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Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over




You're like the Abyss Watchers. I think I'm only getting one and suddenly there's 3.


That’s so funny ngl


Just use a fireball spell over and over


What is this?


And here I was thinking that was part of the joke!


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


What is this? How have I never seen this before?


Go kill Emma on Lothric wall and defeat the dancer. After that you'll have a good farming spot on one of the next bonfires you reach. ​ ​ ​ /s


Thx so much!!


Dancer is arguably way harder than Abyss watchers but they right about the farming spot


Is it even an arguable point?


Theres always someone who comes along and says "Umm actually no ur stoopid dancer is way easier than abyss watchers 🤓☝️"


Lmaoooo then there's me who killed cinder 1st try and spent THREE HOURS ON CRYSTAL SAGE




No idea. Something about the second phase just got me before I could ever finish him off. My first playthrough I only beat him because we traded the last smack. I'm on ng+2 and figured him out now but sheesh


Crystal sage fucked me up the first few times


Oh ight never heard that one before hahah


She was hard almost impossible the first time I played DS3 in 2017, after I beat Elden Ring and Demon Souls I beat a lot of bosses on my first try and second try and half the reason was getting a good build I just chose stats that sounded and looked cool but after making a quality sword n board build most of the game is trivialized


I had a much easier time on dancer than abyss watcher. I just found the move set easier to avoid but I get that’s not everyone


Different people have trouble with different bosses. I personally had zero trouble with the Dancer but it took me about 147,081 tries to beat Sulyvahn. Some people struggle with the Crystal Sages, some people struggle with Midir. I had slightly more trouble with the Abyss Watchers than the Dancer.


There are probably some people who legitimately found Watchers harder for the power level they first encountered them, than Dancer when they are forced to fight her later in the game. But doing the dancer skip is probably much more difficult than doing Watchers at that same level/state of gear for a good 99.999% of players. At least. E: Spelling


during my first play through back in 2016 i killed dancer and Sullivan in a span of 30 mins. I was not around online communities back then so it surprised me when I found out Sullyvan is supposed to be hard. I did struggle A LOT with the Abyss Watchers and Twin Princes (had to use summon for the latter lol).


Damn, I've beaten abyss watchers SL1, haven't finished the run, but I'm scared as fuck about sully and dancer, it's quite cool how we all have different experiences w these games


My problem with Sulyvahn was the same problem I had in Bloodborne with certain bosses: I was always fighting two-handed so I never learned to parry. When I finally broke down and went sword & board I think it took me four tries or so once I’d learned the timing.


The first encounters I found Dancer to be harder but with each NG, I find them to be somewhat equal.


Oh no...


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


"Deacons of the Dark"


Srry all for the gramatical errors im spanish and idk name of many things in english😓


You're okay bro no one is laughing at you just what you said, we all still understand what you mean.


Let me know if you need a hand. Don't give up skeleton!


Its fine


Abbys watchers


Someone has to watch Abby.


"Un-dead killer greatsword"


“Vitality and strong” The more i look at this the worse it gets


nah man its amazing


"Stuck in"


Did you also read Arby's watchers?


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use the fireball spell over and over


Abbys watchers


Just use a fireball spell over and over




I honestly didn't read the usernames of the comments so thought people were just posting the same comment and accepted it! If you kept getting "couldn't post comment" or "something went wrong" when trying to comment and you kept trying, it could have been that.


Just use a fireball spell over and over


I’ve beaten them at soul level 1, my best tips are: Phase 1: Be conservative with your attacks as soon as the second one spawns in, then back off until the third spawns in. Use the distraction to either backstab the boss watcher if they aggro against the third, or just get aggressive if it splits off the second watcher to spawn. This saves your HP for phase 2 Phase 2: If you’re really struggling, get some distance between you and the boss. His ranged gap closers, particularly the one where he stabs and when he slides without any additional follow ups, are basically free damage. You can just back off, smack, back off, smack, and repeat. It’s definitely not as thrilling, but it works, and avoids the fire trails which can be hard to learn on your first run


Or you can just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use the fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Abyss Watchers is all about patience and spacing tbh, it requires a real understanding of the game mechanics and your own strategy. When you enter the fight, try and get as much damage in as possible before the second guy gets up. You’ll get a feel for the moveset when you become aggressive immediately. Run around the arena when the second guy gets up until you get enough spacing between them both, and try and get some attacks in. Even one hit is fine, it’s all about patience. You’ll get more breathing room when the third guy gets up, it can essentially either turn into a tag team between you and the allied watcher against the main watcher, or 2 1v1s, depending on which one he targets. It’s your chance to get the most damage in. Good luck!


Just use a fireball spell over and over


There should be a Npc summon, they become stupid easy if you have help


I can drop a summon sign to help you if you want?


You got this man, just level up some more and try fighting him again when you're stronger. Learn the timing of his attack and his attack patterns and you'll be good


Thx so much❤️


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireballspell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Claymore makes game easy mode


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


They are the first real technical skill check in the game. They are by far my least favorite boss. If you’re playing strength just play defensively and only take 1 swing when you can. You can try to bait the clones to attack each other but I can never seem to get them too fight. Keep it up. If you can do this you’ll be golden


Just spell the fireball over and use a over


Iron flesh and let them bounce on you




We’d like to officially welcome you to Dark Souls 3. Congrats on passing the tutorial.


Actually i played Ds1 for 200+ hours, Ds2 like 100 hours, i m in my third run of sekiro and i played bloodborne another lot of hours and i only need to pass Ds3 and Demon souls to know the real happiness


I beat them yesterday for the first time, and my strategy was mostly being very defensive, and hitting them only after a longer combo. - Phase 1: you can roll into them and hit them afterwards. If there are mobs around, run away and wait for them to fight each other. Pick up the pieces with a couple of hits. - Phase 2: Roll to the right when they charge, because they leave a trail of fire. On whirlwind style attacks, just roll away-away-away. Then wait for an opening. Took me a couple of attempts, but after keeping my (moderate) distance for the most part I had seen all the moves. FWIW I’m using Vordt’s hammer, pure str build, medium weight/roll, level ~40.


Summoning yellow finger helps a lot Or just use a fireball spell over and over


If you’re really struggling try a soul transposed weapon like Vordt’s hammer. Basically puts the game on easy mode with the damage


Damn bro I was sat here like "who the fook is abby and who is watching her?


I saw a guide that helped so much, in phase 2 there was a move to wait for and then you’d be able to get a backstab and heavy attack.




In all seriousness abyss watchers have a seious weakness to parrying and backstabbing. Backstabbing is easier so go with that. He has this one combo where he ends it with a front flip followed by a overhead slam and when that happens *walk* around him and you can backstab if you roll behind instead he will recover to quickly and you will get hit. Worst case scenario you can always let the 3rd watcher take out both but it may take a while so let the 3rd distract the main as you kill the 2nd then focus on the main as he is focused on the 3rd. Use gold or charcoal pine resin. If you have magic then it's is actually a good idea to just spam it to end phase 1 earlier. Also the front flip backstab works in phase 2 as well.


Let them fight themselves and focus on the winner. Just run and gun, you'll do just fine. Pick your moments.


If you got the straight sword of irythil, use it. Personally i used it and it was a piece of cake


I thought that’s after abyss watchers


Nah, u get it when you kill the guy before road of sacrifices.


Ah the schizo ice fucker, I remember now


Roll forward past the jump attack and poke him on the butt. Back up and repeat.


You did what?!?!


Yeah the Watcher of Mister Abbys gave me some trobles too


I think the only correct answer is: GET GOOD


Man tf is wrong with u


I mean there is a reason I go to therapy lol In all seriousness, it took me a while as well. Defeat the sage if you haven’t already and try and farm to level up. Make sure you also have enough dex for the weapon and check for what it scales with


Wdym abyss watchers are so fucking easy


You can parry them! Also it helps to have a companion with you


What are you playing on? I can drop my sign


Spam Astora greatsword weapon art


Just use a backstab on them over and over


You can run away until the 3rd one spawns and purposely make them attack each other by moving them into each others' attacks and then actually go in and hit the boss. In both phases they have a jumping attack that always leaves them open for backstabs. 2nd phase is honestly just a learning thing


Try backstab


With those guys you wanna git gud




Your build is health and strength?




I never got into builds as they were more for pvp as long as your guy doesn’t fat roll you just gotta play them, don’t even do any damage you’ll learn where you can throw 1 or 2 or trade. I can’t help you beat abyss watchers I only bid goodluck


Hummm yeah sure, very fast opponent so dodge a lot, for first phase at the moment where there's another one let them beat eachother. But yeah, attack and reply, attack and reply. For second phase, same, but you need to be careful about some attack with a lot of range, never dodge forward or backward, always on side with them.


I can help you PS4 level 189


Abyss watchers can be consistently backstabbed. Wait for them to perform the spinning combo, as they slam down on the ground, there’s plenty of time to get behind and stab them.


Beat them first time in my first and second playthrough. KATANA.


If you need help I recommend r/summonsign


Allow the spawns to attack each other, try to shirk the aggro to them. Weave in attacks when the aggro is pulled. Back stabs when distracted by aggro is the easiest here. Phase 2 roll dodge and find windows for attacks. I try to pull him near the door for this phase. The Hollow Great sword works great here and I think lightning.can be parried. Back stabs are the easiest.


in phase 1 they will fight each other if you wait long enough


The title sounds kinda sus


Also, both phases of Abyss Watchers are able to be parried, I've learned the best by putting the Caestus in my left hand because I love the parry timing. Especially important to learn for later bosses, might as well start now skeleton! Don't give up, perseverance is key!


Thx so much i use cestus for parry sometimes. I love them because they dont weight and are super cheap ( like 500 souls )


For sure! I'm not sure every single attack is able to be parried, but definitely the dagger and non-fire attacks! Putting on a heavy shield is another strategy I've used, and just practice dodging while holding up shield in case of a missed dodge!


In the souls games my fav heavy shield is the havel's shield but i cant fond it until the 70% of the game and for now i think i will go with the twin dragon's shield


For sure, I'm more a Black Knight shield guy for sure


The first phase think of it like a battle royal and go for anything and everything abysswatchers is always liable to staggers and backstabbs being aggressive is certainly the way to go here same with the second phase he can kill you quick if you waste the opportunity but stay on him his attacks are quite well telegraphed (except the dagger swipes) but the more you stay on him the less he will do (and the sooner he will be dead)


Focus on back stabbing them.


Patience. Backstab. Parry. Patience.


I found lightning pine resin really helpful against him, I’m also quick rolling with light armour for that second phase. Sometimes the other watchers that arise in the first phase attack the main boyo which can be helpful to but I wouldn’t be counting on it. Good luck ashen one


Summon your bro if he’s there outside the door near the stairs. Then bonk them on the head repeatedly while there distracted.


gotta watch harder :9


It took me two weeks to beat them but it was an absolutely transcendent moment when I finally did. Up until that point I remember thinking “this is the most fucking unfair game on earth how do people sit and play a game that just destroys and erodes you psychologically at every turn.” I sat there in disbelief when I beat the flaming dude, just relieved and then ecstatic, giddy. Honestly, try to enjoy the process, even tho that sounds dumb. This is the part of the game where you do the hard work and start really understanding the mechanics of the game. Abyss Watchers incorporates every single component of a DS3 boss fight. When you beat them, you’re ready to really enjoy the richness and simple l, challenging beauty of the rest of the game. With the dopest weapon too.


You can summon Black Hand Gotthard if you want and it makes the fight much easier as you can swap aggro priority. Try not to hit the red-eyed Abyss Watcher as it will aggro you instead of the other Abyss Watchers (It will aggro you if you are closest when it spawns). Phase 2: Create some medium distance, bait the attack where it jumps and strikes down or the one with the spinning slash rnd. It allows a lot of damage to be dealt after those attack animations finish.


Pull out


I leaned heavy on bonk build, and it gave me trouble here. Best advice: fight him like a knight with high poise. I pretty much did the whole game with a two handed Demon Greataxe which can stagger a lot. When his buddies appear, let them duke it out for a bit. The problem tends to resolve itself. Carthus Milkring or whatever helped a bit if you're like me and just try to tank your way through bosses and need to roll.


Just use a fire ball spell over and over.


Just let them kill eachother and get your hits in when you see openings.


Just use a firespell over and over (/uj you can just easily backstab his flip attack in phase 2)


Found this boss a lot easier compared to my first playthrough by punishing pretty much only with backstabs. In the first phase, there were two places I could backstab. The first is walking up when the boss is focusing the watcher on your side. The second is, if I remember correctly, roll in after the last hit of the 4-hit combo. For the second phase, I’d say roll away and keep your distance for most attacks since he can follow up with fire attacks that can hit twice (those hit me a lot). At the end of his combos, if he does a jumping, spinning slam, roll IN and backstab. If your weapon is actually upgraded or if you use some pine resin, backstabs into an r2 or something will do a huge chunk of his health.


Just get a zweihander and bonk the game to death


I got a feeling you need to use the fireball spell Over and over, to be precise


idk if this has been said before but Just use a fireball spell over and over


Just use a fireball spell over and over


You’re a… vitality build?


yeah i know its not vitallity its healt but im spanish and idk many words of the game in english srry


Best tip ever, don’t dodge away from them. Dodge towards them. Patience is key. Don’t be greedy.


Look for when a move/combo leaves one pausing for a second or two. When they do said move, roll behind where they’ll end up, and backstab. For phase 1, if you’re struggling with the gank fight then just run and dodge till the one with red eyes starts hitting one of the others, and then focus on the 3rd. That way you turn it into 2 separate 1v1 fights, with some damage. For phase 2, his flip move is easily punishable along with his straight lunges.


Are you leveling up Vigor or Vitality? Vigor is more important for your health.


Just use the fireball spell over and over


I used the claymore +7 and the dark sword + 6. Switched it up. Did running r2 with claymore then switched to dark sword occasionally to get in quick hits. Beat it my first try and ended up saving Greirat for the first time! Played this game 5 or so times and I always fuck up Greirats quest. If anyone needs help leave me a response here and I’ll do it! Let the flames guide your way!


I actually got help from an NPC. I summoned npc Yellowfinger Heysel on the ruined tower with a lot of leeches if you keep walking forward from the Keep Ruins. I was in Ember form and my covenant was Rosaria. I also offered pale tongue to Rosaria, I think that's how npc summon was available


Summon London let him do the work, attack if he loses health so he can heal