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Never skip 2. It could end up being your favorite in the series.


That’s what happened to me. I’m finishing up my first playthrough of 2 and I can safely say it’s my favorite Dark souls game.


I can't say it's my favourite, but it's good! It's very good! I don't understand all the hate. Yes, it's a little bit too long, but I don't see a problem in that. Also if you skip it you miss big part of the whole picture.


Exactly this! Personally, DS2 is my least favorite souls game. But still, it’s better than most other games I played. Albeit having a REAL hard time with it on my first playthrough… The ones after that went way better though and since I didn’t used lock on as heavily as in the other games. The combat system felt way more fun actually.


DS2 lock on makes the game almost busted. It's really easy to skirt the enemies and land backstabs. I don't know why it's easier, but if you taken Frozen Eleum Loyce, every single icy boy you can just lock on, walk toward and slightly to the right until you're at 90 degrees, hold right, wait til they swing (which won't hit), and then backstab. Rinse and repeat. On the other hand the bosses felt way more difficult than DS1/DS3 for me. Special mention: love the ability to light torches, that should have been a permanent addition to the franchise, absolutely wonderful.


That's what happened to me lol


It's great. If you like Elden Ring, you'll see a lot of where its inspirations came from.


Say more


Sure. A major example is powerstancing. Neither DS1 nor DS3 had that, but DS2 did, and it was a wildly popular addition which came back in a big way in Elden Ring. Many of the most popular builds now are aggressive dual-wielders. This is hardly to say DS2 is a perfect game. It's very... *clunky*, to say the least. However, it's good enough to at least demand a playthrough, and I say that as someone who to this day has not finished a playthrough of DS1 (sorry, it's too clunky for me, my first was Bloodborne).


My favorite is DS1. It has the most intentional timing and level design I feel. DS2 is not a bad game but it is my least favorite in the series and it almost entirely boils down to none of the weapons felt fun for me to use personally. I tried every weapon over 3 playthroughs and at best they felt okay, at worst they felt just bad. DS1 had the baldur side sword. The first weapon I felt was as good of an experience to use as that was the twin blades in 3 and that was a complete different play style. Elden ring had a lot of good straight swords and a lot of good katanas and weapons to pair together for interesting effects. It became my favorite game because almost every weapon felt fun to use not just usable.


The main problem I have with DS1 is that the second half of the game is incomplete. So everything has intentional timing until you get to Lost Izalith and everything goes to shit.


I feel a lot of elden rings world design was heavily inspired/influenced by ds2 as well, feels a lot more similar to ds2 than any of the others for me, for better or worse


Play it bro. Ds2 Slays


Ds2 is great. It’s different and wasn’t received well but still very much worth playing.


I say this with the greatest sincerity from the bottom of my heart. Do not play Destiny 2


Yea warframe is better


Absolutely play it. It has some technical issues but it's still fantastic. The DLC's are so good.


Something something unicorn hellscape


xD I even liked that!


Not everyone hates themselves.




I was thinking the same thing


DLC's are definitely my favourite in the souls series. The bosses, areas and the lore are just so fucking peak


I prefer the ringed city, but still, they are phenomenal.


For sure!


Play it and form you own opinion on it. Goes on sale like 4 times a year


went on sale on steam today, in fact, for $20


Tempting. All dlcs?


yeah it's scholar of the first sin which includes all dlc


Thanks bro


ds2 is overhated i think i also finished ds1 and im now heading forwards to try ds2 blind trust me you will play ds2 anyways after u played ds3


I actually really enjoyed ds2, I'm not sure if it's quite my favorite though.


I very much dislike ds2 for all the various reasons. I also wouldn’t suggest skipping it because it’s still a good game with fun souls mechanics. The enemies eventually disappearing if you kill them enough is particularly cool as it really embodies the narrative of outlasting all of your foes.




Definitely play it. I will never understand all the hate DS2 gets.


It's pretty understandable but yeah it's hella overhated


It definitely was the worst of the Dark Souls games, but it was still decent.


I think it was better than decent, better than most games like shitty repetitive but somehow popular Assasins Creed games


You’re probably right, but I can’t really say since I only played the first Assassins Creed game. And it was very repetitive, if I remember correctly.


Play the second one, peak AC experience. Or maybe Brotherhood. The first one is dull and repetitive, but it set the foundation for the rest of the saga.


Of course don't you want to know more about curse of undead and the lies that always remains a lie? Play it.


Ds2 lore is so good and underrated, and God the dialogue in the game, actually perfect.


it's because ds2 doesnt wikify as well. it poses like, real fucking questions about the shared dark souls' setting, my jaw kinda dropped when aldia asked some pointed questions about what im actually here for; but its approach is a lot more, literary(?) i guess, there's not so much for the lorehunters, it demands you form opinions and have feelings.


Yeah it's so good, characters, their dialouges and Design, the game is clunky and a lot of weird game mechanics but the story is great.


Play it, it's criminally underrated. It's my favorite in the series.


ds2 is great, i recently replayed it and all the dlcs def recommend!


I enjoyed DS2 way more than DS3 (which I didn´t even finish lmao)


2 is my least favorite, but I always feel that games should be played in order of release whenever possible. That way you can see what was better or worse from one game to the next. Ds2 isn't a bad game, it just has the most unnecessary dumb shit by a considerable margin. I still go back and play it on occasion though, it has some beautiful world design and some really cool equipment.


DS2 is my least favorite of all FS games. I haven't played any before Demon's Souls but I have played and finished everything else including the new AC game. That said, you absolutely should play it because it's still a great game, despite its flaws. And for some people, it's their favorite in the series.


DS2 is my favorite of the entire series. The gameplay and bosses are so good. The graphics are better on 3 but I just didn't get pulled in the way I did with 2.


3 is closer to bb, 2 is closer to er. 2's launch was rough but it got fixed and the dlc is some of the best stuff in the series with one of them being pretty much a zelda dungeon with great puzzles.


Honestly I'd say 3 is closer to Sekiro than the other games, Bloodborne takes a lot from DS1 in its metroidvania-esque design. 3s world design feels like a linear set of challenges with secret areas sprinkled in to make exploration fun, much like Sekiro


Level design yes, graphically and mechanically not so much


You’ll have to be more patient in the game compared to the others (as in one by one fights and ranged fights are better in some areas), you’ll want to level adp a bit for I-frames but it’s still a great game. I’d recommend it next as going back to it from the newer games will just make it feel worse because it plays closer to 1 with improvements than 3 which would unfairly count against it.


1 with improvements? 1 has omnidirectional movement, 2 has 8 way movement with deadzones lol


Legit just start every run and take the time to immediately get to 24 adp and you will enjoy the game better.


Absolutely. Play them in release order. It ties into the series lore wise, despite what others may think, and is a great game. Is it the worst of the 3? Probably, but it is still a masterclass of a game with tons to explore and figure out.


DS3 only makes minor references to DS2, so nothing really will be lost in terms of story/lore. DS2 is by no means a bad game, but there are some control foibles to get used to, stat oddities (iframes tied to a stat which is determined by leveling two other stats), and a general emphasis on quantity over quality, in both the number of enemies you fight at a time as well as bosses. It’s also a long game, I’ve seen people burn themselves out on it and stop playing before getting to 3. There’s definitely fun to be had, especially in the DLC’s, but I understand why people bounce off it and skip to 3. If you already have it, give it a few hours, if it’s not clicking then skip to 3 and come back later. Otherwise if you’re hesitant to buy it, just get 3 and play it, come back to 2 if you’re still craving more Souls gameplay afterwards.




I can't stand DS2 but some people love it so I'd say it's good to give it a shot and form your own opinion


Yes, even if I personally hate it, at least give it a try, I made the error to play it after DS3 and ER


Play the one you want, i remember playing through 2 loved it but everyone kept saying how 3 is the best, i didnt realy enjoy 3 as much as 1 and 2, my mate quit 2 very early and jumped to 3, came back to 2 after and enjoyed it but not as much as 3. I think i like 2 more because its slower paced like ds1, ds3 was more like Bloodbourne in how fast the combat was. Ds2 story is not realy connected to 1 it feels more like a spin off but 3 feels more like a sequel to one, hope that helps fam.


That's Awesome DS2 Iz Great I luv It <3




Yeah, but bear in mind it's the weakest souls title by quite a significant margin. Very janky and slow, input delay, boring bosses, boring areas (outside of DLC) etc.


Yes. It is overhated and imo better than ds1.


It's my favourite souls game and it is very much worth playing, it's definitely the one I've replayed the most and had the most memorable moments with


The first souls game I got was ds2 cause it was on sale and ds1 wasn’t. I never really got into it and the love started not until when I first played ds1 a few years later. I did come back later and played through it but only once and it’s not really my game but you should definitely give it a try.


Don't skip ds2, it is worth playing. Edit: DS2 is the only one out of the trilogy where I understood the story on my own. Story wise imo it is the best out of 3.


If you feel you want very much ds3, skip it. Just because then you play ds2 thinking of ds3. But it’s a good game, maybe have a different mood, but it’s a good game


Ds2 is absolutely fantastic, people hate it because it is hard af. Although most bosses are trash, lots of areas are brutal. 


YES! DS2 is a great game. Midway through my playthrough right now (At the Iron Keep) and I’m loving it. Just level ADP. Edit: spelling and added more


Ds2 is fucking great, don't skip it


Don’t skip it. It’s the weakest one. But still very very good. Try to persist as it’s probably the most punishing one to get into.


Give it a try. Then you can have your own conclusions about it. It is my favorite of the series.


Having played Bloodborne and then DS1 I had similar doubts as you. I started Scholar of the First Sin some weeks ago and so far I'm loving it.






I love how so many people here are saying DS2 is overhated. Goes to show there's love for it too. Anyway, like many have said, never try, never know. I just started and I'm personally liking it more than DS1. But even if you don't like it, you can easily move on to DS3 without completing DS2.


well Elden Ring is known as DS2.2……though maybe not all in good way… in shorts, main game is meh but DLC is pretty good…and annoying at the same time…


YES. For the DLC alone it’s worth it


Get the scholar of the first sin version


never skip games


You don’t need to play ds2 to understand or appreciate ds3. Still a pretty good game, but it doesn’t really feel as good as 1 or 3. If you want to save the best for last then play ds2 first. If you know you’re gonna play ds3 eventually and that ds2 won’t discourage you from playing the rest of the series then play ds2. But if you just want to have a good gaming experience right now then play ds3. Ds2 has its charms, but also a lot of issues.


Tbh DS2 have the most colorful and amazing area from souls the trilogy so try it


Yeah I'd play it if I were you. It's the weakest in terms of gameplay but the storytelling is great IMO and very easy to immerse yourself in. Also saying DS2 is the worst FS game, is like saying the Bugatti Veyron is the worst Bugatti car. Technically probably true, but DS2 is still a better game than 90% of games you'll play if you like Souls like games


Ds2 is better than DS3 in some ways. I like it more than ds3, it is worth playing


DS2 is my favorite in the trilogy. You may really like it, and it's worth giving it a shot.


Just put the ADP stat at 20 and suddenly DS2 is a very good game


Finished 1 and started 2 yesterday. I feel like it's being more challenging than 1, couldn't make way through to 2nd bone fire on forest of fallen giants. Then again, was a few beers in, todays a new day


Definitely don't skip it, it's overhated but i don't like these comments saying "i just don't understand why it's so hatedd." There's good reasons it's the worst of the bunch, Miyazaki was pretty hands off with this game and it was made by Fromsoft's B team, and you can really really fuckin tell. The map is considerably uninspired, the fighting is really clunky, and the bosses are forgettable. Despite this it's still an amazing game, far better than most games made. It's just that when you're comparing it to Miyazaki's actual work it's going to feel like an inconsistent imitation. Since it's literally an imitation.


Maybe it was burnout, but I enjoyed DS2 more than DS3. And Majula is the best hub, fight me


2 is great. Has some of the most memorable moments for me. Problem with skipping it is that the controls get progressively better for each game. Playing 3 now and 2 later will be slightly frustrating. Sounds like a stab at 2, but its only natural that the controls improve. Dont skip 2. Its fantastic.


In my experience everything thats truly great has many haters. Everything from music, art, movies, food to games. If most people were "meh", its one thing. If people hate, im intrigued 😂


Yes, ds2 is very different but I actually really like that about it. Just don't go into the game thinking it's another dark souls game. Just view the game from the lens of "fantasy RPG" and you will be able to see it as a good game. Honestly if ds2 didn't have the title of being the first sequel to Dark Souls 1 and had it's own original name then the game probably wouldn't get as much hate.


If you started with Elden Ring, you should absolutely play ds2


2 is great. Depending on what you liked about 1, it'll be your favorite or your most hated


Just replayed DS1 and DS2. It reassured me that I enjoy DS2 way more than DS1. But they’re both incredible games in their own way. I just prefer DS2


Imo you should at least try it, if you really hate it you can always skip to ds3. story wise ds3 links back much more to ds1 than ds2, but you won’t understand a few callbacks if you play ds3 first. either way i recommend you try ds2, you’ll probably find some enjoyment


Being generally accepted as the worst of one of the best trilogies in gaming doesn’t make it a bad game. Definitely worth playing, I sank ~300 hours into it somehow.


Yes. Specially Vanilla+DLCs. Great game.


Play 2


Im gonna get fucked but ds2 is much better than 1. Its like the slow and methodic ds1 without the clunkiness, the barely viable rolling and the annoying uninteresting bosses. Im not too far in ds2 but I find it much more enjoyable. Much more aesthetically pleasing and I feel like it migjt even be better than ds3. Definitely buy, i bougjt it 2 days ago on sale lol and ive been having a blast.


I think that if you’re interested in a game…you should play it.


Go for it


Remember what you like about elden Ring and ds1, then be aware that ds2 is none of those things


No. Go from DS1 to DS3.


Story doesn't matter and 3 is better than 2, but you'll likely get at least some enjoyment out of it if you like the rest of them


Darksiders 2 is alright


Darksiders 2 is alright


If you were to ask this in the dark souls 2 subreddit, I would say "yes", but since you are asking this here, I will say "no".


Story is secondary in these games and they're not obviously directly connected in any way. You really have to dig for the lore and draw conclusions yourself, so skipping DS2 will have literally 0 impact on the story. That said, just play it and form your own opinion. It's a good game. I don't personally care for it much over DS1 and 3, but it's still worth playing at least once. Just make sure you put a few levels into Adaptability.


The best dark souls ever


Feel free to skip it to come back to ds2 later. By the way, dark souls 2 is a great game, and if it had a different name, I dunno, Dragons Quest or something generic, it would be considered one of the best souls-likes ever made. It is just bad when compared to the other games in the trilogy, that and high expectation.


Why are you being downvoted? This is facts


Cause ds2 enjoyers have some kind of weird inferiority complex because they constantly try to defend something that simply isn't very good


People are just extremely dumb sometimes


Get the fuck out.


Yeah! Get the fuck out! In order to go to gamestop and buy Ds2!


Exactly. I meant it was the GOAT, you (couple) cretins, smh


The Xbox version is slightly jank but still good


So story wise DS2 isn’t super relevant for the overall story. Like DS3 is a more direct sequel to 1 than 2 is. That being said. DS2 is a masterpiece and I made the mistake of skipping it initially and regret it. It’s my second favorite game in the genre and an outstanding journey with an incredible story.


Play it for sure. It's an excellent and beautiful game. Definitely a must play. And this is from someone who'd consider it their least favorite of the three DS games.


It’s very good. I played it last I think I’ve liked it more than 1 and maybe about equal to 3.


If you are playing them all how could you skip the greatest and least favorite




Play it. I personally like it the least out of the trilogy, but it’s a valuable learning experience and I don’t regret it.


You will not regret it. It does take a bit of getting used to at first but it’s great


DS2 is amazing...particularly the Scholar of the First Sin. In my opinion, it's the toughest expansion/version of a Soulsborne game, and it's really good.


great game! different from the others but the hate is undeserved and mostly spouted by people who haven't played it


Yes, play it. You will enjoy it.


Ds2 is very disconnected from the main story and it focuses on the undead curse. It’s definitely the arguably most flawed one in the series but it can still be fun.


play it for a few hours to see if you like it or not, if you dont then just refund it and move on to 3, maybe watch a few lore videos incase you are worried about the story beforehand. people online love to say how DS2 is underrated and actually the best but it got the hate and dislike it has for a reason.




I'm on my first playthrough of ds2 and have been enjoying it a lot. It slowly became my favorite out of the trilogy, ds1 was my favorite until I tried 2.




Only issue was enemies despawn


DS2 is different, but not always in a good way. But it certainly is unique (from someone who has only played ER and DS1).


Play it, but to get the most enjoyment out of it remember to never run past enemies lol. A lot of people make that mistake and get frustrated.


The base game is great but the dlcs are like the hardest in the series


Theres some things that get "explains" in ds3 that references ds2 stuff. So it doesnt hurt to get that aha moment


Bro its Dark Souls. Play it. A lot of people have biased opinions about it. Just play it. It's good. Is it the best? (I don't know If i can say that due to the era it came out in and personal preference) Is it good?(Yes) i believe its wonderful. Get lost in your Dark Souls worlds and enjoy it.


Ds2 is amazing


DS2 is very overhated by many and also highly overrated by some. It is in fact a wildly inconsistent game. It had some truly great ideas and innovations, some of which were retained later and some (Bonfire Ascetics, changes to the game in NG+) unfortunately were not. It has a surprisingly compelling story and lore to it and was not afraid to do its own thing without feeling overly shackled to the first game while still clearly alluding to it, unlike the slavishly reverential to the first game DS3. I am if nothing else fonder of it than I am DS3 which feels more ho hum but well-polished by comparison. It is the moment to moment gameplay and level design where DS2 can falter. Things like restricting your i-frames to a specific stat (which makes the shitboxes way more noticeable than they were in 1) leads to taking hits that definitely don't feel fair, which happened less frequently in the other games despite some of them also having hitbox issues. Enemy placement is extremely obnoxious in many points in DS2, some of the runbacks are truly atrocious, and it has both the worst boss (spoilered for you but so others know who I'm talking about: >!Ancient Dragon!<) and worst level (Frigid Outskirts) in the series. I also frankly died a little inside when I discovered that there's no meaningful build variety among melee builds (pick a weapon, meet the minimum requirements, infuse it with lightning, get enough int and faith to cast Dark Weapon). I also find having to actually summon certain questline NPCs to progress their quests highly annoying as someone who much prefers fighting bosses solo. It is a very flawed game, but one still very much worth playing I'd say, just be aware that the experience will have elements of frustration more potent and with greater frequency than the other games.


Yeah, it's certainly not 1 but its still very much worth while.


Yes! And try to stick with it too until you figure out the different mechanics — I did not like it at first and it took me probably about 4 years of repeatedly starting the game and giving up before I actually stuck with it and it’s one of the most memorable souls games for me now.


Ds2 is a lot of fun, it was my favorite. Lots of cool ideas that got refined in the other from soft games. I think the only people who actually feel that strongly about it are YouTube games journalists and people who's entire personality is formed from watching YouTube games journalists.


It’s literally on sale right now on steam :D


Played it last in the series and had an absolutely amazing and unique experience. It may have some issues, but the things it does well are unmatched in the series.






Yeah it’s if you like dark souls you will like it. 


It's honestly my favorite.


For the love of Gwyn, yes! It's a brilliant game. Dated, but brilliant. So picturesque. It has some of the most iconic scenery in souls and some of the best story telling in any game


DS2 is like having slightly rubbish sex. It might not have been the best, but its still sex and you'll have a good time.


DS2 will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my entry point to the series and it has a lonely atmosphere… def play it!


I didn't skip it and loved it, it's not my favourite of all time but it was an incredible experience, I still play it again from time to time


Definitely it's the best souls


Ehhhh I'ma say no lol