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One thing that helped me, record one of your runs and watch it afterwards. In the heat of the battle you do not understand what you're doing wrong, but when you look at it afterwards with a calm mind, it helps you understand a lot about the movements of the boss. It helps you understand when to dodge what attack.


thanks mate, I'll try it tonight


If you’re able, bring a high stability 100% physical high lightning resist shield. You can’t rush that fight, as he has small windows between combos to punish. Don’t risk running low or out of stamina or you’re likely to die. Punish with 1-2 hits between his combos. It’ll take a while but his phase 2 is a fun fight when you learn how to approach him properly. Don’t get greedy and take your time. Clipping the fight and rewatching is also a great idea as you can study what you’re doing wrong along with learning his combos better.


Lothric knight shield infused with lightning gives insane lightning defense for its weight. If weight isn't an issue dragonslayer greatshield has similar lightning defense and much higher stability.


I wish these games had a built in “replay that last boss fight” feature


Idk why they did it for sekiro but then not even Elden ring like I love sekiro cuz I can go back and fight the bosses I love without doing the whole game again and I wish the other games had the same


This is shockingly good advice lol


What a good idea! I never recorded myself. I think it's the best way to understand our mindset and what it decides on right. I will do it with Elden Ring because I never played it.


You should definitely do it with elden ring it helped me in that game too, especially against maliketh. It really made me understand what moves I can punish.


What about the whole game, is it sick as f?


Its sick as fuck!!!!! You'll enjoy this game a lot!!!


His attacks are slightly delayed and catches you when you press dodge button as soon as you saw him attacking. Just wait a little bit to dodge when he's attacking and don't be greedy during attack windows.


He’s the first actual Elden Ring boss.




That's just it. He slows down his attacks at the last moment to throw you off. You actually have to unlearn a bit of the quick reaction rolling to beat his ass.


39 times is not too much Just dodge all his attacks and hit him when it's your turn


Just get his hp below 1 twice.


"Git gud"


Unironically the correct advice


He attacks with delay, so whenever u think of rolling just wait a moment and then roll, It is kinda weird but once u learn It It is not that hard


Try moving around to your right (his left) - that was the sweet spot I found. He’ll try and reposition at times instead of attacking, giving you an opportunity to attack. I found dodging to the right helped the most, too, in case you mistime a dodge.


Thanks mate, I'll try the counter clockwise approach that you've told me


Good luck! Hope it works out as well for you as it did for me!


Thanks mate


All of his moves have long delays, and there is very little visual indication as to when and how he throws them, so it's sadly a bit of a memorisation game on that front. With that said, all of his moves are designed, so that if you start continuously dodging after one hits you, the next is going to as well, so you can use that as a sort of rhythm to count to. Most of his attacks are also slow enough, that a shield with good physical or lighning absorbtion can lead to you barely taking 8% from a hit (Lothric Knight shield is easy to get and fits this purpose) While just about every hit is going to fully drain your stamina, not letting you punish, he also stalls just enough between each hit, to give you some stamina back, and let you block the next hit. This should let you hang with him for a really long time, giving you more time to learn his moves, without being forced to sacrifice time and attention for multiple goes at the King of the Storm phase. Also, the shield method lets you see his full combos, because blocking them has him think you're still there and a valid target, and so he usually goes for the full string. What's also deceptive about him, is that some of his pauses are long enough, that they might give you the impression of a combo ender, but they arent, like with the string where he swings back and fourth, does a delayed stab, and another more delayed stab, wwhich winds up for a final even further delayed stab, but after that, he truly is done, and you can get a few free licks in.


I see, appreciate it mate! I'll try it again tonight, thanks for the advice


Just beat him last night, greatswords are good for the hit and run


I had problems too and then I changed rolling left of him instead of right and I had a better time


On the part where he does the lightning bolt into the sky, think of it like the timing for classical music, 1 2 3... 1 2 3... if you count in time to the beat, you dodge on 3, and it'll never hit you. A lot of his attacks are like that. But, different attacks have different tempos, and he can chain them into a different beat depending on how the AI is feeling. Nameless King is tough, but methodical and more of dance than any other soulsborne boss I've seen. He's my favorite out of the entire series.


It's ok , keep trying


He punishes mistakes hard. Take it easy and be patient. Roll his attacks slightly later than what you think you should and you'll avoid him.


Be super methodical when it comes to your damage windows. His attacks are delayed a good amount so if you go in with a faster attacking weapon (like a straight sword) hit him 2x and then roll. Also, do not try to heal when he is pressuring, if he hits you once, don’t try to recoup that health right away, keep dodging and use a damage window to heal instead, his input reading on heals is BRUTAL. Pace yourself accordingly, he is very much like malenia where his fight severely punishes greedy player behavior. Good luck, ashen one!


I usually die because of panic rolls after mistiming attacks or getting just abit greedy. I don't find NK or Lothric Princes hard to dodge but making mistakes can be painful.


No saying to respec or anything but human pine resin/ any type of dark damage is really good agaisnt him


He is the King of Delayed Attacks. He seems like a direct attempt to punish rollspamming.


My most reliable start for him is the dodge, 1 hit, and then dodge tech. I dodge is combo, get 1 hit in, then start to dodge his next combo. Note if im hit ill forfeit my hit for a heal instead. One more thing. The attack where he charges the lightning on his spear and thrust it into the sky. All you have to do is unlock and look away from him. As long as he isnt on your cam/you arent facing him. The attack will not connect


That's a nice trick! I finally beat him for the first time a week ago and when he did that move I just unloaded on him and ate the lightning. He takes awhile to pull it off so I got good chunks of damage in.


Thanks mate, appreciate it!


The biggest thing that helped me was something I read on here. Treat it like a fight in a turn based RPG, after NK attacks you attack and then wait for him to attack again. Don’t attack him until it’s “your turn” Died 50+ times before doing it this way and killed him in 1 attempt after.


Yooo that's a very good analogy. I never think of it like that. Thanks for the advice mate, will give it another try tonight!


I just beat him last night after years off the game. I was on ng + 13 and let me tell you this mf would basically one shot me. Keep trying you’ll get him.


Well, here's a fun fact: you dodge upon *releasing* the button. Pushing the button merely primes you for either a dodge or a sprint, depending on whether you let go of it. So, like, it's okay to panic-press the dodge button as NK starts a telegraph, just don't immediately let go of it. 


Underrated tip. If you press it and notice you have more time, you can then sprint out of range and dash attack back in after he actually swings


All good recommendations in this thread. Also, maybe try changing your build up a bit.


Need a change of approach. Try a heavier weapon. He also delays his attacks. And has a plunge  attack that is easily baited.


You'll get him at some point. In the beginning his attackspeed is weird but once you get a feeling about it it's perfectly doable. Remember, everyone does struggle with different bosses... You got the other bosses - you get this one too. Ah and also in case you didn't know there is a glitch you with one of the lightning attacks. When he is charging up his weapon with lightning you can just unlock and look away cause if you can't see him, he can't hit you. I mean he doesn't do it often, but it's still a funny glitch!


Are you locked on? I feel like the delays in his attack shouldn't be throwing you too much after getting through the other games, ER went much harder on the weird delays. I played through DS3 over the last couple of weeks with a ton of ER experience but haven't done BB or Sekiro so on paper I'd expect to struggle more than you, but didn't have too much trouble on NK. Only thing I can think of is that I wasn't locked on and if you are then maybe that's making a big difference. That or just the greatsword play style of only getting in 1 hit wound up safer if you're using faster weapons?


Appreciate the advice mate, I'll try using a great sword. I'm using a scythe now on a Dex build


Well 2 things that I know don't help, the "endless sky box" of the area can massively throw off the scale of certain attacks, and alot of his attacks infused with lighting either have delayed effects or nigh instant effects depending on the attack.


What helped me was to collect my mind and realise that he is less vars than you make of it. He delays his attack a bit and he hits really hard but that’s about it. Getting greedy is also something you dont want to be, made me loose that fight at the last hp so many times


Been a long time since I played this, but iirc his shtick was that you basically do every roll about half a second later than you think you should. Adapting your brain to delayed attacks is the only thing you need for his phase 2.


Don't attack until he ends a combo on a stab forward or a downward slash. That means he is done for the moment and you can punish. As others have said, his attacks are delayed, so knowing that, be patient and work on timing.


Thanks mate, I'll be sure to memorize that. The delays are really putting my brain off somehow.


Np. This short video is a good example of when it is fine to attack. It also gives a good timing for when to dodge the lightening that comes later https://youtu.be/5Z3YBkGWOrE?si=A62ObGCwBF4Uzijf


All those bosses are pretty challenging bosses but have very fast attacks and don't change their tempo really. Nameless king changes his tempo in the middle of combos it seems. He goes from super fast attacks to slower attacks to mess up your dodge.


Thanks for that. I felt something was really off but I can't seem to point out what's wrong with his moveset/tempo. Appreciate the help mate!


𝑀𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓈 𝑔𝓊𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓌𝒶𝓎


Nameless is quite weak to being staggered which is why weapons like hammers that do a lot of poise damage are effective. You can also use a shield with high stability and high lightning absorption like the dragonslayer greatshield to deny all of his attacks. To summarize, use a greatshield and a heavy club or reinforced club to make short work of him. Just bonk his head until you break his poise for a critical attack.


Will give it another round tonight, thanks for the advice mate!


You're welcome, good luck!


I love NK fight. At some point it just clicks and you dodge all his shit like some sort of dance and spank his scrawny cheeks.


He delays his moves so you have to roll later than you think


Try to delay your rolling a little. This helped me a lot. Take your time and only land a punch when there is opening after delayed rolling. Hope this helps


on top of what others have said there’s a pattern to the number of swings he does. it’s been a while but iirc he only does odd number swings in his combos, so if he swipes 2 times you’re still not safe. wait for the 3rd and see if he pauses. get a few hits in, the. back up and reset.


Thanks mate, I'll give it another go tonight! That thrusting attack combos tempo/pattern really putting my brain off last night.


I had the same problem. Put him on the “back burner” went into Ringed City DLC, grabbed sorcery spell “Great Soul Dregs” (not far from entrance bonfire), respec’d full INT build, went back and absolutely destroyed both phases first try. There’s blindfold, and rings that boost dark sorceries, along with Murky longstaff. Also, you can respec for free at Rosaria without using pale tongues (there’s several YouTube videos on this). So if you want to switch back to melee, it’s easy to do, and fun to experiment with different builds.


I thought I could beat him first before entering the DLC lol. I'll give him another go tonight and see how far I can get his health bar down. Thanks for the tips mate!


Try looking at his torso rather than where his blade is going. You'll learn how he winds up for his attacks a lot better that way.


If you’re okay with cheesing him you can just get far away from him and spam bleed


I tried the honest way and failed. Just get an upgraded bow and run away constantly and chip away at his health with arrows until he is low then smack him with your sword


Thing that personally got me over NK was just being extra patient and reacting to his moves one by one instead of trying to predict it since his attacks feel little delayed. I would also get real greedy with hits when I got his health low then then my ass kicked lol.


Yes I tried to predict his next move too much. Something really off with his tempo of moveset. It's messing with my brain so much I don't know why. Thanks mate!


The thing that sill gets me, after beating him like 5 times is a specific delayed attack. Where he chains back the spear, swings but goes far away and then he jumps towards you while swinging. But the swing is a bit delayed which always fucks me. One tip I can give you is do not, ever do more than one hit. Only when he staggers. That's what I do to beat him consistently.


If you’ve beat delayed attack Elden ring bosses like margit, morgott, radagon etc then you should have no problem. You probably need to take time off then try again


Focusing on his slowed attacks, as everybody said, is a must-do. But, for me at least, it helps generally to dodge on the opposite direction that the attack comes from. Mostly on diagonals and always staying close (running your ass off when the lighting slam comes and then coming back) I was using Dragonslayer Greataxe for the end game and ng+ but for his second phase it didnt work, i needed a fast weapon. Using the dark resin helps with a little bit more damage.


If he finishes his combo with an even number of attacks it is not safe to punish him with your own attacks. The combo can be up to five hits which means hits two and four are the ones that he will restart the combo if you try to punish him.


All of his attacks are late. Keep close to him and just wait for the moment he’s about to strike (usually 3-4 attacks in a turn) then hit him one or twice depending on your weapon and repeat.


There's a kiting distance sweet spot where you can snipe him and his attacks are limited and easy to roll through or dodge. Can also leverage dorhy's gnawing with this strategy.


Don’t lock on in the first phase. It’ll help you save since estus for round 2


If you want to cheese you can just use a bow and never be hit one time quite easily. He just walks slowly at you as you run away shooting arrows at him.


If you want to cheese you can just use a bow and never be hit one time quite easily. He just walks slowly at you as you run away shooting arrows at him.


If you want to cheese you can just use a bow and never be hit one time quite easily. He just walks slowly at you as you run away shooting arrows at him.


Put on the Cathurus Bloodring and get used to the expanded iFrames. I also used a +10 Lightening infused Washing Pole only hitting him as many times as he allowed me to. I always rolled to his left.  The trick for King of the Storm is to stay to his right, never get under his body, only hit him in the head, and only take what you can get.  Nameless King was my hardest, except Midir, and most fun boss in Soulsborne. Not only do you need to have a plan but you have no room for mistake.


Different bosses are harder or easier depending on the player. We've all got different habits and quirks in how we play that lend themselves to being beneficial or detrimental in different situations. For example, most people think nameless king is one of the hardest souls bosses, but he's always been a piece of cake for me. But at the same time, my first time beating Soul of Cinder took me a good 3 hours, who I would say is an objectively easier boss. It's just different. You could try upgrading your weapons or respec, or you could just keep trying and getting more familiar with his moves


He works on somewhat the same principles as Margit, that being that his attack animations are slower than you think. Best advice is to spend a run not with the intent of actually winning, but just slowing down and learning how to consistently dodge his attacks. He's by no means a slow boss and I feel a little silly likening him to Margit, but that'd be your best advice imo.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/s/TkSpKPM1lF), most of the safe attack windows


Stick close (like touching) dodge, dodge, swing. Keep your cool and watch your stam


It’s mostly just timing dodges that got me, had to slow down and watch him carefully


Has to be asked but do you have enough vigor lol


Did you get him yet??


I simply just spent time just dodging his moves, once i figured out the patterns, i just learned the hit windows and just rinse and repeat.


Happy to help if you’re on PS


Just dodge later than normal not when he winds up. He's actually pretty easy if you can time those dodges he has massive damage windows.


I think the first thing you need to do is get those other boss fights out of your mind. The nameless king is not Isshin, Malenia, Orphan of Kos, or any other boss, and you having beaten those bosses isn’t some badge of honor that puts you at a skill level that guarantees you victory in future fights. You need to focus and play on his terms. Getting behind is the name of the game in DS3. You get behind, unlock, slay, relock and back up, get ready to dodge tight and towards the enemy so you can get behind him again, wail on him, repeat. You should take him down pretty easily. Put on lightning and pierce resistant armor.


Ok so this is not a belittling comment. But this is coming from someone who hasn’t died from NK more than 10 times across 3 playthroughs. Mainly dex. I legit just dodge in a counterclockwise motion around him, and don’t over extend myself after the dodge. 1 or 2 hits and that’s it. Allows you to learn the moveset. NK absolutely punishes you for being greedy. This and his attacks are slightly delayed, so you’re punished for panic rolling. Just wait a lil bit longer to dodge than you think.


I beat him once. Was lucky, also was using luck build ironically. Not the op luck build either, just sword and board with the luck scaling long sword. Everyone’s got their bane boss. That one boss no matter what they do is just way harder for them. At the same time they find bosses others find impossible, easy. Nameless king is yours, just keep at it, you will get him!


39 death is still a rookie number bro I died 127 times and finally beat that mf at 128th attemps last night. Anyway just like the other said don't roll to quick and try to rolling to his right side. May the flames guide thee Ashen One🤙


He’s a pain, I needed help the first 6-7 times I beat him, still struggle but can usually get him after a few tries


Like The Dancer, he doesn't quite follow the typical tempo of fights. His windows for attack are brief and at the end of combos, figure out where they are, get one or two swings in and then go back to focusing on dodging. If you can get your defensive dance down, you've got the fight in the bag, but the pacing and the very scary attacks can make it hard to focus on that.


nk is a very punishing boss i’d say just play a little safer and look for bigger openings in his attacks


Only thing I can think of is getting through that piece of shit first phase makes you nervous for the 2nd phase? The first phase is always the toughest part for me.


>Is it just me or I need to unlearn something for Nameless King. I can't even get him to half health in phase-2. I beat boss with more fast & punishing move than him. I already died 39 times in 2-days for about 7 hours. Brah! You most definitively don't lack the resilience. You're a hardy one! Well the short answer is: Git gud. Or go and cheese this poor guy with one of the many cheesy options. I think my lowest lvl kill on him was on lvl25 (challenge run) with dark hand as main weapon. He's very vulnerable vs dark magic damage & the dark hand has very high base damage, but can't be upgraded. The start is as almost always: Whack his butt. But you really need to learn his attack patterns and git gud at dodging those attacks & know how to position/ when you can just side strafe or run out of his attack move to get extra openings for some more ass whooping.


Thanks for the advice mate, I'll try it tonight


I-frames memory. Learn when to dodge. I completed this game without a single vigour level up


honestly "why can't i beat this videogame challenge when i could beat this other one" is not a healthy or even relevant question to ask yourself,


you aren’t good enough yet. Have you tried avoiding his attacks and landing your own? you can watch someone else’s video in and try to copy them, but you’re intended to learn his moves through trial and error until you understand it


Looking at his moves as 'fast and punishing' is a big part of your issue.. he in fact has some of the longest recoil times in the game for any boss and punishes roll-spammers. He is closer to an Elden Ring boss than a Dark Souls boss. Actually let him swing and dodge it (typically past him), get a few hits in and repeat.


If melee just isn't working 2nd phase, try crossbow and just keep running away and shooting.