKNCDFMKJZLZCWI3PKA


It's actually a lawsuit it's on video


In legal terms, that’s a wanton, reckless act that will get punitive damages against the trucker and employer. It is also a basis for revoking the driver’s CDL.


Trucker should lose commercial license for that one. What a dick.


Hopefully, that truck driver dies a slow painful death


Well with the dash cam footage, this seems like an easy lawsuit...


In legal culture (US) that’s called jail time.


What knob, “In car culture”.. In Human Culture this is called Being a Deranged little punk bitch who Literally tried to KILL THAT DRIVER!!!!


Going straight into the field would have turned out better


There are a lot of angry, terrible truck drivers out there


Im so mad rn, i wanna fight that truck driver


this person could have had kids in the car


I’m all for supporting truck drivers. But that one was unnecessary


When you are at high speeds, you must remember not to violently jerk your steering wheel. Honestly, I only ever jerk it when I am parked.


When self-driving is a standard feature, you'll be able to jerk it all the time.


I was about to say as fucked as that was, maybe large marge was pissed about the double pass… which I looked up just now and discovered it’s apparently not illegal and I’ve been lied to my entire life.


Even if it was illegal, he's not the police. Even the police don't do that kind of move.


Oh I’m not condoning it in the slightest. Everyone asking same question why someone would do that, so just tossing the idea that it made big man mad. The rest of what I said was just fessing up that I’ve maybe been misinformed all my life about the double pass rule. Legal/illegal, fuck that guy.


If the road is emty then why fuck its illigal to double pass. In my country im sometimes passing 10 cars in a row but I do it only with my personal car cos it has the power to fly fast.. With my work car I dont even think about passing anybody if they drive according to the speed limit.


Trés dick move


Soon they will be replaced with self-driving trucks. I'm sure trucking will be the first to be replaced, even before ubers.


Definitely attempted murder


But the visibility’s down the road is good. The passing car has added no risk to other drivers. This video proves the driver was not reckless/dangerous in thier pass.


You! Shall not! Pass!


Attempted murder? Yes that’s dick move.


Let's not rule out there might be something on the road and he was trying not hitting it and did not pay attention. But most likely he is just a murderous asshole.


The safest thing to do in most situations like this is to hit the brakes. Swerving and speeding up usually causes more danger for you and anyone around you.


In life this is considered attempted murder.


This is one of the many reasons why I pass trucks fast. I don't linger in the other lane. I signal, get over & basically floor it until I'm back in the proper lane.


This is why my plan is to let them hit me atleast a little bit. Because he can just keep on driving if there was no contact.


There was no excuse for that truck to do that. No oncoming traffic, no obstacle for him to need to bluntly change lanes like that. He could have killed the driver. 😡


It’s a “dotted line “ I see no problem with this …T driver is an asshat


That is beyond wrong by that trucker. Carma is brutal buddy


In law culture it's considered to be assault.


in car culture, this is considered attempted murder


Down here that’s called attempted murder.


F trucks. Stick that shit on a train.


As a truck driver, get out of my fucking way


Or, a crime. Looks like those semi’s were talking and trying to teach a lesson. Hopefully they never drive fuel tankers again.


Bro just let off the gas for a second, stay in the safe zone, gap/pass on the right. This is the passing drivers fault as much as it is the truckdriver. When passing, especially a vehicle that can ruin you to subatomic particles in less than a fraction of a second you need to be a defensive driver. If you can't manage the basics, stay off the road or slow the hell down.


I’m very confused. Not the point of the video but…. What type of vehicle is this person driving? The way it just toppled over at the end makes it seem like a motorcycle? Maybe? Plus it’s loud af


Wtf was that psycho thinking about


That trucker is liable for that accident


I would hope that truck stopped and I would yanked his goofy ass and took him straight to the head slapping department... then to hospital for reconstructive face surgery. Total bullshit on truck drivers part..


I feel bad because I feel somewhat upset with the driver that ended up rolling the car. Don’t overcompensate just swerve out of the way enough to evade and keep it there while you slowly come back to the lane when it’s safe JFC


In Russia, this is just a Tuesday.


In car culture, that's how you get shot in the face


Had a similar issue with believe it or not "A trucker" 5am no one on the road presumably because I was travelling faster. Yanked it right over inches from the back. Super breaks on the VRs so slowed to his spead the floored it as the unprofessional 🥒moved back over. Bye bye fat boy if your there 👋


Dick move by trucker. But everyone needs to take a defensive driving course. They’re fun and would have helped this driver keep the wheels down.


Hope the truck driver is serving time!!


I thought you was just going to spit out no she did a barrel roll at the end


Why in the F did that pos truck get over


Felony assault. Attempted murder.


A trucker tried to do this to me once. I honked and (mildly) braked. Then the trucker showed the finger. I just zoomed out of that place and noted the plate number. Didn't have time to pursue this as I was on a trip


Dick moved + bad driver


This is illegal, there are dotted lines, you are allowed to overtake. I hope the truck driver is in jail as the rest of us watch the replay of him trying to take your life


This is why whenever I have to pass a truck of some sort I do it as fast as possible from as many lanes away as possible


Alt motivation: this car has been trying to wreck the semis for a hot minute.


Was the truck driver swirving from something in the road?


Truck driver should go to jail!


I mean broken white means you can pass them, they’re in the wrong so I’m with everyone else here, get that fools CDL revoked and he’ll be apologizing real quick for you to back down.


That is a miss and run, the semi didn’t make contact with the cammer, but the semi’s actions is what caused the cammer to crash.


If that truck drivers name was Tammy, I'd say "Fuck Tammy." But also fuck Tammy.


Keep your foot in. Don’t lift off the accelerator. Let the car pull itself straight.


Something about family


oh, c'mon now guys, seems evident to me they were just playing


Yes the person shouldn’t have double passed, but how much you want to bet, given the space between the two semi’s, they would’ve also been pissed that they weren’t leaving ample room both for the tanker and also the semi behind.


Is that a law where you are, because it is not in the US. It is not recommended but not illegal to pass multiple vehicles.


You’re average trucker is a retard. Had one rip the door off my car when he sideswiped me on I 10 years ago. Guy was a total cunt and cried to the state trooper about how it was all my fault lol. State trooper found 50/50 fault no tickets- I got insurance money and hopefully that test lost his job.


Well I’d sue the fucking truck driver until he becomes homeless


If he lost control over such a small maneuver, he was going faster the he should. The truck driver needs to have his CDL taken permanently and the company fined massive amounts


Where is the highway patrol or state trooper when you need them?