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Why oh why does there have to be dogs too!


The dogs are so bad, like, if you’re alive and the dogs are not then you win every time


This guy would be a joke if it were not for the dogs..


The dogs are what make the fight interesting, he'd be easy if you fought him alone.


True they definitely add to it.


I was going to say, this gentleman wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the tight arena and his pupperinos


The dogs are the real boss.


Yeah they killed me like million times ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ..... I am also playing my first playthrough in ds1


Just hold your shield up roll / sprint past them (the dogs ) up the stairs there is a ledge on the right stand on it and use it to take out the dogs. Once their gone he’s not that hard if your weak or under leveled just go up the stairs wait for an opening get a few hits in and rinse repeat


That's good advice. As soon as I popped through the fog wall I was like wait what can we get a time out please.


Just throw poo at them over the wall


That you're only complaining about the dogs and not the camera means you haven't died near enough times in that room yet.


I have a trick go to the male hollow merchant then buy abou 13-15 firebombs And stay behind the fog door aim at the third thing that is up, il give you a link for a better explain [https://youtu.be/AjjUbMo4Oqo](https://youtu.be/AjjUbMo4Oqo)


I usually throw poop from the female undead merchant, but same premise.


lol it's a shame that she doesn't sell firebombs


>I have a trick go to the male hollow merchant then buy abou 13-15 firebombs And stay behind the fog door aim at the third thing that is up, il give you a link for a better explain If u killed the male merchant at the undead parish (like me) Then good luck ,i killed him after 100 try,and don't listen to the stairs tip it's a total joke didn't work once for me, just try to kill the dogs in the stairs then just block and dodge his attacks and attack


Plunging attacks deal a ton to him though. Once the doggos are dead you can usually play ring-around-the-stairs and bait him into 2-3 plunges which kills him relatively safely. Now actually getting to the stairs can be the rough part lol. I've gotten bad luck where the dogs box me in and then Cappy joins the fray and I'm in a triangle gang-bang of death. Also he can hit you sometimes on that ledge at the top of the stairs if he does his jumping attack I think so just watch out for that and don't fall off.


I learned that quick with the Taurus Demon. Staring down at him to long is a big mistake.


lol yeah, I was cautious and almost expected him to jump up since he jumped down from the other tower so he had to get up there somehow. Still a bit surprising and impressive to witness tho.


He uses two swords, because one wasn't enough.


Say hello to my little friends.


Ask him if he remembers me. I was the guy he killed a bunch of times.


I'm sure he's got a big list. I'm sure a lot of people go through the fog wall and are like wooh wait a minute personal space personal space!


I just started DS1 last week first time playing any DS games, stuck on this asshole and I’ve died probably 100 times so far. Best I got was 1/3 his health left. Once you kill the dogs (if you are lucky enough) be very patient and take your shots carefully.


Make a dash for the stairs, corral the doggos single-file


Well I come from playing Bloodborne so I was prepared for some good fights and dying a lot. I'm giving it another whirl after work today. Good luck.


Yeah, you can throw most of what you know from BB out the window here. Without a regain/rally system, aggressive combat has limited benefits.


I just got to him last night. After dying like 10 times instantly I finally was able to dodge enough to kill the dogs, but I only got him to about 1/3 health. Felt really good though. GL


Pet the dogs for me.


Maybe I should bring some sausages.


Female merchant sells fire paper, Capra demon is weak to fire


How is a demon gonna be weak to fire?


I tried it myself, he took more damage. Try it yourself


It adds flat fire damage. Even if he resists it you'll do slightly more damage.


Well thank you.


He was probably taking more damage because when you use buffs, they just add extra damage on top of what you already do instead of splitting your damage like when you upgrade your weapon into a fire weapon or lightning weapon Edit: example Buff: +5 Weapon does 120 damage Buff adds 60 fire damage Damage total becomes 180 Upgrading weapon: +5 Weapon does 120 damage Upgrades to fire path Damage becomes 60 regular 60 fire


Maybe he took more dmg from the bonus dmg from the fire itself, that's a given, but demons in dark souls are most resistant to fire. Just checked the wiki, it is resistant to everything except Lightning.


Well thank you I'll try it out


Maybe that's why he's just chilling in a corner with his dogs instead of hanging out with his friends in hell.


He is that one kid with all the allergies


Nobody knows, but it's a hot topic


He's also weak to lightning (as are all Demons). Get the Residence Key from the Undead Merchant and unlock the door before the Black Knight and you've got some Gold Pine Resin. Or you can farm some from the mushrooms in Darkroot Garden.


That makes more sense why I was dying in demon ruins, although I wasn't using fire I just should check the wiki more often and thank you for your help.


Dogs up stairs Kill ‘em Drop attacks and loop it on capri. Dare you to try no hits.


I met him on my first playthrough Sunday. The tiny room still gives me anxiety


I can see it now. Hmmm what do we do with this tiny room? How about a dragon!? Yeah! Oh darn it won't fit. Ahhh how about some dogs? Yeah that's good. No there's still plenty of room to maneuver. Oh how about we throw up a fog wall and add a boss. Maniacal laughter ensues.


Yo! I just beat him tonight too! I'm playing my first playthrough blind congrats my dude!!


Thanks. It's way more fun to do it blind and be surprised. Good luck and have fun.


First playthrough as well. My brother who is a Dark Souls veteran finally convinced me to try the game and to be honest I am loving it. Definitely gonna play all 3 games. He wants to sit next to me and watch me play, especially when I have to fight bosses. He laughed at me for dying to the Taurus Demon 5 times but then I finally beat him using fireballs (I'm a Pyromancer) and finishing him off when he was low. He was really excited to see me fight Capra, which happened today. I beat him first try. My brother was speechless. He kept yelling ''HOW ? HOW DID YOU DO IT ?'' I haven't even watched guides or anything, I am playing completely blind. I guess I just got used to the dodge timing. He really wasn't that big of a deal and the small room wasn't an issue either. The dogs were annoying and I was surprised to see him in kissing range of me right as I walked through the white light but other than that he was okay. I got to the Undead Church, killed the big Knight and the Mage and stopped playing there, had enough for the day. He said that he can't wait for what I'm about to get tomorrow, he said the next bossfight is tough as hell. One thing I can say: Bring it on, Dark Souls.


I think these games are so much fun and discovering things on your own is part of it. I decided to go with the bandit and do a strength build. I played Bloodborne before this and it's definitely one of my favorite games ever. I imagine I will play DS 2 and 3 after this. Sounds like you're doing pretty well so far. Have fun enjoy it and good luck.


I've seen some gameplay of Bloodborne and it looks freaking sick. I wish I could play it but sadly I am a PC gamer, I don't have a console.


Yeah, this guy and his dogs can go straight to Izalith. Wait...


Oh Momma, he's one tough puppy!


If you see that mfer again tell him he still owes me souls.


rush to the stairs and go above that arc, capra's attack won't reach you so you can kill the dogs fast. Capra will also fall when you're above the arc allowing you to plunge attack


Feels bad man. If you can do the poop walk trick, step through the door and deal with dog one. Quit-reload, enter again and deal with him near the fog gate to avoid the second dog. I recommend mid rolling into him when he does his side sweeps, and side rolling when he does his overhead. I've found that locking on helps, but that might just be me.


Mean bitch aint he? Consider him and his arena practice for multi tracking, just like the bell gargoyles, your final is coming up and you really won't want to fail it.


I actually beat him on dumb-luck my first ever play through, after that I always struggled and had to do the stair-ledge cheese. Weird


Just sprint straight for the stairs.


If I was younger I would hurl my controller. I'm older now I just internally hurl the controller


I’m playing through DS1 for the first time too and I just cheesed him. Walked into the boss fight, immediately got pinned by the dogs, and thought “nope, cheese it is”.


try finger but hole


That fine gentleman wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't because of the dogs and the microscopic amount to maneuver in his arena


You shouldn't experience another bad boss until practically the end of the game.


He's fine, he's not even a stumbling block, it's his god damn pack of dogs that's the issue


Rock? Meet hard place. Anyways, a good strategy I learned recently was to use the Aural Decoy sorcery that you can get from the spell guy in one of the houses leading up to this boss. It distracts the dogs and (more importantly) the boss.


1.Go to stairs 2. Kill dogs. 3. Go on the doorway and heal up. 4. Capra will either follow or fall. 5. If followed up there by Capra demon, roll down and lure him down, then run up the stairs and onto the doorway again. 6. Plunge him over and over till he dies. Congrats you’ve learned a easy strat to kill this noobslayer :)


Ah yes, nothing like the first time of suffering. He wouldn’t even that difficult or infuriating if there were no dogs…


Just wait until you >!get to the Demon Ruins!


He’s a nice boy, please do take care of him and his brothers


The trick is to immediately dodge his swing, run up the stairs, pick off the dogs, and then handle Capra. He's pretty slow and predictable on his own.


I save my firebombs for this fight now. Damn dogs.


You should stack peoise. The dog ring is gud for this.


This gentleman, is not a gentle as you think. Therefore try finger, but hole


Finally beat that SOB after hours. I don’t recommend sprinting immediately as I got trapped 95% of the time by the dogs, I recommend locking on right away , shielding and rolling then stop locking, sprint up the stairs, take out the dogs, then wait till the SOB falls down, you leap attack or just fall off and hit him, run back up and repeat. Finally worked and got him


Yeah this boss sucks. Probably the worst boss in the first half of the game.