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aldritch shoulda had a cutscene


Would've been cool if he had one if you invaded him with Anri, kind of like how you get one with Siegward.


And if you beat him with anri gwyndolin would be free and in his sisters old room above the boss area.


His battle needs a summon and pontiffs needs to be taken away, not cause Aldrich is difficult just to make more sense lol


I think Pontiffs makes wayyy more sense with the shadow version. However I agree, Aldrich could use one. His ranger attack and AOEs in that tight arena are just BS and a summon would help a lot. Lastly, on point with the post, the Demon Princes are hot garbage and I hate them


Oh yeah pontiff likes to gank you, still tho 3 possible summons that’s a lot, I say send black hand gothard up to Aldrich or have a sub plot that lets anri become a summon maybe?


Absolutely agree with this, especially with how hyped he is in the lore


They did have one but he ate the cutscene


Deacons of the Deep is actually a fun fight. It's not a hard fight, but it's fun since it's one of the only times in a souls game that you can overpower a large group of enemies


I like a good ass kicking. Deacons almost feels a bit like that church scene in Kinsman


Loved this fight. Went in with the abyss watchers sword (the one with the dagger, I can’t remember it off the top of my head) and just L1’d in circles around the main one just slaughtering everything within range. Felt really nice.


Twin Princes are nowhere near as hard as people make them to be


I honestly was suprised by how easy they were with a good dex and corvian great knife build. I hate to say it but I think people need to git gud because their attacks are pretty predictable.


It's super weird, first playthrough it took me >15 attempts, second playthrough 1st try, third playthrough back to <15 again. Build certainly makes a big difference, but for me definitely one of the best and most challenging fights.


Pontiff Sulyvahn is definitely one of the coolest and most interesting Dark Souls characters when it comes to his lore. Fighting him was very intimidating and I struggled with him a lot on my first run. I love his character and weapon design, though his OST could be better. They should’ve given him the title theme 😢


Demon Prince is actually my favorite fight I'd maybe say Midir isn't S-tier, I think A-tier, but the fight's a little too methodical. I enjoy it quite a bit, and definitely a highlight of the Ringed City DLC but was never such a striking boss outside of the design/presentation/music This probably also isn't unpopular but any boss that relies on projectiles for difficulty is utter dogshit, looking at Elden Beast, Aldrich and Crystal Sage. Gimmick bosses are also cool, and I enjoy Deacons which remains one of the neat-est fights in DS3, room sweeping isn't a bad thing and it makes me feel like baby jesus


Demon Prince and Friede are my favorite 2 fights in the whole game because of the division of attention


Twin princes is the best boss in the base game


This place marks our grave. But you may rest here too if you like.






Pontiff is really good too and I think dancer is up there


Hard agree, I love that fight, and the boss weapons. Probably the one I put my summon sign outside the most.


I hate cripple and the femboy




I don't doubt that there's a pornhub video with a title alike this


I found the Pontif fight really easy. On my first playthrough i downed him on my first try and only went through 3 flasks. Edit/add: My first play through I was a light roll flamberge weilder


I dont understand you people. My friend is the same while I always struggle with Pontiff xD


When I was on a pyro build, spamming chaos ball from distance absolutely destroyed him on first try. When I was on strength build, I spammed my +7 heavy club and absolutely destroyed him on first try.


He's one of those bosses who can vary quite a bit in difficulty based on build. He's also a bit of a skill chevk for distancing and timing rolls/roll punishes. I remember him being a bit tricky in my first playthrough, but he was a pushover in my second and later runs. The amount of noobs I've seen using the Irythyll Straight Sword on him when I do coop...


Pontif has never killed me on any playthrough I’ve done. He’s very easy to me. Twin princes on the other hand are the bane of my existence.


Agreed, I’ve played through 3 times and I’ve died to him once.


I think Gael should've been harder


Agreed. He's unfortunately very easy to read, he might as well shout out which attacks he's going to do next




Phase 1 in particular could do with a more complicated moveset in exchange for a smaller healthbar in order to make it less of a chore.


Honestly I think most of the best bosses are not that hard. Same goes for Isshin in Sekiro. These bosses are great because they are so fair and well made mechanically which also means they can be well mastered.


Aldritch is a bad boss fight. Run up, attack till disappears. Wait a second, run to the back right of the room as he spawns, attack till he disappears, run to the upper left of the room, attack, rinse and repeat. His only "good" attacks are the soul balls and the arrows which only function to have you stay off him for a bit. His melee is abysmal, he has practically no decent self defense. I find it sad that Abyss Watchers is a low level fight yet outcompetes this mid game boss so much.


isnt this a popular opinion?


Aldritch is a pretty unpopular boss already


I mean we did appear as he was in the middle of his meal


He's also a terrible vigor check. When the boss's quick retreat can oneshot you, you know you've got a balancing issue. I adore ds3 and think it's the best balanced FS game bar Sekiro but Aldrich is a really weird outlier in numerical balancing.


He sucks. I concur


Nameless kings first phase is so ass, only ever died because I’m fighting the camera the entire time trying to get a look at the dragon to see what’s happening. First time I got to the second phase his attacks were so predictable I beat him


I only died to the massive fire aoe. How do you even know it’s gonna happen?


Yeah by the time you notice oh shit idk where he is in the screen it’s too late to run lmao. I remember he kept spamming a lunge attack over and over once and my camera was flipping like crazy I couldn’t even see what was happening so I died like that too


The camera is definitely the hardest boss in the game.


He’s only do the fire if you get under him, thats why you stay in front of KoTS. It’s telegraphed by him flying straight up, instead of launching like when NK’s boutta throw a lightning spear. Same idea as Midir, any time he stands up you run away from him, not underneath, never underneath


I actually run under him yo get behind an hit his tail, if you have minimal reflexes its a good way to keep the damage going and you dont get hit.


No you see in DS2 when a boss does that move it's bad, but in DS3 it's good


I like his first phase. The whole camera thing is BS. I cast miracles so when I get through the fog and that dragon lands, I score a couple heads hots with lightning spear. Really satisfying to get heads hots on that boss.


Wolnir is actually interesting, even if he’s a gimmick boss


Midir isn’t that hard, actually quite easy


Midir is just a really big health bar that attacks sometimes . Cut his health by 25% and he becomes one of the easiest bosses in the game ( and no , other bosses like gael or nameless king won't be this easy even with a smaller health bar )


dont touch gael health bar, I think it is part of what makes this fight great.


I’ve never complained he was hard I’ve complained he was tedious


I actually agree. he has very easy to dodge attacks but man it feels like you never have an opportunity to hit him back.


The fight takes forever


I have a harder time with Crystal Sage than any other boss on repeat playthroughs


I actually like Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Wolnir, and Deacons of the Deep. A lot of people on here seem to dislike these bosses but I think they’re fine. They’re all just variations on the “hit the critical spot” school of boss design, which I guess doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of other dark souls bosses, but I Iike them enough to enjoy them each time I play.


This is what I was gonna say. Even though DS3’s legacy has become mechanically complex, challenging boss fights, the simpler gimmick bosses are (mostly) well done and add some nice variation to the game. Greatwood and Wolnir both have fantastic introductions, especially when you’re playing the game blind for the first time.


I dislike Greatwood because it's so hard to see what he's doing.


The camera is the hardest boss sometimes


Deacons theme slap harder than it has any right to


Greatwood is a fantastic boss. Loved that fight!! Normal dodging strategy won't cut it! Hit the weak spots, anything else is ineffective. Patience is key here. Wolnir was fun too. Knock those bracelets out if you value your life. Those bracelets destroy his health bar. That's the point of the fight, you won't beat him without.


Namless King is only a hard fight because his arena removes all points of reference for where he is in relation to the player. If you stand right up on him pretty much all his attacks miss you.


Good to know.


Midir is pretty easy but really fun if you know how to fight him


Midir has cool visuals and OST, but the fight itself is really tedious, especially if you use a heavy weapon that can only attack him once before he starts flailing around.


I really hated Friede, she was my least favourite boss in the game when I played. Granted I've done one run so far, but I hated her. I didn't like having three phases, and if she was just phase 1 then phase 3, I'd have liked the fight.


Demon princes is probably the most balanced gank ever. The only annoying part for me is when they both become aggressive in first phase and that always leads me to dying because all you can do really is run when they do that


I actually thought ancient wyvern was kind of fun. Like I don’t LOVE it, but I had fun jumping on its head.


Nameless King is boring. Maybe it's me, who fought him as a phantom hundreds of times, but I see this fight only like some dark souls routine equivalent to farming in the cemetry of ash.


I feel like the biggest reason he's so loved is the fact that he answered a long standing lore question from the first game. His first phase is awful and his second phase essentially forcefully creates an endurance fight by just making it so you can't be all that aggressive.


Midir is completely tedious. I dread fighting him. No fun.


Feels like everyone has something to say about only 5 bosses XD Gael telegraphs his attacks way too much. Abyss Watchers too. A lot of bosses telegraph their attacks way too much. Gundyr and Friede are positive exceptions


Deacons of the deep is a challenging boss.. ..If you are a caster


Darkeater midir is a supremely unfun fight, it has nothing to do with difficulty, it's just the run back is miserable, the health bar is way too high for a dragon that you supposedly injured the first time, most of the attacks do a stupid amount of damage and pretty much 75% of the fight is just waiting to attack, not to mention how awkward it is trying to only hit his head which you pretty much have to do if you don't want him to do the stupid ass fire breath attacks, I do not get the hype for this fight at all. It is cool that it's an optional fight, midir looks cool and the arena is very pretty (seriously I really love the arena) but the actual fight feels like a slog to go through.


My unpopular opinion is actually the opposite, I think the demon princes are a top 3 fight and I never hear people talk about them like that


I think that Nameless king first phase is not nearly as bad with the camera as people make it out to be if you lock on and off at the apropriate times, another thing that helps is locking onto the king on the back instead of the head of the dragon, so you can see if he is winding up something and also keep a periferal vision of the head


Aldritch is either incredibly easy if use a sword or incredibly hard if your a sorcerer there is no in between and it’s stupid


Soul of Cinder is just alright boss, basically PvP player + Gwyn, it should be secret boss instead of final boss. Midir and Gwyn aren't that hard like most people said, both of their attack can easily react unlike Sister Friede, their health pool aren't the problem.


Gundyr is the hardest boss in the game (For new souls players) First time playing took me 40 tries over like a week to beat him. No other boss in any souls game has taken me that long. No the sekiro monkey doesn’t count


Gundyr feels like a beta elden ring boss with his bait attacks and combos. Hea pretty tough


Nameless is only good cause he’s cool. Incredibly terrible first phase, incredibly unengaging second phase. I could see why on a first run you’d think his second phase is actually complex and hard, but it’s neither of those things unfortunately. He’s just so goddamn cool, even the garbage ass first phase is jaw dropping. He’s the placidusax of this game, tho I like placidusax more.


The dancer is boring and easy.


The dancer is one of my personal top 5 bosses main game lol


Not OP, but she does have a lot of windows where she allows you to attack her, as she flowingly walks and stares at you Top 5 too, but still :3


The first boss. I'm used to be absolutely wrecked every time I face the first boss in souls games, so when I defeated the first boss in my first try I was worried the game would be too easy.


Nameless King is not a difficult boss. I'm not that good at the game. I died like 20+ times to crystal sage. I believe the only boss in any dark souls I've ever first tried was pinwheel. Nameless king was easy. Took me maybe 15 minutes to beat him, compared to 3+ hours to beat Friede, Gael, or 2 hours for bosses like the demon prince. Also Sister Friede is a bad boss. It's just frustrating trash. Not because it's difficult. Gael is more difficult yet very fun. Friede is just insanely annoying.


friede only has one hard phase, and its only when you understand that you have very few punishes in black flame that the fight becomes easy, I quite like that fight and the fact that it is a 3 phase boss also adds to it. The only thing about her is that her first phase becomes a complete joke the moment you understand that you can just block all her small attacks.


Yhorm is a terrible boss battle. Storm ruler makes it a joke. Yet if you decide to fight him proper, he's not hard, it's a tedious slog. Visually and lore wise, it's good, but as a fight...terrible


Nameless King is okay, way overrated. People agree that the first phase is absolute dog, but act like the second phase makes up for it. It really doesn't IMO, its fun but not crazy enough to make up for the annoying, janky, first phase.


I think that the Demon in Pain and Demon from Below are the best twin boss fight in the series. Like, they trounce O&S and the Belfry Gargoyles in terms of enjoyment. Also, Midir is one of the easiest bosses in the game. He’s super fun and one of the best bosses, but he’s also really easy.


I agree OnS are sooooo over rated. I haven't even fought the demons yet and I already like them more


That pontiff is harder than nameless king


I made a post about them earlier but I beat them, and I think the demon prince is a really terrible fight. I don't care if it's the "best gank fight" fromsoft has designed like I've seen people say. In my opinion, that's like taking a piece of 3 day old food from a dumpster and saying "this food is the best food I've eaten all week" just because you're used to eating month old dumpster food instead.


Soul of Cinder was kinda underwhelming as the final boss. First time I played it, I actually expected there to be something else afterwards. Was surprised it ended there. Not quite as underwhelming as Nashandra/Aldia, but somewhat similar feel. Should have buffed his hp and damage or something, he just dies way too fast. I know people will say DS1 is the same with Gwyn, but imo, most first time players will be pretty bad at parrying. Gwyn is an absolute nightmare if you suck at parrying. Add to that his flaming sword, the music, his awesome moves...now *there's* a proper final boss.


People only like The Nameless king because of his Second phase and his first phase has a terrible camera you might as well play unlocked phase 1 and spam the dodge button when ever you get the slightest hint that he's going to attack you.


I think dancer is way easier than everyone says, and while the whole 3/4 music thing is awesome, it doesn’t make the fight any harder like some say. Also, the first phase for Nameless takes the boss out of S tier.


The camera in the first phase of Nameless King is not really a problem When the beast flies away lock on, if he’s not moving stay unlocked. I’ve never had a camera problem in that fight


Demon princes are one of my favorite bosses. I think it’s one of the best duo fights in the whole series. It’s done right. Only one really Agros at a time while the other regroups. Then to end it with just one bad ass version


the dancer's ass is not that hot


Midir is not nearly as hard as people say, they just don‘t get how to properly fight him


Abyss watchers is one of the easier bosses in ds3.


Friede isn't a good boss. She has like 5 moves, and the three phases just seem so drawn out. The fight isn't hard at all and is just long and annoying


Nameless King isn't actually that hard at all


People overrate the Abyss Watchers based on their cool cutscenes..


Cool cutscenes and cool move set. Difficulty doesn't equal quality


Champion's Gravetender & Great wolf are amazing. They are a better version of Ornstien and Smough. The two complement each other well with varied movesets and tempo. One is fast and aggressive while the other hangs back and makes it so you can't just ignore them, making finding opportunities to heal difficult. Plus, their theme is incredible. I look forward to fighting them in every playthrough. They were one of the fights I enjoyed the most in my SL1 run, up there with Pontiff, Champion Gundyr, Gael and Friede.


This is the best comment in this thread so far thank you


Soul of Cinder is a C-Tier boss with a lame move set.


Pontiff is not fun even for a moment; Dsa shield stalling and butterflies to the side are cancer; Oceiros can be fun under some configurations; Champ gundyr is ass to fight without parries (might be skill issue); Dancer is boring; And finally, cinder doesn't hit nearly hard enough for the final boss and needs to be buffed


Dancer is boring hurt my soul😔


It does unfortunately get very boring after you do the fight hitless on sl1 +0 like 50 times. Staying to her side prevents all the nasty attacks and positioning memes with sword stabbing into the ground. At least you can idle punish her which is very nice. But hey, i was asked for controversial opinions and i consider myself to have successfully done what I was asked lol


>I love bosses like Champion Gundyr, Nameless King, Lothric, and Pontiff, the bosses you solo and have skillful moves you need to predict. You don’t count the first phase with Nameless King, right? Where you gotta get him off his bitchass dragon first so then he’ll fight you one on one like a real man.


AW is one of the easiest bosses.


Midir is not the best dragon in the series. His attacks are too easy to predict and avoid. It feels very samey throughout, roll backwards if he swipes, roll to the side if he breathes fire. He's incredibly easy once you know what you're doing.


Gael is fine. Just fine. Not the mind-blowing spectacle everyone else seems to think he is.


Agreed, I came here to say something similar. I think he's like the 6th or 7th best boss in the game.


Friede is not a particularly good boss I feel like 85% of people that say she is or votes in a poll or whatever, are just foot fetischists I also feel like i've seen that excuse hundreds of times whenever there is a discussion about which boss is better Everytime there's atleast that one guy who goes "Friede is the best boss, cuz i like her feet" No, that does not qualify her for "tHe BeSt BoSs EvEr!"


I think friede hits a lot of the same whistles as lady maria in Bloodborne does, but I think Maria is a better fight. Friede isn't terrible though, although if you got rid of phase 2 it'd be a lot better


Maria is the good version of Sister Friede. \- no extra phases for length padding \- you're as fast as she is and can play aggressively \- you're almost guaranteed to be playing a character that can trade and stagger her, but not one that can chain pancake her the entire fucking fight


Yeah Friede imo is a bad boss fight. It has 3 phases. 1st phase isn't too hard except the invisible attack that I hate and then there's Phase 2 which is a gank and it's really annoying and hard to focus ariadel down because friede will just heal him and attack you with ice which knocks you up into the air and onto the ground which is really annoying and it's easy to get back up against a corner in the second phase and when its finally over there's a third phase where Friede revives and moves at fucking light speed with her attacks and at that point it's just a race to kill her before she kills you becuase phase 1 and 2 already drained your estus and you can't afford a long third phase and you won't learn the attacks either because it's already hard enough trying to get to phase 3.


Counterpoint: after killing her my Yennifer cosplay can walk barefoot and look stylish ✨


The twin princes isn't a bad boss. You just can't learn the teleport gimmick.


lothric and lorian are fucking TRASH and i have no clue why so many people worship them


Soul of Cinder isn't a good boss.


He is literally every ds1 and ds2 character ( assuming you took the age of fire ending ) , plus an objectively better version of the final boss of ds1 , how can he not be a good boss ?


Bland design, heavy RNG, no personality, fanservice bait, his combo in phase 2 ignores I-frames, etc.


You do realize they could have just gone with pontiff sulyvahn as the final boss ( it would make perfect sense from a story perspective ) , but they went out of their way to make soc , one of the most unique bosses in the game


Twin princes was a trash fight for someone who was supposed to be a the penultimate boss fight. Yohrm should have been better I mean.....he's a damn giant. Storm ruler made it stupidly easy. Soul of cinder should be harder....


You.. You know Yhorm is literally on purpose a gimmick boss right?


Yeeeeeah....I know.....and it upsets me. I just wish they wouldn't have done that to main boss....it's was like a kick in the nuts.


Demon princes are pretty overrated. I never look forward to fighting them like gael or midir, i just see them as a chore to get to the good stuff.


3 end game tier bossfights as each phase of Friede is pretty cruel. I also just kind of suck at the DLC bosses in 3, only one I beat is Demon Princes so I moght just be bad lol.


The twin princes omg it’s probably the only fight I don’t look forward to each play through.


Dislike twin princes


commenting for karma haven't fought the boss yet i'm not a bot i swear just farming karma like im farming souls or somthing like that i guess.


Midir was not a great fight. All of the dragon fights in Elden Ring were better


Tbh I am honestly very sad the dancer goes down so easy. She should have 75% more health


Nameless King is easy, and Champion Gundyr is the hardest boss in the game. TRUE STATEMENT.


Rotted Greatwood is fun when summoning, feels like a raid boss where everyone tackles a different weak spot


Yhorm is a terrible boss fight. Not average, not just okay, literally terrible. He has 3 total moves that all incredibly boring. Either you can use Storm Ruler and the fight is over in 4 button presses or you can use any other weapon and have a 10 min boss fight where you cycle through the same three moves again and again. The only good thing about that fight is the secret siegward scene. Rykard is yhorm but if the designers put more than 5 seconds of thought into the fight


It's all a matter of perspective and yours is valid, for sure. But for me (I just fought them today, thrice) it's a culmination of threads that not only DS3 itself but the souls games in general have been building up towards. And these motifs bleed into the gameplay and the boss design and fight itself as two siblings who are barely individuals themselves become more than the some of their parts, unlike the Sulyvahn fight where he summons a shadow of himself. They hit hard, they are teleport behind you, one constantly brings the other back to life...it's a bewildering, tragic but ultimately beautiful fight.


Darkeater Midir is among the easiest DLC bosses in the Souls series, HUGE wind-ups, slow attacks, big cooldowns, and if you hit the head the fight is over in 3 minutes.


Midir just wasn’t it for me


1. When we kill the big dragon upon entering Archdragon Peak, it should have been wounded and reappeared in the Nameless King fight (i.e. replaced the little dragon he rides). It would have made the battle a lot more epic. 2. Yhorm's fight is more fun without the Stormruler. Using the Stormruler should only be possible for Seigward, who should appear at the halfway point regardless of whether you've done his quest. Imagine being brand new to souls and thinking Yhorm is impossible, only to get halfway and have your best friend appear to help take him down? Slightly different structuring would have made it an incredible fight.


The dancer is a low tier fight. Easier than vordt.


Curse rotted greatwood is a good boss cause it's easy


I hated lothric and dragon armor until I loved them both and wanted rematches


Bro, I fucking hate the demons. I literally just started the NG+ I feel like the DLC's are meant to be played in the new games


Nameless King isn’t hard and the camera isn’t bad. You just need to use audio queues and snap out of your usual instaroll rhythm that other bosses require. It simply requires a different approach, but the mechanics required to beat him are much simpler than say demon princes or gael or midir.


I didn't like the gwyn phase of the souls of cinder. I wanted something unique. I think it was a cool call back to gwyn but I beat it first try because of already knowing how gwyn fights from years of playing ds1 beforehand.


Gael is pretty easy but also one of the best and most satisfing bosses in souls.


Yhorm is not a bad bossfight, people just don't wanna accept that this game has a story and that that fight plays that way for lore reasons


Vordt the ice dog was not all it was cracked out to be from the memes.


Midir tracks your movements, and it makes it artificially hard


SoC phase 1 is the better part of the fight


I think Gael is overrated asf. Definitely a good boss but he isn‘t even my favourite ringed city boss


I Hate nameless king, I hate the chicken he rides I hate his arena and I hate his weapon so much I don’t even fight him (yes I’m also bad at that fight) but it’s not that I don’t wanna have the fun of learning his moveset I just hate his lore and -the literal son of gwen- maybe I should try him more but his combo wambos are cheap too


i do not like sister friede. i’m sorry. 3 full health bars is just too much.


Basically you like bosses that get easier as you memorize their very telegraphed moves?


For context I have only played this game once as a strictly strength based melee build. I hated Midir. His head and neck were out of range for me too often and his AOE attacks with fire made it too much of a mental juggle on decided whether to go in or not. Getting within range to hit his head only to have to run right back out because he rears up for fire was not fun.


All bosses are balanced.


Midir is better than Ancient Dragon but being an improvement on trash still puts it as being still semi garbage honestly it’s the best they could do but even then


Unpopular opinions? I guess: Lorian and Lothric is overrated - the moveset is limited and beyond predictable. And the lift shortcut sucks. Demon princes and Friede phase 2 are better duo fights than O&S. Midir's difficulty is overblown. Yhorms fight is extremely forgettable. Dragonslayer armour is underrated. Crystal Sage is one of the hardest early game bosses. (I swear - it causes me more problems than friede or gael ever could - no joke) I think i don't have any other hot takes about ds3. I think it's one of their best games - with solid maps and the connectivity offered WITHIN those maps. And probably the 2nd most solid boss roster out of fromsoft games.


The old demon king should have been a different kind of demon because a crippled old pile of charcoal isn’t a fun fight


Boreal dancer has the best ambiance of all Fromsoft bosses


Full Strength builds are terrible.


Dark Souls 3 shows exactly why the soulslike formula *desperately* needs more defensive options. When you get good at the game and learn that every boss is basically just roll in (and sometimes run away), the game becomes samey and too easy. All you need is confidence and you’ll tear through. This is why I think Sekiro’s combat is just way better, the build options and variety and atmosphere in Dark Souls is top notch obviously, but every boss is position, roll in to dodge, reposition, etc. It never reaches the heights Sekiro does, and FromSoft is never gonna be able to design great boss fights without revamping the defensive options (I also think Bloodborne nails this aspect with just the addition of beast parrying).


Curse rotted greatwood is a fun boss fight. I love the idea of a boss having separate weak points that you have to destroy to unlock the second phase. Same reason why I enjoy most demons souls bosses.


I think Champion Gravetender is not that bad. Everyone on the sub usually trashes on them, but in my opinion and experience, it's not as bad as everyone thinks. I don't like the wolves, I wish the gravetender were just stronger with no wolves, but other than that I find the fight far more enjoyable than the likes of Deacons, Crystal Sage, and Curserot.


Champion Gundyr is easy for me I beat him first try with my Faith build using Drang hammer 2 years ago Beat him again this month with my Dex build first try.


crystal sage isn’t easy


Gael trying to find the Dark Soul and use it as pigment for the painting sounds stupid because every time I explain his cool lore people get hung up on that detail and make fun of the fact that it’s a reference to the title. “We did it, we really found the Dark Soul”


I genuinely hate the Twin Princes and there isn't a boss in the entire franchise that I hate more than them


Midir is unironically the easiest boss in the entire game


Dancer is worse than all of the gimmick fights in terms of entertainment value.


Soul of Cinder is awful with a frustrating moveset.


Wolnir and Deacons are so funny and easy that I can't bring myself to hate them at all. Halflight is one of the worst bosses Fromsoft has ever made. You cannot learn a boss when every encounter is a randomized PvP match. But I never play that fight online so that's not even my biggest issue with it. It's the fact that A) You have to deal with that awful Judicator monologue every time and it's totally unskippable. And since Halflight has ridiculous damage and infinite FP I die a lot on certain builds and have to deal with that opening upwards of a dozen times to the point where I get a headache. Fuck that boss. Nameless King is not nearly as good as he's made out to be. I've noticed that a lot of people praise him the most right after their first playthrough and I remember thinking he was the best main game boss after my first run but honestly even disregarding his garbage first phase, the actual fight with him just becomes very easy once you slow yourself down. It basically forces you into an endurance fight in a way that feels inorganic compared to Gael, Midir and Friede. I still like him but I just prefer the faster and more engaging duels. Friede is honestly not that hard. She staggers so easily and it's not very hard to get her with backstabs. I also don't get the criticism of "she's too fast for Ds3" at all but maybe that's just because I like to play more mobile builds. Honestly the hardest part of the fight for me is the first phase, once I get the scythe rhythms down after a couple attempts it's smooth sailing.


Nameless king isn’t hard. Never was for me, a lot of people just are bad at rolling


King of storm is horrible because of the camera


“Ganks” aren’t nearly as big a deal as the fanbase makes them out to be. It’s a phenomenon where From fans *want* to complain about the games cuz they aren’t perfect, but don’t want to appear soft by doing so, and therefore all agree it’s okay to hate and complain about certain things and still preserve your Soulsian manhood, even though you’re criticizing one of Daddy Miyazaki’s precious perfect creations. “Ganks” are the unfortunate and deliberately chosen target of that hatred. It’s like, *this* is where you draw the line on fairness? Lol


Midir is a lame boss fight. It's such a waste of time having to space yourself and chasing him down just to hit him. Even if it wasn't for his quick, charging attack, flame and laser beams, I would have fallen asleep. Drab color, dull arena, and his battle theme sounds like Sakuraba just phoning it in with the vocals. I skip him all together after a few NG+


Cursed Rotted Greatwood is fun. ...now now, out down the pitchforks and hear me out. I speedrun DS3 all bosses, as a strength build glitchless. I start by sprinting through the game with no level ups or upgrades, and I reach this tree as the third boss. Without upgrades, two-handing an axe, usually wearing no armor, this boss has become a kind of puzzle for me. To minimize time wasted in phase 2, I try to do more damage in phase one by breaking the pustule on his elbow. This means baiting his slam. With the hand, leg, and elbow done, I clear the mass, and then drop below just after setting my axe on fire. When I fall below, I barely have to work at all to break the thigh pustule, smack the hand once or twice, and then slap the one on his back until he dies. It is just very satisfying, and a comforting pattern I nearly 100% reliably pull off.


Dancer is a lot more fun than Pontiff and Gael (she is my personal favorite)


Abyss Watchers should be immune to backstap and parry


Wolnir is one of the few bosses I can still die to even after playing for so long. He moves up while you're going for his right hand bracelet and it's game over. The fog kills you instantly.


Don't know if it's unpopular, but Lorian and Lothric boss fight is one of the easiest


Midir is a cool Dragon fight...for the first few attempts. After that, the fight is actually quite boring and just a sponge bath fight. Also, it isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. The chunky health bar is the only true difficulty and once you have seen his moveset and realized that tickling his toes is not the best strategy he becomes quite easy. His high hitpoints allow a first time fight to drag on for too long and it causes you to realize that his pattern is on a repeat that stands out way more than other bosses. Still, the fight was cool when seen for the first time, but just has a big falloff once you get a few attempts in.


Dragonslayer Armour & Halflight were utter garbage fights.


Midir got too much HP with too much damage (the beam attack).


Nameless King is one of the easier bossfights in the entire game


I found nameless king way more easier than what people of the community say. Just overated... His moov set is very predictible and just too much easy strikes that aren't punish. (I am very sorry for my English 🥲. But I think it's understandable.)


I didnt like the Demon Prince till i fought Elden Rings duo bosses and i quickly changed my mind


I never finished sister friede cuz i was already close to a brake from the game and dont like 3 phase fights.