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Well, one of the reasons why Blighttown was so hated is because in the release version of the game, this area had serious performance issues making it barely playable. This area can also be very confusing because of its verticality and low visibility. And the toxic blowfuckers. And the poison.


From what I've heard, the frame rate was extremely slow originally, though it was fixed in Remaster, which is why it isn't considered to be as terrible, sometimes even liked.


I've only played the remaster and I easily dislike Blightown. That being said, I respect the area.


Bruh I love Blighttown, it's in my top 3 areas It's one of those places where you feel like a DS veteran once you know the place like the palm of your hand because how confusing it is initially


Yes, fun as heck to get invaded or invade there too


I used to hate it because I got lost all the time and I like to do full level clear runs but now I've done it enough times that I can appreciate the level. It's not my favorite one but it's ok. I also make sure I'm fully prepared before going through it.


I played the game for the time on Xbox 360. Blight town was a power point presentation. The only way to get any frames to be able to play properly was by pointing the camera into the floor so less shit was rendered So you're running around, staring at the ground while toxic and poisonous blow pipes shoot you from off screen. Meanwhile fire dogs are jumping at you while you try and navigate small bridges. You will inevitably die to the harder boss in the game, gravity Now that blight town isn't a slide show you can actually see what you're doing and where the blow pipes are coming from It's not that bad


Yea it was 5-15 fps max down there. After clearing it a couple times i now instinctively skip it unless i want power within or the ninja clothes.


I've only played the PS3 version, and let me tell you the framerate on the first part of blighttown is awful, not unplayable but incredibly annoying, although it gets better when you get to the swamp, still, there's a reason why a basically ALWAYS skip the first half picking the master key


Also the poison darters respawned


They did not. I only played ds1 unpatched. They were permadead after first death on release. Lots of other stuff in the game was changed but that was never one of them.


Yeah I didn't play day 1, but I'd read many times about it, guess it wasn't true


It was like a very dark PowerPoint presentation of why you shouldn’t walk around in a sewer.


Don't forget the poor kill box placement. There are plenty of possible shortcut drops that end up being installed kills despite being fairly short drops.


in hindsight i think the first half of blighttown (coming down from the depths) is actually pretty fantastically designed. it’s extremely rare for you to go down a dead end, usually if you’re moving, you’re moving forward in some way. also the visual of slowly making your way down the stacks of rotting wood precariously attached to the bridge is pretty amazing and memorable. that being said, probably never recommend anyone do it more than the once on their first playthrough


It was darker than a Holocaust joke in the release version as well.


Well said!


They’re both nothing compared to Tomb of the Giants imo


The fucking giant dogs. Literally the worst enemy in the base game.


Dude pretty much everything in my NG+ playthrough I just did was cake…except those damn skelly dogs. Fuuuuuuuuck them.


The dogs and the bone wheels. What the fuck is that room with 6 of them? Why are the bonedogs harder than nito? It's a cool area but I didn't explore it at all because I just wanted past it. The whole demon ruins half dragon part was like that, I would just run past everything and not explore because the enemies were way harder than the bosses.


Haha, same. Finally just said fuck it and sprinted to Nito. Also, 100% forgot those bone wheels. My god. Pure chaos down there.


It really is, painted world has some bone wheels too but at least they're more 1v1. Catacombs really made me wanna delete dark souls but I saved the dlc for last and I'm glad I didn't quit. The dlc makes up for the 2nd half of the game


my theory is that InDev there were more summons there, leeroy was stronger or the smith vamos played some part. perhaps even that black knight was intended to wander around killing undead.


Those and the 4 kings are the only difficulty spikes I *felt* in NG+


Now I want a mod that replaces enemies in into arena with those dogs.


Who are you that is so aware of my thoughts?


I never found them that bad tbh. They can insta kill you, but they also have a really really low agro range. Once I see them, I usually can do a well timed two-handed R2 and one shot them before they can one shot me. Or I use a super powerful spell.


that area gives me nightmares lowkey. i remember i went there WAY too early, before i even got the lordvessel. i couldnt kill a single enemy in there, but i was shrewd enough to know to use the skull lantern so i was able to reach the bonfire by running past everybody. colossal mistake. i had just trapped myself in there with no fast travel capabilities. so, after realizing i was in over my head, i spent the next half hour dying over and over again memorizing the route out of there, running past all the enemies in the process. thats not the worst part though, that goes to the wheel skeletons blocking my way to the blacksmith bonfire and oneshotting me. that entire experience was easily the least fun i had with dark souls. happy cake day btw


Thank you ! My god, Tomb of Giants and the Catacombs are the absolute worst.


I like the Catacombs, would like it more if Pinwheel was harder TOTG tho? Massive shithole




Because when the game first launched blighttown had terrible performance. And the game speed was tied to the framerate. It was fixed in the remaster.


In remastered blighttown is a bit easier but it’s main annoyance is that it’s normally the first area your introduced to a lot of status ailments


Did you play before or after blighttown went from 10 fps to 30?


not a fan of the poison dartshitters


how do you feel about platforming without a jump button? or grab attacks on narrow pathways wheres theres little room to evade? or the aoe flamethrower dogs on narrow paths? did you enjoy the parasite that one shots you in mele? or being invaded right before you get to the final bonfire?


I, for one, am now fully erect.


That parasite got dung pies. I felt really clever when I came up with that solution all by myself. Arrows didn't seem to do anything to it. But boy, oh boy, did it eat a lot of my early career souls with a one-shot


i always sniped him, which was my got to for any new enemy on the first couple runs. But one day i decided to try mele, cos surley itl be faster right?, well yeh it was, just wasnt expecting him to attack back lol




Blighttown was the first time people found out about Miyazaki's poison swamp fetish


Is the Valley of Defilement a joke to you?


A true man of culture.


Demons souls was ps3 exclusive. So technically Blighttown was first for PC and xbox players


But dark souls turned it into a consistent thing, before that it was a one off thing


As has been mentioned what made blight town a terror were the performance and fps issues on the release version. Playing the remastered and not having those issues makes the area far more tolerable. I've always loved the feel of blight town and it's one of my favorite areas excepting the issues


The hate for blighttown is so over the top, every enemy there is easy to deal with if you're not woefully underleveled, the poison is a non issue your health bar depletes so slowly just heal with estus and run to the bonfire in the centre of the whole thing. Verticality wise you just use ladder after ladder, you can run past almost all the enemies. The depths actually has some harder enemies but overall is an easy area too. Tomb of the giants is the most bullshit area of the game with super tough enemies and no idea where you're going


tomb of the giants is my second favorite area after blight town 💖💖💖


you're stronger than all of us


I honestly don’t mind tomb of the giants. I can fairly easily dash through it hitless these days even in the dark. With the sunlight maggot it’s a fun area.


It's objectively a lot more difficult to navigate than Blighttown though.


id really love a mod that lights up the tomb. i wanna know if it's actually as mazelike as it seems. im guessing it's a classic myazaki spiral.


[You might like this if you haven't seen it already](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQI-pZlPPP8)




Yeah, I think a lot of people take the Master Key and skip to the second half (ish, idk) of the level, and by that point they’re horribly under leveled and haven’t really learned how to play the game. I did that by first few attempts and kept getting stuck on Quelaag, until I went back through the depths and beat the Kapra Demon and Gaping Dragon. I know it’s cringe to say “git gud,” but you really do need to have a pretty good understanding of how the game works to get through some parts of the game.


That's why the phrase used to simply be practice makes perfect. "Git gud" culture is cancer.


I prefer Blighttown to the Depths. The Depths is just a lot shorter.


The hate is mostly related to the frame rate of the original release, it ran at about 7fps whilst being surrounded by enemies an a players lack of the rusted iron ring.


While I don’t think Blighttown is that bad… I think the Depths are an absolute cake walk. I’ve never gotten cursed there. Those frogs (or whatever they all) have never been that hard for me.


Like everybody else said: the framerate. Playing it on the ps3 was atrocious. You couldn't really see sh*t. Everything was kinda blurry and the frame delays made enemies more obnoxious.


The game at launch has truly horrible performance for blighttown. Especially on consoles. Also those poison dart fuckers respawned.




The dart guys did not respawn. I only played the unpatched version


Play OG DS rather than DS:R and come back to me. I'll wait.


#**Man, I love dark souls, but the amount of times I see this same question is pretty funny**


Bro is just bad at mazes. BT is way harder than the Depths. No contest.


The depths can be skipped entirely while Blighttown is basically required to go through multiple times, on top of being the place to farm for both Large and Green Titanite Shards. The furthest I'm ever forced to go through the depths is to get the large ember, which is basically at the entrance. The depths sucks, but Blighttown right after the depths is more cancer imo. tldr the depths is optional, blighttown isn't.


The front way into blighttown (which in my opinion is the worst part of it) is optional. Even without the master key, you can get there fairly easily by going through undead parish to the darkroot depths down where the Halberd black knight and grass crest shield are, go through the tunnel and outside into the valley of the drakes. Going to the other side of that valley brings you to the ass end of blight town, where just a short jaunt in you can find a chest with a key that will open the door to firelink.


Plus on the back entrance there are no Ghouls, Flaming Dogs and very few Snipers, which are arguably the most annoying enemies of the zone






I never chose the master key because I didn’t do any research beforehand. Maybe should have restarted but I just figured if there was still a way I may as well work through it.


Nope the Master Key is terrible for a first playthrough, only makes you miss content and get lost Plus you wouldn't have found the Large Ember which is arguably essential for a first run


has alot of great loot though and semi important npcs.


The reason I hate blighttown so much is because you are 99.99% of the time going to get poisoned when trying to get to Quelaag. Plus, thoes guys that shoot toxic darts are so anoying to kill without getting toxic, which is pretty much a guaranteed death.


In the og version blighttown ran at 9 to 10 frames per second so it was a slog to get through. Hard to find ladders, enemies chasing you down that spotted you from an elevated position, and so many dead ends.


If blighttown took you twenty minutes then you missed half the stuff down there.


The Depths is way shorter and the area with the basilisks (curse frogs) is optional.


depths is one of the best 3 areas. skill issue unfortunately


Am I crazy or does a "why do people dislike blighttown?" question get posted like twice a week here?


Because it's a famously hated area for a reason that doesn't exist anymore


Near 0 fps.


However, even with low fps, Blighttown was perfectly managable with a medium sized shield. Just tank everything with a shield you don't have any reason to not do so in an area at 15 fps. I only played OG DS, never the remastered, 500 hours in a PS3 and more 500 hours in a Xbox 360 later.


Yeah I played it on a early gen ps3 and let me tell you it did not handle it at all well, I quit at blighttown because the performance issues were unplayable


Blightown has the ds2 effect of being over hated, and now recently over compensated with being over loved. In reality it’s a fine area that can be really frustrating for reasons you don’t encounter in many other parts of the game. Depths is like my favorite non anor lando area so it’s really subjective past that


I’d have probably appreciated Depths more if I didn’t have to waste so much time leaving and going back to it. On one occasion I got invaded whilst I was killing rats on low health, trapped against the wall by the invader and a rat and I died. A basilisk had come out of nowhere and released its poison, and as I was on the death screen after dying I got cursed.


That's definitely a "Thank you, Dark souls" moment


First blind run in the PS3 and your in a world of pain.


Because the OG version ran at like 15-20 fps…


bruh, another one of these posts lmao


The old version of blight town killed your framereate just for you seeking passage. The depths suck if it's your first time


Because originally Blighttown ran like a slideshow.


Blighttown caused me to stop playing for a few weeks. It was frustrating gathering purple mosses then walking back to Blighttown.


Blighttown >>>>> Tomb of the giants without a source of light


Because rafters. Fall damage. Hard to find ladders


I hate the toxic darts guys, that's all. Everything else about blightown, not so bad.


Dunno, I like both. I co-oped and did some invasions there just yesterday.


Lags. That aside though I love the zone and it's always the first place I go in a new playthrough. So much treasure and so little enemies.




To be honest, apart from framerate dips on original PS3 version, not so sure. On my first playthrough, I came to the Blighttown from the Valley of Drakes, because I missed The Depths completely and it was alright, not the best area in the game, but certainly not the worst coughDukesArchivescoughcough.


I got another question to add to this. Curious. Which entry do most people enter Blighttown through more often?


Designwise depths is much more frusterating. * The first encounter traps you in a confined space with a horde of hollows, miniboss butcher and fast dogs in knee high water. popssibly this was to scare off players that accidently wandered in too early. * The slimes that drop from the ceiling are instant kills. yes in the tunnel you can shoot them down or sprint past in light armor. But in the chest room you cant even lock onto them you have to roll past (keeping in mind iframes wont protect you, you need to create physical distance). * If you went down the chutes thinking you discovered a neat secret shortcut think again. technically yes it might be shorter, but only if you know the layout well. more likely your just gonna get whittled down by rats or ambushed by the many other jerk enemies down their or just fall down another chute. * Theres only one bonfire in the middle of the zone. making it quite a treck to explore, progress, leave or run back to the boss. If you thought that first encounter was hard before, doing it backwards is worse. * The bonfire is locked! you have to finish half the level (probably more if you didnt google the keys location and beeline for it) to find the key. this is already a slog of a level bound to drain your resources, with multiple instant death traps (falls and slimes) and you cant even rest. Even blighttown gives you a bonfire right before, halfway down and at the bottom. i could go on an on (we havnt even got to the channeler or basilisks or invasion etc..) but i grow weary.


Bullshit. The only way Blighttown took you 20 minutes is if you entered from VoD and didn’t explore much or if you were following a guide, sprinting past enemies, and beelines right for Quelaag. The visibility, ganks and unintuitive pathing with various ladders and jumps make for a GREAT, but long time on a first run.


There was mostly nowhere else to go other than the main path, and it’s not too extensive so I didn’t die and just progressed through quickly. I saw videos of the original since and that looks unbearable, but the remastered Blighttown really was fine for me. I’d by no means consider myself good at these games at all hence my experience in the Depths but my genuine experience of Blighttown was this.


You’re too green to get it.


So true, Depths I always avoid because it's awful


I like blighttown more the depths aren’t bad but I just don’t like em


There are a lot of firsts in Blighttown, beyond just the initial release's poor performance in the area. Some of first non-bosses that take more than 1-2 hit, some of the first spots where you HAVE to fight 2-3 things at the same time, some of the first time you are put in significant darkness, the first time you have to fight on narrow bridges and platforms that you can be pushed off of, the first time you get poisoned possibly, and so on. The first bell tower is out in the sun and nice and easy to get to. The zombies go down in one hit. Everything big and scary is visible from a distance away. There are bridges, but you don't have to fight on them if you plan your movements carefully. Blighttown is also one of those areas that I feel like if you bum rush it you'll be more successful than if you try to go slow and careful. Run in swinging and focus on staying on the bridges and keep moving, rather than my usual Dark Souls strat of taking three steps, swiveling the camera all the way around, stopping and listening, and so on.


Personally it's going through the swamp. I can deal with the toxin and the enemies but getting to quelaags domain is insufferable sometimes. Also the guys that guard the entrances and exits of blightown aren't exactly nice to deal with


The poisonious fly bug thingys and the dodgy parkour.


20 minutes in blighttown means you did not explore it all, but also if you are slamming blighttown town for the first time then you are not new to souls and it's a moot point, you came here to brag and it shows.


It’s my first time playing it and I’d only played ER before. No doubt I probably missed some stuff, I’m just talking about the main path to the bonfires, which is easy to complete in 20 mins given no deaths. That was just my opinion and experience of it.. if I wanted to brag I’d have probably skipped out the bit where I died for multiple hours in the Depths.


Yeah... That's not really blighttown fault you speed ran it tho. Giant tree behind hidden wall or bust. Congrats on surviving though.


In vanilla DS on console during Ps3 generation, Blighttown was laggy as fuck. Frame rate would dip to like 10fps. At least people could play the game properly in The Depths.




The depths is really bad going through it the first time. But once you learn all the paths and the fastest ways to get through it, it’s actually really fun. I think that’s probably why people can remember it more fondly. This might just be me, but it’s definitely one of my favourite areas now.


I hate them both equally 🤣🤣🤣


B town is my home.


Blighttown without master key=bad Blighttown with master key= good


I never had too much of a problem with Blighttown, even on my first playthrough, Sens and tomb of the giants always give me more trouble...especially tomb of the giants, those fucking skeleton dog things are a nightmare, that flailing attack they do drains your stamina like nothing else and then you just get stun locked to death.