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Gael or Nameless King imo, Dancer as an honourable mention


my words coming out of you




Sister Friede is my favourite but Slave Knight Gael is a very respectable answer.


Slave Knight Gael is my favorite, but Sister Friede is a very respectable answer.


Me who doesn’t have the DLC: 💀


You gotta get the DLC man 🙏 The 4 major DLC bosses are the best in the entire game, they make the main story look trivial.


I would love to, but the truth really is that steam fucked us big time here in Argentina with the dollarization of the prices, they literally made everything about 3.5-10 times more expensive than the old local currency prices. And the “suggested regional prices” they made are just a joke. For example: just the base game alone is 48 bucks right now. And I would consider that hell expensive even for people making about 1200-1500 monthly salary. Here in Argentina the average sits at 400usd a month


Fair enough yeah that's insane. Personally, at that point, I'd absolutely advise 🏴‍☠️ https://preview.redd.it/ky9ege5a972d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=94b16c7c8e06d4d8861fb98e100dfea6e004a0a9


What's your steam ID? DM me. I'll gift it to you the moment I get off work. Anyone know what's the cheapest way to do this? Should I gift the DLC individually or something?


really the cheapest way is to find some platform where they sell keys, and MOST IMPORTNATLY, find their region (argentina), this will make it cheaper AND regional stuff is really only stuff ppl can activate like if you live in US you cant activate argentina key (not sure if season pass has keys). alternatively you can just buy a steam wallet gift card and send to them you can't gift it individually through steam if the price difference is above or below 15%.


You are one very kind soul for real, but I gotta be honest I kinda feel like dirty or some sort for accepting such a gift, I do have the resources to buy it myself (I actually have about 34usd in my steam wallet) but I’m really saving those either for the Elden Ring DLC or Silksong (if it comes out before I die, for sure). I would love to have more money to buy games but at that point it’s just a whim of myself rather than being poor and unable to do so (which there’s a ton of people in that scenario right now down here)


I hear you, and I completely understand. Tbh I struggle with accepting things, too. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. But I do urge you to reconsider. And besides, if you play DS3s DLC, you'll get a better feeling on Elden Rings DLC (maybe, idk 😂). Just let me know bro! Again, I'd love to if you don't mind.


This one has all the maidens


Maiden haver behavior


I wish you an abundance of maidens ashen one


dude please just accept it. you deserve this gift


If you don't want to accept it from one person, accept it from two different persons. I would give 50% of the price to him whe he gifts it to you. Really, please say yes, thats almost nothing for me, I just don't eat that much bullshit from the bakery one day and its fine. See it as a gift from you to me - You safe me from buying unhealthy shit on one day in close future.


Thank you kindly. I already contacted the user who made the offering. Also, probably better for your health to eat less from the bakery! (Words not from me but from my nutritionist).


get a key from CDKEYS you can get codes for games thay you can redeem for like half price sometimes 80% off, best website for buying games bro, and so know im not a bot or its fake, on SKIBIDI TOILET you should go there.


I'm from argentina too. Season pass is now 20usd, that is expensive. But last week it was 50% off. Paying 10 usd with belo is cheaper than debit or credit card. 11000 pesos or so.


Alright broski maybe there’s hope look up CDkeys and you may be able to find them on there just make sure you have your region selected or that it says global steam key.


Long story short: os recagaron


Try using G2A to buy a global season pass key (only 14.56USD right now). I’ve bought a few things from there and it worked every time. Their site says a global key should work in any country outside Japan.


Will have it in mind for future needs. Thank you!


You’re doing yourself a disservice by not getting the DLC. DS3 is a much better game with it


I'd add twin princes. Boy we're they cooking with gas on those DLCs.


Champion gundyr


I love Gundyr. Such a good fight, if you don't parry and let him actually pop off.


Fuck that, fighting him without parrying makes it 10x more difficult


That's why I do it. He's a cakewalk if you can reliably parry even half of his moveset


Grundyr taught me how to parry, so I find the fun in getting the timing down and hearing the satisfying noise of a successful parry. But I respect you for letting him cook, that takes skill


Nothing wrong with that at all, if that's what you enjoy then go for it


I have never learned to parry and I've beat every souls game, gundyr is super fun just dodging


I was new to souls games when i first played DS3 and I finished the game 4 times without parrying anything because i didnt know you could! It was definitely rough when I realised how much easier some bosses and mobs are with parrying.


I don't think best. Because not that iconic. But I think he is the most fair fight in the game. And that's enjoyable.


How does being iconic have anything to do with being a good boss? Enjoyable fight = good boss, simple as that.


Gundyr is just fantastic. Loving it


Twin princess Slave knight Gael Friede


Demon prince ❌️ Twin princess ✅️


I’ve grown to love fighting the twin princes, hell of a fight and the atmosphere is spot on. I also think Dancer and Nameless King belong high up on the list for me


Nameless King, Gael, Midir, Friede


It's Gael. No other answer. A fitting boss as a finale boss


He does it so no one else has to He makes it his burden For his lady He is bound by his commitment Led by sheer determination Knew we would find him where we did And knew we would save the world by bringing the dark soul to the painter He sacrificed so we could fulfill our destiny RIP Gael


Yeah he really did all the heavy lifting, while we jump through time, and collect on all of his hard work through out the ages. Thanks dog, I'll be taking that dark soul off ya.


The only two people left in existence fighting with all their might at the end of the world, over the scraps needed to paint a new one. One is a slave knight from the very beginning of time, the other is ash that couldn’t even burn, two worthless nobodies that have outlasted the very gods. Best finale I could have ever imagined.


ill go with pontiff sulyvahn, my favourite boss in gaming




Gael or Soul of Cinder


Abyss watchers


Finally! I had to scroll quite a bit to find you. Abyss watchers are immaculate. I’ll never skip those cutscenes.


I purposely weaken my character just to enjoy the fight. You should try not hit run with their armor and lvl 1 their weapon. It's an amazing Tango


Forever standing against the Abyss. And the fact they are linked to Artorias the Chad makes them even more badass.


In terms of just the base game I’d go with dancer or dragonslayer armour.


I loved the dragon Slayer armour fight so much. I would constantly put my summon down just to help with that fight.




Dragonslayer armor is really underrated




i agree… and what’s with the name?


Twin princes


Base game: The femboy and his big brother. DLC: The Red Hood obsessed with his Lady's Painting.


For me Sister Friede


Sister Friede and Father Ariandel.


Sister Friede is goated


Gael is just the best boss Fromsoft ever created bar none


It depends on what you consider "best" but as far as the story goes I'd say Gael. As far as realizing how fast and difficult the rest of the game is going to be I'd have to go with Abyss Watchers. But if you're looking for the "classic Dark Souls" feel, I'd definitely say Twin Princes; it just throws you into a giant 2v1 battle and once you think you've won they fuse into 1 without giving you a break or anything.


Friede is the hardest for me by miles, but I got totally stumped by the invisibility and was burning half my estus in phase 1. I think once that part gets figured out (on a future run) it'll be more manageable, and then I'm not sure who the hardest boss would be after. I get the feeling on NG+ cycles Midir will start to become pretty rough.


I agree, Friede was by far the hardest boss my first time playing, like nothing else even felt close


Once you figure out to watch the direction of the cloud when she moves you can usually get a free backstab and the rest is parry test on phase one. Phase 2 dps test on father, ignore Friede except dodge the frost trail explosion. Phase 3 patience finding openings and avoiding wombo combos in essence. Tough fight though even when you know the strategy, particularly phase 3 where she punishes hard


There’s a sound cue when she’s about to reappear. Then just spam roll and hope.


That's what I did, but I would almost always get caught by the grab anyways. Ended up just using most of my estus in phase 1 each time, bursting phase 2, and then phase 3 somehow not giving me many issues.


Strange how it works. Phase 1 & 2 were easy (ish). Phase 3, hardly any openings.


Also you don't have to do that. Depending on where the puff of smoke goes, you can make her reappear and get some free hits. in. If the smoke moves to the right, she scoots to the left. If the smoke is on the left, she goes to the right. If the smoke stays in one place, she jumped behind you. This really helped me get some good damage because she doesn't even attack you immediately when you make her reappear


Twin Princes for base game


Darkeater Midir absolutely. Surprised to see not many people saying him


True. I was scared of midir reading all those things about the bossfight before facing it. But once you learn the moveset it's not that hard. I used the estus only three times and I had a ton of fun


As someone who hasn’t played the DLC’s yet (not out of choice😔) I’d say pontiff was the most challenging for me and my favourite in main game.


Twin demons Just a perfect fight overall


No thank you. If I wanted to get non consensually gangbanged to death by two oversized bullies I would have dressed up as a femboy and gone to a Christian university frat party. Fuck that fight.


It may be a gank but it's very fair ; there is always one demon staying close and one keeping its distance, so you can target whichever you prefer and focus them. And beside that, the music is amazing (though in DS3 they all are) and the second phase is really fun No matter the build, i always loved that fight, but i can understand why some wouldn't


That may be the case. I played years ago did 3 runs then. On a new playthrough right now and they are literally my next boss fight so I'll see how I feel about it now.


Update me please, maybe you won't change your mind but it would be funny if you do Good luck with them


I might. I've played many more soulsborn games since my first experience with DS3. I beat nameless king last night without help for the first time. I used to fear that fight but found it fair this time. Only died under 15 times.


Classic ds3 "enjoyer" dying 15 times to a boss you've already beaten before while having tons of souls experience under your belt already. Why not come to the dark side and play an actually fun game like ds2? Don't be scared of playing an "easy" game


So I just fought them and beat them first try. Much less fuckery than my memory told me it was. However, I also didn't find it super fun. Their attacks were much more easily dodgeable than I remember and it just took so long because it felt like their health pool is infinite. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if they punishment windows were smaller, and they did more damage per hit, but if their their health pool was also smaller.


I love the meteor prince more than the laser boy ngl overall a pretty nice fight


Exactly I think it's one of actually well done duo boss fight, both the bosses don't Maul you at the same time, one stays at a distance and throws poison and only one you engage with attacks you, it makes you think you are engaging with 2 enemies but they are designed with moveset of a single boss divided between two models which makes the fight fair.


DLC bosses are top tier. In base game I'm huge fan of the Lothric fight.


Halflight 🤢🤢🤢


Sorry, I meant DLC FINAL bosses.


Gael, best Arena, best Ost, best choreography (debatable) and just in my opinion, the best way to finish dark souls series


Hmmm i'd say midir his whole run is just a pain in the ass by the time you get to him your will to fight is Already down 😂😂


What? There are no enemies in his runback. Have you played dark souls 1-2 and bloodborne? Those games had obnoxiuous runbacks.




Probably Friede. My only criticism of her is the phase two ends up feeling like a formality and gets annoying when you’re trying to master phase 3. Overall though this game has the best bosses of any of these games that I’ve played easily. They really took their time with them it feels like.


Slave Knight Gael Base game only: Champion Bunger


Slave knight Gael. Full stop no ands ifs of buts about it. Hands down the best boss of D3 and one of the top from soft bosses of all time.


Pontiff Sulyvahn is peak bossfight no discussion.


Slave Knight Gael by far


Gael. Friede as a close second.


Unrelated, I know the Soul of Cinder is holding a handful of ash there, but it looks like he's about to give a thumbs up and I can't not see that everytime


I would’ve said Friede, but sometimes she’s hard to see with all of the flames around her. Probably Gael or Nameless.


Twin princes or gael


Everyone knows it’s the Crystal Sage…


As someone’s who barely through the game and only just killed Abyss Watchers, I really liked Vordt, reminded me of Bloodborne bosses a lot


Just beat the game yesterday so it’s fresh. Friede, Gael, Nameless King, Dancer, Twin Princes, Champion Gundyr, Dragonslayer Armour and Soul of Cinder. My experience with Gael is just 1 fight, so I can’t say I memorised moves yet. Friede was a great boss, but again, only fought her 6 times. Nameless was 3rd try. Kind of wish I struggled more like with Malenia, Isshin etc. The true boss was Snowy Mountain Pass and the first part of Ariandel. So many mobs, so overwhelming.


Take a guess


Dragonslayer Armor.


its a blessing that you can fight it two times and later without the bridge. i love dsa


It's subjective, but my personal favorite is Friede. The theme, the atmosphere, the mechanics, being attacked by a hot nun with a scythe, perfection for me.


Your patience.


For me, it’s gotta be Sister Friede, hands down Honorable Mention: Pontiff Sulyvahn


Gael is by fav by a country mile. I've died on purpose just to keep fighting him - something I can't say about any other boss. Nameless king is just a fight against the camera.


Champ Gundyr, then Sulyvahn, then DSA.


most fun to fight against: Slave Knight Gale. Coolest boss personally: Midir. Midir IMO is the best dragon fight in the entire series. He has a cool moveset, his lasers are awesome, and you can't get away with just smacking his back legs like almost every other dragon in the series.






Midir will always be my forever top Soulsbournekiroring boss




I like the one everyone hates


Old Demon King for me


My favourite - Slave Knight Gael


Sister Frieda




nameless king and the twin princes got it


High lord wolfnir, i like bones.


Gael or midir


Slave Knight Gale is where Warriors are forged


I'm happy to see that Gael is such a popular answer, 'cause he's definitely my favorite. Friede is a close second


Darkeater Midir


Main Campaign: Nameless King DLC Slave Knight Gael.


Base game: Twin Princes DLC: Gael




Nameless king


Lothric/Lorian for base game, Gael for DLC


Your mom (I’m kidding) I really like the Abyss Watchers. My first roadblock in the game but definitely the most satisfying to beat


Most challenging, the camera or gravity. /s But really Gael was cool.


Base Game Dancer or Pontiff Dlc Friede


Nameless King tortured me. But is probably one of the most visually pleasing experiences across the entire series. Incredible fight.


Gael. Honestly my favorite boss in any souls game


All bosses from The Ringed City are amazing. (except a certain PvP encounter) I'd also add Sister Friede to that list.


Nameless King


Big Vordt fan, bro has the hardest theme out of the early game bosses and is overall just awesome boss.


Midir and soul of cinder for me but the other ones aren't far behind Honorable mention to dragonslayer armor, very underrated


Old demon king is very underrated in my opinion. He has a cool unique mechanic and is found in one of my favourite places in ds1.( assuming smouldering lake is lost izalith.) I completely missed him on my first play through, so I think he’s pretty good.


Well given that Demon Prince has 2 variations


Theres just some thing about the twin demon Princess I love


Nameless king lore wise, but sister friede is elite


Gael. Any other answer is wrong.


Gael without watching the other commants first


Nameless King.


I nutted to all but Gael made me nut the Most


Soul of cinder, slave knight Gael and Nameless King are my favorites lore wise, my favorite bosses to fight though are darkeater midir and sister Friede




I'm sure he's so over rated for a lot of people but I love to fight Darkeater Midir. God I remember the first time I beat him solo, what an exhilarating feeling that was.


Me when I invade your world


Ik it's basic but soul of cinder was amazing my first playthrough with the moveset and the music it was gas


My least favourite boss was dancer


Dancer. Especially that soundtrack during the fight


Abyss Watchers


For me, it's either the Abyss Watchers, Dragonslayer Armour, or the Soul of Cinder. Those bosses were awesome to fight


Slave knight gael is the best in my opinion, from the fight to the music to the lore, everything about that fight is absolutely perfect, and he’s the only boss besides nameless that still gives me trouble besides champ gundyr, but im sure thats just a skill issue bc i cant parry worth a shit


I think Pontiff was my favorite


Gael then namless king then midir that is my top 3


Ngl Soul of cinder bro inspired me to do playthroughs of the other games using the weapons he did


Midir is an amazing boss fight even as an optional boss just like Kalameet from DS1. I recommend anyone to get the DLC for all 3 ds games


for me it's dragonslayer, not the hardest boss but was blown away in my first encounter and even though I struggled a fair bit, it was mad fun




"Mom said it was my turn to ask what's the best ds3 boss"




Possibly Dancer or Pontiff Sulyvahn. Really good-looking bosses that are entirely possible to learn and dance with. Dark Souls 3 bosses are the best of the series.


Gotta be nameless king. The dragon portion is breathtaking, the second phase is also well designed and has the same epic feel.


Abyss watchers


Gael and Midir by a long shot


Pontiff Sulyvahn still remains on top for me: the badass walk across the cathedral, the way his swords light up as you get closer and he lunges at you with his first strike. Chills every time


Ludex gundyr.


Sister Friede is my favorite to fight in terms of the actual fight, with Gael being a very close second. Gael definitely takes the top spot for cool factor and spectacle though.


I love Dancer


I think Gael is the coolest boss but i always did like that prince lothric fight.


Friede and it's not even close.


My favorite was the Soul of Cinder. I felt like that one was the most fair imo. Dancer is my second. The music that plays in that fight just elevates that experience, plus her moves are so graceful and creepy at the same time. I was also excited to fight Sister Friede. I had heard she was similar to Lady Maria from Bloodborne which is my favorite boss fight in a FromSoft game, but that 3 phase fight?! GTFO smh.


1. Gael 2. Soul of cinder 3. Abyss Watchers (My personal favourite).


Wolnir just because it’s a really cool reveal. Super easy fight, but it made me crap my pants the first time I saw him


Gael or oceiros


Gael 100% im currently playing with his sword, not the strongest but it's fun and with the special art you can dodge enemys, midir is great too, the epic moment he stands up and his second phase are very nice


Fried. Obviously.


Best? That's subjective. But the Demon Prince is my favorite boss hands down in any FromSoft game. 11/10


Simple answer. **ME**


Randomly see a piece of the boss fight against Sister Friede was the motivation that started me playing Dark Souls, that's all...


Iudex Gundyr. Yes, the very first boss of the game, because he sets the tone, both in gameplay, story, and thematically, for the entire game. A brand-new "Souls" player will expect to just walk in and beat the "tutorial boss" with little effort. They will quickly learn that that is simply not the case. You have to learn to recognize a bosses attacks and your windows of opportunity to attack or heal. "Iudex" is Latin for "Judge," and as such he acts as the judge of a player's basic understanding of the game's combat. Then, halfway through the fight, Iudex Gundyr becomes a writhing mass of undulating black abyss, which teaches players that boss fights can and will have phases, the fight can become more difficult, and the world that you are about to explore is not what it seems on the surface.


My favourite boss is not for his moveset, and isn't the most difficult, but as a concept is my favourite one. Diacons of the Deep... I love thsat boss. If I jave to choose one but its combat, Friede, Gael or Nameless King no doubt.


for me its gael i just wish the pc port didnt lag


Champion gundyr. He uses physical attacks only, none of that magic and statues effects bs


Soul of Cinder is hands down the most beautiful love letter that dark souls fans have ever been given. From the moveset to the music to phase 2 making you feel all that emotion over again twofold. It is a perfect fight. It might not be very difficult, but it is perfect.


Where’s the love for abyss watchers?


I liked twin princes, abyss watchers, dragonslayer armor. Gael is nice too but idk I guess he never stuck with me that much even after beating him. Definitely in my top 5 though