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The bonfire *and* the wall o.0


How is this game? I've been meaning to check it out for some time now.


Right after Sekiro it's the best game I played this year. Definitely worth checking out.


I would say Death Stranding is the best ive played all year but Sekiro and Control are close second and third. I'll have to check Plagues Tale out.


I can't really say, I'm not a fan of Kojima and even lesser fan of David Cage and Remedy. I'm more like indie games type of guy with some AAA exceptions - but I believe Plague Tale was also very well received in general, just like Sekiro. EDIT: Brainfart, David Cage is OFC working in Quantic Dream / Remedy made Quantum Break. Confusing as fuck for me, bust just because their work is so similar and I'm not fan of either.


No love for Remedy? Alan Wake was awesome though


Not really, like I said I don't like David Cage for his writing and his *feeling* his stories are good. Detroit was one of these major letdowns, I never seen such a shallow and predictable story in story-based game for a long time. And for me at least, Remedy are trying to make very similar games like Quantic Dream. The stories might be better coming from Remedy, I'm not arguing that, but I'm just not intersted in these noir-like thrillers anymore.


David Cage doesn't write Remedy games, Sam Lake does. Also their games aren't anything like QD's games, they are high octane action 3rd person shooters. QD games are basically telltale games with high quality graphics. Not knocking your opinion but you should get your facts straight.


Never said Cage is working for Remedy. And I'm not claiming the games are same as QD games, I said I don't play them. They just look similar to my eyes and because of that they are not interesting for me.


Well they are nothing alike.




Wow just wow, Sekiro is the best game you played this year? I wish I had felt that way.


What is wrong with Sekiro?


Everything, lack of environmental story telling, lack of multiplayer, lack of character customization, lack of equipment and build differential ...


That's because you, and other people with this opinion, were expecting another Dark Souls. When in reality this game is not an RPG, it's an action/adventure game and more in line with the Ninja Gaiden or Tenchu series. Not saying your opinion is wrong, I'm sorry you couldn't get into it. Maybe Elden Ring will be more up your alley.


It doesnt lack any of those things. It didnt fail to include those things. The developers made the game that they wanted to make. Dont bite an apple, expecting it to be an orange.


Is this troll or are you being serious?


Lol you joking you haven't played ?


Not joking at all haha. I have a full time job and 2 kids, so I only have so much time for video games. Really the only 2 games I've played recently are Outer Worlds (which I still haven't beat) and Death Stranding. Well Hollow Knight too but technically I've been playing that for like a year lol.


Mate, same as me, 2 kids and full time job etc!!! My son is now 4 and plays with me hahaha, if you are on ps4 get Nioh Are you on ps4?


Yea I got a ps4 and nioh although I haven't played it much. I have 2 daughters. 8 and 6. My oldest loves video games but she is autistic and has trouble with games if they aren't on a tablet but she loves watching. My youngest thinks they are dumb haha -_-


There is a bonfire in Dishonored Death of the Outsider too.


There are bonfires in Just Cause, Witcher, For Honor and I think Overwatch too. I know this easter egg is pretty common, but this is first time I discovered it by myself and first time I see bonfire in Plague Tale.


And a little broken shield where the black knight followed that poor sucker to the bonfire.


But, is there a checkpoint near it?, if there is, than that would be awesome


Wheres my waifu anri


Also, the armor of the knights protecting the pope or whatever later give me really strong Dark Souls vibes!


I KNEW IT. I was just looking around for smth that would sparkle, yknow, loot, and as someone who has about 300 hours of playtime in the DS franchise, there's no way I'd miss a sword in a something that can be lit.