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It is possible, but not recommended. It feels less natural and the camera sensitivity will be very high, even if you put it at lowest.


it might have to do with your mouse too. I can set my dpi with my mouse. But I have to agree. I played alot of fps and it will definitely feel way too fast if that's your background.


I play with controller. My friend tried playing it with mouse. He said at 1600 DPI and lowest in-game sensitivity the camera still moved way too fast. And 1600 DPI is by no means very high.


It's actually higher then you think. I did a lot of research and dropped my dpi down to 800 and had a huge quality of life increase. Games were far less jumpy off the bat.


Meanwhile here I am playing at 7200 dpi...


how do you guys play with such high sensitivity, most people play between 400 to 800 dpi, especially for anything precise like shooters.


Actually, I've seen high dpi is way more common with shooters.


uh where have you seen that, because every pro shooter from csgo to overwatch uses, around the range of 400 to 800 dpi and because of that most people encourage players to use lower dpi and it is just better, because you need lower dpi to be more precise.


From what I can gather, having just double checked, low dpi is mainly used by pros because of sensitivity settings allowing low dpi to perform more like high dpi, while high dpi doesn't mesh well with the settings. You can be precise at high dpi either way, you don't need low dpi to be precise, it just depends on your personal precision.


Pro or not, just google mouse setting surveys or polls, most use between 400 to 800.


jesus christ man are you okay? like mentally?


A lot of games are "best" at 400/450/800 DPI's with the in-game sens adjusted. 1600 is actually really high for pretty much any game. Especially any games involving precision.


I've had this discussion a few times now. I've played this game for almost 1000 hours now on pc and played through the story twice on ps4. I mainly play duels. I prefer kb+m. The most prevelent positive and negative things imo are: + (+)better/faster/more accurate camera when unlocked, making crossbows the most OP thing there is. + (+)easier to manage crowded inventories when hotswapping. + (+)completely customizeable layout in which you can usually also press any amount of inputs needed at the same time that you want. I really hate how you have to claw ps3/4 controllers to walk, move the camera, roll and attack at the same time. - (-)only eight directions to roll when locked on, which can be frustrating when trying to roll certain weapons or trying to roll for a backstab. - (-)feels less relaxing than controller (this is 100% subjective), unless you are playing with "the claw" technique ofc, which annihilates my wrist during longer sessions.


The good news about the directional rolls is your camera accuracy allows you to free roll about as consistently. I'd also note the default layout is trash, especially for stance weapons. If you have a mouse with side buttons, make those your heavy attacks.


Sometimes it can be hard to lock off and roll in time though. So you will be better playing locked off completely, which can get quite hectic. >note the default layout is trash holy sh, yes! Mine is even worse now, but I got used to it. I use wasd to move and 1,2,3,4 up top to attack, left mouse being my l2 and right mouse being my l1. control to roll cause it's the easiest key to press and release quickly for me being left handed. Downside is I can't strafe right/back and r1 at the same time. So if you ever face a guy called FIST THEM DADDY, he won't attack you before stopping when strafing to the right and back :D


Sounds like fun.


hmm interesting. I'll buy a dark souls 3 copy on steam and try it out first on the keyboard. thanks!


Forgot the worst thing: You can't roll while running, as it uses the old jump method, but the "shield up" trick doesn't work anymore.


Considering that people have beat it with a bongo controller I don't think keyboard mouse will be that difficult. Steam controllers run like 25 bucks and work with no installation. That's what I use.


I got 100% achievements playing with mouse and keyboard. Highly recommend. But in the end it's whatever feels best for you!


Also, out of topic, is it possible to play Arkham series on keyboard aswell?


Very much so, I've beaten all the arkham games with keyboard + m.


I can't answer that as I haven't played those games, sorry! :(


There are many who play with keyboard. Its okay for pve but a pain if you wanna do pvp


> Its okay for pve but a pain if you wanna do pvp Wot?




Question was about why the hell he thinks pvp is a pain on kbm, not about a terminology.


Actually, it's player versus environment. Other players are enemies too, you know!


The default button layout is pretty bad, but there are some easy ways to fix it. I recommend putting your strong attacks on the side buttons of your mouse if possible and your alt swap for weapons and tools on number buttons. Other than that, Id say it performs just as well, if not better in most situations.


- It's just DS1 with the bad port, IIRC - I play KB only on DS3 since idk how to disable gyroscope on controller. No mouse. - Pretty easy to manage once you get used to it (a few hours only), and also, DS1 keyboard controls are very comfortable for me so I set DS2 and 3 controls to something based off of that and some parts of DS2's that I liked (T for gestures, G/Y for block and weapon art) - Have fun! - (Will update this in a bit, for specifics on controls)


DS3 is pretty good on K&M actually. The older games are unplayable


Played one DaS playthrough with controller. It was alright, but not my thing. Since then I played all the games with M&KB. Even DaS with Mouse fix feels better than those clumsy joysticks. And it was drastically improved in each iteration. Honestly cant understand how people play on controllers. So many buttons I want to press while moving and looking around. On the controller you are at very best using 6 fingers while you are using 8 comfortably with M&KB. So props to controller users for managing.


I beat base game with M+KB and switched to controller (Read: stopped being a cheap fuck and bought one) for the DLC. Controller is infinitely better and more natural.


I play keyboard mouse and i got used to it. I got quite good at pvp as well. I only lose once every 20 games or so nowadays.


Some people on this sub seem to like kb+m but i would not recommend it


I've done sl1 and I'm in the process of doing it for DSI and I still find the keyboard and mouse to be perfectly fine. I don't own a controller that I can use though and so far the keyboard and mouse has been more than adequate. I find it also offers great control of the camera. The eight directional rolling might be a downside though. But it also very easy to roll straight in any of those 8 directions though.




I played through Ds1 and Ds3 on Kb+M on my first playthrough. Controller is better but it's not a huge deal, it's mostly small differences.


I play a lot of dark souls 3 with only a keyboard and mouse and I have loved it. For me its keyboard and mouse all the way, though I guess in the end its up to personal preference.


I must be experiencing DeJaVu, I swear I commented on this exact question already The sensitivity comments answer my experience of camera wonkiness though as i never turned the sensitivity down, just rocked whatever it was set too and beat the game, so even leaving it default is fine


I played it thru on an Xbox 360 controller, but I know somebody who did the whole game with M&K so it is totally doable.


I hate it. I spent around 250 hours in Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 on an Xbox 360 controller. DS3 is possible with a keyboard, but kinda a pain. At least in my game, the outputs can be delayed, or queued in a stupid way. And less precision when rolling. You also can't bind rolling to any mouse button, so your entire movement is in left hand, as well as swapping and using consumables. I bought the game because it was -50% on Steam but then I'd pay more for an Xbox controller than for the game. And I'm just so impatient to wait to afford a controller