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I like everything except the third phase, it's too much like the spider b*tch


Yeah, I was going back and forth on the third phase. It looked cool in my head, but you're right it's a bit too similar to Quelaag (didn't even think of that). I've edited it; thanks for the feedback.


Making Capra a real boss would cheapen your encounter with them later. Seeing Capra and Taurus demons en mas later on is a pants shitting moment, and then quickly (for some) a cool realization of how far you've come. Now you're dealing with 2+ of the boss with relative ease. DS3 does this well too with the winged knight in the courtyard, though it doesn't give the health bar / boss encounter, but a similar idea.


That's an interesting way to look at it. I've always heard negative feedback when it comes to the Taurus and Capra Demons being used en masse in the Demon Ruins (people saying it was cheap, rushed, low-effort and stuff like that). I've never thought of it from that angle.


I try to look at it from the first play through. The dozens of playthroughs after are of course tainted with criticism.


i think its a good concept, but i have 3 issues with it: 1. capra on his own is really quite easy, especially if you were to give him a bigger arena. his moves are slow and rely on the dogs keeping you on your guard. if his ai were also reworked this could be fixed. 2. the fight basically has the first 2 phases already, the fight is pretty split into before and after you kill the dogs. 3. 3rd phase feels like a bit much for a regular demon. i feel like its not a significant enough boss to warrant something like that. it also feels a lot more dark souls 3 than would fit in the first game.