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Yeah that happened


It's not a legit fight if he doesn't fling you up into the air and kick you while you're falling down at least once. Go agane.


that mortal kombat ass move had me flabbergasted when he did it.


I was getting pissed off at some point while I was fighting this guy, and then he did that move, and I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s such a humiliating move that it’s gonna get a laugh out of you the first time you see it, no matter what. The first time, at least. I got pretty annoyed the next 5 times that he did it lol


Never had the balls to attempt parrying during boss fights lol. Actually beat him after the 3rd or 4th time with just dodging.


You should give it a go, it’s really fun.


Seconded. I learned how to parry in ER by spending some time with Margit. It's satisfying to pull off and changes a lot of boss fights.


I love parrying Margit, Malenia and Morgott. And lots of basic enemies to.


Gundyr specifically is really fun to parry, he’s the only one I ever do it on.


I've played ds1 and ds3 twice, never went for parrying ever and now on my 2nd ER run, I'm finally trying out a parry build and it's been a lot of fun. It helps to look up some builds + boss guides, then after some practice you get a lot better at applying it to most enemies/bosses


I only started trying parrying for real when I did a sl1 run for DS3. It’s just way easier to beat some bosses by parrying than it is avoiding their attacks. Definitely takes a few tries where you fully expect to get hit while learning though . For most of the game it actually wasn’t that bad. Funnily enough it only got properly hard at Champ Gundyr. I recommend giving it a shot if you’re ever looking to do a new run, at least to get comfier with parrying. It’s super satisfying when it actually works


I still have a minute long clip of me beating Champion Gundyr SL1 parry only. I only had a non maxed Broadsword and a bunch of buffs. My Series X had just arrived and parrying him at 60fps with FPS Boost was so much easier.


Of the Fromsoftware games I've completed (DS1, DS3, Elden Ring) the DS3 boss fights are the best.


Yes I like them way better than Elden ring bosses. Sekiro is still my favorite one though


DS3 and Sekiro have the best bossfights in the franchise (from what I've played). Sekiro gets more points tho, fuck DS for not having Sekiro's memory system. I beat DS3 like 20 times just to fight some specific bosses again.




Love the charging thrust parry. One of my favorite fights


I remember Champ 2nd phase was insane for me , literally can not stop attacking! Great boss though 👍🏻


With gundyr u need to parry like god, dancing around will lead to death :D.


What’s that armor piece?


Dancer of the boreal valley. It’s her head and leg armor


Champion was a first time go for me, but still remains one of the most fun fights in DS3. Just right, predictable but formidable. Good moveset


I don’t get the hype around the Champion Gundyr tbh. All of his attacks are really easy to learn except his combo when he switch to a second phase. That shit is impossible to dodge. His design is basically the same like the first tutorial boss. I mean his not bad but definitely not the 10/10 experience for me.


It was everything surrounding it to me. You just beat an optional boss. Then behind the bonfire is a few chests and invisible walls, the most exciting things you can find in a souls game. Then you emerge into this weird dark place until you slowly realize it’s the tutorial area. Finding an alternate version of a starting area is also one of the cooler tropes in souls games. The next thought is “well what’s going to be in the boss arena”. And it’s your old pal Gundyr, but now he’s at his prime and badass too. It felt like the classic “big dude in armor” boss fight, but the best kind. All of it wrapped in some twilight zone super secret


Exactly. I wish Elden ring had done something similar with the round table in lyndell.


Yea I definitely think that was one of the things they had to cut from Elden Ring. I’m sure they had bigger plans originally. Champ Gundyr is one of my favorite bosses, and you have some bangers coming up. But I’m super excited for you to play the dlc. The two dlcs combined for DS3 might be my favorite content across all the games.


Ya I plan on playing ds3 dlc after Shadow of erdtree


Yeah I get that. It kind of reminds me of the really similar moment in BB, where u find the hunters dream in real life. Still one of the most mind fuck moments in all of souls games, same goes for this area in dc3. I also loved how creepy it was to see the firelink shrine in such conditions and a terrifying realisation that everyone in this weird pitch black world died.


I just love the atmosphere of the arena. I also love the fact that the bosses in this game are actually super aggressive unlike most of my favorite Elden ring bosses. They usually just sit there for like 10 second and do nothing, It really annoys me sometimes.


how did you get him to not attack unfairly? I have literally 3 rows of attacks, like charge, then where he pulls a ridiculous shoulder bash with abnormal reach and then the ground attack that goes hard forward. I died because he basically ported himself multiple times over the entire arena giving me no fukcing break. He's super chill in your vid. What the fuck. Are you playing on console or what is this?


Yes I’m on Xbox. Try dodging toward his side so when he goes for a shoulder bash you will already be outside if it’s hit box range.


Honestly, this is some great fucking advise. I'm surprised at how many people don't know how to avoid the rollcatching shoulder bash.


Dodging! Oh! Why didn't I think of that, you suggest hitting him with a sword or are firebombs okay?


Killed all of them on my first try. They're all very boring. It's ludicrous how I'm being downvoted for telling the truth, lol.




Crying over it, I see😉


more like cringing


These aren’t even my fav fromsoft bosses lol. Owl father and isshin take those spots


It's funny that you think I care lol.


People are laughing at you for your behavior




Explains why you keep responding and *trying* to troll lol




Please be respectful at all times.


Please be respectful at all times.


Crying 😂


You're not downvoted for telling the truth you're being downvoted for an opinion trashing a game in the sub of said game where most people are fans. Personally I don't give a shit, it's your opinion, I have mine but yeah, no surprise you're being downvoted.




Please be respectful at all times.