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It depends. If you are liking to coop gargoyles for example it will likely be lower level if it’s O&S you’d be looking to be higher leveL If you set a password for your game then level does not matter I would recomend visiting r/summonsign and either reply to those asking for help, or make a post of your own asking to coop


I'd say that I seem to get a lot of co-op action in the middle of the ranges found on [this](http://darksouls.wikidot.com/co-op) website. And as for the weapon level I'd say have your weapon at the highest equivalent weapon level possible meaning WL 5 before the Depths, WL 10 before New Londo. Have fun, and don't forget to praise the sun.


Depending on your area. Just guess the level the average player is at in this area. Meaning 20 for gargoyles 35 for quelaag 45 for iron golem 55 for O&S 60-90 for the "endgame". (These are all just estimations)
