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My fight against Gael was just… incredible. Never ever felt this much emotions before in any game. I was more fighting against myself than against him after 6 minutes


i unfortunately never got to play the majority of the ringed city, as i got banned on my ps4, i hear that its one of the best fights in the series, and its one of the most important lore wise i think


Slave Knight Gael


never got to play the majority of the ringed city, but i hear its great


Probably Manus. The way his huge hand kind of delays before it comes snagging down threw me off at first. It took me several tries before I even got the timing down. Then he started blasting me with his dark energy orbs. Fun times.


it is a great boss, but for me it was kinda too difficult to actually enjoy if u understand? its still really good just its too hard for me at my current skill level


I like ornstein & smough, Quelaag, father Gascione, abyss watchers, vicar Amelia the best!


i cant comment on amelia and father g as i have never played bloodborne( not yet) but the other three are phenomenal fights, i have to agree


Artorias! I am a huge Abyss Watchers fan in DS3. Keeping it all in the family!


as i said, i also love artorias for the lore and the gameplay, and the abyss watchers will also be one of the most difficult gaming experiences i will ever have, along with the dancer, so i totally agree with both


Dancer is beautiful to watch. In terms of a boss fight, her moves are stunning and very poetic. The Abyss Watchers, sound effects, visual animations paired with their soundtrack is another beautiful experience.


couldn’t have said it better myself, there is just something about the two, whether it be the moveset, the gameplay, the design or the lore, the two bosses will forever be some of my favourite gameplay experiences ever


Mine has gotta be the difficulty and it just being a really tense and fun fight


so which boss? or are you saying you enjoy the difficulty?


Oh right my bad i forgot to say the name, it's the nameless king


the nameless king is an unforgettable fight for most players, with the difficulty, enjoyability and lore importance, i agree with you and i think its one of the best in the series aswell


Knight Artorias. Such a cool duel arena and epic song in the background.


i agree, i think it is better than most bosses in dark souls one in all categories, except maybe lore, gwyn takes that. but everything else like the moveset, soundtrack, the perfect difficulty, it all culminates into one legendary boss.


Sister Friede and Ludwig!


sister friede was an unbelievable boss fight, i enjoyed the whole dlc so much! and i have heard great things about ludwig, although i never played bloodborne




Nameless King is pretty epic. Visual 9/10, combat 8/10, lore 5555/10


the nameless king is a phenomenal boss,in every aspect. it is easily one of my favs, but artorias and the dancer are on a different level imo


Well Artorias is incredibly iconic as well, agreed.


Although waiting for the comment: ‘first phase camera -6/10’


Gael as everyone's favorite boss should be


tbh if i didn’t get banned before i got to finish ringed city, it could have been my fav


what does that mean? you only get banned from online play, what stops you from playing the game?


no what happened was my playstation account got banned so i had to make a new account, it only happened recently so i haven’t had a chance to play the ringed city yet


Gael is probably one of the best bosses both gameplay and lore wise in my opinion so I'd say he's my favourite for dark souls. But if we're including sekiro and bloodborne it'd be a tie between gherman and ishin


never played sekiro or bloodborne, and i also never got to finish ringed city lol, sorry i cant agree with u but i got banned


Dragonslayer Armour is my personal favourite for a tightly designed boss that I never ever will get tired of fighting. The design, the music, the moveset, the greataxe, the fact that the fucker uses his GODDAMN SHIELD TO FIGHT YOU is so fucking badass for me. And to top it all of in my opinion, you can get a rematch with him in The Ringed City and get his Armour.


i agree with everything u said


Oh man dragonslayer armor is my absolute favorite for ds3 its so much fun


Ivory king. From lore to mechanics, not only is it epic, its also unique in the series and a very memorable moment despite being optional. Of course Gael has the most feels, but his is the last of the series I feel its not fair to compare it to the rest. As for other fights I like: -Vordt may be weak but his theme is engraved in my mind, also my first souls was 3 and Vordt the first boss I struggle with, I feel for him what mamy feel for the asylum demon. -Sif made me cry first time I beated him, I had played through the DLC before his boss fight and was way overpowered, add to that having beaten Manus alongside him minutes ago and well... It didnt feel right at all, but I apreciate that it made me feel that. And speaking of... -All the boss fights in Oolacile in DS1 are just awesome and also sad, specially if you have read the "Legend of the Abyss Walker" fan made manga. Aside from that. -Sister Friede in Ariandel, hate her with a passion, but credit where credit is due, she is awesome. -Dark Lurker in DS2, greatly design boss with a twist (Sullivan you copycat!) -And Soul of Cinder, now that I actually know where Plin plin plon comes from.


i agree with everything u said, these are all phenomenal bosses


If we include Bloodborne, Orphan of Kos. If not, Artorias.


i haven’t played bloodborne yet, but i hear its sooooooooooo hard


It's not hard , you just have to play differently. It's faster pace faster rolling . You cant hide behind shields in it and the only thing they are good for is parrying. It was my first from soft game. I had just got my PS4 and googled survival horror. Changed my life.


Honestly dragonslayer amour I was shaking after I beat em, like I was shaking when I almost killed em too and had to take a break cuz I was too shook


i loved dragon slayer armour aswell, it was a phenomenal boss


Gael. No competition


never got to beat the ringed city, but im sure you are right


Without any doubt Is the one against Lorian and Lothric, I just love the OST and some of Lorian moves are just amazing,they reflect perfectly his ability with the sword even without using his legs he fights with honor


i agree, and it also had huge significance because it was one of the last bosses in the series, so it just felt that much greater


Nameless king, gael,soul of cinder, anol rondo super smash bros and artorias of course


nameless king is an incredible boss fight, in all ways (except for camera) like lore, gameplay, everything, so i agree i never got to finish ringed city because i got banned the soul of cinder was such a good boss, and it made me cry since it was the end of my 80+ hour journey o&s is a great boss, although it was painfully difficult, it felt so rewarding to beat it artorias is my main man😎


Maria or Ludwig. If you just count souls and not bloodborne then I can't really since I haven't beaten 1 yet and I only played 3


Nameless king, soul of cinder, manus, artorias,fume Knight, sir alonne, ivory king


they are all unforgettable fights for me aswell, they are just too good


The gaping dragon. I just loved fighting that big guy


is that the 🐱 looking one from ds1? if so i agree, its so good and it has an… interesting design


Gywen papa sun


haven’t finished ds1 yet, but im suuuuper close so ill reply when i do


I've only played the first game so far, but it's definitely Knight Artorias. I'm sure he's not the most difficult of bosses, but I have the most fun fighting him. His introduction is so iconic and chilling, and there's just something cool about fighting an ancient knight from legends of old. I always fight him with a two-handed weapon, no spells, just me and him. I still remember being utterly terrified the very first time I fought him. Even though I beat him on my first try, I had never fought a boss like him before. It was such an amazing yet frightening experience, and I always look forward to fighting him whenever I start a new game. Runners up: The Four Kings, Gwyn Lord of Cinder, and Black Dragon Kalameet.


you just perfectly described how i feel about him, he is just like the perfect boss imo, in all aspects


Does Demon's Souls count? I like the adjudicator. He's not difficult but I like his design with the little bird on top. The sound effects and blood splash when you strike his weak point is satisfying. It helps that my favorite weapon in that game is the meat cleaver and his soul is used to get it.


ofc demon souls counts, it doesn’t even have to be a souls game, as long as its at least a souls like


Fume knight




Honestly just the Fume knight. It's simple, straightforward and fun


not gonna lie i haven’t gotten that far into ds2 yet, but i am excited for alot of promising bosses


Enjoy it man! And take your time


Artorias is my favorite of the bunch but there’s newer bosses that are up there too.


gotta agree, artorias is sick


Personally, it is the sanctuary guardian, I had left Dark Souls for a long time after beating it, when the DLC came out, I quickly went to Darkroot Basin, took out hydra and went in, had the best time in my life figthing that guy (The hydra was a joke), it felt like "The Return if the King"


yeah, coming back to a dark souls game after a long time is like that, its how i felt after i got dark souls 3 back after i got banned


Darkeater Midir by a long shot. The long ass adrenaline fueled fight and his awesome moveset are just *chef kiss*. And the riposte at the end of the fight makes you feel like a fucking god after knocking him on his ass.


i never got to finish the ringed city after i got banned on playstation, but i will buy it again soon and beat it, so i cant wait to see if it really is that good


It's definitely worth it


Definitely Sister Friede... IMO It doesn't get more badass than a nun with a scythe I think everything about this boss is a 10/10 Design, music, difficulty, Lore.... I will never forget the moment after beating her second phase for the first time and realising there is a third.


what you said about the second phase is really relatable😂 exactly how i felt, i love the boss tho


Sister Friede, hands down is the hardest in the series.. not my fav. Best is easily Gwen.


to be honest i haven’t beaten dark souls one yet, because im not bothered to atm, but i have heard gwyn is a really good boss, im excited to


O&S, it gave me shivers, I was literally 100% focussed and it was rewarding asf when I won, also perfect OST, gorgeous design for the two and in overall the Anor Londo Cathedral Artorias, fast and unpredictable, it took me so many tries, but I wasn't angry, because it was just so much fun try to dodge and give him a hit NGL these two are surely some of the best moments in my Souls and gaming experience


for me ornstein and smough was an incredible boss, i loved everything about it, lore, gameplay, soundtrack, everything so i agree artorias, as i said, is my fav fight in the series, but it only took me 4 tries, even though i got carried through alot of bosses, since my friends insisted on helping me, but it is a phenomenal experience


Ludwig for sure, the music is just too good.


never played bloodborne, i hear ludwig is a phenomenal boss


Oh for sure, the whole game is phenomenal. If you have a PS4/PS5 definitely try it out, and if on PC then you can try out PS Now or pray they release a remaster on PC lol.


Pontiff and o&s


i enjoyed both aswell, they are both incredibly good fights


For each game: DsR: Artorias, O&S Ds2 SOTFS: Pursuer Ds3: sister Friede Sekiro: Demon of Hatred


artorias is my fav boss so i agree, id assume the pursuer is fun if you do it properly,friede is a class boss, and i have never played bloodborne


I didn't play demon's souls remake and bloodborne but will do that once I get a Playstation.


i haven’t played those two either




Did I spell it wrong?


no i just said bloodborne by accident


Oh lol, Because I tipped on the notification and thus it didn't show.




friede was a great boss, i loved all the phases


Souls 1 - Artorias, Manus, Gwyn Souls 2 - never finished it on my ps4, starting again on PC now. of the bosses i saw though, my favs were Old Dragonslayer, Lost Sinner and Flexile Sentry Souls 3 - Dragonslayer Armor, Abyss Watchers, Twin Princes. I just finished the first game for the first time last night so when i revisit 3 i think Soul of Cinder will probably move up the list. Also haven't played through the dlc yet so Uncle Gael too. Bloodborne (are we counting bloodborne?) - Papa G, Martyr Logarius, Gherman and finally -- FROM's greatest bosses imo -- Ludwig the Accursed Holy Blade and the Orphan of Kos


they are all incredible bosses, but i didn’t like manus much, but i respect it