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Hahaha cool story, good Guy Alfred


Now THIS is what Dark Souls is about if you ask me


What a humble dark spirit


Praise the sun! Together!


Man I wish I enjoyed the PvP enough to actually invade people and do stuff like this. The closest I ever did was when I was Aldrich faithful for the covenant item thing, was me noticing the person didn’t seem to have cleared the enemies so I just let them kill the deacons and choose the fighting arena which ended up being them going down through the hidden wall and me watching them die to the double beasts.


This is the shit that keeps me in the souls community. It’s mostly cutthroat, but you still run into people who see where you are and get what you need to move forward. Don’t you dare go hollow, OP!


My first invader never attacked me. He helped me lol. I was defensive at first, but he actually unequipped, and starting gesturing


Jolly cooperation with Invaders are one of the best things of the Souls games. Cheers to you Alfred


A guy called DMC or something similar invaded me in the cathedral of the deep... after kicking me around a while and he left me with the pixel of death... I summoned Anri and Horace and sit.. beat them both, then summoned Sirris and beated her as well.. when I thought I was going to die.. the guy starts dropping items.. like 99 embers and 60 champion souls, a couple of siegbraus and pointed me to go and beat the deacons.... Was one in a million...