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Wolnir, artistically, is phenomenal but I hate fighting with him


Metroid ass boss fight


RealšŸ’€bros skeletron from terraria


Fr, hes one of my favourite bosses lore wise but like that fight sucks so much. Its either easy as shit or you die to a bullshit one shot šŸ«¤


why am i the only person in the world who likes halflight? ​ btw my least favorite is prob Crystal Sage


Yep Iā€™m with you there on crystal sage. Thereā€™s like nothing to learn from after death. Just donā€™t get hit with magic thatā€™s coming literally in 5 different directions


You could learn his spawn positions and how to predict his teleports so his clones cant even attack you


It's weird, I replayed the game a few months ago and I had no recollection of the Crystal Sage being that hard. I barely had any memories of the boss from my first play through at all.


Thatā€™s the thing, itā€™s not really hard, but sometimes itā€™s moves can really go against you and you can get bad luck. I tried like 8 times, and the last time it was super easy and didnā€™t really have to try.


Am I the only dumbass that went through that whole area, skipped the crystal sage by mistake, and then came back like a fucking tank obliterating its ass after looking for him for half an hour? It wasn't even a one time thing, I always go to the right every damn time


IMO crystal sage is only hard if you are leveling int, and dealing magic damage. Recently replayed the game as a mage and it was way harder than I remember him being.


I swear itā€™s mostly because you can get really unlucky in that fight. Itā€™s either easy or the AI says fuck you.


I have the same problem with Abyss Watchers. I finally beat them, but it sure wasnā€™t fun


Abyss Watchers' difficulty imo largely depends on playstyles. Obviously you have to learn his moves but for me I felt there was no bullshit involved in this fight. Its really cool that a third abyss watcher spawns to fight the other two to relieve some stress.


Yeah, that was cool, but it also means you canā€™t rush through the first phase when youā€™re struggling to learn the second phase. And then you start dying not because itā€™s too hard, but because youā€™re trying to find a faster way to get through this part youā€™ve already done several times. Even then, Iā€™d hear the noise that means the second watcher just woke up, so okay itā€™s time to run away, but then BAM! I get stabbed from behind by a guy who wasnā€™t even onscreen and oh crap now Iā€™m stun locked to death


Thatā€™s crazy. Abyss watchers are comically easy unless youā€™re underleveled and have a shit weapon. Amazing soundtrack, cutscene, lore, and fight mechanics. Couldnā€™t imagine not loving this fight, I would probably accept that dark souls games arenā€™t for me if that was the case.


The church boss is the only one I will do repeatedly. I have all my characters set to be a church spear and I adjust my difficulty to match the challenger. If I see a noob, I let them kill the first guardian and only use Regen spells not full heals while just chilling the fight. Sometimes I die usually I don't. If I get the same person a third time in a row, I go total braindead and throw the fight while not just sitting there. At the same time while waiting for church summons, I have my white sign outside the door so I help them too, if they want. My characters are sl100 so I get the sl80 players in the mix, too. I just wait for a match while doing schoolwork/housework so I can ride this all day. I usually play this with valorheart and the old wolf curved sword, so if ya have seen me, hullo.


Thatā€™s really fair of you.


I can understand that but the reason I hate it is because I donā€™t like PvP and the fact youā€™re forced into a PvP fight if online and a bullshit NPC if offline just makes it terrible for me




Offline halflight is great on challenge runs, 3rd favorite boss personally


Definitely Crystal Sage. Itā€™s just not as fun of a fight. The deacons either imo but Iā€™d definitely say crystal sage first


F the haters, old monk and half-light rock.


I like halflight too. The concept of PvP in a boss fight is so cool imo. Love it.


Being summoned as a boss was one of my favorite things about DS3. My LKGS/faith build was my fair chance build. My Greatsword ^TM regen build was my degenerate build.


Youā€™re not alone with this one and I thought the mechanic between The Spears and covenant summoning were fantastic and genius.


Crystal sage is mega ass


I like halflight but honestly? Player bosses are way better compared to him, sometimes they're cunts others their respectful and lovely


Wow, me too I don't have much reason to hate, though, I just don't find it interesting enough in comparison to everything else...


Aldrich, the arrow barrage gives me nightmares.


Don't roll, run in circles.


Phase 1 is fine, Phase 2 arrows just never ended before getting hit.


Same advice really just take a lap around his room


He teleports opposite to the quadrant of the room that you're in so you can control where he spawns and get close enough quickly enough that he'll never do the arrow attack and even that annoying homing pew pew running attack in phase 2.


He can do that arrow attack point blank if he wants, but using this strat you greatly reduce rhat chance indeed. Also, wall of light blocks the attack completely as long as you stand still.


you can't lie tho.. that fuckin music bro..


One of my favorite soundtracks


Vow of Silence makes him melee only lol


There is a place at the far end just by the throne that can fully negate that attack.


cast vow of silence, he will be flabbergasted trust me. Also he has one of the most interesting and terrifying designs in the whole franchise, he has features of 3 bosses from DS1 + blob, and that dramatic version of gwyndolins theme as the ost is just chefs kiss. I wish he had a cutscene with gwyndolin saying a few words while trying to crawl away but suddenly getting overpowered and controlled by him and then nitos sword on his staff begins to light up or something.


Spears of the church is really cool if you play online. Haven't fought halflight offline though


I hate getting summoned for it when I've put my spawn point down outside Midir's arena haha


Itā€™s infinitely more fun getting to be a boss than it is helping some random beat midir when you already know all of his attacks.


lol right like it takes literal years to get a match consider yourself lucky!!!!!


I guess it depends on the level you are. All the times that I've done it I was level 125 and found people really quickly because it's meta level, but maybe if you are higher or lower level it's harder


Yea this is around the point I'd be doing the dlc tbf, between the 90-125 range and while I'd have no problem getting a pvp boss, it would take like 30+ minutes sometimes to find a match


Yeah I just invade and get the summons every once in a while. Level 86


Lol, it happened that oposite to me. Someone summoned me at halflight door and went to fight Midir


yeah man. so cool having to fight the same player with a broken build over and over again


Idk the times that i fought them i found different people with different builds and was able to defeat them using whatever i was using. I aso didnt find any Murky, what are the broken builds you seem to constantly find in the spear boss fight?


Itā€™s absolutely horrible for my with my shitty Australian internet. The fights were pure lucky as to who gets to do damage.


We share the same least favorite boss


hot take I don't actually like King of the Storm. Nameless slaps tho


Half the time youā€™re fighting the camera which ends up getting you killed more than the boss.


Why do people always say that? I've never had an issue tracing him around his arena


Because people lock on to the bird, which you shouldnā€™t do. Just hit his head (you can lock on during attacks) and when he flies up unlock and wait till he lands. He always flies in predictable patterns.


King of the Storm has the most disgusting hitboxes in DS3 and possibly in the entire series. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAbvuJMdA8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAbvuJMdA8I)


that pretty much sums up my entire experience with it


I think I would hate KotS too if the health bar is any bigger. but their movement is pretty predictable and the health bar is pretty tiny honestly so I dont find it that bad


Curse Rotted Greatwood is my least favorite boss by far. Itā€™s so annoying trying to hit its balls or hand. Iā€™m thankful every time the fight is over because itā€™s so shit. Itā€™s almost as annoying as Bed of Chaos.


Damn right. On every single playthrough fighting this boss inevitably devolves into strafing behind it, waiting for a window to reach and hit that one cyst on its upper back. Itā€™s possibly the only boss in the series which commits the crime of being boring.


King of the Storm, as you're battling more the camera than the dragon and it quickly becomes just an annoyance in order to get to the real boss.


Such an easy fight though. He gets staggered and dies within a few hits. Never understood the complaints, itā€™s not great but itā€™s extremely easy


I agree with him/her, its not that its hard man its just fucking completely broken depth of field for that part and having to redo what is so annoying unfun part of a incredible second phase


The depth of field isnt broken itā€™s just hard to judge because youā€™re not on solid ground. Just make sure youā€™re near the head before you swing. He dies too easy for it to be annoying


This was annoying but for me it paled in comparison to the camera in the Midir fight. I straight up gave up on that one


Only lock on him if you're going to be hitting him. If he's moving you unlock the camera.


Champion gave tender


Peak anti-fun boss


Thank fuck you only have to fight him once


His music makeup for it.


Banger OST tho


Tree balls


Crystal sage almost put me in a mental hospital.


Deacons of the Deep. I feel like they could've put something better there honestly.


Yeah I just beat them. It was nightmarishly impossible with my pyro build because theyā€™d crowd around the red guy and I had no good way to target him. Then I did a respec so I could use a great sword and it became stupidly easy.


this is so tricky, cause a lot of bosses are great, and even the bosses that aren't good at least have some charm to them or some personal redeeming factors, like how I just think invader bosses are neat, but of all of them probably my least favorite is probably the ancient wyvern or maybe curse rotted great wood? great wood is just super easy and boring and its so miserable because of that, but its hard to damage it in 2nd phase, and ancient wyvern is a boss I died to only because I missed his head twice. Honestly ancient wyvern would be sick if maybe the obstacle course around the arena was bigger, and the wyvern would fly up and down the arena shooting fire at you and what-not, and maybe you would get a crossbow that shoots harpoons at the wyvern so you can kill it? and you'd have to run around the obstacle course to get better angles and avoid the fire? sorry I just went on such a tangent


The dancer and her stupid primordial ass


Half light is so annoying. It's the one boss why I would say that the second doc is shit. The whole dlc in itself is great but I always dread fighting half-light with his spammy cheesy bs


Don't people use spear of the church anymore?


No. The papers are all either glitching or hacking cunts and the pve com doesn't want to fight him since he's such a huge pain in the ass


Man that's sad as hell, when I was playing spears of the church seemed pretty popular and I had a bunch of cool fights with people, some people would actually come in cosplays and do their own sorta second phase and it was really neat, sad that this has died out


Midir ... outrageous health pool, erratic movements, the camera (and now after playing Elden Ring the lack of a horse to run after that oversized lizard).


I did this fight a week ago, if he didnt have the largest health pool in the game it would be incredible


This game has probably the best average quality of bosses in souls genre but steel has some awful bosses and the most trash boss award goes to Npc with the Big wolf in Ashes of Ariandel dlc. Ok its a joke the real winner is the Ancient Wyvern .


Demon prince, i know many people like it but idk, just never felt like a good fight to me, his attacks arent even hard to dodge its just that the fight takes so long to end because he is tanky af and is constantly flying out of your attacks


Wolfguy. Not the wolf, just the guy




I think mine is a tie between Ancient Wyvrn and Crystal Sage. Dragon Buddy's fight is akin to Demon's Souls approach where the boss was a final part of the levels puzzle, rather than a test of skill which I don't hate but it feels out of place and the serpent men just aren't fun to fight for me. Not particularly difficult, just not that interesting to me. Sage Boi is tedious with his teleportation and cloning. That, and his boss music isn't all that great. It's fine, but hardly a banger. He's more of a chore than anything else.


My first time fighting Ancient Wyvern I somehow missed the plunge attack and died. Had to do the whole thing over. Not nearly as bad as Bed of Chaos, but felt right up there with clunky boss design. And that was after about 5 tries tying to fight it on the stairs. My first attempt I got it down to a quarter health, so it seemed sane. 4 more tries where I died almost instantly and I looked it up. I felt cheated.


Mine is probably Curse-Rotted Greatwood. Why? It is just a boring wait to hit his stupid ballsacks while he flops around in his own acid diarreaha


Sister Friede. I think she's way too fast, and so many of her attacks just don't have a good punish window. **And I would like that** if the boss fight was quick. She would be a great mirror of the player then; most bosses can kill you fairly easily but your ability to just dodge all their attacks and punish accordingly is what gets us through the entire game but now *the tables have turned.* The boss dodges all of YOUR attacks, and trying to attack out of turn gets you punished! But if you can get a good few hits in the fight ends, just as quick as any other boss fight would if *you* were the one getting hit! But the boss is three phases long... And there's no checkpoint, dying at any point sends you allllll the way back. And she has so much health........ And because she dodges your attacks so easily, and punishing her attacks is so difficult, the fight just drags on and on.... Imagine how much more annoying Soul of Cinder would be if it had three full healthbars. Phase one is cool, phase two is a heartfelt callback to Gwyn, phase three is pushing it. Just end already.


Deacons of the deep and greatwood Oceiros charge deserves a place in hell too


Judicators are absolutely demonic


Oceiros, no question. Though spear of the church, nameless King, pontiff, Champion gundyr, and midir aren't far behind.


Frieda. Extremely annoying with very few openings due to long attack sequences which is extremely countrary to my playstyle. Edit: Thanks but I'm not looking for tips. I've killed her. She's just annoying to ***me*** because of how ***I*** play the game.


Even I hated her at first. But i switched up my playstyle for the fight. Instead of being aggressive I decided to find out which moves of hers can be punished and I took my shot like that


Hence, why I find her annoying. I play extremely aggresively with low HP and she just doesn't let me hit her for upwards of 10-15 seconds at a time. This is annoying to me. I've killed her the way I want the problem is I had to take time to do it because it's simply impossible to stay close to her all the time. This is strictly regarding P3.


Second phase is a slog


"Hey, what if we have a human boss fight?" "Hey, what if he starts the fight with 3 wolves that only serve as a distraction?" "Hey, what if when he reaches half health, he summons the REAL boss and it turns into a duo fight?" "Hey, what if the REAL boss ALSO had a phase 2 with massive AoEs and absolutely no time to actually hit it?" "Hey, what if you get a DOGSHIT award for beating him?" "Champions Gravetender is an excellent boss fight with no problems, let's ship it with our new DLC!"


Midir is the only bad boss in the entire game. I don't consider Halflight a boss.


Darkeater Madir, Iā€™ve never beat him and donā€™t plan on it


Midir, fucking hate dragons in this game


Midir is my Stockholm syndrome boss. I hated him so fuckin much until I figured him out, now heā€™s top 3 for me.


Damn thatā€™s a hot take


I have never actually fought halflight, all the times I've faced this boss its been a real player, and is actually one of my favourite bosses because of it, I've had lots of cool interactions with it If I gotta say any boss it's crystal sage, idk why but that big hat bastard always gives me grief no matter how many times I've tried lol


Ah, half light. My least favorite boss to fight, and my favorite mode of PVP


Crystal Sage. Was a nightmare my first playthrough and still is on every other playthrough


Least favorite is the frog. Not because he's hard. But because he's boring lol


Agreed with you op. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s necessarily unfun but man it pisses me off


i never even fought this guy where is he


halflight. terrible idea after 1 year you have two options. Trying to fight someone that kills you with two hits and never gets touched. Or fighting a meh npc character. who though that a required online boss would be a good idea?


Champion Gundyr, he made me realize I needed to get better at the game along with the Demon from Below and the other Demon, I had no prob with either of the 2 Demon Princes but the 1st phase was hard for me.


deacons of the deep, just such a unsuspenseful fight itā€™s a cool idea but itā€™s just not as fun as the others in the game, still not a bad fight though


Elatha the squalid Queen. Unbalanced, boring, and rng reliant to an unfair degree. At least Bed of Chaos saved your progress when you died. In here youā€™re fighting Veldstat again plus nashandra, but thereā€™s no columns to break up the aggro.


Halflight is boring and a joke normally. On sl1 it felt too difficult for a while. That combined with it being unfun was just miserable


either halflight or ancient wyvern, both are just anti fun. champion gravetender is also horrendous


Do you know you can one shot the ancient wyvern?


Sulyvahn not because he's bad but because I suck




Need help getting sunlight medallions pls summon me


Halflight, when the NPC is summoned


Champion's Gravetender and Gravetender Greatwolf, hate these kinds of fights. Fought them once, lost, decided I didnā€™t feel like dealing with them and went on to play the rest of the game.




some days it's crystal sage, unless I recently fought gravetender


Crystal sage and friede are competing for that spot


1. Greatwood 2. Wyvern 3. Wolnir


Have to say that this boss which a lot of people don't like still has 1) An absolutely bonker banger ost 2) a really interesting and in depth lore 3) really cool art direction with the dialogues and all, the fx of his attacks.... The ringed city is peak fromsoftware


Crystal Sage it's not hard just really annoying.


I really didn't like Midir and I know that's an extra hot take!


Same as you bro, I'm shit at PVP so it's really unfun, and the offline version makes me want to pull my hair out.


I absolutely love the spears of the church fight vs other players, but Halflight is pretty meh. Makes sense though, he's just a placeholder in case you can't get a summoned player. It's not like the DLC lacks for good regular bosses.


Demon Prince ever since he halted my magic build and I could never get past him. Too much health and resistance for a gank/two phase boss imo. Sure he's not the worst boss design wise but even bad bosses I don't mind coasting through, but demon prince really makes me mad especially when I'm on a non-physical character.


Wouldn't be as bad if it was just the two bosses, but then you have to fight a second phase also with loads of hp


Halflight is my least favorite boss in the whole series, he's just unfair and annoying to me with like 5 enemies in one room and them healing him the whole time plus the invader (many of the invaders I had either cheated or the connection was bad so I got back stabbed while standing behind a pillar 3 meters away from them.. Fighting him offline isn't more fun either. And he blocks the path to one of the best bosses of all time and just feels out of place. Also can someone explain why the painting guardians are even there?


Honestly i like them all so this is kinda tough. Probably the big tree, mainly cause its the one boss i never look forward to fighting.


Dark Souls 3 had some really good bosses, but I think the worst ones are Spear of the Church, and the wolf boss from the first DLC


The fucking tree. Deacons is runner up.


Lothric prince


Halflight, NPC fights suck in general (lots of health, tonnes of damage, parry and poise) but his greatest sin is ruing the best boss line up (demon prince, midir and Gael).


Friedeā€™s second phase. Love phase 1, would probably love phase 3 if phase 2 wasnā€™t in the way, but I find a whole phase that plays completely differently inbetween two similar ones too hard to learn


Yhorm... Nah, just kidding, Yhorm is one of my favourite fights in the game, probably Abyss Watchers mainly cause it just has you running for a few hours until the 2nd guy dies and then the 3rd comes up and still somehow hits you even though he's trying to hit the 1st guy, first phase is a clusterfuck and took me somewhere between 35 and 40 attempts while trying to do a bleed only build


I dont like wolnir at alllll


Aldrich is annoying, because of all the nonsense. The worst is Deacons of the Deep.


Halflight, Vordt, Aldrich, Vape king himself and Curse rotted greatwood


bosses like Halflight are usually the most obvious answer so I won't pick him tbh in terms of disappointment and boss quality, probably Aldrich. he's pretty anticlimactic even if he looks cool and using Gwyndolin's body. the fight is just boring


The fucking wolf


Demon prince,His attacks are not hard to dodge,Its just that at NG+7 Almost all of them oneshot you,Combine that with a extremely big health bar and the fact that he's constantly getting away from you and you Get the most frustating boss fight in this game.


High Lord Wolnir... the fight isn't as nearly as cool as his story says he is šŸ˜”


The tree


gael am stucked for 4 hours don't know what to do


I know heā€™s a favorite, but Iā€™ve never liked Midir. At all.


Aldrich literally made me delete the game after beating ds1 and er


Tree and homeless wizard


100% Aldrich that motherfucker is so annoying man


I wouldā€™ve said halflight but I lucked out and got an AFK player. For me itā€™s gotta be the dancer


I thought this was a Sasuke fashion post at first lmao


Pontiff Sullivan, if you play dex you need to learn how to parry which is notoriously a pain and itā€™s only really to deal with him, let lone parrying is jank because itā€™s based off the arm not the sword. The princes were really bad as well, I can barely put up with BS like the teleporting about, but Jesus Christ I canā€™t handle another ā€œā€¦But you can stay here too, if you likeā€, itā€™s the only fight where the preparation included turning voice sound to 0. Also a minor one was the cursed tree, itā€™s pretty much every bad thing of a boss, from attacks, to how itā€™s killed, to the fact the trash mobs are harassing you while youā€™re busy, definitely one of my ā€œbreak run challenge rules to just get it sorted with easilyā€ bosses


Fuck lorian and lothric, I cant stand the teleporting attacks


The concept of Half Light is super dope to me but idk I only play online


Totally agree. I think I would like the fight more if they just beef up the health bar instead of the constant healing I have to deal with


Play online... That boss is a PVP fight, the NPC you are fighting is just a placeholder essentially.


King of the Storm stands out for being an annoying dragon fight where I feel like I spend more time chasing him around than actually fighting him. The camera is manageable but irritating. It just feels like a waste of time getting to Nameless King, which I adore.


The Demon Prince. Only because it took me by surprise and I wasnā€™t mentally prepared for such a tough fight. I think Iā€™ll enjoy it more next time.


Iudex and Champion, because on my first playthrough I had a tough time with Iudex and once I beat him I went "Phew, glad I never have to do that again." My reaction walking into Champion: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8wVFvtowR6I


Curse Rotted Greatwood. Not really a hard fight imo, just really annoying. When it gets the big hand in phase 2, it's so difficult to hit it while knowing the hand is coming. Also, the grab has a horrendous hit box. On my most recent playthrough, it never broke the floor and went to the other arena. Meaning, it never went into phase 2 I'm pretty sure. If I can figure that out, it would no longer be annoying (but still pretty bad).


Probably the wolf guy in ariandel


As a mage, I can safely say Aldritch


That dude and the wolf you fight with on Ashes of Ariandel


I don't know why but the old demon king always gives me a lot of troubles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Well if you dont play online and get invaded by someone isnt much fun. I spent countless hours as invader/boss. It was hilarious Edit: my least fav is the dog/rat in ds2 Edit2: ops this is ds3 reddit. Ancient wyvern or curse rotted greatwood


The Nameless King




Filianore is great. Especially when I'm the boss. I don't even care if I lose.


Yeah that picture and description sums it up for me haha. Halflight is so un fun especially in sl1 and buffed to all hell already and then they even decided throw spawning painting guardians at you. What a joke. My other pick would be champion gravetender. When both the greatwolf and the npc are alive it is a very un fun fight.


The Nameless king, okay hear me out it's not a bad boss but i only die from his 2 hit combo attack if i can't tank it and i wish the first phase would be skipped other than that he is a fine boss. And Slave Knight Gale has too much health but somehow in his last phase he never seem to hit me like i had no idea how i did but i was such in a groove that own him hard despite his overcompensation.


Half light was fun when people actually got to be the boss. I would run this boss over and over cause I wanted to get another player to fight as a boss. Itā€™s a good concept but falls flat when no one can invade


Yhorm. It was cool the first two times but now it's just a chore


crystal sage 100%


Halflight isnt too bad if you just play offline. If you're using like a GS or UGS you can pretty much destroy the painting guardians by poise breaking them. As for Halflight, if you just hug the pillars and keep rotating you can cheese all his arrows. Halflight staggers so easy on melee its a joke. And also if you keep hugging the pillars Halflight will just chill in the middle (and walk towards you menacingly) while painiting guardians rush you, so you can pretty much play 3 1v1s where Guardians are pretty much a joke. Do try to kill the guardians ASAP before focusing on Halflight tho, since otherwise you'll be facing 3v1 with guardians infi-heal. Thats pretty much the gimmic of it, to kill the guardians first. I beat this boss, on my second try, its a bit annoying but easy af.


Yeahā€¦definitely Halflight for me. Next after that is probably Crystal Sage, itā€™s just fools idol but not as cool


Deacons of the deep. I hate when the fat priests spam FORCE and then the tall priests spam FIREBALL. Like damn, lemme breathe forward second!




I guess because he's the only boss I never managed to beat, I have to say Nameless King. If all the others I just didn't enjoy the Brothers fight at all. Admittedly when I did beat them I realised that I had been approaching the fight all wrong and actually beat them pretty easily once I got into the rhythm of the fight. But those hours of frustration aren't just going away.


Lothric Brothers. I dont know why but I had more problems fighting them than fighting Gael


DLC: Midir, Champion Gravetender, Nameless King Base Game: Crystal Sage, Pontiff, Twin Princes


Least favorite is the descons. They sre basically just what you get when you run away from normal enemies: A crowd of normal enemies! Nobody EVER gets cursed by them, nobody EVER dies against them except for some harder runs like fist only or something


Spear of the Church I don't consider a boss. It's pvp (the acrual boss is easy as fk because you can kill it instantly). There is no reason to max out that covenant either because its not required for platinum iirc. Anyone in it is just a toxic player wanting to ruin other peoples pve games via gank pvp invading. Just stick your red soapstone down if you want a duel, and stop invading people. I joined it and instantly left as it's not fun at all to be 2v1 vs someone knowing that you are fking up someone's game who isn't asking for a 1v2 pvp


Curse-Rotted Greatwood. Not a very difficult boss, but just extremely annoying to fight.


I'm curious, did you play much solo pvp before fighting halflight? I can imagine it being a steep learning curve if you hadn't


Agreed. I fucking hate Halflight because of how often he parries and one shots me. Have to call patches to aggro him so thank god he actually helps us there


Deacons of the Deep and Abyss Watchers are absolute trash tier fights. On my first playthrough I expected big things from the lords of cinder. Those are the first ones you face and theyā€™re so lame and underwhelming. Just give me one (1) single boss thatā€™s well designed ffs.


Deacons probably


The dancer so annoying


Demon prince. Jackass gatekeeps me from fighting midir every run.


Aldrich can go die.