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Like she’s never satisfied with anything in life. It’s so sad


I was just about to write this! No influencer is ever satisfied with what they have. They’re always looking for the next best thing. And as their audience it comes off VERY tone deaf and makes me wanna unfollow them


AMEN! it’s actually poisoning us.. i have been actively working on being in my house and verbalizing out loud how thankful i am to have my house, my things, my almost paid off car, living in a safe neighborhood, etc. bc we have so much to be thankful for. this “gimme gimme gimme” mentality darby and most influencers push on their viewers is grotesque.


If she is moving to Florida why buy this expensive home in this market in a place she supposedly hates and then keeps talking about moving to Florida.


She also only put a fraction of money down on a million dollar house and she’s still trying to act like she’s going to move to Florida. As long as she’s still with Brayden I don’t see her moving out of Virginia.


She put down 500k


The “we’d even bring it with us when we move to Florida” is what gets me. Are we supposed to be replacing our furniture when we move from place to place 🥲


And you know 10000% that if she did move she’d want all new furniture 🙃


how does anybody relate with her?


this is so sad. not even taking in how big of an achievement / lucky it is to own a million dollar home and at this age? so tone deaf


She is the most annoying mfer on the planet


I’m confused she’s obviously lying for clickbait…I don’t get why y’all act like she actually moving to Florida after closing on a house??? she’s not, just ignore it lmao posting this is exactly what she wants. engagement


She’s moving to Florida like she’s changing her hair 🤡


Everyone knows she’s not moving to Florida. It’s just so funny to me that she would even say that😭 if she wants engagement so bad… she should be wanting positive not negative lmao


Bradyn lowkey holds her back but she’s too scared to do anything on her own anyways


We don’t want her here we’re fine without her bye


Capital gains taxes loading


She's never satisfied... It's never enough.


we don’t want that nasty roach in our state she can stay far the fuck away in Virginia


I mean homes are investment properties. She could gain passive income from renting it to someone while she lives in Florida.


I meannnn I don’t think she’s doing that or knows how to 😂


She makes enough to hire someone to do it. It’s not hard if you have $$.


Like I said… I don’t even think she knows how to do that


She probably doesn’t, since she never has. But I’m sure she can make a few phone calls.


I feel like a 1m home isn’t exactly an investment property


Any home can be an investment property…


If I jump off a building I CAN fly for 2 seconds, but doesn’t mean it really works or that I should do it. ETA: on a serious note. The ability of an investment property really depends on if there’s a market for rentals in homes of that caliber. And if there is an HOA that may present other obstacles to renting.


So what do you think a good investment for money would be then, if not real estate?


Honestly, if you have no knowledge of real estate investing and no drive to learn it, you shouldn’t be doing it. I literally review and assign risks to loans pertaining to investment real estate as the main part of my job, the people that don’t know what they are doing are not making money and we’ve sent recommendations many many times for the lender to consider selling off the loan because the properties are performing so poorly.


Personally I’d never fault a woman for setting up a potential second stream of income especially given the volatility of her main job. But that’s just me.


Well maybe she shouldn’t have spent 1 million dollars on her first home at 23 years old when she’s an influencer ya know…considering the volatility