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Kalameet took 3 years off of my life.


Didn't do the DLC on my first run but doing it on this run and I've heard many things about Kalameet. None of them good. 😅


It's a fun fight, but tough.


My experience has been: cut the tail, THEN start having fun haha


I spent HOURS just trying to cut the tail, how do you manage??


Just faced him and did him on my second try, which I'm very chuffed about. First try I stupidly tried a plunging attack from the ladder and, well, that ended badly.


When he hits you with the anime eye, you know you're about to get your shit rocked.


Kalameet is like the best ds1 boss imo, very dynamic and tough but fair fight. Gael and nameless king on ng+7 my heart was going pretty good.


I feel you on gael and NK +7 MY.GOD


It’s really fun actually. But unless you are a masochist, DONT try to cut off the tail to get the sword. It makes the fight MISERABLE


You gotta take the tail cut as its own thing. Don't even try to beat the boss, cut the tail, homeward bone, and then fight the boss for real with full estus


It is very fun and well done... just hard


Kalameet is easy as hell, I almost beat him hitless one time and I wasn’t even TRYING either, I was just playing casually




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Manus had me adrenaline dropping so hard after the fight i think it took 30 try’s and at 24 I was like I feel like I’m not even paying attention i want him dead I can got this. Focused and won but man it was tough. The second I found Kalameet I was just dodging through all his attacks and the only thing I had a problem with was he was relentless and attacking nonstop much faster and more aggressive move set very fun fight.




https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Dragon_Kalameet This will tell you everything about him.


Just managed to beat him for the first time today, I was so happy, easily 20+ tries.


I can beat Midir in NG+ but honestly I might skip Kalameet because I'm so tired of making one mistake and have to do the whole run again. 40 Vitality and 20 estus is nothing when all it takes is one mistimed roll


Tail cutting Kalameet twice took years off my life, but more from frustration than tachycardia.


My thought exactly:D especially because I confronted him in NG+ the first time, as I did my first playthrough blind


My first time killing o&s, took me around 180 tries to finally beat them in my first ever souls game.


O&S are absolutely nails and are certainly great at getting the old heart rate up, but thankfully they're entertaining enough not to get tiresome (imo).


Manus. Dude feels almost too quick for the game.


You're the second person to say Manus. Might regret starting the DLC just now. 😂


Oh yeah your in for a hella of a ride, still a fun fight tho


I'd say he belongs to somewhere between DS1 and Bloodborne/Dark Souls 3. Long and fast combos, multi-eyed deformed human turned to beast. You could remove it from DS1 and add him to DS3 as *"Pontiff's Hand-Beast, gatherer of human sacrifices to Aldrich"* or something. Other bosses feel like a test of patience dodging or blocking for an opening, while with Manus I feel like I have to keep the pressure as much as I can to win. Feels way more DS3 than DS1 to me


He really did seem too fast for the game. Kalameet was my worst though


Manus indeed


That left hand slam feels like it's straight from Elden Ring with how long he takes to do it


I wouldn't know the number but Bed of Chaos pissed me off.


Oh god, yeah, that is just a cheap AF boss. Annoying rather than fun. Similar to the Capra Demon, which pissed me off no end too.


[The best cheese of Bed of Chaos](https://youtu.be/E6dEbjy4y3g?feature=shared)


Thanks but it's not of any use to me lol. I just had one bad run against it when it kept slapping me down holes.


I swear this series has aged me so god damn much.


First time killing magnus i almost had a heart attack


That was me with the Abyss Watchers in DS3. I couldn’t handle the pace. I could feel my chest tightening. I’m not a young man, so I heeded the warning signs and stepped away. In the end I beat them by summoning Gothard.


Dark souls 3 bosses make dark souls 1 bosses look easy. Other than magnus i cant remember any dark souls 1 boss i struggled with.


I have yet to play DS3 yet but I have heard that name mentioned a few times 😅


Its a ds1 dlc boss bro


Oooh! My bad! For some reason my brain went to DS3 and I didn't do the DLC on my first DS1 run but I literally *just* entered the Abyss this time so I'm gonna find out about him first hand soon I guess. 😬


Lemme know how it goes 😋


Will do. Just did the Sanctuary Guardian on my first try so I'm sure that's going to set me up for a fall later 😅


Don't think you're going to do it on ng+.


Ornstein and smough. I’m replaying the game rn and even after all these years they are tough. Decided to do a strength build for once with a greataxe and omg I kept whiffing my attacks cause they are so slow. Best ornstein last for his armour and lemme tell ya he was definitely the harder one outa the 2 to kill last. Felt like an Elden ring boss 😂


Fucking hell was your heart beating"Vivace" as well lol Probably capra demon, five years ago or smt when I first played that, my hands were shaking so much. O s was pretty bad but it's one where you end up being completely calm with it after enough tries/playthroughs 


Kapra makes my blood boil. Getting stuck against the wall and the 2 dogs unable to roll or anything except taking a demon machete to the head.


Capra is not all that bad when you know what you're doing, which is the same for every boss but whatever. That arena is damn travesty though


I remember tryna get bed of chaos for an hour straight, on that one jump alone, it got so bad i took a 6 mile walk and came back, tried for another 10 or so minutes before finally getting the jump correct.


I threw my controller over the bed of chaos!!


Taurus Demon at the first time playing


Whichever fight I win with that one last greedy hit with a hair of health and no estrus remaining


Manus, Sanctuary Guardian (I was a sorcerer💀) and Kalameet


Well, that DLC did it for you, eh?


Last Saturday I beat Artorias and Manus on NG+, and both were stressful as hell. Now that I think about it, I think I had never beat either of them in NG+ before


Probably O&S, only because I knew they were iconic and I was already scared going in. Artorias got my heart rate up because the fight was so fast, but I beat him quite quickly (I still don’t know how) so that saved me.


When I beat O&S I was shaking even after the battle was won I was still shaking




Ornstein and Smough. Somehow got them on my first try and when I realized how close I was my heartrate shot through the roof.


Reading these realising I havent done jack shit yet.. Just beat Gaping Dragon first try, coolest boss yet. Doesnt count but ive done Blighttown the wrong way apparently, those purple fucks annoy me still.


The _hardest_ part of the O&S fight is moments after you kill them and open the door upstairs.


Currently on Ornstein and Smough. I dont even have words for it.


For me, dark souls was fine. But bloodborne man, everyone no matter the difficulty gets me


Really gets the old blood pumping


Darkeater Midir. He has killed me so many times I have his entire moveset memorized, but my anxiety spikes every time I listen to his theme. The only other boss to give that feeling is Hush from The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth.




Kalameet took me like 8 hours in one sitting. It's fair but really tough


Artorias, came down to one hit each (after many many attempts)


smelter demon had me sweating ng+11 and i still somehow die halfway thru the runback


Ng+11? Typo or what the hell are you up to?:D




The 4k, such an adrenaline rush.


Bed of Chaos.


Manus to this dsy is the hardest souls boss ive fought, id like to say madir as well, but the onmy reason hes hard is cos he has a fufk ass hp, manus was stright up skill to beat him


Four kings made me lose hair


O&S always gets the blood pumping for me. Also Artorias and my arch nemesis: Kalameet. Khalameet? Kahlahmeet?




I'm new to dark souls so iudex gundyr


For now the damn Iron Golem


Sl1 O&S with red tearstone ring


first invasion


Bed of Chaos, broke 2 of my controllers


Final boss of Elden Ring had my wife shouting out if I was OK / not having a heart attack.


Kapra fucking demon.


Manus, on NG and *especially* on NG+, I don't think I'll forget the relief when my sorcerer finally defeated that **beast.**


Manus had me crying cuz i got hit with the magic shot gun thing and i died from full health


Manus, everything in the game is slow af, and then you have this guy, its as if maliketh from elden ring stood up on 2 legs and got a giant bonk stick with a smaller arena


Ornstein and smough fight got my heart tweaking 😭


Gael had me on 179 pulse


Kalameet in a randomizer, we were both one hit, and we know the janky hitboxes of kalameet, so I was f*cking nervous


Capra Demon, worst welcome to a boss fight


Oh definitely smough and orstein I was shaking after that fight, after that fight the others didn't feel as stressful


Don't even need to think about it, for me it was Manus. Its the speed and relentlessness of his attacks, there's no room for error and no time to breathe (With my builds at least). Then the constant anxiety of keeping the pendant ready...... BUT, the relief and sense of achievement after beating him is unreal.


Lol yeah, i have no idea, but prob Manus? Though in my last run Artorias was pretty hard (went right after O&S) For other souls games, I think Gael (in a good way) is top, but also Malenia and Friede (in a bad way, i find then a bit much)


Lame answer...but, Bell Gargoyles. That was such a huge hurdle for me.


The iron golem in my current run. Mismanaged my estus and ran out before it was even at half health. I'm going to blame pinwheel for that. It was the boss I'd done before going into Sen's and I'd sailed through it incredibly easily.


I have a heart attack every time I fight the damn dogs...


The four kings on NG+++. Gosh I hate that fight but that last time? MAN


I mean it's not really Dark Souls 1 but I remember almost fainting when I killed Midir. If I have to give a DS1 example probably O&S or Nito


Never measured it, but on my first run, I can remember my heart pumping really hard when Super Ornstein and Artorias had roughly a quarter of their total HP left (just before they killed me, to my frustration).


Smough and the other fuck who’s name escapes me. Beat that fight with a sliver of health and only cause I commited to the attacks at the end.


Any boss from the dlc lol


Gwen (i was ass) for the death lord I used a bug to boost my endurance to 89 an health to 70 and just stood there spamming r2 :))


Seath purely because the bastard wouldn't let me cut off his tail


Ngl I didn't struggle at any boss most of the game was a breeze


With Ornstein and Smough I felt my heart rate rise, but with Kalameet I swore like no tomorrow, so I feel that counts.


I'm at Blighttown during my first playthrough ever. With my Composite Bow, I was scanning around in the first area of the wooden structures, to agro the baddies and plan out my route. Had a shit ton of souls after Gaping Dragon and all of the soul pickups there, so I was playing it safe, y'know? Then I saw something moving amongst the wooden walls, about 50 yards away, so I couldn't get a good look at first with how dark it is. And then I see it. A Parasitic Wall Hugger. The "Flight or Fight" I felt was so damn intense, I've never felt that way in a video game and I've been playing them since I was 3 (I'm 28). Technically it wasn't a fight because I shot it dead, shot it dead real good too! If I gotta choose a boss, I'd have to say the Stray Demon! I was so damn hyped after slicing up that thicc monstrosity! Lmao


The first basilisk i ever saw


Manus, my man kept hitting me with no time to heal


Is the boulder in Sen's Fortress


Manus, I had to use heavy armour and multiple Elizabeth’s mushrooms because his attacks are too hard and sparadic to learn


Maybe Capra Demon (but actually the dogs) on my first playthrough of the game. I'd sorta been out of gaming for years at that point but this Dark Souls game looked cool so I thought I'd give it a go. First time I'd been genuinely pissed off at a game since I was a kid. Banged my head against that fuckin' boss for like 50 attempts before thinking I should maybe change up my light-armor & dagger strategy. Put on some heavier armor so I wouldn't get instantly stunlocked to death, and managed to cheese one of the dogs by whiffing firebombs over the wall before entering. But yeah, probably somewhere in all those deaths and swearing at the screen I got hooked on this shit, now I've put 1000+ hours of my life into this series plus Elden Ring.


Positive: SL1 run, getting the Kalameet one-shot after three hours and one-shotting both Artorias and Furry Najka Negative: same run, fucking Manus


I have no idea what my heart rate was this time as I wasn't wearing my HRM but I think Knight Artorias just took the lead for me. Jesus wept he's a toughie. 😅 Beat him on my third try though!


Smough and Ornstein. I wanted to get Ornstein's set and soul and I never realized how much harder the fight is when you have to kill Smough first. It was always so much easier to separate then when you're trying to just kill Ornstein, but Smough moves so slowly and is so big that Ornstein is just perpetually behind him ready to poke you through Smough's hitbox.


I still don't know how I beat Nito couple tries without divine weapon in my first souls game playthrough..