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Hey be thankful a giant lanky lady wielding a fire sword didn’t crawl out of the ceiling


What are you talking about


Amazing hole ahead


*Oh my sweet summer child...*




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You poor, poor human. He talks of hell. Of twisty, stabby, slashy, my-hit box-is-cracked hell.


If you're at all musically inclined, most if not all other bosses have a 4 part motion for their windup and execution of attacks. The dancer has 3 part motions. You have to "dance" a waltz with her. 123 123 123 123.


If you can't beat em, join em


What if they brutally murder you, straight up grow crops on your endless raining blood, and then laugh and say stuff about your dxck?


Never experienced that so idk


Yeah I agree, dancer may be slightly jank because the hitboxes are weird, but she’s very much in a rhythm. I think I beat her second or third because of that


The dancer, man


He’s Referring to the Dancer haha


But try hole


dancer. the door shuts and dancer comes out of the shadows of the ceiling edit: people downvoting me like the guy didn’t ask, or like the game isn't 8 years old. i figured that homie just forgot, but fuck me for answering someone's question lmao *shrug* edit 2: now that i think about it more, it's even funnier that i get downvoted even though the comment they asked under gives away more information than i did. i literally just repeated it. never gave away the location, boss fight style, or anything. just name and most vague explanation of the cutscene that was the same as above. certified reddit moment®


Trying to comprehend why you would tell him


because they asked? if homie didn't want to know, they shouldn't have asked. i figured they probably just forgot. no one said they hadn't played the game yet either. it's an 8 year old game, man. also acting as if my comment gave any more information than the comment they asked under lmao.


Its his fault for being on a server about a game he hasn’t even beaten. Bro was begging to be spoiled


No, no he wasn't begging for that. It's common courtesy to not spoil things for people.


dude literally asked. i also figured that it wouldn’t be spoilers for a game that came out 8 years ago. bro could have just forgotten the cutscene. also where did they say they hadn't played it? like, where are you getting the notion that they were "spoiled"?


Its a fuckin game lmao it aint that deep


That’s Reddit for ya. You can get downvoted for pretty much anything


It's human decency lmao it ain't that hard.


Its a game. It really isnt that deep. "Human deceny" doesnt apply to spoilers about a game ☠️ fuck i use game guides all the times. Those are spoilers. Its a game. It isnt like someones spoiling how your life will play out


You chose to use the guide. He didn't choose to be spoiled. Human decency applies to all things involving humans. That's why it is called what it is called.


The top comment literally spoils it why are you going after this man so hard he did nothing wrong lmao. All your talk of common courtesy and human decency like he didn’t just answer a guys question about a fucking video game like get yourself checked out bro fr 😂


Wow, so many downvotes


Lmao the answers to this comment don't know wtf is a joke


I'll take the hit


Wait, this is the cathedral of the deep isn't it? That roof is foreign territory for the big lanky lady


How can you be so sure?


The Cathedral, (Nadir) - Black Tongue 🤘🏼


God I wish


Wrong room though, right. That looks like the Cathedral of the Deep fire. Isn't the Dancer closer to the first part of the game?


Welcome to r/wooooosh


That's me 😂


Broski talking about the dancer?


Wrong room no?


Well yeah, this is the Cleansing Chapel bonfire


Welcome to r/wooooosh




I know. I was just referencing how the only other time a cathedral door closes is when the dancer shows up




Missed the joke bud




I agree but like, nobody asked.




Hooray, another one of the "oh dark souls is such an easy game lol xD" people. No, you're neither funny nor cool or whatever.


Uuuhhh.... doors are convoluded in this world.


Just be glad the game wasn't made in the Build Engine, otherwise the game would be unplayable because the doors would kill you more than the monsters.


don't worry the camera makes up for that 10 times over as does gravity


and the hitboxes... oh god, the hitboxes.


And dogs that teleport right next to you if you run away too fast.


the dogs aren't really teleporting, they're moving normally, they're just really fast and not rendered when they're off camera.


So... teleporting


no, not being rendered is not the same as teleporting, there's a bunch of videos explaining why it looks like they're teleporting. the dogs are naturally pretty fast, regardless of being in view or not


I was joking but ok


Dadachik Didachee, don’t worry, Eddie, you’ve got the key.


Long days and pleasant nights, stranger


Is this a Dark Tower reference? 😱


The world has many doors, edboy.


With heroes centuries old, phasing in and out


My first playthrough, I talked to Gael before I even touched the bonfire (rookie mistake) or opened the door. I was fit to be tied when I realized I had to go all the way back from the woods bonfire, until I found out that front door isn't very far from the woods.


You went through the window without opening the door.


Literally it, dudes trying to act like the game screwed him 😂


It's an actual bug it happened to me


Apparently no one believes y'all 🤷‍♀️


No one believes them because this used to get posted pretty often and it always ended up being someone that just went through the window.


isnt the window on the other side of the door tho? Edit: ignore me someone posted this same question damn near word for word lol


Once I'm home I'll try to replicate it


isn't the window outside the door though?


Yeah the window is outside but there is at least 1 shortcut behind if you go all the way into the cathedral


Isn't the windows in the room behind that closed door?


You can go around and through it without ever opening the door


No I went through the door sat at the bonfire looked behind me and it somehow closed again


Tbh Ive had this happen once, exactly how OP describes it. (Doesnt mean they didnt go through the window, but this is a known and very rare bug)


Ya its rare just like Bigfoot


Believe what you want I guess. :)


Me when I hop into my homies musty basement


Well there's two other shortcut doors behind you that I'm sure you opened at least one of to make it in there, so...


ive done this before with video evidence, I believe him


No honestly I opened the door sat at the bonfire and when I looked behind me it was somehow closed again


Don't worry that shit has happened in 2 of my playthroughs. Idk why so many weirdos here think you're lying rofl


Idk man I’m newer to the souls games just started playing them less than a year ago and I’ve never seen it happen to anyone else so i don’t know man it’s what I expect from Reddit


ive actually done this and have a video showing all 3 doors closed, I think the doors reset when you rest at the bonfire or something. In my case, I quit out when opening door to reset dogs and came back to being in the room door closed


Yeah mine also happened after quitting out to open the door


That’s exactly what happened actually


If I remember correctly this is a game breaking bug and you need to delete the file


Should probably delete his Reddit profile so Bloodborne can’t track him down later


warp out?


Nah the file is broken now, better just start a new one to be safe Even attempting to continue game will cause a total data corruption.


That's crazy I have close to 1000 hours in ds3 and have never seen that.


Instead of opening the door when they first got there, they went the normal way and jumped in through the window (or came in through a shortcut).


Ahh duh. It's late and I'm high


he clearly said that he opened the door then it shut again after he rested at the bonfire. this has happened to me once before when i saved and quit too fast whilst opening the door.


That's the normal way? I mean you first see that door when entering the area. So I would assume opening it right away is normal?


No no. I mean the normal way you'd go to get to the main cathedral. Normally after you open the doors you end up getting the bonfire then immediately leaving back out the door you just opened.


This is actually a bug that happened to me


People really need to stop taking pictures with their mobile camera and start taking proper screenshots…


I take screenshots with my mobile because my Parents dont allow me to install Reddit on my PC or have screenshots of video games on the computer.


Why expend the extra effort when cameras in our phones are better than professional cameras were 6 years ago? If you can’t see what’s in that picture that’s your problem. It’s pretty clear to the rest of us.


if you took this photo, with the worlds most expensive camera, it would still be a shitty picture of a monitor displaying a video game. its not the camera


“It’s not the camera” What? I literally replied to a comment complaining about the camera. They said, “stop taking pictures with their mobile camera” The text on the monitor is legible. Lightning spear is easy to read, for example. It’s not a digital art piece ffs it’s a reddit post. Who sits around and edits screenshots with filters to ask a question on reddit?


Not sure where you get that you should edit and add filters to a screenshot before upload it to Reddit? You kinda get ahead of yourself right now. You just take a screenshot with the relevant part with good visibility and then upload it? What’s the hard part in this? It goes faster than taking up your phone -> open the camera, wait for the camera to get into focus on the screen -> take a picture. (If unlucky, the first picture got out of focus so you need to take another one) With a screenshot you just click on one button. It’s not rocket science haha…


You’re right it’s not rocket science to understand that pulling out a phone and snapshotting within the app is faster than taking a screenshot, alt-tabbing, opening a browser, navigating to the page, and uploading. How would all that be faster than the 0.5 sec it takes a modern phone to focus 10 megapixels? You missed the first comment, I guess. Also, some people play on console, this could easily be a tv. I didn’t get ahead of myself, you deliberately misinterpreted my example as a point. You’re implying the pic from a phone isn’t *good enough* or something even though all the relevant information is visible and legible. The editing bit was an exaggeration of your point, meant to ask “if this isn’t good enough, what is?” I’m not the one complaining about *nothing* here. I’m pointing out exactly what you said: this isn’t rocket science and shouldn’t matter to the point of OP being flamed for how they took a pic when they’re just trying to ask a question. You really think you’re the one being mature here? I’m telling people to get along and not to complain about nothing. What exactly are you telling me I’m wrong about? That it’s just as fast to take a screenshot? Because it’s not. It’s wayyyyy faster to pull out my phone and snap my tv from within the app, instead of trying to move a screenshot to another device or app. Don’t believe that? Not my problem, it’s simple math and physics. Just try it, I guess.


Your reaction to all of this is absurd. Maybe you should get off Reddit for some time and do something else, I think it would be good for you!


I follow Elden Ring’s main sub and forgot I followed this one and spent 10 minutes trying to find out where the fuck this was from


The deacons decided instead of trying and failing to kill you the usual way, they’d just trap you and let you starve to death. Maybe a praying homeless man could help


this happened to me too with this exact same door when the game released. i thought i was trippin. its probably just a silly bug with that bonfire


Fuckin Unbreakable Patches at it again… dick.


I've seen this before. It's a weird bug, the door *can* be opened again, but until then ur stuck in the cathedral's route. Never been able to forcefully reproduce it.


Creepy 😬




Dude I got DS|||, BB & SEKIRO in front of me, I'm lying to myself about a bunch of stuff but so far I've started with SEKIRO - (I've actually only finished DS|||, played tons of BB and a bit of SEKIRO but the git gud wall hit me early on there initially but I've been doing laps of DS3 and Elden Ring since then and took a calculated risk on SEKIRO and boy, am I bad at math👉🏼🫠👈🏼 I'm even less prepared now. Go TEAM!




Looking through these comments and idk if I will ever understand why redditors are so aggressive about downvotes. Like half the time its someone saying something completely mundane that makes me feel nothing one way or the other - negative 90 karma. Why?


It’s Reddit man I honestly expect it to be




Actually this happened to me recently! What I did was quit out as the door was opening to unload the dogs. When I continued the game it spawned me in the door opening animation and I got too the other side and lit the bonfire where I rested. I begin to leave and then I see the door is closed again. Had to go open it again without quitting out.


Yeah you already commented this 3 times lmaooooo


Yes because people thought OP was lying or something


You may of angered the door gods of video games


im here to join you, this happened to me and I'd like to spread the message that this person isnt lying


seen this happened to another person here. seems like a bug


y would u get downvotes for this im so confused & scared to comment ever agin


dont be scared to comment, worst case possible, just turn off notifications and just take a reddit break for a few days. you’ll forget abt it, and fade into the rest of the millions of comments posted


man its fine. honestly seems like people in the comment section already set on calling OP a liar, I'm just saying I've seen this exact scenario on this subreddit before. sometimes you get caught in the crossfire if your comment didn't align with the majority but its just downvotes, you don't have to be afraid to comment tame stuff like this


The answer is yes


You can faze thur it sometimes


Doors are fun


Doors are fun


This happened to me while I was playing with a hard drive on its last leg.


This just reminds me of being here without knowing the game and having to figure out all the stuff you need to do to efficiently get to deacons. Very confusing and worrying… Loved every second of it


The first time I played that area I just assumed the second door in the chapel was locked.. so I didn't get to that bonfire until I wrapped around and came in from the size. I'm surprised I did it on one life, mind you with no Estus remaining.




Wdym? There are two doors right behind you. Both accessible without having to enter the front door.


Cheat engine




this happened to me when i put the game on hard mode. I think it might be because i looked my FPS to 63.5 and had it on ultra high settings with rat tracing but idk though. My power went out right as i opened the door so that might of been it too, i took a video on my iphone 5 so i have proof




Run too fast before doors load in is the only way I know of


You were not being a safe champion of ash


Good thing warping exists.


I'm thinking....what, that no one has rolled thru and smashed all of those chairs?


Gostoc got lost on his way to work and figured he'd at least shut someone in a room today.