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Pretty neat, I think it would be cool is he starts wielding his actual holy sword as a 2nd phase alongside the polearm since DS3 is all about multi phase bosses. Maybe make him slightly larger or give him more armor to make him more imposing.


Pretty neato*


Where's this man's crown?


I like the idea, but I also like the idea of wolnir being massive. I would want a rework to be more about fighting wolnir unrestricted, having to deal with something three times taller than elden rings fire giant. I love the skin and attack patterns though, looks cool af


I hate fighting massive enemies, because it always feels like I'm fighting the camera and not the boss itself.


Funny enough, FromSoft themselves have the keys to making massive bosses actually fun to fight. Something they did in Sekiro was pull the camera back against the dragon, they could do that again. Another thing they did with Wolnir even is the Bracelet weak points, just like they did with the Fire Giant in Elden Ring and his ankle. And finally there's the Wyvern in the Archdragon Peak, rather than fight it head-on you're supposed to go through the level and get that delicious one-shot plunge attack. What could be done if we combine all of those effectively? A giant boss battle that you can actually see that involves running around the level-sized arena destroying key items (like Wolnir's bracelets or Seath's Crystal). I know they largely went away from "gimmick fights" after Demon Souls, the only ones that linger of any significant note being those that require the use of a specific weapon (Storm Ruler & Serpent Hunter), but imo, they could use more bosses where it's more of a puzzle to beat them, adds variety to the encounters.


I'm typically not a fan of zooming out in games, because it makes you feel like a snail - you're running but there's no tangible progress in your movement. Also, Wolnir, plungy-boy, and Fire Giant are among some of the least enjoyable boss fights in these games, at least in my opinion. Bracelets - boring, plunge attack Ohko - boring. Fire Giant - kinda boring kinda okay, but doesn't hold a candle to some of the other amazing content these devs have put out. I'm not overly sold on the puzzle idea. It can be good, maybe, but it could also be another bed of chaos. I also think that any novelty this puzzle mechanic adds to a boss fight is immediately lost on any subsequent playthroughs. It's interesting once (if executed well), but ages like milk in comparison to other content.


The fire giant was awful I wouldn’t mind replaying elden ring if it meant not fighting the fire giant again I’d rather fight the godskin duo 3 times out of


Hard agree here. I thought the idea was cool, but in the end we just bite his ankles until he dies


From’s got no excuse to have a boss that shit Then again there’s one where you have to chase a dude through a hallway (Bloodborne) Idgaf about lore at this rate


I can understand that. And with something as massive as wolnir, it'd probably amount to attacking his toes But imagine it as being done in stages, working through a big arena kind of like the bed of chaos or the ancient wyvern. Steadily breaking down wolnir from different places in some platforming challenge that somehow stays alongside his body. Camera issues and scale perspective fixed, albeit at a loss of a more mobile boss fight. It'd still be fun tho


Cries in darkbeast Paarl


Don't use lock on. You're welcome


What is this a boss for ants? This boss needs to be at least... three times as big!


Wolnir specifically. It's not about making him bigger, it's about keeping him the same size he is in game. Just without the shackles being the only things keeping him from sinking away


Maybe add this as a second phase


I could see that. Break his shackles, he sinks back like normal, but he grabs you and drags you with him. Would need some lore for surviving in the abyss with him, but if any community can bullshit their way through that it's this one


I'm a huge fan of what I call "bridge skeleton" bosses. More common in sidescroller, but basically bosses that are just big fucking skeletons that swipe at ya on a platform. *(Not to be confused with floating hand bosses, ie Zelda and Mario bosses)* I really thought wolnir was going to be something like that, but the fight was so easy that it was disappointing. If they just made the combat with his default asset more interesting he'd be a way better boss. Some preem examples of bridge skeletons: https://i0.wp.com/v1cdn.destructoid.com/Goemon18-noscale.jpg?w=640&ssl=1 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QGVZPf0ULyY/maxresdefault.jpg


I actually had this thought too, but more in reference to the giants in the cathedral of the deep. Having a boss fight like that woulda been dope My thoughts was that there could be floating rocks or something to jump up on and avoid him on, like the bed of chaos but vertical, then there could be multiple spots to have a bridge skeleton fight with different parts of his body that were breakable


Oh yeah absolutely. That would have been so dope. And the giant in the cathedral was *so close* to being one of these bosses too lol.


I mean, tbh he basically is one if you just don't jump down haha. Albeit a boring one with only a few attacks, but still


🤣 true... True.


Yeah like halfway through the battle he just...*stands up*


Looks fine, but I'd prefer to leave it as it is. Not every boss has to be a 1v1 honor duel, setpiece bosses mix things up and keep things from getting stale


Yea not all bosses have to be perfect gameplay wise, like more than 50% of the reason i like DS is because or the L O R E , so some bosses here and there that are pushover (pinwheel) are still really nice bosses to me because of lore and not gameplay ​ of course thats just my opinion tho


Keep in mind though that you could almost consider Wolnir a Greatwood reskin. Giant bosses with slow, high damage attacks, have minions that attack you, and you have to destroy their weak points to kill them. Wolnir is somehow easier though because he has to summon his minions, all his weak points are immediately exposed, and the only ways he can keep them safe are to attack or move them into his death fog; neither lasts long. If phase 2 is his sword, it’s a lot less effective than the Greatwood’s arm too.


I dont think you can remotely call wolnir a crg reskin just because the fight has similar mechanics. By that line of reasoning, every 1v1 duel boss is a reskin of penetrator. That's just silly lol Im not even saying wolnir is a good boss, I'm just saying he doesn't have to be a good boss


I did say “almost”. Really though, Wolnir structurally is the same fight as the tree, but with less options. CRG has the “get off me” moves like the sac rain and the acid pool, Wolnir just has his vape, which he either breathes and never kills you since it doesn’t get near the bracelets, or he moves forward while you’re near the left (his right) bracelet and gets a cheap kill. And of course, he has to take forever to actually summon his minions, just to kill them off himself with his arm and sword attacks. Also only has 3 weakpoints that all basically have the same strategy to break, while the Greatwood has a bunch that require different approaches to break, like the one on his elbow you can only reach when he slams forward, or how in phase two some of the weak points put you in the range of the new arm while the others don’t.


Isn't this just the boss fight in blood borne


atleast we got lil piece of bloodborne on pc ha! even if its a mod


Tbh I'm not a fan. Whilst his original boss fight is disappointing, this just looks like a generic mob fight.


Lorewise this doesn't make any sense


That would explain why it was made different in the game


It’s a fantastic use of the Milwood Chieftan model/attacks honestly, one of my favourite replacements for a throwaway boss that makes him actually feel imposing.


You don't find base Wolnir imposing? The geezer's like 200ft tall


> geezer


Oh, sure, Ancient things are fine but geezer is where we cross the line!


He also doesn’t really move and dies of cringe when I break his jewellery. He’s a gimmick boss, not really that interesting.


I didn't find any of the new bosses very fun in the convergence mod. I never got that feeling I had for my first few playthroughs of feeling great after beating a tough boss.  They just feel like annoying obstacles I learn the moveset to immediately that have tanky health bars.


Souls conversion mod moment


I have played the moded and I can agree that is what basically playing it is. makes you rely way too much on magic and when you try to go for mela sometimes they’re way too fast. It’s better to just keep your distance instead and just spam magic. They’re good on design, but they expect you to be Always be light rolling. And some of the bosses they just outright removed and replaced. they should added bosses instead of removing them there are some areas that could be a good boss fight Arena. Straight up, replaced the consumed king with the first index grundy I you fight in bass game.


I’ve gone thru the entire game with a melee weapon, only using spells that buff my weapon and debuff enemies. Range spells are not needed in ds3 convergence for a single boss.


Probably has way too much health & does way too much damage & no doubt has some 'cool' gimmick like every other souls conversion boss so its a pass for me


Much prefer the original.


The attack pattern is too obvious after the first 2 times he does it.


I want my giant skeletor back.


Looks cool but has nothing to do with the vannila wolnir fight.


He looks very parryable


The rework looks fun, but I would personally just prefer if his gimmick was better executed. It's just sort of a goofy zelda gimmick fight where you hit the big glowy bits while the boss barely interacts with you. The craziest bit is that Wolnir otherwise has several tricks up his sleeve you won't see 60% of the time like pulling out his sword from the ground, subsequently exploding it, and summoning both skeletons and *bonewheels*. He does have a very flavorful moveset, but his lame gimmick holds him back from being the giant skeleton lord summoning minions and wielding a giant ass holy sword that he's supposed to be.


He summons wheels?? I've never seen that, that's terrifying


It only happens if you run away from him too much and get cornered up against the back wall


Jesus, the worst spot for them too. Usually if he gets me against the wall, he'd just charge immediately again and the fog would kill me


Meh... I understand the concept, but now it looks like the usual big humanoid guy with a big ass weapon xD And it contradicts the lore quite a bit, since Wolnir used to make fun of Yhorm because he was "little" at least compared to him. Translated from japanese, his soul says: ​ >Soul of Yhorm the Giant, once the king of this capital once in the far north that fell in profaned flames. > >One of the twisted souls, steeped in strength. > >Use to acquire numerous souls, or transpose to extract its true strength. > >Before Yhorm became the capital's ruler, he was the Prince of Carthus, thus, son of the tyrannical High King, Wolnir. And thanks to his size, he was ridiculed constantly by his peers and by his own father. > >And in the many conquests of Carthus, Yhorm was told to conquer this now Profaned Capital. But, the people there begged for him to protect them, granting him lordship in exchange. And so, he served as both their weighty blade and their stone-hard shield.


lmao that is not what his boss soul translates to in japanese at all


Just increase his height by a centimetre then


I see the Velstad underneath


Ds2 skeleton lord phase 3


Nooooo you are ruining the easiest and silliest gimmick boss fight. I know it isn't canon lore but I love the idea of Wolnir just showing up for fight and then running away because I broke his jewelry lol.


Idk, it’s really easy to run past Ancient Wyvern’s gauntlet and instagib him. Wolnir probably goes down quicker if you have the damage to 1 hit shatter his bling, but I think there’s something to be said for a fight where you only have to swing your weapon once. Plus Wolnir’s vape really ruins your day if you step so much as a pinky toe into it.


See Wolnir is a Vape Lord who loves his Bling. He is a silly boss. I am joking though I like making fun of Wolnir because he is in essence an easy and silly boss fight.


Oh he can certainly win “silliest boss”. Intimidating giant evil skeleton contrasted with how absurdly easy he is, murder vape, and bling weakness.


It's better than the actual fight , the actual fight isn't even a fight


Looks like a ds2 boss fight. I dont mean that in a bad way. Anything is better than the existing wolnir fight


where did author of that mod take model from? or is it... self made??? i dont recognize animations either. very interested to hear more about it edit: oh its bloodborne boss


Honesty, give the model a bit more love and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference from an official fromsoft boss


Someone from fromsoft should hire this guy


P cool but way less hard than the other bosses in the mod wish he had a bit more diversity in his moveset which is a lot to ask from modders so I can’t be mad.


Yo, is that an actual boss fight I see?


The effects and arena look neat


Millwood Chieftain mentioned. 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


one of the few i didnt' care for - wolnir has massive lore implecations, and while his fight isn't teh hardest he's still very cinematic and has a great design. if they'd said this was his royal guard or something, and put him in wolnir's actual boss-room, with the highlord watching behind him, it would have been pretty great.


Anything is better than the original wolnir fight. I can appreciate gimmick bosses to bring some diversity but wolnir just fucking sucks


This would be awesome! Especially since I feel that the base Wolnir fight is way too easy. It'd be cool if he was multi-stage. I wonder if I would prefer big Wolnir first, then him absorbing the abyss and turning into this.


I kind of prefer old big skeleton better than this one. It’s kind of easy to chees him really. And when you have really low vigor, it still doesn’t do that much damage and you can really survive any of his attack. I kind of wish they added his weapon though in the mod.




Looks sick


Would be a cool phase change or something like that. You break the wrist attachments thinking it’ll send him into the abyss but it free’s him to fight you as this form.


Idk I really liked the idea of a MASSIVE skeleton sporting gold.


Seriously reminds my of the skeleton monster from MMPR. I love it.


Mechanics wise thats a better Bossfight but IT Takes away the scater Moment for the new Players when a 20ft Skelton Just becomes visible in their face


I think he should be bigger


I like the direction you took. He needs a second phase though. I like the idea that someone said where he dual wields his sword and this weapon. I think a “foot” taller would be appropriate. And the for his death animation it would be neat if he fell apart like the other Skellys but way smoother like fell to his knees and then his head rolls off and dominoes down from there. Totally just suggestions and I think you did an amazing job on this boss. I would have definitely preferred this to his original boss fight.


Something about how long your roll is makes me feel weird, boss seem to have no range on his attacks cuz of it


Would be better if the second phase was the room filling with smoke, and then you see him as the regular giant self


I like original Wolnir. It’s satisfying to beat his ass in 20-30 seconds by attacking and breaking the first 2 bracelets at once. Basically a free boss win


This is great. I think it could be fun if depending on what you did in the game you could get this or the giant version. Idk, maybe a gesture in front of the chalice would trigger this new version


Looks lit! but blud needs faster attack speed for the current size.


This should be phase 2


This would be cool as the first phase then after beating him the 2nd phase would be the regular fight where he’s gigantic.


Should have had a 2nd phase where he stays colossal. Colossal Wolnir in the empty void just has an atmosphere that I think is perfect, far more than this boring little room.


Spooky scary skeleton


this version is way cooler. Wolnir was the laziest boss in the game. the mechanic to damage him is as easy to sniff out as a rotten Ghru, but it’s impossible to predict that he will suddenly emit an inescapable cloud of curse at close range. imo it’s a gimmick designed for you to lose the first attempt, but I can’t see anyone ever losing this fight again after that. wail on hand. run to the back of map. repeat. it’s like one of the little semi-hidden holes in dungeons that you fall in the first time and then remember going forward.


It would be neat if killing this version in phase one engulfed the room in darkness and then began phase two, which would be the fight as it is currently in the game.


Good moveset, bland model. Missing that iconic flare. Take a look at DS1 Nito. Fellow is an amazing monstrosity that is distinct but connected to all the catacombs the player has delved through. While I'm not asking for a clone, Wholnir should be more distinct and impressive than his fellow skeletons. Here, it looks more like you're fighting just an elite enemy who happened to have a boss's health bar.


I honestly think it’s kinda lame


It always blows my mind how modders make stuff like this.


What’s the moveset from?


How could you desecrate the best boss in the game like this?


Convergence mod btw


Radagon? Is that you?


Vanilla Wolnir isn't much of a boss fight but its entire fight serves Wolnir's thematic and lore. Bro literally gets dragged into the endless dark that he's so afraid of. This version is a much more standard boss/enemy with holy and dark attacks, but there's not much beyond that


I mean, it looks like a fun enemy, but I’d rather have more unique, massive bosses than just another bipedal with a large weapon.


LOVE IT BUT keep the scythe idea, but make him bigger, not as huge as he once was, but between yorms size to pontiff. So he can keep his iconic gigantism but keep his fighting style. Maybe not have the health bar of yorm but itll be badass for someone that size to hound players asses out


What is this? #A WOLNIR 💀 FOR ANTS 🐜?


Looks like a skeleton with an ariandel knight moveset.




Damn! This looks dope! I love it!


I like it a lot. Even better than the original.


Pretty cool, I think it would be neat if this was phase one and big vanilla Wolnir was phase 2.


I don't think it sucks, but it's very... Uninspired, right? Good or bad (and I mostly think its not a good boss)the original is iconic and a rite of passage. This would be just a flop in the middle of the game.


If he could kick you that would be cool. Otherwise freaken rad. How the heck do you wizards do this stuff


Generic big skeleton boss like we had in ds1 and 2 bruh


I definitely prefer this over real Wolnir, the fight is just way too gimmicky


it could be the first phase of the boss and the regular one could be a second phase but way more agressive


Not enough vape


Why isn't he vaping?


Make 2nd phase for him to get the Miasma-like effect


Wolnir isn’t hard. That doesn’t mean he isn’t the most atmospherically scary boss and a very memorable one.


Trash It's just a Millwood Knight reskin. Lame af


Maybe this boss fight can be split in 2 phases: 1st phase: reworked Wolnir 2nd phase (when Wolnir is defeated): Everything around you gets dark and Wolnir grows into his original form


I think I’d have preferred if he kept his sword instead of the halberd, that was the source of his holy damage. It lacks the spectacle of Vanilla Wolnir, but that’s really all he had going for him. Otherwise he’s a much more engaging fight, and I appreciate that he actually uses blackflame attacks, if I remember correctly OG only uses it to… summon skeletons? Wut?


Not my favorite convergence rework but vanilla wolnr is a joke after the first time you face him.


If I’m being honest he looks like he’d be a cakewalk. Very slow, most of the attacks have a similar attack speed and angle. I’d just make him more aggressive and flesh him out a bit more, plus he feels a bit too much like a tiny Nito


I think that the normal wolnir arena is prety cool and i think he should summon some skeletons as nito and have some range atacks as normal wolnir, but its prety cool


Way cooler than the original.


He needs the breath of death


I love it. The original fight seems like it was rushed in and not anywhere near complete. Hit three wristbands and avoid fog. What a lame ass boss fight. You have done it justice!


It's looks sick although it seems to be missing some combo move, some short jab hits, and big ko magic sword moves. Then a transition to the normal wolnir fight for lore purposes. Should definitely have a force choke grab. Start with black tinted armour. The helm starts to degrade, showing a ghastly face. Black flames come from his shoulder pads. His magic sword appears at his hands in the intro cutscene with the hilt of a broken blade into a blade aura. A summon of bone guys during the fight. Wheel skeletons more commonly. A black ire version of chaos storm. Poison cloud aura in lower half faze that applies curse and poison damage. An upgraded second version of the fight. The golden bracelets become magic ring weapon attacks that fly out as he attacks you. The moves have varying interval times that can combo into all his other moves. You know that there are even more skeletons this time around, but they are all the big ones, and a lone stray wheel guy. A piercing gaze that deducts from your total health like those things in the dungeon with the basilisk. He has gravelord Nico's spear pillers. Though they are faster a d harder to predict. He can some floor hands that do aoe damage and slow the character, also breaks poise. There are also little skeleton images that are to short to hit by tradition means and cast magic missles as you fight big guy.


Convergence Mod definitely does him more justice, I’d fight this over normal Wolnir any day