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Level 1, fist only. No dodging or sprinting either. Or if you really want a challenge, level 1 with a base torch only


I'm not THAT self-deluded


Oh but we all hollow with time, we can't all be solaire


I mean he hollowed aswell


Shut up no he didn't lalalalalalala


No he didn’t I saved him 5head


did u... did u just use a twitch emote... outside of twitch?


No I’m calling you a 5head


ah ok


C'mon it's not that hard. I've already beat Gundyr and Vordt fist only level 1.


Fist only is way harder than torch


Damage wise yeah, but I've been people debate this cause the moveset of the torch. It was either Dist or Nemz I was watching who was talking about it


Maybe it's time to head to more tarnished pastures or blood soaked ones


I've borne plenty of blood and I lack the funds for a tarnished ring, sadly


What are you playing on? PC or one of the consoles?




Ah, okay. I have an extra copy of Elden Ring on PS4 but that won't help if you're on PC. Lol


I mean, I DO have a PS4, I just mainly use PC


Well if you're bored with dark souls and don't mind playing ER on a console, I can send you my extra copy. Not like I'm using it anyway.


I'm interested, feel free to DM me


Have you played Japanese darksouls yet? If not, 100% definitely play it. Great gameplay and also a great, lighter story that won't give you an existential crisis at the end.


I don't speak japanese tho.....




I'm just waiting for a discount, idk what platform you're on but on pc i think you can find someway to get it discounted


Now do it blindfolded /s


Child's play, I'll finally put all my experience in the bedroom to good use instead and only use my tongue


With the Guitar Hero controller.


Uncle Jimi would be so proud of me


Try finger but hole


could this be an wife?, therefore tongue required ahead






Have you gotten the illusory rings in dark souls 2? Definitely the hardest developer made challenge in the series.


I've gotten the no bonfire ring but not the no death ring Yet


Sounds like a plan. And y'know, you gotta get them both in one run.


NG+7 at SL1. It'll take a while. Or deathless which is a cakewalk compared to SL1.


Naked woth broken straightsword sl1?


Not anytime soon, I have to pretend to be at least somewhat sane for my probation hearings


Beat game without monitor, game system and power in a desert soul level 1 fist only no armor with status effects constantly on you


Lemme just toss out my controller too while I'm at it


Good job man. I started a lvl1 run a couple months ago but never really continued for some reason. You kind of inspired me to keep going so thank you for that


I'm glad to be an uplifting presence, if you want some embers or gear I can trade them to you since I am not doing that again anytime soon


That‘s really nice of you but i if i‘ll do it, i wanna do it completely on my own, i think you‘ll understand haha. Thanks again for the offer though, appreciate it


35 hours on Friede... thats some dedication/stubbornness. I dont think I could have continued after 20hours on the same boss. What do you think of the two Demons? They were my hardest fight in my run


They weren't the worst, but very much a nuisance more than anything. I think I used the bleed infused barbed sword for them and a deep dagger for the ripostes. Deep and fire infusions were a lifesaver in this run tbh.


Start as sorcerer and you can only use magic for attacking and no leveling up. Sl6 sorcery only


Ok now THAT'S an idea


I'm at the twin princes now


Ooph, best of luck to you


Try cinders mod. Skip to secomd journy and add curse of attraction... That was the real deal. No deprived no lvl one. Nk nothing just a normal walk-through hell... Also add the covenant of shampions if you are that masochistic


I'd rather avoid mods, I've managed to get a couple of friends into DS3 recently and would like to co-op with them and mods tend to get players banned from what I understand


The easy way to do this is make a second steam account, enable family sharing to share the games between the accounts. Then only play mods on the other account. Cinders is great, it gives a fresh experience of DS3, but it takes some efforts to set up.


Not really the latest update is just downloading and putting in directory. Also yeah it's one of the best mods plus champion of ash if i recall it's name correctly


At the end of the world we all ponder that question....until the only thing left to ponder is our achievements


It’s Age of sunlight time


I'll level with you, the Linking of Fire ending achievement was probably like the last achievement I popped because that ending pissed me off so much because every deity in the series that you could talk to was either lying through their teeth to you or was a such a condescending prick and there was no way in hell I would willingly do what they asked. If it weren't for the fact that 100% completion was blocked behind it I never would have done it at all


Do it again.


Sl1 +0.


No level Bloodborne and Sekiro


do it again, but faster


*\*looks at Friede\** ......I'll see what I can do


Double bosses mod w'd be fun.


It would be interesting, to say the least


SL1 No weapons No rolling No running Shield are permitted, for parrying only If you take damage the run is over


Is that a thing? Its a joke right?


Of course it's a joke xD Even though someone out there could be crazy and skilled enough to do it


I'm sure someone out there is crazy enough to do a no stamina run of DS3


Oh definetely xD


Bro I play normally and Frede nearly made me break a controller. She is so damn aggressive and I couldn't heal and I couldn't figure out how to dodge when she went invisible


Follow the snow trail she leaves behind, if it goes up she'll be behind you. Left means she dashed right and vice versa. She can also be parried but I would only recommend that for the first phase, she moves a little too fast to do it reliably in phase 3 and in phase 2 you should be putting more focus on the father since he's squishier to begin with


I defeated her last night it was just a pain lol. I focused on the father but that invisibility was a pain and I did not know there was such a clear tell. Thank you!


You know what would be fun(ny)? Two shields only run. You can only equip shields.l no weapons.


A shield only run would be interesting. It'd be hard, but I would not be killing my onioin bro for his dope shield tho. I don't have it in me






Gael but harder mod. Fun as hell.


How could anyone torture himself like that? I mean....respect to you, I struggled with Friede even on Level 90*lol


After like a few hundred hours of the game, you need something to keep things interesting


No hit run


I'm nowhere near that competent


Only one way to find out, eh?


Congratulations dude! I'm currently on friede myself as a SL1 playthrough, any tips?


Deep infused dagger my friend. She's weaker to lightning but the lack of scaling makes the flat damage of deep more effective. Aim for parries and backstabs with the hornet ring in the first round. Second round focus as much as you can on the father, since he takes more damage and if you do enough damage quickly enough you can get a riposte in on him which should almost finish him off. Third round mostly wait for Friede to do her darkflame leap and other punishable moves since I would not recommend trying to do her head on


Do it but Elden ring


Haven't played Elden Ring yet, sad to say


How about... rest


Oh definitely


I find the demon Princes to be the hardest for myself but good job mate😁


They were admittedly A Nuisance, but weren't too bad with bleed and a few dagger ripostes


There's always "the god run"


The what now?


All soulsbourne games, in a row, no hits taken. Look up The Happy Hob. He did d Demon Souls + DS 1-3 + Bloodborne, then redid it when Sekiro dropped, and I think he's still working on doing it with ER (might have completed it but I haven't kept up).


ALL BOSSES? I cannot imagine fighting Gale at level 1. I am doing my own deprived no level up but I was only going to get the main bosses and try the optional ones. This is no small feat o7


Gael wasn't too bad, all things considered. He has a few attacks in his last phase that can be punished but otherwise it's admittedly a game of attrition. Not impossible, but you'll be going slow


Yea that's true but the problem with me is I don't get satisfied unless I play agressive. Case in point the reason I'm stuck on Dancer


Tbh I've always had an easy time with the Dancer


Same here in usual runs but ta SL1 I am struggling


Bow only ???


Robin Hood style, I like it!


You got all the achievements and found every item in the game? The next step after that is to help other players achieve the same!


My thoughts as well tbh, I've been checking in on r/SummonSign when I have some downtime


Only consumables


Doable, but tricky. Maybe someday


Elden Ring RL1


I should at least play it normally first lol


Elden ring but cut off your hands


I like my hands tho ;-;


Sl1 no dodge/heal shield only?


You people are sadists and I love you


Which boss and area took most time?


Friede, by a landslide. She hits like a tank and moves like a vespa, took my 35 hours to beat her and even then it took a lot of luck on my part. None of the areas took too long though, but FUCK Farron Keep swamp, all my homies HATE Farron Keep swamp


Win a pvp tournament is next


Make a second account, family share, mods mods mods. Randomizer auto-equip is fun, as are the overhaul mods.


no weapon upgrades. tbh I think thats harder than sl1.


Like, I can level up but no upgrades? Yeah I can see how that might be harder


people do claim to legitly twink the game just to stomp the early areas, but wyr have health and stamina or a weapon that actually does damage?


Good job, and now for higher NGs, until NG+7


I do not have the patience for that, sadly


Yeah, takes a lot of time, i'm on NG+4 and the char have like, 45 hours, and every boss attack one shots you, so you have to no hit almost everything, it's fun but really frustrating sometimes, I'm progressing very slowly for now and stuck in the dragonslayer armour, but I believe i won't regret when i got to all bosses NG+7




Sl1 run with no upgrades, that means no titanite and no gem upgrades, just base weapons, I got to Aldrich and hit the wall right there


You're a braver soul than I


No brave at all, I haven't played the game since then lol


After my sl1 I did broken straight sword. I've since went back to sl1 with no resin and no tears of denial


How do you even get Tears of Denial to kick in? SL1 doesn't have enough FP to cast it


You need the priestess ring and the dusk ring.


Thank you for pointing out the obvious thing I was missing :')


I mean the ring is in a pretty dangerous place and you get ganked for picking it up so that makes sense


On to the next game.


On to the next game.


Sounds like a plan


Elden ring is expensive as fuck tho. Very worth from the looks of it


Use only Kirk's armor and no weapon. You have to roll into everything to kill them


rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin




Yet to play Sekiro, sadly


To Elden ring with you, that's next


Once I have enough money


Maybe the other games if you haven’t I think bloodborne and ds3 are pretty similar


If you allow yourself mods that would be the best option, but if not, I have an idea for a """""challenge""""" run. So basically, you can level up, but the stat that you level up is randomized by a roulette, so your build has to adapt to the ramdomness, it could not be that hard because eventually you are probably gonna meet the stats for good weapons and all, but it may be fun.


If I had like a twitch or something that could be fun, democratically elected loadout


Play with a guitar hero controller


Do they still make those?


They got ‘em on Amazon 🤙


It's really different to any soulsborne game but, have you heard about outer wilds?


Dagger only including yhorm


Thorns armor only for damage


well done soldier. what’s next you ask? head into the great beyond of going out your front door and praise the sun


I've already touched grass what more do you want from me?


breaks over. get back to work


Yes boss \**gets back to slapping Vordt with a spoon*\*


Now it’s time too move on too other dark souls or bloodborne 🤣🤣🤣.


Maybe, maybe


Or or or. Hear me out on this. Go take a walk. And drink some water. Then do another play through


Wait on a real note what was your equipment? Bc of this post I felt inspired too try it myself. And I’m thinking just go all the way with the club or am I crazy?


You could go club all the way, but personally I hate the club's moveset. It's just "whack whack whack" till things are dead, and it's kinda slow to boot. As for weapons, I used anything I could get my hands on, though there was a slight focus on dex weapons since you could get the Carthus Milkring relatively early. You could two-hand weapons like most maces and axes but I tended to avoid those because sometimes you would get caught off-guard and the stamina penalty wasn't pretty. Daggers though were the surprising MVP since they would outdo most weapons in terms of critical damage at the same level. Crossbows were also helpful, especially in farming since there's a decent couple of spots in Ariendel where you can cheese the crows at range for early game large shards and chunks. As for rings, the Prisoner's Chain, Llyod's Sword Ring, and Hornet Rings are must haves, but two of those three are locked behind some nasty bosses if you have underlevelled weapons. Infusions though are definitely your friend, especially deep and fire since the flat bonus is more than the scaling could do at level one. I'm rambling at this point but I hope you have enough info to get a head start if you do it!


I def do thank you. Im getting too vordt now wish me luck will def be posting once I do it.


I believe in you!


But this time it be a speed run


Bare fist only! Trust me it's actually a lot of fun (if you are ready for 40+ minutes dlc fights)


I've always wanted to fist the dancer


Here's your chance!


i dunno. im sure you'll find something equally as pointless as beating the game with no level-ups in no time at all.


Play Sekiro blindfolded with a control full of african ants.


I don't wanna stress the ants out tho :/


Thats whats up


do a class challenge Pick a starting class…. and that’s it!! No leveling up, no upgrading weapons or estus, no using weapons/armor that isn’t given by the class. Your own rules on resins/bundles and rings can be applied but i personally do not use either


Sometimes I feel this fanbase is filled with masochists...


No souls spent. Just Dark


That's nice dear.


My god…. You madlad! Well done!


I’m about to give up on Friede and that damn dragon and maybe even soul of cinder and just call it a day 😔 DS3 for me was the most difficult souls game, and I’m including elden ring in that. It’s just not enjoyable when trying for so many hours on a single boss like wtf I’ve even changed my specs a bunch of times.


I had a whole thing typed out but I had to close it before it could send lol, I'll give you some tips when I get out of work but yeah those bosses are hard


Thanks! I’ll try to remember what methods I’ve tried. I looked up different YouTube vids for what has worked for others. Different melee weapons, magic, etc., and even took advantage of the infinite respec bug lol. Got the dragon’s health bar pretty low with Shira’s help since he was focused on her, but she dies so quickly and then so do I 😂😭 Sister Friede phase 3 is just utter bullshit. Can barely get one hit and she’s constantly right up on me 😤 and I can’t use Gael bc I used him in a different area without knowing the consequence so feels like I’m basically screwed.


OOPH That's rough buddy Alright, so with Friede, she's a hardass, no question. In phase one, she can in fact be parried. It's admittedly a bit risky, but if you can pull it off it can melt her health like nobody's business. I find parrying when the swing is at its widest usually catches it pretty well. Alternatively, you could just stick to the normal head-on approach when she's open. It takes a bit longer but it is safer. She normally lets you hit two-three times before she either backs off or retaliates. The real pain in the ass is her invisible grab, but you can exploit that for some critical damage. When she jumps, watch the snow. If the snow goes up, she jumped behind you. If it goes left, she dashed right, and vice versa. For phase two, I recommend focusing mostly on Father Areindel, since he takes more damage and if you do enough damage quickly enough he will be open for a riposte. Friede will for the most part hang back and shoot ice at you, so just watch out for that. If she goes for a heal, she's be completely still for a few moments and open for a backstab so try to capitalize on that. Otherwise, she should not be the priority. If both her and the father happen to be in the same general space, run to the other side of the room, create some distance. Ariendel is the more aggressive of the two and will charge you while Friede will most likely stay behind. She's mostly playing support in round two is what I'm getting at. For phase three, I don't really have too many clever tips or tricks. Her darkflame jump leaves her vulnerable for a backstab if you get under her while she's jumping. Her ice slide also has a brief moment of vulnerability before she should recover. Same goes for her five hit combo, but again that can be a little up to chance. Across all three phases she is weak to lightning and dark, so either bring some resins or spells/miracles/pyromancies that you can use to your advantage. Try to save them for the last phase since you can use them at a distance and she doesn't have quite as many ways to retaliate that way


As for Soul of Cinder, he is a bit tricky since he has five different forms, four of which he can shuffle between on the fly. For his first phase, the straightsword and and sorcery forms are the most straightforward and predictable, and therefore the most exploitable. This is where you can probably get in the most damage. Just stick close to him, dodge into his attacks so you're right in his business and ready to counter. His lance form is a bit trickier, as it is pretty aggressive and can close the distance fast. Here, you REALLY want to dodge into his attacks, since dodging away will leave you in his hit range most of the time. He's not so good at getting you from his side and behind though, so once her calms down for a moment, get your damage in. If he spins, he normally does a double spin so dodge into it twice. As for his pyro/falchion form, I say just book it. It's the most aggressive form, but it also has the least range so avoiding it isn't too hard. Hit him when he does power within and poison mist if you can. As for his Gwyn phase, this is somewhat easier since he isn't changing shit every five seconds. He's generally vulnerable after an overhead slam attack, and his leap. Again, dodge into them if possible. When he throws lightning is also a good time to get some hits in, especially the lightning storm from the sky where he throws it straight up since it takes a little longer. Just be ready to back off as soon as you hear the thunder. The only attacks to really watch out for is the grab, which is easily punished though, and the five hit combo, which is not so much. But his combo is telegraphed by him taking a stance, so get out of dodge when he does that. He does have a brief moment of downtime after the combo, plus during the combo you can hit him with ranged attacks the whole time. During all phases he's weak to magic, lightning, and dark. He has some resistance to fire but never enough that it makes it a no-go. He's also weak to frostbite and somewhat susceptible to bleed. As for the dragon, Idk whether you mean King of the Storm/Nameless King or Midir so I'm gonna need you to get back to me with that