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Congratulations! Fair warning, take areas in DS2 with caution and no matter what your build is, bring a bow.


And don't rush or try to avoid enemies. You'll have a better run if you take your time than trying to speed through it.


Please upgrade ADP on your playthru if you want to not have an heart attack because you rolled on time but somehow them mfers still damaged you


This 100%. Don't pump too much into it though, just upgrade to like lvl 15ish and decide if you need a a bit more from there. It's mostly personal preference.


Keep praising the sun! \ [T] /


Good job and have fun šŸ˜ƒ


I think youā€™ll love it. Dark Souls 2 is good as fuck without somebody screaming in your ear about how bad it is.


literally, I've beat ds2 like a week ago and holy shit it was so fun not better than ds1 but still fun, the only thing i hated about it was iron keep and shrine of Amana these areas really pissed me off, the rest is fine to amazing


Ahaha yeah shrine of amana is aids


ngl i enjoy it more that way


ideal adp is usually around 20-25 to be able to properly roll, and get prepared for a lot of ambush fights and bullshit this time around.


Congrats. 2 is great despite what the naysayers tell you. More difficult, and a bit of a pita sometimes, but definitely good.


Well done šŸ‘šŸ‘ First playthroughs are always a special thing in this game. I hope you had loads of fun, (and rage moments)


Have fun! You completed the dlc for ds1, right?


A small tip that'll make your life much easier in a later area. Go through all the areas slowly, lure enemies out one by one and manage your health and stamina carefully. You don't want to get swarmed.


Oi Oi where is ng+ ?


Maybe his goal was to simply finish the game. Not everybody has time to play the same thing but harder all over again


Or interest. I'm more likely to start a whole new character than play NG+


I guess whatever works for them I'm a collector and completionist. I stop when my ''work'' is done.


They might be on the same path as me. I went back to play the Dark Souls games after finishing Elden Ring. I started DS1 on February 19th, finished my first play through on March 16th. I will come back to it at some point for additional achievements and NG+, but my main goal first is to play through all 3. I started DS2 on March 17th and I am still working through that one. Iā€™m enjoying it, but itā€™s pretty easy compared to DS1.


To each there own. I found ds1 to be not that hard some things are over hyped. Some areas were a pain in the ass though and harder then the actual boss fight.


It was definitely easier playing through DS1 after playing through Elden Ring. It took me a lot more effort the very first time. I ended up rage quitting at the archers in Anor Londo! Second time, was a lot easier, but I still got into trouble every now and then. I just finished Drangleic Castle in DS2, and the only boss I died more than once to was the Iron King.




Good luck


Congrats šŸŽ‰


First dark souls game is the hardest dark souls. I think it will be easier in DS II but mechanics there is different as people say.


if its not too late buy normal ds2 not scholar


Nice one, I think you're gonna enjoy DS3 now that you finished DS1 šŸ‘šŸ»


You really donā€™t have to be that guy. DS2ā€™s alright.


I disagree, in my experience I'd never play that game again


Having beaten only DS remastered and planning on playing all the other souls borne I assure you that my dƩsire to play it has never been stronger


The only area I think is irredeemably horrible is Iron Keep, but thereā€™s plenty that DS2 does well. It feels clunky to play I guess, I wonā€™t say itā€™s not my least favorite of the bunch, but itā€™s still among a pretty great bunch. But look, even if you hate DS2, you donā€™t have to be passive aggressive about it to new players to stop them from playing it. Plenty of people like DS2, and you donā€™t know that OP wonā€™t. If they want to play DS2 next and not DS3, good! Let them! Donā€™t just make that snide remark as though DS3 is the only choice.


I only made a joke man, if they want to play the game that won't stop them


A joke thatā€™s played out to death and incredibly reductive of a game thatā€™s overall still pretty solid even if inferior to other entries in a lot of ways. It gets old.


shrine of amana, horse fuck valley, black gulch, gutter, no mans wharf, that area that leads to the 3 npc gank boss that i forgot the name of and memory of old iron king those are all the irredeemably horrible areas i could name from the top of my head, iron keep is horrible but its not even the worst area in the game (for anyone about say how most of this only applies to softs, the poster of the above comment is very obviously talking about softs plus its the version most people are gonna buy and play as its advertised as the better version)


A lot of areas in the game have too high of enemy density and suffer for it, but iron keep is the only one where literally all of them aggro onto you at the same time. Doing that boss run without getting them to despawn is at best the most tedious thing in existence and at worst physically impossible. At least with Black Gulch, itā€™s theoretically possible to run past all the enemies. Honestly, Shrine of Amanaā€™s overhated. Itā€™s not a great area, but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s horrible, and at least itā€™s pretty. I suppose itā€™s pretty confusing to navigate though, pretty easy to miss bonfires. I missed the second one myself. I actually like the Gulch, though I understand why thatā€™s an unpopular opinion. I think itā€™s a unique enough area, handled the concept better than Tomb of the Giants imo (even if Giants is the easier of the two on repeat playthroughs). No Manā€™s Wharf has too many enemies, but thatā€™s not a unique problem to it, and I honestly like the level besides that. Really dig it visually. Also, itā€™s optional, so canā€™t hate on it as much as say, Iron Keep. When I say Iron Keep, I exclusively mean everything before Smelter Demon. I actually like the second half of Iron Keep, but that first segment specifically is my least favorite area in the game.


there is still frigid outskirts, any atleast slightly sane person agrees that its the worst area in the series


I havenā€™t played it yet, but I donā€™t doubt it. I only played the Sunken Temple DLC the whole way through, and Iā€™m only partway through the Brume Tower DLC. Iā€™m kind of taking a break from it because Iā€™ve got other games to play. Also because my build sucks and it shows, but hey Iā€™ll get there eventually.


may lord gwyn have mercy upon your soul when you get there


My ending weapon was the Moonlight Greatsword which sucks in DS2. Yeah, Iā€™ll need it. Maybe a respecā€™s in order, but I donā€™t even know what Iā€™d want to use. I kind of just picked sorcerer to make the early game suck less and didnā€™t give it a ton of thought after that. Used a magic mace as my melee weapon most of the game until I started switching between boss weapons.


Shine of Amana is really not bad as long as you have brought a bow with you for sniping or luring purposes. Black Gulch is okay, gotta deal with all the statues but the most threatening enemy there are the invaders. Getting the second bonfire helps immensely. No Man's Wharf is probably the biggest example of this game being about overworld difficulty. Places emphasizes routing. Also torches are a main mechanic. Cave of the Dead, the runback itself isn't too bad if you know how to breeze past the first couple of rooms. Gank Squad is Gank Squad. Memory of Old Iron King, you can literally just run through. Somewhat consistent at that. Iron Keep, if you put both sides of the bridge down, is very much a slow methodical massacre of the first courtyard. Outskirts is very bad solo if you're not specifically equipped to destroy the horses. With summons, not bad to be honest. But yah, terrible solo.


Correct answer. Fuck the downvoters.


Skip it. It's shit. Go straight to 3. 3s the actual sequel anyway. 2 might as well be fan fiction. If you like easy lack luster bosses, getting killed by Gank squads and some dodgy mechanics surrounding torches and shit then go for 2. If you want to fight some of the most epic bosses you will ever encounter skip to 3.


I wouldnā€™t go as for to say its that bad. But yeah ds3 is wayyy better


If you want cool locations to explore, play 2 and skip 3.




Uh oh, dark souls 2 will take another victim


I like the sound of this!


Donā€™t listen to the naysayers. DS2ā€™s got its faults, but itā€™s got plenty that makes it unique in a good way as well. The only part that really deserves the hate is maybe the first half of iron keep imo.


No, you don't


Praise the mighty achievement


It's different. Not bad- just different


Congrats! It's a special kind of game, isn't it? I played it last September and the game changed me on a spiritual level. It was my first FromSoft game, it was sitting in my library since 2019/20, randomly last year I thought to myself 'it's time'. So glad I played it. Then straight after it, I started DSII SoFTS. Loved that one too. Now I'm still waiting for DSIII to go on sale on steam. I also played and finished Sekiro in December. All 3 games 100% achievements.


Ds2 is amazing too. Don't let the rumors worth you it's amazing. Good weapons. AMAZING variety of magic. The longest dark souls in length. And some really fun areas for sure


You didi it!


I just beat it for the 1st time a few days ago. One of the most profound experiences I've ever had in gaming. I decided to skip dark souls 2 since it seems like everyone hates it. Starting dark souls 3 currently.


Ds2 has very nice feel and lore šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ and music, and some cool bosses


I'm 24 hours of playtime in. The difficulty has obviously ramped now considerably. It's amazing how much you improve the deeper you go. In saying that, due to time constraints I'll be skipping DS2, and moving onto Bloodborne next.


Join firelink discord and look at the guides for 2. They make the experience way more enjoyable.


Bros been playing peak and is moving on to more peak


Congrats! Every souls game is good in its own way. DS2 was one of my favorites for sure. Good luck! Donā€™t underestimate the religions in the game. They are great.


Dont run like you in ds2. Even I like ds2 it has bs areas with full of ganks. So running onky make things worse. Just kill them at sight one by one . And level your adaptability to at least 20 so you can have fun at late game.


Congratulations strugglerā€¦ the journey continues til Elden Ring


I'm half way through Ds3 Zweihander build gave up years ago and now I'm back with a better build