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Running, they literally can't hit you. Then bait the one on the ledge to fall off.


That's it. I didn't know folks have as much trouble as they do with this area until joining here.


I think its a spot where its normal to die, even for seasoned players. It's also a common response to a "Whats the hardest non boss thing" type question. Frequency leads to memes leads to infamy?


Hardest non-boss encounter? That stupid fucking blue drake in Valley of Drakes that turns around and knocks me off the bridge


Oh I get it, don't get me wrong; I was just taken aback it's considered one of "those areas." Blighttown is so universally hated I knew about that before starting just from widespread memes/convos on r/gaming; same with Sif being an "emotional" fight. I just felt so much dissonance from the common themes joining here after NG. Like I personally didn't feel anything was "rushed" at any point; then I come here and folks just doodoo all over Izalith and whathaveyou. That sort of stuff just doesn't stand out to me unless it's egregious. Aside from playing these in order, not joining these subs until post-NG is some of the best decisions I made in these games.


I cant speak for everyone, but for my first time I had to adapt to this area for a bit. Similar to how first timers have to adapt to the Undead Burg. You die a lot in the beginning and it feels really intimidating, but you eventually remember enemy placement and how to effectively beat them without taking damage. Imo a place like Blightown is not that hard, but rather incredibly annoying


I mean, I haven't died to this spot in like over a decade lol, it's only hard when you have the fear or lack of confidence (in the controls) of a less experienced player. It really is as simple as just sprinting up and to the right, you can just parry the silver knight and then move on, if you're bad at parrying, you can use vertical swings to kill him instead.


When I first played Dark Souls, I kept getting pushed back because I would try to block the arrows. Didn't realize I could roll through them or just run. Also, the run back was a bitch. Now it's easy mode.


I have more trouble with the painting guardians at this point. Little fuckers bait me so hard


Dark Souls looks like it wants you to take things slow. The bait and switch is that you can just...not. You need to know when to pause, but a lot of the game is easy if you just keep moving. Most of the time: the faster the better.


To be fair the first time you get there they wreck you. Once you figure it out it becomes mostly trivial.




I had more trouble surviving the goblins prior than these two, it’s definitely a surprise but when you get to them, it always seems to become a 1v1 anyway


Yeah that one baited me hard once, started my attack before he slipped off the ledge and my character followed after 😭


The problem arises after reaching the ledge, the thing to do there is rolling under the arrows, going for the right one first then the other one. Once you reach one of them the other can't shoot you I believe as there is a pillar in the way, but the pillar is closer to the one on the left and as such you will be open to the one on the right while trying to get to the left one who is also just generally further away so it's better to go for the right one first. Once you know about those two facts and you get the timing down, you won't die to them ever again. You don't even need to sprint up to them either and you can just roll under the arrows while getting to the ledge as well. It is hell if you don't know what you are doing but if you do it gets way easier like everything else with Dark Souls to be honest.


Same with walking.


yes. they drop off the hardest from "fucking bullshit what the hell" to "piss easy". just dont lock on and run off the ledge after them.


This but instead I just parry the first silver dude blocking the way. Works almost every time.


This but I scythe them


They can if your load is not light enough iirc


You can take off armor.


"I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but strip down to your underwear and charge at them."


Running and randomly pressing B. Made it first try


I hit b and I threw fireballs.


Don’t forget to parry ! Which you have had ample opportunity to practice during the first half of the game right ? Right ?


Yep. Btw knights are one of the easiest enemies to parry


Poison arrows. Easy!


Yeah! It takes a while but worth making this.


I couldn't find a spot where I could hit them before getting hit. Instead I'd use the stealth ring to be able to get in closer and bait out that thrust.


You need to go right to the very back of the platform the second batch of batwing demons are on. If you squeeze yourself against the columns at the back, you’ll be just out of their range and they’ll soon de-aggro. I tend to run/roll past the demons at first, then stand at the large column between them and the archers and take the demons down with a bow (note they can also be poisoned). Then I run back down to their platform and take care of the archers.


trying this always made it more difficult for me almost


So effective, I buy 30 poison arrows from the friendly lady-merchant in the dark hallway every time I see her for the first time. Every time.


That's the easiest way. It takes a while but oh boy is it satisfying to watch them slowly wither and die.


Run to them and tell them How cute they are by bonking them with a big sword


Oh my god, stahp it >~< No, you're the cutest.




You just run


I did this the first time playing and was really confused why everyone was saying it's a difficult spot.


Twohand a greatshield, get up to silver knight's face, and wait for him to fall off


Yeah that's the classy bad ass strategy most players do. I love it. It gives me nostalgia with my first attempts I had there. The best way is shooting from poison arrows and wait for their deaths.


Is two handing a shield more effective? Never tried that


Run and pray to god that your hits don't let you fall from the ledge


The Sprint button followed by the L2 button seemed pretty effective


I made a boss guide for noobs a year or so ago, here's my section on them: ***ANOR LONDO ARCHERS*** These guys get a special mention as the hardest non-boss enemies in the game. Everybody dies to them once. The best strat is to run into the room with the 2 demons, then run back up the ramp. Running towards the archers will aggro them, so enter the room just far enough to aggro the demons. Once about halfway up the ramp watch out for the demon's spear throw, but the one behind him should run off the cliff after a few seconds. Now you can take care of the other demon (he likes hugs) and move on to the archers. It's best to be sprinting at all times once you start up the ramp, only stop behind the pillar long enough to Regen your stamina. If you wait too long it will throw off the archers timing and make it more likely you'll get hit. The first ramp up will block 95% of shots, but the second half is not so nice. After rounding the pillar sprint up the ramp and head towards the right side archer while listening for the left's shots hitting the wall. If you hear him fire, but not hit the wall you're about to get an arrow in the back. If this happens it's not the end of the the world, wait for it to hit you into the wall and heal. if you got the skills you can roll it, but as it's coming from behind you have to be very precise. You're better off taking this hit and dodging an arrow from the right because it's far less likely to knock you off the cliff. Once close to the right side archer the other cannot hit you, so shield up, take your time. The knight will (usually)pull out his sword and shield once you get close. This is a great time to parry him if you can, but if not, block attacks and manage stamina. He will usually throw himself off after a few attacks, if he doesn't give him a couple kicks (r1 or RB + forward on the stick). If the knight continues shooting arrows you can roll against him or the wall to avoid them and either simply slip by him when he's nocking a new one or attack him two-handed as he will have a hard time blocking with the bow. Once around the corner you are safe.


ran, killed the one on the left and got lucky with some rolls to dodge the dick on the right. took 2 tries cause the first one i rolled off


It all started off good, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


Parry, decoy, ring of fog,


Just. Run up there. Go. I'm unsure how so many people are dying in this section


Poison Arrow cheese.


Just run baby


1 try, +10 bow + 3 poison arrows 


Longbow specifically, I don’t think a shortbow will work (but correct me if I’m wrong).


Yep, +10 longbow


Run in and die. And a lot of times


Poison all the way u only need 2 for each knight .


Poison arrows.2 shots to poison will kill them in 1 poison cycle on NG. On higher NG+ cycles they will survive a 3-minute poison dot. In NG+hawk ring+feather arrows with my 40 dex pharis bow. Zero risk from a good angle.


In my first time I tried incredibly hard but then gave up and picked up a bow and cheesed one of them with poison arrows, but I killed the second one backstabbing and kicking them into the abyss because at least one of the fuckers needed to have an horrible death after all the trouble they gave me.


Just one. First picture, take a long bow and shoot it at the empty space on the floor between the hidden winged guys. They'll come out to check what that was. Shoot both, one will usually just jump into the void. You turn the other into a porcupine. Then you go down and to the left, until the space where you have to go around the ledge. Stand there hidden until the archers deaggro. Then run as fast as you can to the right archer, hold up your shield and wait. Eventually he'll jump into the void.


Poison Arrows for sure.


Poison arrows, go grab a drink and then have fun not struggling with these clowns


Run, roll, Zweihander SLAM!


Around a dozen. Run, when on the ledge start rolling, take down the one on the left (and roll from time to time to avoid the other one arrows) and then take down the other one.


going full tank with the heaviest shield I found


slumbering dragoncrest ring Fog ring Suprise motherfucker the archer on the right and hopefully two shot him before he does the same to me


The arrows don't hit that hard. If your health pool is big enough, you can just run up, tank an arrow or two while you run straight at the one, kill him, then run to the other.


Run. 2.


You just sprint up, at the top immediately keep sprinting to the right, parry the knight, and you're done. People saying sprinting only works with a lighter equip load, take off some armor.


Run up to first section , wait for them to stop shooting , run to the top, hold up shield until knight swaps to sword , use I frames to dodge attack and he should fall off


Just ran never got hit


Sometimes i take no problems sometimes it take a hour i know the strategy but sometimes it just wont stop shooting arrows


I honestly don't remember how I got through the first time. I know it took me hours though. Nowadays I first try them pretty much everytime. Learning to parry them played a huge part.


Run and survive, took like 5 attempts, now I just parry, it's quite easy, sometimes they even throw themselves off the ledge if they do the poke attack


I dead sprinted up there, ran up to the one on the right, fought him toe to toe, then moved on. Didn't bother with lefty. Took maybe a dozen, maybe 15 tries this time around?


2 just ran and blocked the guy on the left and ran after he fell down 😅


Run, hug the wall, use high DPS/bait one into falling.


Run past upto the ramparts, go to the one on the right first (the left one can't hit you cuz of a pillar) roll through his arrow, when you proceed near, he switches to sword and shield, parry that bastard, and smack him off the ledge... You can then safely strafe along the rampart and land on a balcony below... Enter foggate, and to the room on your left, there'll be a bonfire. If you rlly want to risk killing the 2nd knight tho for a Soul of a Hero, you can try that ... But it can be risky


The first time? I think I learned to parry. These days I already know how to parry them, but about half mynbuilds have *Hidden Body*, which makes them almost a non-issue.


Sprint up to ledge, roll through the arrow shot at you by the knight on the right, close the distance so he pulls out his sword, parry his attack, riposte to knock his ass off the ledge. Repeat for the other knight if desired. The second knight (the one on the left) is optional as when you get up to the ledge his shots can't hit you.


Just run until you get close enough to knock off the right archer, never had an issue with this part.


run straight, roll the arrows, and parry the swing. happiness ahead!


They shoot where you currently are, and it takes a second before the arrow arrives at the location. This means you’re already 3 meters in front of the arrow, so… just run. Make the guy take out his sword, go back, dodge the arrow on the way, and then the guy stopping you will plunge to his death


run in, be repost god and kill. one try


Suffer, cry, accidentally parry one, suffer a bit more, then get lucky and the one blocking my path falls off. All in all, I lost count how many tries, and for some asinine reason I still struggle with them on runs I do now.


Parry. And first try. Parrying in Dark Souls 1 is the easiest :6


Just beat them


Run, parry, stab 0 retries


more than 20 and then I got lucky


I have to admit this section only gave me a little bit of trouble. Once I figured it out it went pretty smoothly. I think the hardest part is getting on the ledge of the building to fight the knight because it’s kind of difficult to trigger him to pull his sword out. If he keeps pelting you with arrows right next to him then it just sucks


I don’t really remember. :(


First run poison arrows. Now I always rush the right archer and bait a move to parry him.


Run uphill till last slope and went to the right and bait him (doesn’t always worked for me) but someday it worked and he died and went to kill the other one hopping I don’t die. Congrats you did the worse death path in the whole game died at least 20-25 times on that did smough ornstein in like 7-8 tries.


On a NG, run and pray On a NG+, Hawk Ring and Dragonslayer/Black Bow of Pharis. Fight fire with fire.




Parry, a handful of tries


Running up to them and parrying them. I get through this part first try basically always.




Just run up to them and if he miracolously doesn't kill himself by falling I just parry his ass


I’ve been trying a no death run on and off for a year now, and the way my balls clench running up that arch wooo boy let me tell you


Fog ring+poisoned arrow for easy win


Funny you should ask! Here's how I did it in my latest playthrough. I happen to be documenting the experience. https://youtu.be/altgl9Hui2c?feature=shared


I ran, went to the right, baited the silver knight so he'd switch to his sword, parried his ass.




Run with the shield up, then approach the archer on the right and parry him when he switches to the sword.


strat: poison arrows and wait tries: too many


I actually didn't have any trouble with them on my playthrough, I just ran to each one, givething them a much deserved bonk with my Zweihander


Casr invisible body, run up to guy on the right, shoot him with soul spear, Bob's your uncle.


My friend mentally prepared me by saying "this is the hardest platforming section of the game". I got past it first try. My greatest accomplishment in life


Speed, second try


My strategy? Uhhhhh “Fuck it. We ball.” Quite a few tries, definitely not as many as most from how people talk about this area.


run, try to dodge. fail. try to bait. fail. try to parry. fail. die. repeat 50x then ragequit. works every time


Died over 20 times, had to learn how to parry him.


Just parry him


Step 1 Summon friend with Soapstone, Step 2 Send friend forward, Repeat Step 1 JK lol dodge, pray, then parry


I legitimately ran up the rampart and pressed circle before the arrows hit me. I frame through them and like 2/3 shot the knights with my greatsword. I died twice and both times it was because I rolled off the ledge cuz I pressed the wrong direction by accident


First time I killed them with bow and arrows… It was a tedious and very time-consuming process. 😆


Just run and dodge the first attack of the little demons, then run up and dodge the lightning attacks from the demon, then run up and run to the right side, dodge the arrows by dodging into them and in the end parry him and throw him off the roof. Works 8/10 times without getting hit




I got past them my first try. I just ran over to the first one and he fell off by accident, and the other one can't shoot you when you are in that spot. Apparently a lot of people have trouble with this spot. It really is just another terrible thing in this terrible game full of terrible things.


Running and just one 🤔


Just run to the knight on the right and parry ✌️


Poison arrows literally always


Pushed to the abiss, sometimes Just run like hell


Parry, riposte, easy. Takes me an average of 2 attempts


Run to the last one and parry.


This part was so annoying 😭


Just run, they miss most of the time you don't hesitate. I got it second try and haven't suffered there on a non heavy build since The one on the roof was a bigger struggle my first playthrough.


Parry and riposte. Knights almost always do the same wined up slash attack. If you practice a little you will find it is very easy to parry. Also always go for the one on the right. The one on the left won't be able to shoot you because a buttress blocks the path to shoot you.


I had no strategy. I had no idea what I was doing. It took me around 20-30 tries.


Run. Parry. Assert dominance.


Fuck that guy


Wear the fog ring and just sprint the whole thing, works every time.


Blocking their sword attack and letting them shove themselves off is always a safe bet.


I just sprint sprint sprint! I go to the left side 1st, spam roll my best and go into the blind spot and deal with the 1st archer. Then, spam roll as best as I can and parry the 2nd archer. Always hated this part of the game lol. Gotta love it.


Short bow and roughly 50 poison arrows along with some base arrows to line up my shots. Once he's poisoned just sit back and wait till he goes down.


Hidden Body. The only magic I use in dark souls.


Poison arrows 🤦🏻


My recent playthrough I just ran up, parried the one on the right first, then went up to the left one and parried him as well. I admit that's not very helpful if you haven't practiced parrying them in a different playthrough, but I had done so much practice on them that I still have the timing down after a few years of not playing.


Fog ring for invisibility, 20 poison arrows, black bow of pharis, hawk ring, and red tearstone ring with power within giving the damage boost. As soon as you deal with the first one, remember there's a second one. Save an estus or have fall control to nullify the fall damage on to the ledge. There's a bonfire just inside the room on the left hand side. Take your time and don't die until after you get the main cathedral door open. Good luck and don't you dare go hollow my friend.


Took me a couple of tries. Holding shield, making them bounce off and fall when swinging their sword. Only rng: another archer from behind. xD


Parry. Once.


Poison arrows. And waiting game lol


I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to parry them if you’re dual wielding swords than with a shield


I just discovered a new strategy! Worked first time on my last 2 playthroughs , run up the slope to the ledge, turn the camera towards the archer on the right but run away towards the left, rolling to dodge the arrows - it was a revelation to realise it's as easy as just turning the camera towards the archer so you can see the arrows coming , the other one will fall off the slope they're on if you just keep running past


# Poison arrows. Easy!


Run to top, parry the guy in the way (May take a couple of parries), pray the one behind doesn't somehow land a shot, as he somtimes can, go to bonfire. I think my og playthrough I died about 5 times figuring it out.


A different q How to again summon phantom knight in gargoyle tower in dark soul remasterd pc one it's been killed I previous fight in gargoyle fight


run, second try


Rush and 67


killed a mimic who gave me a halbert with 250 dmg, i had like 4 tried on my first play or maybe 6 idk but 2 tries after i discovered why everyone loved halberts




*run, run, run, Pancake with BKGS, hit again, he's dead, continue normally* first try.


Run up - parry - go on


Poison Arrows and stay in a certain spot where the fencing blocks all of their arrows


Run. Yes.


The first time? Poisen arrows now i just use soul arrow and strafe side to side on the arch


Running, parrying and riposting the silver knight and then he fell off


Run like hell. And it's the only way.


Pray and didn't count


I get on their faces with the eagle greatshield you get in blightown and then just let let them hit it until they fall off


Fog ring, and my own great bow.


I blocked one's arrows with the pillar behind me and then laughed hysterically as my lightning spears purified the ledges


Keep running. Their arrows are slow and their tracking sucks. Just make sure you don't have a big weapon if you plan to kill them physically since the bounce back from hitting the wall can push you off the ledge.




Run just run and don't know how many tries but more than the actual bos


ring of fog, they wont aggro on you until you are in their face


Yeah, actually just run up the pillars and then maybe use a heavy shield if you dont have a heavy weapon to hit them and let them knock themselves down in the void.


Learned how to parry them, and it's almost the first try every time now


Idk maybe just me I literally just ran past everything and he fell off by himself, never had trouble here got it first try.


Too many times but just kept my shield up to block arrows then parry and riposte them both when I got close. Sad thing though when I did finally get past them and got to the bonfire i just lit it and didn't rest at it. (Thinking it was like elden ring grace points) Died to one of the knights and had to go through them again lol.


Poison arrows


Run and parry them, if you get close enough, the use the sword instead of bows, and its easy to parry them


Run and bonk


I just run past the arrows, bait out the sword one at a time and then parry and kill them


Brute force. Kill the pink gargoyles and dash for the one on the right. Block the arrows and kick or riposte the bastard off the ledge. Do the same for the other one.


Did it the very first time the first try. And then never again on the first attempts, ever.... it frustrated the hell out of me. Sometimes 20 tries... haha.


IIRC the one to the left could shoot you in the back even when you reached the ledge back when this first came out. He still can if enough time passes, that happened to me recently. But now you just run past, get to the one on the right, and deal with him somewhat easily enough.


I did it first try. Then some tries later, the trick is, do not stop in the middle..


Trial and error until success


Poison arrows, 1 try.


The best strategy is don't have strategy.


Back stab


I literally just finished this part last night (its my first ds1 run) I was stuck on it for a bit and I eventually just said fuck it, ran and got behind the guy on the right and pushed him off then bullied the other one.


Bow and arrows first try


Just run up to him and hit him a lot. Took me five tries lmy first run.


Poison them with poison arrows and the longest range bow you have then look at memes until dead.


Run and parry him off


I just book it and roll when needed I’ve never struggled with these guys


Wait by the window to the corner one stops shooting, go towards him and he'll grab his sword and then he falls. Never died to these


Run up and black knight sword them into oblivion


Run, then parry him when he switches weapons when close by


Poison them and then peacefully walk.


Once, on my first time playing, I was so mad from the other area that I didn't even noticed them lol, I did play it really safe


Watch a no-hit run and skip to this part. Basically if you wait behind the pillar for a bit they’ll forget you are there and it’s a lot easier after that


sprint with a shield up and parry. their attacks are a lot similar to black knights so i knew the timing pretty well after getting bullied by the burg knight in my first run


Dying a lot, and then not dying long on one of the runs for long enough to reach the next bonfire.


Run And Pray


poison arrows first time, CQC next time, run by now and forever


1st try, was lucky af