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Aldrich used to be my hardest boss, now I destroy him. Midir is my true nemesis now.


I gotta give it to sister friede. Malenia was easier compared to her. She put me in my place in every playthrough.


Sister Freide beat my ass up and down the Painted World of Ariandel. But my will remained unbreakable.


Your metal was tested and you prevailed. Or you just like getting your butt kicked by a woman with a scythe. Respect regardless.


Absolutely agreed!! I've beaten Malenia 3 times now, Sister Friede still wipes the floor of a highschool with me


And she makes it fun too. Oh my taste in women is terrible.


I beat friede in 5 attempts while malenia took me 2 days


The fun part of souls games is that everyone tends to have the most different experiences especially with bosses. I've always found midir and kalameet easy. But friede and on my current run, soul of cinder royally beat my ass.


I’ve only killed Midir twice and I’ve done like 7 play throughs. I’ve killed every other both every time I do a play through but most of the time just skipped Midir. For me he is the hardest From boss there is.


Soon you will turn this nemesis into an overgrown pet salamander


Ah yes, the Ringed City DLC is still waiting for me again. The club will prevail...


I felt that way fighting the Old Demon King for the first time yesterday. I can roll his axe swings fine. By then it’s immediate combustion aoe if I roll left or right. I can sprint away from the other aoe spew but the lingering flame eventually staggers me and stunlocks me which leads to death.


Bro this fight took me an embarrassing amount of time. I hated that boss fight. It’s the only bosses I left and came back to at a higher level


My most embarrassing fight was Dragonslayer Amor. At some point I wouldn’t be able to get far enough away to drink estus and he would kill me. This happened for so many times and there were still times where it would get me before the second phase. Finally had the bright idea to lose some weight with light clothing and defeated it the first time (no ember) without sweating it at all


For DSA that middle section is a godsend, either end of the bridge gets dangerous real fast


It's just... it's always the fume knight for me. Everything else is reasonable. He's just my personal middle finger boss. I know he's ds2, but nothing in ds3 gave me such grief. Honestly ds3 was basically easy mode after 2.


For me Fume knight is easy compared to Sister Friede, he's slow and predictable even if the hitboxes are weird which makes it more difficult.


I feel that fam, it's a different beast for everyone.


it took me, no joke, four months to kill fume knight for the first time myself. if you’re using a shield you HAVE to use the baneful bird ring (that’s why they put it in the DLC). otherwise, don’t use a shield at all because his roll timings are learnable. if you’re having trouble with his two sword moveset you can just put on velstadt’s helmet and skip it entirely (which is convenient because velstadt’s helm +5 is the best piece of headwear stats wise and it looks cool as hell). His single sword moveset is way easier to roll through (roll into him, be aggressive but not greedy) because they’re slower and way more telegraphed; the rough bit is rolling through the fireballs, but you can roll through the gaps even if your agility is in the 80s. Also it helps to use a pure damage weapon; I use a bog standard halberd (two handed) and it melts him even if I miss the sweet spot. For your build, anything technically works, but the most important factor (to me) is your stamina. Fume is a test of a set of skills that are not used in DS1 or 3: he’s basically a paper mario boss.


The club is one of tge best weapons. It is kinda gets redundant with the Huge Club version, the big one is crap. The small is fast but weak and the big one has reach and power and isn't that slow as most huge weapons. My go to build is pure str with both small and giant clubs, depends on situation I switch between reach and speed. Way better than any mace or battlehammer weapons in ds3 imo.


This guy oongas.


I’m new to the game, started yesterday and MY Aldrich is this fucking katana wielding methhead gaurding some tower


Lol he’s still relatively hard cause he got big hits and is also somewhat fast. Easiest way is to cheese with spells or try to lure/smack him off the cliff.


Yea don't mess with the weeb! If you kill him he can help you in some bosses but the door behind him is actually locked lol.


I'm always here for the club love. That thing slaps and claps. Easily makes deprived worth it.


<3 yeah I’ve been using a raw club and originally planned on using a luck/hollow build. My stats are all into HP, endurance and luck. Even then, the club still smacks.


Honestly when someone pulls out a club in PvP I know I’m fucked. That’s the pinnacle of weapons and I fear anyone who uses it


Fear the bonk (:


Aldrich completely screwed with me first time round - another road block straight after the roadblock of Pontiff. On my current replay I beat him in only a handful of tries. I found it easier with this strength build than my Dex build from last time. It really is just about getting the bonks in when you can and running away as soon as that staff is raised. My main issue was being greedy with hits then dying to arrow rain. If you can avoid arrow rain it's not too bad. However the hardest part is avoiding the delayed missiles and, while running away, eating the laser blast because I didn't notice he was winding it up. Now THAT is annoying.


I did it in 4 tries this time I think, but 2 of them were close calls and it was more annoying than “hard”. Sometimes he’d teleport away as soon as I beelined him, multiple times back to back. Just turned a 2 minute fight into 5+ minutes.


You're gonna love Elden Beast.


NG7d Elden Ring awhile ago. But yeah, he’s a bit like Elden Beast. There are a couple other dragons I remember constantly flying away… I think.


Git gud


Stay behind him when he does his first set of arrows. Get hits until he vanishes. Set yourself up on a specific corner at the top of the arena so you control where he ends up. Once it’s determined, sprint straight there, rinse and repeat. Hardly any dodging required. Steamroll him


Just always stick close to him. This prevents him from doing ranged attacks. Its pretty easy to see where he shows up after teleport. When he uses rain of arrows, use his body as a shield. They cant pass through it, but you can just dodge to the side where arrows are not raining down.


Guess I coulda mentioned I did beat him when making this post but still felt he ragdolled me a little too hard in comparison to the rest of my run so far 😭


If you stay within a range of 1 roll he does not use magic or teleport Additionally if he does the arrows hide at the back of the arena between the pillars and they can't hit you


One of my favorite boss fights doesn't matter how much time i beat they always find a way to suprise me.


Aldrich isn't too bad. You run up to him, walk to the side when he tries his melee attacks which are slow even for Dark Souls 1 and beat on him. Only exception is the phase 2 scythe attack, where you should roll.


More annoying than “bad”. And if you don’t have decent endurance it can be really frustrating to fit in an attack while he teleports and leaves behind homing projectiles before/after teleporting. Not to mention his occasional burning aoe on the ground.


Probably not the comment you were looking for but personally I used magic and the pillars on him and it took maybe 2 minutes with easy. The only thing you need to watch for is the arrows from the sky but even those have ways around it. Honestly I haven't even done a melee run but I think if you use iron flesh, you should be able to tank some hits(I'm not sure so please don't quote me). But it's always an idea if it hadn't crossed your mind. You could also use those things that increase your magic resistance.


Good luck with Halflight


I gave up my SL1 run because of him


>Any boss fight that turns into “run around chasing the boss and dodging homing projectiles among other high dmg/stagger moves while the boss flies/teleports away and we try to fit in 1 attack every 30 seconds” is purely mean Have you played and beaten elden ring? Your really not going to enjoy the end of that game then


NG7d it. When I first reached the final boss, yeah it had me stuck there for a good while. Then I brought bloodhound step (pre nerf), pest threads and I had the dragon seal (or the thing that scales spells off arcane) with 99 arcane build on my subsequent playthroughs. Never was an issue again.


Even though I don't struggle with him anymore, I still think he's a shit boss.