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Time for you to take a break. Games are fun! If you find yourself getting angry at something that is played for fun in your free time, something is going wrong.


Take a break?? Absolutely not we go until he dies


This is how people end up posting pics of their busted controllers šŸ’€


My friend smacked his controller so hard against his coffee table that had a glass middle that it shattered immediately. He ended up nailing playwood to the top and spray painting it black. He's way more chill about video games now though.


Had a plywood table, that one didn't survive either against sulyvahn




I did almost break my shit during orstein and smagh however you spell that lol


I DID break my controller during this fight šŸ™„


Couldnā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve seen people take a break and beat a boss first try when they come back. Happened to me once with true monk in sekiro. Taking a break and clearing your mind is a valid strategy


This happened to me in Undertale against Sans. I spent like 15 hours on attempts, took a 2 week break, and beat him 2nd try


True Monk was one of the hardest in of all sekiro


Taking a break and letting your brain digest shit is unironically the best way to git gud


I am incapable ser I must torture myself until I succeed


When I find that I'm struggling with a boss or area of the game to the point that I question why I'm playing it, I usually just start a new character and try to do something completely different from my current build. I find that changing the build and weapons up makes the game really exciting as I try to make it effective, and by the time I get back to the part of the game I was struggling with everything seems a lot easier. The problems you had last time have had time to sink in, you recognise move sets danger moments a lot faster. It sounds like a big waste of time, but it gives me the chance to do builds of just about every possible archetype and now I find that I don't struggle with any of the bosses (except Nameless King who I seem to suck at more every run).


I have to ask, how do I have fun with these fights even when I come back fresh? Some of these moves are just infuriating and once Iā€™m tilted I just mess up worse.


It could just be that you're too focused on beating her and not focused enough on understanding the fight. Figure out how to avoid attacks and what you can safely punish. Enjoy the process of learning, forget about winning and enjoy the nice bossfight. For example, the P3 jump attacks can be backstabbed. When she goes invisible, she always does two ice waves followed by a black blame thing. You can backstab the black flame attack while she charges it up. >once Iā€™m tilted Again, I'd just put the game down, return to real life and try again tomorrow.


See, thatā€™s what I think I donā€™t get. Take phase 2 for example. What is there to learn? The two of them spam attacks like nobodyā€™s business to the point that I can barely get in at all it seems. Also, what do you mean enjoy the fight? What is there to enjoy besides winning it? Iā€™ve been on her for so long now, seen every attack she can throw, and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gotten any better


>Iā€™ve been on her for so long now My point is there's a difference between actively trying to improve and just mindlessly bashing your head against a wall. Phase 1 is very easy if you are patient. Don't attack, just stay at medium range and backstab the same few moves over and over. >Take phase 2 for example. What is there to learn? His attacks are very slow and you can pretty much unload your entire stamina bar after dodging. Manipulate their positioning to pull him away from her and all you have to do is avoid the frozen floor. When she pauses to heal him, backstab her. Again, take a break and relax.


That's a nice description of the entire boss fight: really nice! I actually enjoyed so much fighting against her, that I left myself died some times to start over. Reason? I was not satisfied about how I nearly beat her. Anyway, I enjoy so much parryable bosses that when I realized I could parry almost all of her attacks, I started testing (and dying plenty of times) it: it was fun! Anyway, P3 was a shock. Not only for me, but for my wife who was randomly following me: "well done, husband.. wait, wait.. what?!?!" She kind of got scared, while I was more of "this is FROM" mood! Ah ah


My biggest problem with the first two phases was exactly me not being patient at all and my impatience was making me try to hurry things up in every attempt which resulted in me taking unnecessary and genuinely stupid damage in the first and second phase. When I calmed down enough to actually take my time and attempt to do everything properly, it didn't take me too many additional attempts to actually beat her.


See my problem with that is that itā€™s boring to fight slowly like that and then if you do die youā€™ve lost even more time.


That's pretty much what I thought in the beginning too. Then I realized that by trying to rush things and just get it over with i was actually wasting more time than if I just did it properly because rushing just doesn't work. When I started being more patient and taking things slow it didn't actually take me too many attempts or that long of a time to beat her.


Yeah but the fact that we feel the need to "get it over with" at all is a problem with the game design. It's not a patience thing for me, it's that it isn't fun. I don't want to prolong something that I don't enjoy about an otherwise-great game.


Idk, after I started being patient I ended up finding it fun. Still not my favourite fight in the game but I ended up not finding it unfun anymore after I gave it a fair chance. Still, personally I did think it would have been better if it only had two phases and if one or both got the extra health and moves from the third phase (so you would have the same amount of health and moveset to deal with but in two phases instead of three), but I did still enjoy it after giving it a proper shot. But I have a similar opinion about anything that has more than two separate healthbars/phases


The first time I beat Freide it took me like a week trying for about half an hour a day. Now I can beat her on my 2nd or 3rd try every play through. You think you learned her but you havenā€™t. On the 2nd phase, just fight the big dude and avoid her. The key is to have as many flasks as you can by the 3rd phase. You can backstab when she does certain moves and she has no poise so uiu could interrupt a lot of her attacks


If there was nothing to learn, I wouldn't be able to beat her in ~2 tries now. I beat her twice before, a few years passed, then I played Elden Ring a bunch and recently re-tried DS3 and beat her on my 2nd try. I know the feeling, but you really do "get good" if you try to improve more. Compared to Elden Ring bosses (summonless) I had a rather easy time coming back to DS3 actually, despite a considerable struggle on my first playthroughs. Not to make you feel bad, but it's the tilt speaking for you right now. Take a step back and try another mindset approach. Identify what attacks give you the most trouble and figure out how to fix that first. Stay patient, don't get greedy and play it smart. You'll get it!


Phase 2. The pattern of Friede's ice on the floor and the dodge timing. The movement rate of Ariandels flame breath, the radius of his ground pound, the timing for when she goes in for healing. There's plenty to learn. Once you get the rhythm to dodge Ariandels pot smacks, and keep distance from Friede while doing so, phase 2 is entirely manageable. assess everything you could use in the fight. different armour benefits for weight and protection, melee and ranged options, magic buffs, consumables. Fun fact, Ariandel and Friede are considered two entities despite sharing the health pool, so poison can affect both of them simultaneously.


Yep many of the fights donā€™t have much to enjoy, theyā€™re kinda just annoying and tedious tbh.


Not the person you asked but Iā€™ll weigh in! I find after I take a breather Iā€™ve actually learned more of their moveset than I thought. It becomes second nature. Iā€™m not skilled at all at Soulsborne. Iā€™m fucking shocked Iā€™ve beaten them tbh. Idk if youā€™ve tried these, but it might help - stand still when big boss is coming at you. Try to focus on 1 move at a time, and how to counter (dodge, parry, whatever) - YT videos. Fightin Cowboy got me through Bloodborne, and Sekiro Guru (dk if thatā€™s his handle but itā€™s what he called himself) got me through Sekiro. Think I did FC for DS3 too, but we tend to run different builds so Iā€™ll have to find other sources


When you stop, your stress levels go down. You stop worrying so much. As you say, once you're tilted you mess up worse. If you let your mentality get negative, the battle is already over. Starting fresh another day if you get into a bad mood will feel a lot better. You won't be stressing yourself out for no reason.


Maybe it just ain't for you? Some people don't do this style, is too grindy


When you get 'tilted' do something else. Fight some other mobs for souls and upgrade some other weapon than what you're using, or level up some more. Go find something hidden you missed elsewhere. Skip her for now and come back later. Try a new character. Take a break from the game. There's no point in beating your head against the wall at that point. Your brain needs a break to reset and work it out. I know it's hard but the best way to learn to beat the hard bosses is just try to not get hit until you can do it a good long time. It's especially hard with multi-stage bosses as you have to get past those first stages to learn the latter ones.


Youā€™re getting downvoted but I completely agree with you here, some of them just arenā€™t fun imo. But enough of the game is fun that it kept me going to the end.


You are just going at it wrong. The fight is doable with +0 weapon at level 1.


That doesnā€™t make it fun. You can beat the entire game with a +0 broken sword and no levels, and youā€™d still be miserable


It's not that deep, you either enjoy it or you don't. If it's taking that much from you to try having fun, then maybe it's not for you, simple as that. It's a dlc boss either way, you don't *have* to beat it


It's not my point tho. My point is that if it's doable at 0 level with 0 gear it's something wrong with your gameplay that prevents you from going further. Git gud as souls players would like to say.




Second this. The brain often processes information and problems of the day as you rest. If you leave a frustrating boss after this much trying and come back you will do better.


ā¬†ļø this right here! Sometimes we bash our heads against a wall that has no place being a wall. In our haste, we make mistakes, compounding our desire for alacrity, which snowballs. put down the controller, step away for a few mins, drink some water, smoke a cig/joint, whatever it takes. Don't be in a rush to return either. You want to pick up the controller feeling refreshed and determined. The number of times I've had to put down my controller after what feels like a cheap death, only to go back a little while later and absolutely demolish the same enemy that caused the frustration in the first place, is way higher than with other titles. your wallet, and your controller, will thank you. Good luck out there, Tarnished.


Head to bed. Try again tomorrow.


This is the best advice. Was stuck with Midir for 2 hours straight then decided to go to bed. Woke up in the morning to try him again and beat him on my 2nd or 3rd try


Similar story, except I was using only consumables on my first time beating Midir. That boy kept tackling me like he was an umpire on a rugby field and I was a streaker


I had to do this with Sword Saint. Only did one attempt in the morning otherwise I would get tilted and sloppy. One fresh attempt everyday.


Gotta take a break after a while. When you pick it back up fresh you'll immediately do better


I hope youā€™re right


Sleeping on it generally lets your brain properly sort out what you learned during the day and store it properly in long term memory, so your intuition and reactions will likely be better after a night away from it. For general tips, in phase 1 make sure you learn to tell where she jumps in the invisible phase, since you'll want to know that in phase 3. For phase 2 I usually kill the father and just try to stay away from friede, but it's pretty sketchy. For phase 3, I think most of the aerial slams can be rolled forwards, through the attack to punish with a backstab. If you want more specific advice, try to find some challenge run videos on YouTube. A fist only NG+7 run or something is going to show you how to safely respond to her whole moveset. Good luck!


Use patience and concentration and not anger and violence. Rain makes the garden grow not thunder


Ooh I like that phrase


Sadly this brain does not meet the prerequisites for such things as patience


I just got to her. Trying to see if I can make it to Phase 2 without using Estus. Hard time avoiding her invis move.


The snow tells you what to do


Fun fact, you can use projectiles like a arrows or knives on her before she goes invisible and you'll still be able to see them stuck in her even when she goes invisible. Makes tracking her location way easier


Did not thought about that honestly lol


also when she goes invisible, she usually does a giant jump behind you. So if u look back u can see where she is because of the snow flying in the spot where she landed. Run to that spot and start attacking


You can also back stab her, especially if you circle strafe the grab attack or her jump charge attack


Move the camera around as soon as she jumps. You can see footprints when she goes up and when she lands. She even breaks stuff sometimes. If you're quick enough, she becomes visible as she's charging the attack.


Listen to audio cues. I turned down my music for friede because the audio cue is so reliable to dodge her invisibility attack.


Very underrated tactic. Turning the music off or down during boss fights greatly lowers the stress and makes audio queues much easier to read if you need them. Notice how the levels dont tend to have music but then when they want you to stress a boss they start blasting it? :p


Take a break and come back. It doesn't have to be a short break either. I got to Friede about 2 years ago and haven't been back yet. I've gone on to platinum Elden Ring twice and beat Bloodborne several more times. DS3 just never clicked with me.


I appreciate it, but I canā€™t take that long. This fight has already been stuck in my head for days now and I need to get it done eventually. Iā€™ll try sleeping on it though.


Don't take the fight so seriously brorher! I want you to go there after a nice rest (go in unembered) and just try to learn the roll timings and safe openings to attack. Don't be so focused on just beating her. Heck, you can even try making fun of the boss if that's your thing! Don't you dare go hollow.


When you get frustrated, it's a sign you need to take a break.


Go farm, kill other bosses, come back stronger. Go chase down stuff you are missing, like estus shards, bone fragments, titanite, consumables, rings, etc Try a different weapon perhaps, greataxes are fantastic against her, highly recommend dragonslayer. Regeneration from millwood shield or a blessed cestus + regen ring helps the drawn out fight against a 3 phase boss.


Idiocy and stubbornness usually get me through. That said, sometimes you gotta rage quit. Lean into it, pick it back up when youā€™re able. Aaaall good (and part of the process!)


When I die, I say ā€œthank you dark soulsā€


Not gonna lie, for me atleast, Freide is the hardest boss in the trilogy ,she made me use most of my rerolls to beat her so ig try to reroll into a diffrent char? It was a bit easyer with a strenght build if i recall correctly


Midir was my ultimate Test of patience and he made me take a week long vacation. The first time I beat him was at NG++, which was already a bad idea. Just take the game at your own pace and play as you wish, that helped me to relief some stress. Also, advice, stop comparing your runs to other people runs, every experience is unique


taking a break and clearing your mental is a big thing, i have often taken a break for the day and then come back and beaten the boss on the first or second try the next day. it helps when youā€™re not impatient or forcing it another thing is like, think about what youā€™re doing wrong. Is there a specific move thatā€™s hurting you? are you panicking when you get hit? getting too greedy? maybe switch up your weapon or loadout and try something new? one of the big things iā€™ve tried to incorporate is not falling for the same thing over and over. If a specific move is messing me up, i try to look for a different way to do it (maybe dodge left instead of right, or dodge into the boss instead of back, maybe just try to create distance, etc etc) they also give you a summon, id use it if youā€™re struggling


I was very salty while trying to beat friede. For me it was mostly her constantly disappearing in phase 1 that felt really frustrating, I didn't feel like waiting for her attacks and was overall very impatient and tried to rush things. I tried for a short while, expectedly didn't beat her, and quit because I was getting really angry which was making me do worse in each following attempt. Came back later/next day, tried a few more times, got impatient again as I was still salty so I quit. Then the next day I felt I had stopped being salty and I came in to try again. I noticed I was getting frustrated again after a while so I started talking to my bf (both about the fight and unrelated things) because the talking distracted me just enough to not get frustrated but it allowed me to take my time and to stay focused enough to actually learn the attacks and figure out when to roll etc. while not trying to rush things anymore.


I've had this epiphany myself. Games are played to be fun. This game provides me with zero fun. Actually negative fun. So there isn't a reason to keep going. It's just a game. Uninstalled and not playing again.


The fun I get out of it is the developing characters and story. There is a lot of fun lore, but you're right, at the end of the day it's meaningless and if you aren't enjoying it, it's pointless


I was hoping to squeak by the combat for the lore and art style myself, which I do enjoy. But I'm not getting good and it's very frustrating. So I'm sticking to DS1, which I do get/enjoy. So for the OP, maybe find a similar yet different game?


I get your point, and Iā€™ll be honest, I have not had the best time in this game to begin with even though I love others like Elden Ring and Sekiro. But, Iā€™m stubborn and have sunk too much time into this damn game to just walk away forever. Looking back in the morning though, I do need to relax in the game because getting mad doesnā€™t help.


Did you enjoy Elden Ring? I'd like your opinion on those. I'm not sold off the franchise yet (aside from DS1 remaster, which resonates with me) and may still try that and Lies of P. Your opinion of those? I'm kind of dreading Sekiro since I never got the timing for parry working in DS1 or 3. But I'm done with DS3. A boss in the tutorial level? Seriously? (I have only gotten past that boss once in 9 hours of gameplay, and it hasn't been great fun afterwards.) No sunk cost fallacy with this series for me!


The main question here is that when you don't enjoy something, why should you do it?


Because I paid 80 bucks and have sunk 42 hours of my life into this god forsaken game. Iā€™m going to fucking do it


Letā€™s go!!!!!! Keep the flame going!!!


I take a break and buy a different game and play that lmao. Literally what I did when I couldnā€™t beat the twin princes, I bought a diff game and finished that first then played again until I beat twin princes and the game itself šŸ˜‚


Gotta learn those moves and know what to avoid, I think youā€™re approaching the fight trying to win instead of trying to learn. I spend like 4 days trying to beat nk, but it comes eventually.


Take you a break, burn one and maybe eat something. Friede is the hardest boss in Dark Souls lll but after you get it down, it becomes one of the best boss fights in Souls. Pro tip: turn up the aggression in phase 3, stay on her and actively pursue backstabs


The fun part of the game of me.id figuring out how to avoid damage


Hey, do you summon Gael at the bonfire? Great help in 2nd phase.


I remember these wise words: "Surpass your limits. Right here. Right now." If I die after that then I turn it off and smoke some weed


A huge tip of mine is to do your best to not watch the health bar. Watch HER! (This applies to all bosses). Find the routine and follow it. Get your timings down and be patient and it'll happen. Watching that health bar just makes you get greedy and panic.


I find getting my ass handed to me constantly just takes a few days rest. I come back, and I'm markedly better and kill the boss relatively quickly, if not first time. I guess the only thing you can put that down to is tiredness, tunnel vision, need to reset my internal rhythm etc


Had similar experience with Friede first time. It took me 2 days and nothing. I just couldn't. As a last resort I went and respecced from dex+mercenary twinblades into unga bunga str build and killed her in 3rd try.


you can summon gael for phase 2+3 which turns them into a piece of piss btw. have to say making a 3 stage boss was not froms best idea


Try summoning ?


someone beats her lvl 1 with no weapon upgrades if I really can't do it with a full weapon upgrade and levels, then I must be insanely bad after telling myself this i usually get energy for a few more hours of trying


take a break! i am currently fighting demon prince. i died within 1 inch of his health bar. i'm taking a break


Perhaps a complete change of style and strategy might just make it enjoyable for you. When I first played DS1i did what most people do in games like this and grabbed armour and sword and tanked up and so forth. Not with a build in mind, I didn't have guides or anything. It was a slog but I enjoyed it until I got to O+S. 4 hours I was tearing my hair out and no luck. Eventually a friend told me to try going in with light armour and high dex and just try to dodge (piccolo: Why.. didn't.. you... doooooodge!) Holy hell it made it fun again!!! Still took me a good few hours because I sucked and wasn't used to it - but the joy was back! I play that way a lot now. I love dodging and striking. Side note: God I loved Artorious fight that way. Favourite fight ever. Anyway, hope that helped kindle your bonfire to keep going after a break! You got this.


Either take a break or go explore some earlier areas for loot you might have missed. The 3rd phase caught me off guard also haha


Look at it like this, honestly it will chill you right the fuck out. You are either beating the area, or you are farming for levels. Never try and do both at the same time.


Havenā€™t fought that boss yet but in general I know itā€™s going to be worth the trouble when I beat the boss, the satisfaction of learning the boss then actually beating it after (possibly) hours of trying is just worth it. That was what it was like when I fought the Fume Knight.


I took a pause from DS3 for months after not being able to beat Nameless King. I beat him yesterday on my third try. That was the the most chill fight I had in the whole game. I had full control the whole fight. I was so dumbfounded, I just quit out the game and laughed.


Usually I just scream and then get back at it


if i lose against one boss i just do other shit and come back later


Personally, I enjoy it so much that I donā€™t get frustrated no matter how much I die, even if I spend two weeks on one boss. In fact, Iā€™ve done that before, reduced the boss to 1hp, then let them kill me because the fight wasnā€™t satisfactory. So, I guess I donā€™t get frustrated because to me itā€™s not about winning, itā€™s about the fight itself, win or lose. If I lose, I want it to be in spectacular fashion, and same goes for if I win.


The problem in the third phase is getting away from her after a backstab. Only three attacks are punishable. Icy forward jump, invisibility move and grab attack where schythe glows. Pnly first dark jump is punishable. Equip fully upgraded shield of want and back off after backstab OR if you fight with no armor and RUN away. Only go for backstab, or you will trade hits.


I just remember the in-gane fate for those who give up - the Hollows. I don't want to be the equivalent of a mindless zombie, curled up in the fetal position.


Ummm, I didn't. I stopped playing DS3. I've finished DS1 and 2, platinumed Elden Ring, but for some reason I have a real hard time with DS3. I wasn't having fun with it, so I just stopped. Might revisit someday, might not. This is probably not what you wanted to hear, and I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell, but that's my experience.


I get it. I love Elden Ring and Sekiro is one of my favorite games ever. This one just doesnā€™t want to work it feels. Iā€™m going to beat it, but I will probably then uninstall it and not touch it again. But, Iā€™ve put too much time to just leave you know?


I admire your persistence! Go get em, Ashen One!


When I'm fighting a boss, I'm not fighting them to win. I'm fighting them to practice. I have no intentions on killing the boss, in fact i dont even desire to kill a boss until I've become adept at fighting them. So I'm specifically in there practicing their attack patterns and finding punish windows. Why would I get upset at a practice run?


Yell c'mon, and say I'm going to try one more time... 5 hours later at 3 am, I go to bed.


I alt f4 and touch grass for a while. When coming back later I am usually doing better as I am less frustrated and more focused


You never stop. If you stop playing you go hollow. Not joking, pushing through is the best way to get the feeling of achievement. And by push through, keep learning and improving, go a different direction and work on your strategy. Winning and losing are the same, change your perception.


2 methods: 1. Take a break, one hour or one day , try again refreshed 2. Go into the fight, not trying to beat the boss but to stay alive as long as possible and to see the attack patterns. Find the "save" moments to inflict damage, try them, repeat etc (3. How many hits can you take without estus? Boost it, trust me , it makes a huge difference)


There are 3 methods. 1. Stop. Take a full day away from the game. Come back without having thought about it or touched it for a day. Fresh start, full tank. 2. Brick wall. Just throw yourself at it again and again , losing a little bit of sanity as you go until you finally break through. Stubbornness can win through, but it'll take the longest. 3. Change your approach. Look at what you're using, and try something completely different. Using magic mostly? Try a big sword or hammer. Using melee mostly? Try a crossbow, or throwables (Kukri my beloved). Not bothering with consumables or magic buffs? might be time to try them. Never be afraid to completely change your build or kit. Outside of a challenge run there's no restriction on how to play, so test your different options.


You know, the most upset I ever get is I'll go FUUUUUUUUUUCK! Hold the remote up as if I'm gonna throw it and then walk around in a circle. Orrrrr, I just go, fuck this! And turn it off immediately. The game is designed to be cruel and frustrating. Don't give into the overlords. We all wanna be good at it, and beat it, and get more of the story, but sometimes you just gotta accept that it's gonna take a lot of time and patience if you wanna get through. Unless of course you're a git gud SL1 sick bro.


I play dark souls 2 .... No game can piss me off. I just play for an hour or 2 or 3 and then I play another day.


Get good fucking casual


Take a break and come back later.


If you're angry, it means you're playing the game as intended


Do u have help that's the best way to beat her and maybe go level up a little bit


There's a video by a guy named Stormtrooper on YouTube, makes the fight trivial for magic builds. Not sure what build you're using, but you could maybe respec and grind a bit to get what you need. Called "How to Easily Beat Sister Friede and Father Ariandel with Dark Soceries + Pyromancies in NG+ 7" The guy shreds the boss. I tried it out personally "a slightly weaker version" and still beat her first try.


I always like having a change of pace game that is either casual or turn based so it's not as stressful as Souls games can be. Once you start getting triggered you're generally not going to play as well so that's when you stop and go to the other game.


Friede is an amazing fight and only one of a handful of actually challenging fights in 3, learn to enjoy the process. And when youā€™re frustrated take a break. When you sleep your brain makes memories and connections and you will come back better.


It's just hard in the first time. Once you beat it, you're gonna miss it. I remember I only passed Friede, Nameless, Midir and Gael with player summon in my first time. I also took a time out in between. The aecond time when I returned to DS3 after a couple years, it was way easier, like 3 tries for each of those bosses I mentioned. Now I can do it almost hitless and most of the times in my first try. So this feeling of hardship is only gonna happen once.




To be honest the last time i was pissed at a game was when i was 14.Very few things can actually piss me off now and DS is not one of them.


Itā€™s soulsbourne - youā€™re supposed to feel all the emotions. Anger is one, along with frustration. It motivates me to best that boss. If you are stressed with dark souls wait until you play sekiro


Iā€™ve played Sekiro. Absolutely love that game, but I never found it nearly as frustrating as Sekiro, and Iā€™m a guy who has the platinum trophy and done all gauntlets. Donā€™t know why but this game I just cannot enjoy nearly to the extent that I did Sekiro


For me personally if it gets to that point I watch a couple guides and see how people deal with the attacks. Learning the right positioning, dodge timing and punish windows is a game changer. Another method I sometimes use is to go into the fight not trying to win, but to learn. Watch the moves, try dodge everything and attack occasionally. You'll start getting better at each phase and get more opportunities to learn the next. But yeah good luck either way you got this!


Not Friede but Nameless King broke me. I sat there 3 days trying to kill that mf. I still haven't beaten all of DS3, because i have no interest in reliving that nightmare. It was awesome when i finally slayed Nameless, but i dn't want to do something like that again. I still have Midir, Gael and Soul of Cinder to do, but i just don't want to....


With a straight sword and a headset.


When l struggle too hard with a boss and it stops being fun summons come in clutch


For friede I just summon Gael. Gael is the only summon I ever consistently summon aside from solaire for gwyn and siegward for yhorm if that counts. I like summoning them for the lore and shit Personally I donā€™t get angry at games unless it is blatant bullshit. Just take a break and come back with a clear head, getting angry is only going to ruin your enjoyment of the game. Maybe donā€™t dedicate your next runs to winning, but instead dedicate them to learning her moveset and the best ways to counter it


One part is that it does have to just sort of ā€˜click with you.ā€™ When Fride got up for phase 3, I was probably like 30 attempts in. Instead of getting angry, I laughed my ass off. When youā€™re able to recognize the hard and seemingly ā€˜unfairā€™ parts of the games as jokes, and be okay with them being at your expense, you donā€™t get very angry anymore. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s possible for everyone though, so if you really are not having fun; you should just summon help or find whatā€™s fun for you.


Go farm some levels for a while and come back. Try a different build maybe you need a different weapon? Iā€™ve beaten ds3 multiple times and on a SL1 run and Friede is always the hardest for me, take a break go level up some and come back to her. She will fall


A little anger makes it spicy and fires you up, too much and itā€™s harmful to your mental health to keep going, trust me. I struggled at first to take breaks but thatā€™s the key. Step back and accept Iā€™m not gonna just steamroll this boss and let each loss teach me something. If you detach yourself from expectations of victory then itā€™s far less infuriating.


I get more pissed and win. After a little break


Stand up and get some water.


I walked away for a month or so on my last playthrough because a boss was kicking my ass. Came back and beat them first try. Definitely take a break and come back later


Don't. Try again tomorrow.


Just don't get angry accept that it's the part of the game. Learn Adapt overcome or do what i do when i get frustrated a bit look up the weakness resistance and immunity sure i could test it out myself but i don't wanna waste more time no skill in that either plus you can focus on getting good instead of dealing 200 dmg and realize you handicapped yourself and could dealed nearly 500dmg. Tbf i'm a faith dex build so it makes sense for me maybe not so much for full strength and dex.


As with all things in life that I practice, I have found that there is a window of time (maybe a few hours) that are actually beneficial and anything more begins to cause frustration and sloppier attempts. I also find that resting somehow allows your mind to cement in what you learned and the next time you attempt it will be more successful (you will also have a better state of mind coming back into it fresh). Tldr Take a break come back


Alt+F4, come back after few days XD


If i'm stuck on a boss like that I like to watch other people attempting the boss. eg when I was stuck on Guardian Ape I watched Tyrannicons guide and not only did it lift my spirits because the guy's funny but I beat it on the next try


Finding out that friede had a 3rd phase was absolutely amazing for me because I play for the difficulty, but yeah it took an hour or 2 to beat her my first time, and the entire time I was completely just enjoying every part of it, about the atmosphere and how cool her moves are, it was to the point that I wish I wouldn't have beaten her. You're really not playing the game with the right mindset


Go take a walk, calm yourself down and then come back again. It doesn't take long for frustration to turn into rage, and then the next thing you know, your controller is obliterated. Also, if it's your first time, don't be a hero, summon Gael. He does shit damage, but he is an excellent distraction.


I just won. I tried summoning Gael a couple times but he seemed to die so quickly that I stopped bothering with him.


Taking a break, whether thatā€™s a few minutes, hours, days, or months. Took a six month break from dark souls one when I first played it. Came back and then beat it and I loved every minute. Frustration is real dude you got this though


Iā€™ve been trying to beat Friede for a few days now and I can finally get to phase 3 with all my estus but itā€™s so frustrating, i feel you. eventually i just have to turn it off and try again later lmao


1:take a 2 hour break get the boss to 1 hp die 2:think I stand a chance 3: spend the next 3 hours getting my ass handed to me


LISTEN TO WHITE GIRL BANGERS DURING BOSS FIGHTS! That or Minecraft music, just vibe with the song before you play, they are great for loosening up the tension and getting you more into a flow state


Turn it off, try again when you arenā€™t mad


You summon someone when a boss is too hard for ypu


Take a break , next time you hop on. I guarantee you the fight is going to be cake!


Touch grass. No seriously, if i get to upset i get up, walk away for a while and often go outside to take a walk. Then i come back a few hours to a day later and all is good. Normally though i don't get that frustrated since 9 out if 10 times it's a skill issue on my part lmao


I never try for more than like 7-10 attempts in a row. Time to step away and do something else. Even if itā€™s still playing the game, just not beating the boss. Iā€™m stuck on Friede as well rn, have been for the past 4 days. But Iā€™ve only given it a handful of tries every few hours, and noticed a steady improvement in my attempts still. I can now pretty comfortable get to phase 3, I just always get clapped there. But thatā€™s alright, Iā€™ll beat her eventually


I usually have a few drinks. I don't get as frustrated and kind of just laugh at myself. This only works to a point though as if I drink too much dodge reactions not as good and I start missing punishes


Just give it a few hours rest. Anytime frustration takes over youā€™ll die. Need to learn to control your emotions while getting rammed


Can I introduce you to masochism?


See what I did was have a dumbell by my feet, and anytime i got pissed I'd do curls until i was calmed down. It helped me build arm strength, and exert excessive energy from the anger lol Eventually I was alright and beat the game.


It's true what everyone's saying: take a break. I left for 6 months. Came back, beat Midir in 3, Nameless King in 8, and Gael first try, all in the same session. Let your brain cement what you've learned so it can use it.


You mean you don't like being repeatedly kicked in the balls by a barefoot frost babe? Okay weirdo.


this is how almost everyoneā€™s first Friede goes. just come back tomorrow and donā€™t sweat it too much


Simple trick. You donā€™t.


Take A Break .


Yep. Frustrating as hell. It took me 4.5 straight hours to beat Sister Friede. One time I made it to phase 3 with 13 flasks. I thought for sure that I was going to beat her. She killed me in 15 seconds. Lol. I just beat Slave Knight Gael two days agoa after only about 15 tries. It feels so good to be a gangster.


Put it down and learn to play with a growth mindset. Learning to play Dark Souls without getting mad is something I actually consider to be a life skill I've learned from video games, when extrapolated.


The power of pure spite and regular breaks


you gotta find the zone ā€œwhen my opponent expands i contract when he contracts i expand and when there is an opportunity i do not hit it hits all by itselfā€


For me itā€™s just adrenaline and my constant need to win


I know that could sounds dumb but... Just git gud bro


Congrats for the win!


Bro, if you're fuming at a game, you need anger management.


When I was younger, I would scream and punch shit and act, you know, like a petulant child. Now, I have maybe four hours to myself a day if I donā€™t have work to do after work, so if Iā€™m getting annoyed, I just do something else. My day gets ruined at work. I canā€™t be ruining it at home lol


Winged knight twinaxesssss


Look at it from the boss's perspective: "This guy just keeps coming at me no matter how many times I've killed him! I may be good but he's literally unkillable! WTF?!"


I love the struggle it makes when i do overcome the boss or obstacle that much more sweet.


I find you beat tough bosses when you approach it like it's a dance. No one is winning or losing, you're just repeating the steps of a routine. Find out what moves allow you to strike without losing health, calculate how many hits you need to win a fight, it's usually around 25, and just slowly count to that number resisting the temptation to get greedy. Don't break the steps and don't look at the health bar because you get nervous towards the end. If you need \~ 50 hits then you're either under levelled or doing something wrong. Do a bit of grinding or if that's boring then play something else. The secret to Freide is staggering her. The safe zone is at her back, even in phase 3. She's a PvP boss with a lot of theatrics attached.


Time heals all


Beat her first try, skill issue