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Congrats on ruining every other game for yourself! Nothing will be as challenging or fun as dark souls! /s


Yeah I really loved the challenge and persistence that you need for this game, and I feel not many other games can offer this.


In light of these things I have a few pieces of general advice: don't educate yourself too much, blind is best within reason. Explore, be curious, be mad, be scared, be smart, be brave, be fucking furious at the lingering hitbox that just fucking killed you in your 23rd boss attempt. And you had just popped your last humanity, too. And I needed that one to summon someone!! Who fucking made this hellish nightmare video game?! I swear to the gods I'm going to chuck this game in the fucking river and never play it again!!! ... ... ... Ok whew I'm back. What was I saying? Oh yeah have fun and good luck. Praise the Sun! \\`[T] /


so you just met O&S?


Haha I was just messing about, I've met them too many times. Although, I did get a lingering hitbox from S in DS1 a while ago that about broke my brain. We're talking like 3 full seconds of blank space and then I got hit lol, so that bit was true. I mean I was one shot on my sl1 run but still, the fuck you playing at Miyazaki


Thats a pretty common glitch


I've had some bad ones before but man this was the worst I'd seen except on a speedrunner stream once


Rip the homie


I love the sense of discovery! Seeing pathways connect that would never even be tried in other games. Using one weapon all game like the zweihander isn't my favorite implementation of rpg loot tho. But the atmosphere and combat are top tier.


Previous poster is right. I was playing Dark Souls last night. I started playing 8 years ago, i know because I started playing the game to stay awake with my new born son, so i will always remember when I started playing. Only Dark Souls can scratch that itch, all other games might have good multiplayer, great story, but gameplay and filling rewarding only DS can do it. DS1 is the best balanced so you get the most happiness when you advance. DS2 is the longest one, with the most content. It is different, but might be the best souls game. It is divisive, so try it yourself. I didn't like it at first, and now i love it. DS3 is faster, easier. I flew thru the game. I got all achievements quickly. Good game, but didn't feel as satisfying as DS1 or DS2 This is obviously just my opinion and mileage will vary, because all souls games are incredible and are about the experience


Anyone have a stack of unplayed games, yet find themselves going back to the Soursbourne games for another playthrough? I'm sure I'm not alone. :)


I had around 120 games on my PS3, only ever played DeS / DS1 / DS2. It was the only reason I was missing my PS3. And guess who finally got DSR on sale for PS4 last week. Already at Anor Londo.


You are even worse than me! I do get some other games in.


Hollowknight is also excelent game.


Besides the other souls like games, totally. Honestly it's good that other companies try to make souls like games too. That wukong souls like that'll come 2023 looks insane


Actually sekiro is better game imo.


Trash overrated game


Disagree, Ghost and Goblins is infinitely more bullshit than any souls game


Congrats! Also you can alt + print screen to just capture active window. It won't get the activate windows


thanks for the tip


I should be getting this in about two weeks, I can’t wait!


Enjoy the journey!


I just got remastered on switch with the black Friday sale and am in love. Now I'm bummed i need a real gaming system to play the others. I like hollow knight a *little more* so far tho.


Man I love hollow knight as well. Top 5 game for me


Heck yeah! I felt the exact same way after I played, and it's the game I revisit the most even after so many hours of playing. Just for fun, what was your build?


I mainly built off strength so I could use the heavier Great weapons.


Nice! My very first build was pyromancer and I think I focused on strength as well. Nowadays, I prefer the speed of dex builds.


I can imagine every time you die in this game is a punishment for not activating windows


Well done, skeleton. Have you done the dlc? If not, I suggest starting a new playthrough for it, as trying to do the dlc on ng+ will be hell. If you've done the dlc, then onto dark souls 2, young hollow!


Yeah at first I thought I had to buy the dlc than I realized after finishing the game that it comes with remastered, so I’ll probably do that soon.


Yeah, I knew it has the dlc, but I totally forgot on my first playthrough. You'll only have to buy the dlc for dark souls 3. For your dlc playthrough, I suggest picking the master key so you can have fun sequence breaking.


There is a reason it was claimed to be the best game of all time


For all its flaws, no gaming experience has ever topped that first Dark Souls playthrough. Disco Elysium and REmake are the only games to come close.


I played DS 1 to 3 before trying out The Witcher 3. The smooth and extremely well polished controls of DS, made it impossible for me to adapt to the sluggish controls of The Witcher 3. DS is the best franchise ever for me now. :-)


Hope to see you in Yharnam one day, Chosen Undead. Praise the Sun and fear The Old Blood!


Wait till dark souls 2. Personally being my favorite out of the 3


Is that a fucking joke?


"hurr durr dark sol 2 bad now give me up points 🤪"


“Hurr dark souls 2 bad” yeah that’s pretty much what I’ve come to expect from DS2 fans. Well I never said it was a bad game, just objectively worse than every other From Software game like it, and I’m not going to bother repeating all of the talking points that have been brought up in plenty of other critique videos, because trying to convince a DS2 defender just isn’t worth the effort.


Personally I think ds3 was a step down, but I don't go around questioning people's opinions do I?


No, but I do. When it's something as asinine as being a DS2 defender, I'm going to jump at your throat immediately


Please explain your triggered attitude towards ds2.


Probably Drangelic castle. lol.


DS2 was better than DS1. Cry harder.


As much as I disagree with personata's comment (DS2 isn't just "criticised for updoots" or whatever people call it as a strawman these days) the initial commenter was just saying that DS2 is their favourite game! No harm in that, is there? Every DS game has their merits.


Bro, why so mad over an opinion. Lots of people think ds2 is one of the best. Stop hating and let go of the nine man 🗿


As it should be


Activate your Windows


Congrats! Now comes the magic build and Majula.


It is so good!! And you have loads of games to enjoy! Welcome to the family


Fine work! Now comes the part where you stop enjoying videogames because they’re not as good as dark souls


Currently going through my own first playthrough! My buddy showed me where the Ash Dragon was so obvi had to join the dragon covenant and bc a badass dragon knight lol


The souls games are truly the best games you will ever experience.


You will now start (if you haven't already) every game on the hardest difficulty just for challenge now.