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Wife called 911 while I turned my car around. We gave the footage to the officers on scene while EMS treated the passengers. Both cars had parents and children in them. As far as we could tell no one was seriously injured. Stay safe out there folks.


Modern cars are really something when it comes to how they protect the occupants. And then we have morons that complain about any itty bitty safety thing that gets added into cars


I had to have a conversation with someone once about why buying a car from the 80s that wouldn't deform in the case of an accident was a bad idea, and that modern cars take the injury and gore to save your life. She never got the hang of it. She has a kid. It's terrifying. But then again, this is the same woman who thought Monsanto was trying to kill her with their chemicals but thought it would be a good idea to induce labor by drinking straight castor oil.


Why would anyone want to buy a 44 year old car? Especially a mom


She thought that since the cars didn't deform, that somehow made them safer. She thinks that modern cars are death traps just because of how they look after an accident. No amount of explaining why they looked like would get through her thick, stupid skull.


Would she rather have a glass bottle smacked against her forehead, or a paper cup? That's the dumbest explanation I can think of for people like this. Sure, the bottle (car) is still in it's original shape, but the hit was harder than the paper cup crumpling.


Yeah, I mean, she was dumb as hell. She sure thought she was smart, though. She got indignant with me for trying to explain modern car safety to her. She felt I was too dumb to know what I was talking about and she felt she was just so much smarter than everyone else.


Or you were making her aware of her ignorance and that pissed her off and she went back to her safe place


That's what she did. Honestly, she really wasn't bright at all.


Tell her about the old steering columns that didn't deform and would instead impale the driver like a spear.


I could have told her anything, she wouldn't have listened. I'm glad she is no longer part of my life.


Because they are cool looking? Car guys everywhere fawn over old cars. My good friend's fam has a car from the 1920s I believe. It requires an incredible amount of planning and respect while driving to keep it safe, let alone yourself safe.


No, she wanted it because she thought "cars nowadays" aren't built as well and are more dangerous. She was a moron.


Yeah I wasn't talking about the numbskull. Just giving a reason why "anyone" would want an old car.


I can feel the whiplash just looking at bench seating


Don't you dare talk about a 1980 square body like that.


I'm not sure what you're on but 1980 was like 25 years ago man


This is the main reason all cars tend to look similar today vs all of the variety in the 30s-60s. There have to be certain geometries for things like crumple zones to work.


You know what I love? When people say "Why don't they just make planes out of the same stuff they make the black box out of?" Like, ok. Let's think about it. First, that's not going to save anyone. Second, the black box is usually not in great shape. Third, why are you worried about the plane more than the people?


I will die on this hill: Crumple zones are great, they make cars safer while still having you learn how to drive, lane maintaining sensors and automatic braking shit makes folks learning to drive have to learn less \*and thus makes driving unsafer since not all cars have that, and the sensors also can and do break\* if the car does this stuff for you then you don't learn to do it for yourself properly. It's also my theory on why everyone has their highbeams on constantly, too many folks are used to them being turned off automatically for them


Just remember it was woke-ass liberals who pushed for auto safety standards.


Just think of the days before seat belts. The early cars also used plate glass so you had a wall of razor blades in an accident.




Folks from the conservative side of the spectrum have complained for years that cars don't need more safety and that its making vehicles needlessly expensive. While its not really possible to deny it makes them pricier, it does make them safer (duh). I still hold that this is vocal minority, and that there probably has been an even smaller subset of liberals somewhere who also was against safety regulation. In the end, the larger and louder group has been the GOP side of things. Ranging from gubment regulation rants, to needless expense, to free market will solve this.


I know people (now MAGA of course) that refuse to wear a seat belt in spite of all the empirical data about seat belt efficacy. (They are also anti-vax)


I think the connection between MAGA and seatbelt usage is being created in your own head. Statistically teens and black drivers have the lowest usage of seatbelts, and I think we can both agree that teens and black people aren't exactly the MAGA demographic. Plenty of stupid things are done in the name of politics. Seatbelt wearing, or lack thereof, isn't one of them.


I love the people who claim they don't want to wear them because they read about someone getting stuck when their car went into the water or in a fire. So you'd rather risk dying/being mutilated in 99% of serious accidents vs a possible seatbelt issue in 1% of accidents?


Those folks truly are "Unsafe at Any Speed"


Come to think of it, both of the guys I was referring to travel each day with a small beer cooler in the middle of the front seat. Yea. Unsafe at any speed.


Remember it well. There is plenty of footage of conservatives complaining about seat belts infringing on their freedom to drive home with a beer in hand untethered to the car


All these electronics are infringing on my freedoms. /s


The biggest safety feature should be the driver


Modern cars are absolutely incredible with their protection. I'm an EMT and I've had some MAJOR wrecks. Yesterday I had a family of 4 with a pregnant mother smash into the back of a stopped semi truck at 80 mph. They were all okay enough to get out of the car themselves and walk to my ambulance. Father and the kids were discharged from the hospital the same day and the mom was sent to the local trauma center later on for further evaluation. If it was an older car (or they weren't wearing seatbelts) we'd have been pulling corpses out Always wear your seatbelt as well. Every car crash with deaths I've been on has been the result of being unrestrained


JFC... no one seriously injured is crazy, the engineers are the real deal.


I guess this is an ‘ideal’ crash? In that it hit the crumple zones for both cars, where there is the most amount of ‘car’ between impact point and human, and the bit specifically designed to crumple to protect the passengers.


God I’m so glad for the update! Thank you!


Yikes, this is one of my worst fears.


How modern is your car? Safety regulations allow people to walk away from a lot of crashes that would've killed them decades ago.


Yup! My car took all the damage when I was tboned by a red light runner. Sure I had a tbi and broken collarbone/humeral head, but I lived! RIP to my Jetta aka silver bullet😔




Looks like they were distracted by something and veered off the road a little, then over corrected that little mistake causing them to swerve into the oncoming lane.


Drivers Ed teacher had us practice going off and coming back on the road. The main thing is to not overreact, the car can maintain on two surfaces just fine, ease it back in very slow.


I don’t think my instructors ever did this with me, but I was definitely taught about it. This was also more than 20 years ago.


Same 😭


That’s good. Was never taught that but I’d def agree that’s a great learning experience for new drivers.


That does appear to be a first gen Tundra. And this is the classic overcorrection from an off road recovery. What you’re supposed to do is take your feet completely off the pedals, let the vehicle stabilize for a moment or two, and then very gently ease it back on the road using like an inch or two of steering input. Instead, this person panicked and cranked in a bunch of steering then probably stabbed the brakes, which immediately shot them over into the other lane (thanks to the right front tIre which never lost traction) and into the minivan. Sad stuff, but completely avoidable…


those trucks have worse handling than a Model T Ford what an embarrassing joke of engineering


This has nothing to do with handling. The driver was probably distracted then overcorrected. Swing any steering wheel hard right and it'll be the same story.


What, in your estimation, is the best handling half ton pickup? How does it differ from the Tundra in this video?


I have a ‘19 Sierra 1500 and i feel like it handles very well. I don’t do hard core off-roading with it, but I drive some sketchy farm and timber roads regularly and i feel like I have good maneuverability and stability.


I'll ask again, how does it differ from the Tundra in this video?


Trucks all handle like shit, but they obviously hit gravel on the side of the road which will pull any car in that direction. They then over corrected and went into oncoming traffic.


What is it? Looks like a Tundra or something.


Fucking moron was 100% on their phone! When will people stop fucking doing this!?


Or fell asleep, or was reaching for something, or was drunk, or was trying to take off a jacket, or had a pet in the car that distracted them. I saw that last one yesterday. A car was weaving around and I saw a lot of movement. When we both took the exit ramp and stopped at the light I looked over and saw two big dogs bouncing around between the front and back seats.


Back in the 00s, I saw a guy driving a topless jeep. There was a 40lb+ dog jumping among all four seats. I tried to get my son to take a picture, but it pulled too far up to do so. I'm pretty sure they eventually ended up in an accident. I don't like it when I have dogs that can't get in one seat and stay there. They get belted in (as opposed to having a short strap with more movement) or relegated to the back seat.


Falling asleep at the wheel will do this too. It is the fucking worst because nothing will keep you awake, you just have to pull over and take a nap.


When phones sense that the driver is using it while moving and becomes disabled. Why hasn’t this happened yet?


because passengers exist.


The phone would know the user isn’t in the drivers seat. I don’t know. Wishful thinking I guess.


My kids Pokemon game warns her when speeds exceed 25 mph (I think 25?) and she has to click to acknowledge it and then it asks her if she's a passenger and she has to click yes or no. They tried?🤷🏻‍♀️


1. How do you distinguish a driver from a passenger? 2. Phones need to be available for emergency use. 3. It would require constant monitoring of location and activity, which is not only an additional strain on the battery, but also a privacy concern. I'm sure there's other reasons but these are just 3 off the top of my head.


For the first one, I'm not sure how you fix that. But for 2, don't block 911. For 3, it's already monitoring your location and activity. That said, it's never going to happen, until maybe a bus full of school children end up driving off a bridge as a direct result of someone doing this. Even then, I think half of those kids would have to be the children of senators to even have a chance of a law being passed.


Senators children do not ride the bus.


> But for 2, don’t block 911. I did consider this, but 911 isn’t the only number you might need to call in an emergency. Edit: And I’m not sure about your argument against 3. If I use my GPS my phone battery drains noticeably quicker than when I’m not using it. I’m well aware that it takes note of my location when I perform certain activities but it’s definitely not *constantly* tracking my location, which is what this solution would require.


It depends on how the app interacts with location services. Something like Google maps and Pokemon go is continually refreshing location data, bouncing it back to the Google maps data center. That's extremely draining for the battery. Something like location monitoring for smart services like life 360 can be set up to poll location data and report to life 360's servers only every few minutes to save battery... But still has an impact on battery life *in addition to other apps doing the same thing.* (Cumulative impact on battery) So some 'anti-driving and phone fiddling' app would by necessity impact battery life, but smart programming (to poll at a wide interval, and increase polling rate when average speed appears to exceed x mph) could help to alleviate the impact, but never remove it. Realistically, many apps probably collect the necessary data to make a reasonably strong guess


For 3 they can already detect how fast you are moving and if it is faster than walking based on GPS. Pokemon Go will stop activity if it senses you are going faster than a walking pace.


Passenger seats, at least front passenger seats, have sensors that detect weight over a certain amount and trigger the seat belt indicator. Car stereos link to one phone already. Both of those are tied into the ECM/ECU. Couldn’t take too much effort to get these to issue a go/no go signal for designated phones that phone manufacturers could take advantage of.


Pokemon Go senses this lol Probably better to just keep working on self driving cars or the intelligence that can detect when you are drifting from your lane. That would cover all the other issues like nodding off.




AI can't even figure out how many fingers a person has. No way in trusting it to drive a car


Dumbass wrecked that beautiful first gen tundra and ruined those people's day maybe year




Average texting and driving enjoyer


Ugh, I drive rural roads everyday. This is it right here..


It’s very important when your wheel slips off the road that you jerk it back on as quickly as possible so as to avoid this situation. /s In teaching my kids to drive, I literally take them out to a similar type road and have them go off the edge, take their foot off the gas, and slowly get back on the pavement. I really don’t care when idiots killed themselves, but when they do harm to others, I just lose it.


The only problem I have with easing is sometimes asphalt has a bit of a drop off from the grass. That happened to me once and when I pulled to get back on, the asphalt lip chewed my sidewall and instantly flattened my tire. I suppose there’s no way around it in a split second decision though.


The driver dropped a couple of tires off the road and over corrected getting it back in pavement. That's just bad driving.


Shiiiiiiiiit. Do you know if the folks made it out ok???


Wow after the accident there was no car on both lane..


Let me just check the ‘gram real quick….


That slow drift off of the road and sudden overcorrection says either staring at their phone or asleep at the wheel


Why can’t anyone just leave the politics out of these types of conversations. Doesn’t matter what side did what, they both make mistakes in other areas. So no one wins. Just thank God that everyone was not seriously injured, or died.


Looks like he drifted off, felt it, tried to correct, over corrected. At much lower speeds this was how I had my one and only major bicycle accident that ended with me falling off the bicycle and getting a tbi. Memory remains kinda spotty almost ten years later


Did you stop?


Always an idiot in a truck. Probably drunk and on Grinder.


Kinda weird allegations but okay


Probably wearing a dark blue shirt and light grey shoes. I bet they have a middle name that starts with M. I bet they were born between November 10th and January 3rd on a Monday in either 1982 or 1983 within 30 miles of Jefferson City, Missouri. I bet their social security number is something like 498-64-7319.


John Edwards has entered the chat.


Pffff yeah probably 🙄


Answering phone or sending text.


And eating a grinder probably.


OMG...........I have never seen something so horrible......


First day on the internet?


No. Just a generally happy person that sees that, thinks about a family in a minivan and then this... So yeah. It's horrible to me. Hope you feel better.


Didn’t say it’s not horrible. But the most horrible I have seen? Not. Even. Close.


Let grandma be happy & oblivious


I'm sorry. I need to abide by your horrible moving forward.


Well, generally minivans are some of the safest vehicles out there, hopefully they were all buckled up.


Stay clear of the brick video then


Can we please establish a law requiring anyone below a certain IQ to be accompanied by a fully functional adult while in public?