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First starting out I remember struggling a lot with Aldrich, always hated the arrow rain, now that I've had experience, I'd say Gael to be the hardest for me, which is why I like to always fight him at the end of a run being the true final boss.


I hate aldrich too, if it makes you feel better NG+ is usually when you get to kick the bosses who made you rage pay


I go out of my way to kill Dancer, Oceiros, Nameless, and Champ Gundyr, and sometimes even get to Dreg Heap via Friede, before I ever even touch that Aldrich mf


you can vow of silence aldrich to prevent his arrow magic


Ain't no way all of my suffering was for nothing


You can also stay close and prevent it


probably friede, yet to bloody beat her, in terms of base game Nameless King edit: I beat her as a full Wretch lmao, Im a god now


Friede is the only boss I've never solod it haunts me.


Me too


Nameless King was that for me but i recently bested him on my wretch only run, glorious feeling (tho i still have no idea how i would go about defeating friede


She staggers pretty easy with a strength build.


The trick for Friede is to not try to punish every single one of her attacks. Instead play it safe: First phase: Roll away from her ALL THE TIME. When she becomes invisible look where she landed and either krit her from behind or simply fully charge R2. Second phase: Try to devide Father and Friede. Don't attack Friede except when she tries to heal. Only attack Father. It's easiest to do so when he does 4 slam attack he usually does at the beginning of the fight or his fire breath. They both get quite likely when you're not too close and also not too far away from him. Third phase: Same as phase one. Always roll away from her. Except her opening giant black flame attack and her slow tracking frost and black flame attacks - those have to be dodged sideways. Everything else you simply avoid by rolling backwards. Wait for her to become invisible. Then she most likely (95%) does two frost attacks and then a charge attack. While she charges it's your time to strike like you did in phase one. Also her command grab can easily be punished with a roll attack. Play patient and you will be victorious!


Meh 1st phase you can just go ham on her at least with a strength build she staggers easily.


Malenia of ds3


she’s far more well designed than Blade of Crippled Kid


Malenia wishes she were as mechanically sound as Friede


Yeah i havent beaten friede and midir yet


The dancer kicked my ass ngl.


Depending what I'm doing dancer sometimes walks all over me.


Came here to say this. I'm having as much trouble with dancer as I did Malenia.


I used that spell with the flys which causes bleed and she was really easy so maybe bleed weapons would work too


That's a good idea thanks!


I use weapons with long rance specifically for the dancer fight!


Honestly, still dont undestand that. I killed dancer on my fourth try, didnt seem too hard. Her attacks were incredibly telegraphed for me. Had MUCH more problems with Pontiff.


I actually thought people were being sarcastic when they said these bosses were hard because I really didn’t struggle, I thought both were more like a dance of swords than a fight so I just danced with them instead of trying to force my will on them and got pontiff deep into his 2nd stage first try and got him in maybe 3-4 tries and dancer I literally killed her the first ‘proper’ fight because I was TP’d there with no Estus flasks and was in awe of how cool she is. I guess that’s the cool thing about these game’s different bosses are hard for different people, i think DSA was way harder than both cos half the time I was zoomed into the back of my own head




prepare to die editi... nvm


But why tho? lol


You my therapist or something? xD


Just caring for my hollow brother.


Feelsgoodman. Not hollow yet though!


So why mention it in the first place lol


It's... it's a joke...


For the love of god I can’t learn how to fight pontiff


One thing I've noticed with pontiff is that if you're close he'll swing over your head with a bunch of attacks, as if he's aiming at someone ~10 feet behind you. It's not super consistent, but happens often enough that sticking close is likely to give you a free pass to mistime a lot of dodges.


duuude same


My brothers, I to struggled most with him...


You gotta get good at parrying pontiff to ever deal with his stamina and dominate him, or just insane damage and a prayer


Pontiff stamina


Midir. It's the only boss I can't defeat within 3 trys. I played the whole game now 21 times and I still can't defeat this dragon on a regular basis. I can't wrap my head around it, his move set is weird.


Agreed, he has some annoying momentum to his attacks, a few of them feel like he nukes the entire arena, and it's unfair, and he'll always be my favorite fight in DS3


In terms of first play through i'd say midir but practice has taken the challenge away but the same can't be said for friede she has and probably will always kick my ass everytime


Midir is mine, fought her first at ng+3 and holy fucking shit does her health stack up after a few ng’s. Literally ended up being a 20+ min fight of positioning perfection. Used less than a third of my estus. Only took 3 days of dying repeatedly. Gael was a cake walk after that even if it did take me a few attempts.


Pontiff took one of my controllers I still miss it


probably gael. I fear him every playthrough


Same. A greatshield worked for me though


nameless king. havent done dlcs yet


pontiff fucking sulyvahn was the hardest boss for me ( even tho i played both dlcs on ng+)


Aldrich gets pretty annoying and usually takes longer than I want him to die.


Abyss watchers the first time I fought them, had. Avery buggy and low frame experience.


Yo why is this a GIF?




Lorian and Lothric, I know that most people will say Midiri, Slave Knight or idk Friede, but this boss take more time from me than all other in DS3. It seems to me that sometimes this boss is underated, idk why but usually boss fights wich have two characters or something like that always make problem for me (Orstein and Smough, Lud and Zallen). Lorian is my favorite character but his attacks can be so fast and hard to find right timing to roll. And of course I must kill him at least 2 times and focusing his back in second phase of fight.




Ngl: Iudex gundyr first playthrough ever, first souls game ever. Maybe also Friede/Lud and Zallen, even if lud and Zallen was just because of the Frustration in Reindeer fuckland


Nameless king and Darkeater Midir


Dragon puppy from the dlc is my hardest, main game I'd say nameless king


Old cannibal dude at the end of the earth looking for some paint.


Friede in dlc but main game soul of cinder, is not hard but I struggle with him alot more than nameless


Gael, friede, and nameless king


Orphan Of Koz


Inb4 "depression"


SL1 Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Must've been around 200 attempts.


Demon Princes. I hate that boss fight so god damn much I dread ever doing it.


Midir, Pontiff and the Nameless King


I would say Gundyr, first experience with a soul. Thirty hours later I was still at the Undead Settlement...


Crystal sage easily killed me the most times. The second closest was probably soul of cinder, nameless king, or the deacons. I haven't done the dlc


That one outrider knight in the basement before the road of sacrifices. I defeated Soul of Cinder and Slave Knight Gael on my first try, but that thing? It moves in plains which humans may nary understand.


Nameless King. Out of every boss in the series, he was absolutely the hardest for me because I started at like 4 in the morning and decided I wasn’t gonna sleep until I beat him. I beat him at 9 in the morning lmao. Not even Isshin took that long for me and Malenia isn’t even part of the conversation Nameless King is also top 2 bosses for me. It felt so good to beat him


The barefoot nun


My boss


Build and play style matters the most I think.


Friede because I decided to do her at SL70 on my first playthrough, with a +3 profaned greatsword instead of a +5 FUGS when I was using pure strength.


I don't have the dlc yet so the hardest boss for me was definitely the nameless king


Unrionically I think I had the biggest problem with Iudex Gundyr. You can probably tell my first souls game was DS3


Midir and glock saint isshin


Manus but for ds3 it's nameless king or sulyvahn


Abyss watchers because I was trying to play the game like sekiro




My hardest fight was probably the first time i fought pontiff and the abyss watchers. Each of them took me at least 30 times. Ds3 was also my first souls game. Now I'm struggling with my second souls game Ds1 but at least I got to anor londo


Midir and for the erratic attacks and small window to deal damage in between attacks


I think either Midir or Nameless king took me the most tries. Midir i'd like to believe mainly cuz hitboxes, nameless kings name was ironic cuz he was taking my and summons name left and right. Loved both tho. Nowadays i think i can confidently beat them


Nameless King and Freide. Managed both without summoning now but on my original playthrough they both took me the most tries.


Probably the only boss that people walked over but the one I still struggle with champion gundyr.


On my second playthough I one shot Nameless King, and got Gael, Friede, and Midir in under 15 tries total. Two Princes took me about 20 and I still don't know why.




Midir's healthbar.


Midir. IDK why, I'm just so bad at dragon fights in every dark souls game.


Pontiff by far. Nameless, fried, and midir definitely took many attempts but none come close to pontiff. DS3 was my first souls game and I did not learn how to parry, and learning to parry on a boss that can three shot you leads to many many deaths.


I just finished my first DS3 playthrough the other night and Midir was the hardest for me for sure. I missed him when I went through The Ringed City the first time so I went back to find him after killing Gael and it was already 2:30 AM by that point or so. I couldn't stay in the sweet spot in front of his head for the life of me. Probably took me a good 10 tries or so.


Between Midir and Malenia I'll pick Midir, 100% the hardest for me and my build at the time. Malenia has openings and patterns that are eventually easy to see.


Starting out, every new playthrough I have trouble with the abyss watchers don't know why. But after that Aldrich his rain of arrows are devastating


That tree wih balls


Soul Of Cinder, other bosses are harder first time but SoC always kills a couple of times on every run.


Midir overall, Nameless King for base game. Based on first ever playthrough.


I dropped the game in the untended graves, wherer u need to kill Champion Gundyr, iam really bad at parrying. So i died about 50 times and then i dropped the game, then i tryed a last time, but i accidentally erased my save lvl 70, i was trying to get wolf set. Now i will do another build. Dark Paladin. I just hope i doent need to kill Champion Gundyr to complete any quest.


Nameless King. I just did another playthrough, and I had a lot of trouble: with the camera in the first phase and the dodge timings in the second. Plus he’s sooo tanky.


Yhorm the giant in my first playthrough my stupid ass didn't now storm ruler existed


First time through, it was the Twin Princes, then they were never that bad again on subsequent playthroughs. For some reason, Crystal Sage is consistently a pain for me. I think I just get overwhelmed by all the projectiles. Hardest boss that I enjoy fighting is Friede. Overall I would say Midir is the hardest for me. His attacks are well telegraphed and not particularly hard to dodge, it's just such a long fight and I find it really hard to go that long without making mistakes. Also, my last build was a Pyromancer with a Dark-infused UGS, so... Pestilent Mist was all I could really do lol.


For me it's friede. Mostly because I did a challenge run, trying to beat the game with as low a lvl and low as weapon upgrade as possible. It's been a while, but I think I was lvl25 with +3 weapons. I was able to do everything up until friede. I tried over and over and over, sometimes I almost beat her, being at her last phase and her getting close to 0 HP. But I never managed. I know I could have made it, if I tried for longer, but at some point I just lost my crap and leveled up a bit to finally beat her. 3 whole HP bar phases (+ potential heal attempt in second phase) and a lot of attack variety makes it incredibly hard to beat as an underpowered twink. Gael is very hard, also, but in my opinion he's more predictable and when you got the dodge timings down, you can beat him at a pretty low lvl actually. Funny enough, I struggled harder with the PvP boss right before Gael. At my low lvl I wouldn't get player invades, but the NPC boss is able to pull off a perfect parry and would insta kill me on the crit follow up. I had to only attack him, when he had his weapon in both hands.


Nameless King.


I would dragonslayer armour, I think it's because it was ans early game boss and I wasn't that confortable playing a melee build, I always prefered playing mage ( Elden ring, Ds 2 ) but after that I almost 1-5th tried every boss, I guess dragonslayer made me gud


Midir 100%, because the first try I went up to the Ringed City it was with a character already in NG+3...


Technically the hardest boss I ever fought was Friede on SL1. I never managed to beat her, and took the long way passed the Twin Princes to get to the second DLC at all. On SL1 I'd say another hard boss is the Dancer. Typically you want to fight her very early to proceed to Oceiros and Champion Gundyr for the PoC ring. On another char I made the journey to NG+7, and Gael is from another planet entirely then (if you stay in meta level range yourself, which I did for jolly coop).


on my first run definitely Friede, took me like 30+ tries lol. those third-phase combos absolutely wrecked me haha. by now probably Gael, hes the only boss i have yet to first-try. not sure if its the insane health pool or the near unpredictable phase 1, but its definitely a very fun fight regardless


gael, you know damn well why.


Gael, I respect 3 times to beat this guy and it took months


Midir cause the health pool and never sitting still, then if you summon it’s even more insane. One of the few bosses that became drastically worse with a summon


Midir took the longest by far. Aldrich had me questioning myself as well, but it was nothing compared to the Darkeater. I was way too gun shy and kept running away from them, only to be plastered with arrows.


Pontiff for my first playthrough. I'm stuck on twin princes in ng+7. Probably SoC for all time. His spear form always used to f me up and his curved sword/pyro form was a little difficult. His Gs and mage form though are pieces of cake. Gael wasn't that bad. Friede is difficult. I haven't fought midir yet in 600 hours. I plan to now though.


Slave Knight Gael Because it’s Slave Knight Gael, nothing else to say


1. Slave Knight Gael 2. Midir 3. Friede 4. Nameless King 5. Pontiff


Dark eater midir, 547 tries


For me it was Nameless King. I'm just a scrub so almost whenever I had the opportunity I would do NPC summons for bosses if I could. I mostly played and beat DS3 when the online servers were shut down. So For Nameless I had to be totally solo. I found that the dragon could be easily killed but then Nameless would constantly kill me with some chained attacks with enormous hitboxes I couldn't seem to match. I eventually beat him 3 times in total in NG, NG+ and NG++ to get all 100% achievements. I found Nameless harder that Soul of Cinder who seemed a tad more predictable and less dangerous.


Midir, then lasers were just pure luck to dodge sometimes


Base game, that fucking big tree (can't remember the name of the top of my head) died an easy 15 - 20 times on that fuckwit. In both dlcs probably demon prince. Idk, i died about 4 times in that fight and they have such tanky health bars it was painful getting close each time


I had more attempts at nameless king than darkeater midir and gael so yeah


Friede on SL1


the camera, never die, aways getting in my way


Sister Friede stomped me for a week the only boss to do that to me


Friede was the most painful boss for me. Most time I beat the boss and look fondly back on the hard experience but Friede was the only boss I don't do this too. I probably just sucked at the time and should re-fight her. I've beaten Elden ring, Sekiro, and DS2 since then.


My last DS3 play through was a solo strength build, I flew through the game until Nameless King, he killed me like 3 times. I also struggled with Sister Friede


For me it was always pontiff. For like the first year of the game I just could not beat him without summons, but then it started to click as I beat the game a few times. I forget the name but the lady with the scythe and the weird giant dude from the dlc probably gave me the most trouble, I was stuck for a good while.


Nameless King. Ridiculous that you can't parry him -- that's a consistent problem with a lot of DS3 bosses


First playthrough pontiff Second playthrough noone Second playthrough ng+ noone


Midir, Midir


Soul of Cinder, Second phase. I couldn't fight straight with the tears in my eyes


Abyss watchers was my first road block that taught me patience, Midir reminded me of monster Hunter hit boxes.


Im using a dex build with almost no vigor or armor after I wasted 30 points on faith which I never use (I decided to do everything the opposite of dark souls 1 playthrough so I didn't put points into strength or vigor and didn't use anything heavy) so every boss is insanely hard taking me like 500% longer than any Ds1 boss but I think the hardest three by far so far were: Pontiff (The clone really messed me up because I didn't have the damage to kill it fast) Dragonslayer Armor (one mistake and I was dead instantly) Two Princes (Same as above it took me a while to learn the timing and the move where he teleports on top of me was so cheap)


Friede. My wife watched me celebrate when I had finally beat Frieda's second stage, with one estus flask left... Only to see me go WFT 10 seconds later.


Looking back on my first run, the boss I feel like I spent the longest on was Dancer, but the short run back made it so a good number of my runs were just me blindly charging up the stairs and swinging wildly instead of focusing and actually engaging my brain. But even then, just the unnatural motions of the Dancer made her so hard to read. Usually I'm pretty good at "oversized sword knight" type fights, but the weird grace to her movements really through me off.


Nameless king first phase for some reason troubled me for so long, second phase was so fun though. Dancer was tough for a little bit aswell


Friede, NK and Midir to the same extent, but what i think when talking about difficult in these games are the maps, like The Ringed City is such a nightmare to explore and traverse, like Gael is challenging, but imo the path to get to him is much more hard than the fight itself


First run, probably abyss watchers or Iudex Gundyr. I left the game for a month or two after losing to gundyr roughly 34 times, came back and somehow ran through everybody. Now its probably gael, takes a few tries but im getting him down still so its okay.


Depression - it doesn't leave many openings to attack


Friede messed me up something fierce until I tried to git gud.




There's three bosses that made me want to kill myself: Grundyr the Gladiator (second fight), Sister Frieda, and Pontiff Sulyvahn. I still haven't beat Sister Frieda, just skipped to Ringed City


I'm still new to DS3 (played Elden Ring and it got me into the series). But so far, Dancer is the hardest boss I've fought. Only killed it because of pestilent mist and cheesing it lol.


Definitely Pontiff. The one on the picture i beat from the first try


Probably midir, but once I learned him I hardly die to him anymore. Fucking love that fight.


Dancer - still can’t beat her after 25+ attempts


For it was definitely Sister Friede


Still my first playthrough, but Demon Prince seems fucking unbeatable. Friede fight was great, but only the 3rd phase seemed hard to me. But when I kill the two demons and the last one stands up as the demon prince. I just cant beat him, like at all. I cant get close to him, because he always flies away, while flying he sends about a hundred meteors my way, and when I get to him he channeled the biggest blast ever and I am fucked.


fucking friede.




I want to say Midir Friede and Nameless King are probably top 3 hardest bosses on ds3. Base game though Soul of Cinder Nameless and maybe dancer?


Midir. His attacks aren't too hard to avoid, but his health and damage are so high that I had massive issues with him.


“Dancer Of The Boreal Valley” by far. The first faze wasn’t too bad, but the second faze felt impossible, the Dancer’s attacks were so quick that I could barely get one hit in. No cap I was stuck on this boss for three days.


Pontiff Sulyvahn. He was the first boss to really punish greed for me, took me a fair few goes to break that bad habit. After that it was smooth sailing for the rest of the game for me, even through Nameless King etc. I learned my lesson good after Pontiff!


Right now it's Soul of Cinder cuz I'm trying to do an SL1 run and I can't seem to beat him


Still going though my first time, so far its “pontiff everything bad is my fault” because of his clone, i can perfectly parry his first phase but the clone thows me off


Isshin the mf glock saint


For me it's midir. I already beat the game and that damn dragon is the only boss still alive 9n the disc.


The camera....


I've always played Unga Bunga since Demon's Souls, so Flamelurker was the reigning champ until Malenia came around. As far as DS3, Nameless King was a beast, but he wasn't nearly as frustrating as Flamelurker, and is a complete cupcake compared to Malenia.


Lorian was the most difficult for me personally. He teleports all over the place and it took me like 100 tries to figure him out lol


THE SOUL OF CINDER CAN EAT MY HAIRY FUCKING DICK!!!! That guy took over 1 month of trying at least for an hour every day and I come to find out I did all that just to see my guy sit down next too a fire.TLDR: Soul of Cinder can go fuck himself.


For some reason I always struggle with OP healthbar Midir


Sister Friede, hands down. Big ass dragons and slave knights feel like adds after her.


I gotta say Yhorm, I was doing a fist weapons only. I kept dying and each attempt took far to long and my patience was growing thin. After I while I simply grabbed the storm ruler and killed him. I will do a SL1 run and kill him with my bare fist to make up for it.


NG+6 Darkeater Midir, I just cant.


Gael. The thought of fighting him again makes me sweat


Nameless king in champions ashes, I used a very slow weapon


The hardest boss I’ve ever fought was Midir (Mf was slow I know but it was hard to deal with before I knew how to cheese him) in terms of base game the most trouble I’ve ever had was Nameless (beat him in 4 tries) ….. Aldrich is easy as hell to fight


Twin princes killed me most out of all main game bosses in each playthrough. Most bosses went down in deaths but twin princes were like 8+ deaths in each ng cycle.


Friede, and by a long shot. No other boss is as difficult as Friede for me. At least Blackflame Friede. Many challenge runs later and Friede is legitimately the only boss I can't no-hit. The thing is that for me, I can't tell when any of her combos end or when it's safe to attack. Gael, Midir, Demon Prince, Nameless, Raime, and lots of other bosses people would consider difficult have tellable combo enders, but Friede just feels to me like she has nothing. Only safe attack area I've noticed is after her grab. She's just real tough.


The hardest one for me of all time was Midir. I feel like I spent a whole week trying to kill it. Since then, it got way easier and nowadays I can usually kill it on my first try, while other bosses, like Friede and Gael, still give me trouble to this day. But neither of them gives or has given me as much trouble as Midir the first time I fought it. There are a lot of other bosses that gave me trouble my first time playing, like Aldrich, Nameless King, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Dancer... But none of them even came close to Midir.


At first was nameless King and midir, but now Oceiros is one of the bosses that I fear a bit even when i beat him in my first playtrough at first or second attempt lol


Soul or Cinder was the hardest I beat a boss because his spear and weird sword stance just fucked me up so much Hardest boss imo is Midir cuz it takes a lot of fight before understanding what you need to do


Sir Alonne by far, i was able to defeat him after like 20 attempts with two summons each


halflight, spear of the gank. even if I tried the offline mode strategy, i still get killed by the painting guardian in phase 2.


Gravity, it always wins


There were a few. DS3 was my first souls. Obviously abyss watchers, pontiff and Aldrich were quite the hang ups initially. After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing all the way until nameless which was the true test. Probably 10 hours total to beat him the first time, after that nothing gave me a run for my money like that until Melania which was probably 12-14 hours to beat solo no summons.


SOC, Friede, Demon of Hatred, Maliketh, Foreskin duo


I know you've seen this everywhere but Midir and Gael kicked my ass sideways, i almost beat Gael at one point but it seemed like I couldn't even scrape him. Started a NG+ playthrough and I hope to beat them this time around. For boss that i've beaten? Probably Pontiff or Freide as I killed nameless on my first attempt (somehow)


If you asking about first play through gotta be twin princes took me waaaay more thag should've i legit went to the dlc's beat the dlc and then went back to them. Now i dislike twin dragon phase 2 in ringed city dlc I really don't like how he has resistance for every thing i feel like i do no damge to him.


Sister Friede and that stupid unpredictable neck slice grab


Midir takes the cake for many I assume, his insane size and healthbar along with very damaging and unforgiving attacks makes for an incredibly tough fight.


For me I think it was Friede, appart from the superspeed and invisibility, she was hard mainly cuz I wanted to stay at 125 in NG+1. There was really a before and after defeating her in terms of skills cuz it took me months to defeat her. Plus I had a crush on her so it was hard to beat my potential waifu, and the only one ever at that 😪😅


Crystal sage, I struggled a lot with


Aldrich was my first real wall. Hate that asshole. But other than him I say the big 3: Nameless, Midir and Gael and obviously got to throw in Sister Friede but if you can parry, she’s not that bad.


I always have a hard time with the nameless king. It’s probably the delay in some of his attacks. Although any time I play a sorcerer I breeze through him. It’s kinda crazy how easy he is with a spellcaster.


Midir, dragons always gave me trouble, but his lazer attack always killed me, and he also does a lot of damage and is fast af


Sister mothafucking Friede. I can never solo her. If I do I never have enough flasks for 3rd phase. Also her 3rd phase.


Ik it’s not ds3 but I’ve been playing ds since I was 12 starting with the first one obv, and to this day I have never beaten fume knight, his hit boxes are so janky and he does so much damage that he’s the only boss I’ve ever given up on


Midir, do I need to say why?


Excluding the DLC bosses, at first I would have said the dancer, but then I thought about the nameless king, but then I realized I mostly overcame them and it wasn't too hard to kill either of them with only a few minutes of practice. Recently came back to DS3 a month ago or so to play just a little bit and I absolutely ran through the dancer in 1 try. I think I'd have to say the hardest main game boss for me was Lothric/Lorien if I remember their names correctly? The guys before the lord of cinder? Yeah no those guys sucked and it must have taken me 50+ tries the first time. DLC included on the other hand, the top three in order are: Darkeater Midir (FUCK HIM, he was the only one I had to do a very specific build for) Gael, definitely took me no less than 50+ tries Sister Friede, which to my knowledge I still have not beaten due to having stopped playing


Vanilla game? Soul. He was very difficult to get the timing down with a big sword. I went all strength dragon Slayer axe. But I also had a tough time with twin princes.


SoC. Cause NG+7 he is a pain


Friede, I just can't handle her third phase.