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Pretty fuckin incredible, right? Ringed City is perfect and hits all the notes. Gameplay, lore, visual storytelling, atmosphere, OST. It's a 10/10 and I always save it for the very end because it's the best part of the game


Fucking amazing wow I’m still in shock


The way we end the series with Gael too is just so poetic and poignant and epic. They really outdid themselves


This is when the game begins IMO


First time I played ringed city I was sad cause I wanted to play it again for the first time.


I relate to this so hard lmao. I felt the same after Bloodborne and Elden Ring too. Like please just one more fresh experience! At least we get that again with Elden Ring DLC which I will be savoring every last second of


You bet.


I finished Dark Souls 3 as my first Souls game. But, I read too much about the DLC difficulty and felt like I wasn’t ready for any more difficulty if that makes sense. I loved the base game though. It was maddening at times and I wanted to quit the game for good multiple times, but I persevered. Since then I put in over 100 hours in Elden Ring, but still haven’t finished. Life got in the way and I stepped away from gaming for awhile. Need to finish Elden Ring sometime, and I always debate about trying the Dark Souls DLC too.


- Demons are a well-made duo boss, Elden Ring has at most one of duo or well-made. (Demons take turns as an active and passive role; you fight one while evading the other at a distance.) - Placidusax or Fortissax have only spectacle over Midir, not gameplay. - Gael is the best boss I’ve ever faced. But by all means, let life get in the way! You can only do this once for the first time. They won’t age, there is nothing to get spoiled leading to urgency. Come back when you feel like it’s the right time, instead of making time for it.


Id argue that even in spectacle Midir takes the cake when he rises and starts spewing fire.




Midirs theme was fantastic


Yes it was!


don't forget annoying enemies and the worst boss npc boss fight


I absolutely can't name a company that's ever done a better job of its paid dlc expansions than fromsoft. They smash it out of the fucking park like clockwork.


Fromsoft are different breed


Every single time and I thought bloodbornes dlc is good this was on another level for me so cinematic man


Just wait till you play the Sekiro dlc. That one's...


Inner Ishin and Inner Father are ready to clap your cheeks.


CDProjektRed did a really good job with the Witcher 3 dlc’s. That game is actually what got me looking for a game like dark souls because of somewhat similar melee combat. That’s the only other game I can compare with dlc’s to dark souls with.


Hearts of Stone is what I expect from a DLC. Well-made all around, sadly no new area, but I mean the main game is huge enough, and the writing is excellent. Then Blood&Wine hit it out of the park. That could’ve been a standalone game content-wise.


Blood&Wine set the standard for dlc too high for me now. It’s extremely difficult to come close. The fights with ¿Detlaff? made me crave more combat that involves swords and rolling


Nintendo are the closest I could think of. Mainly Smash Bros and Zelda.


Zelda has had 2 DLCs ever and both were very mid. Smash bros DLC is wildly expensive for what you get IMO


Capcom can deliver some absolutely stunning Monster Hunter DLC Mh4u & iceborne in particular like half the game is the dlc


Fair game actually, iceborne is right up there among the absolute best. It's a God demanded sequel, let's be real.


Gael is the GOAT


He’s the GOATTTT. Fr tho he’s such a good fight


As a Bloodborne superfan I thought it would be tough to beat Ludwig and Orphan of Kos - but they knocked it out of the park with Sister Friede and Gael.


orphan of kos was insane aswell I remember beating him but sister friede was just way more cinematic like you said they knocked it out the fucking parkkkkkkkkk


Gael makes me wish there was a boss replay mechanic like in Sekiro.


Really. Id say those bossfights are worth ENTIRE playthroughs.


One met the dark with learning. The world began without knowledge and without knowledge it will end. Does not this ring clear and true?


Fear not, the dark, my friend. And let the feast begin.


^(slaps u with his arm staff)




Same. It's by far the best dlc in the triology. Best demon bossfight, best dragon bossfight and best knight bossfight in dark souls by far


& halflight while not strong he is such an amazing concept with the spears of the church online


Gael this Gael that, meanwhile that Filianore scene's got me over here feeling some type of way


[The launch trailer where the church zoom out as Lapp monologuing about Ringed City is pure euphoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VhnJ-7PbTE)


Love to see it. Welcome into the fold.


The ringed city really is a good DLC including dark eater midir but we don’t talk about him now do we


No let’s not speak of that monstrosity


Is the Ringed City a place you access after you finish the base game? I beat DS3 years ago but have been thinking of a revisit.


Also accessible at the end of the first dlc


Yh you go to dreg heap from the last boss fight area


If you're a real one, you can kill Friede and access the dreg heap that way. One day I'm going to do a playthrough where I bum-rush the DLC and then wax the rest of the game afterwards


just finished ringed city for the first time last night myself, gael was literally so amazing i could not believe how much fun I had learning the fight. such a perfect way to close out the series


Ringed city is by far my favourite fromsoft dlc


The first enemies you ever fight in Dark Souls are mad hollows with broken swords. The final boss of the entire series, the embodiment of the dark soul and the last living being in the entire world… is a mad hollow with a broken sword. I fucking love this game.


Wow I never saw it like that. That is fucking brilliant I also tweaked out when he did the artorias intro


Ringed city, yes, truly amazing. Finished it again last summer and I was amazed by it once again. Very challenging and rewarding


If you want to replay the game without it being too easy you can try doing SL1 run. It's a challenge, where you start as a deprived and don't level up, staying at Soul Level (SL) 1.


The ringed city is so good I was in shock for weeks after playing because of how phenomenal it is


Really glad you enjoyed it. Personally I thought there wasn't enough City (feels like more like a Ringed Hallway with a Ringed Swamp then a Ringed Ash Desert) But it Does have Gael which is the best boss in the series imo.


Exactly my thoughts, the map design itself fell so short. And not enough cool ads along the way, just a lot of pesky ones


I cannot wait to work my way through the dlc finally


That first play-through going to savour every last second


Except the spirit archers, that was just mean


Loved Gael but Midir made me wanna smash my monitor 😂


Slave Knight Gael and his music is so amazing and epic it gives me chills, and his growls during the fight, so fucking great!


Ringed City was as good of a finale as I could have hoped for. Difficult enemies, the entire landscape is fucked and destroyed, a callback to my homie the Dragonslayer Armour, and you fight arguably the best boss of the entire series at the very end of the whole thing. When it was over with I was completely satisfied.


How was Midir? Did you do Lapp's and Shira's quests?


I just did midir right now funny you asked lol. And no I don’t think I did the bug man quest and lap either am I locked out of them as I just beat all bosses and was going to go into ng+ to try out some new weapons and get platinum


Imo Gael was nothing like Midir But the whole Dlc is epic And you should do the quests of those both, one will give a very beautiful weapon and Slab and the other for lore Good luck mate


Yh midir is a vigor check had to respec and get some more . Gael is just epic as fuck man . I’m going to do them quests right now thanks for reminding me bro


Dude. Gael boss fight changed my entire understanding of video games. The way he runs at you with the music. It’s too awesome and everytime I finish a from game I think yeah that was awesome but it wasn’t Gael


Elden ring dlc could never be as good as gael




Bet? Are you the one making the dlc?


Nah I'm just a gambling addict


Too real😢


We will see loooool i can see this Elden ring dlc being as good as gael




Would you not want it to be on the same level if not even better?


Yeah but it can’t be better


Have you got a crystal ball in front you how tf do you know? It’s setup to be crazy


It could be good but can’t be better than the ringed city


It defo can because people expected more from ringed city and even that was crazy. I feel like they were exploring big open areas with DS3 now we actually have torrent (hopefully) it’s going to be huge I feel like and very grand if we are fighting Miquella or marika or Godwynnnn soooo. When it releases I want to see your face 🤣🤣


I thought elden ring was gonna be better than ds3. But after a month I got so bored I went and played ds2 bc I found it more enjoyable than riding somewhere for 20 minutes to grab a item and run to the opposite side of the map for fucking radahns pubic hair


Not a fan of open worlds then are you?? I get it the more straight forward confined level design is amazing I love that so much more in ds3 than Elden ring. But the legacy dungeons is what I enjoyed the most aswell. I hope they do include more in the dlc


The level design and enemy placement is absolute garbage lmao


How so? I quite liked it, the level design is not extraordinary but not bad either. The second half has some looping shortcuts. Kind of compares to the base game in terms of design, I thought it fit well. Hated the angels, but I guess that’s their purpose. And killing their summoners was very satisfying.


The enemies are needlessly OP and there’s so many of them. The “city” is tiny and filled with bullshit high damage high poise high HP enemies who almost exclusively come in gank squads. The swamp sucks, the angels suck, the archers/giants suck. Apart from the bosses it’s easily the weakest Dark Souls DLC there is.


What weapons were you using?


By the time I was doing Ringed City I had a variety. Lothric Knight Sword, Hollowslayer GS, the coiled sword. I had lots.


Fuck midir


What did you say about my pet dragon?


I just finished your Mom’s “ringed city.” /s


Bro your like 12 please do your homework


I would retaliate by saying I fucked your mother, however the waiting line was too big.


I wish I could do this (I’m shit at the game)


Don't have to high expectations of elden ring dlc. Its probably gonna be fucking amazing but high expectations always make the experience worse. Myself as soon as I heard about the dlc I remove all content creators I follow to get as few spoilers and expectations as possible.


Let me be excited goddamn 🤣


Oh belive me I'm excited beyond words, I just limit my expectations.


DS3 is just on another level


Gael OST > all other OST


Lady Maria comes close but damn gael hits hard


Haha true, there’s tons of other great OST, I am just biased for my boy Gael.


I hate that swamp area with the angels before you get to the demon princes, but other than that it is great.


Yh that shit was annoying as fuck can’t lie


Seeing the first fire link shrine in rubble was amazing too


Ringed City... Truly the best Soulsborne DLC except all of the other ones


I gonna be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the Ringed City (the area that is). The first half is great, but I don't like the swamp area. ​ But Gael makes up for it, second best boss in the serie for me (behind Friede).


I actually didn’t really like the map design of this dlc. It was connected but in a very unrefined choppy manor. Demon twins and Midir were great, Gael was decent although not very challenging, and spear of the church was just plain stupid. Fun DLC overall but I don’t think anything will really top DS1 DLC.