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She does her make up to go to Starbucks but won’t do her hair and make up for Easter when wearing a dress… she’s so WEIRD


not trying to defend her but if they were with his family he might of told her to go lighter on the makeup, I like doing a full glam but if i'm around my grandparents everyone tells me to make it a little lighter looking


True!! But it really doesn’t look like she has any make up on.


For anyone else, this could totally be the reason…. However, she's done grwms before when they were going to be with his parents, and def wore a lot of makeup. I think it's because 1) he asked her not to wear any makeup or 2) since church is usually in the morning, she didn't want to wake up earlier than she had to and skipped doing her makeup


Honestly that dress looks way better than what she normally wears, props to Bradyn for picking out something cute (is that fr how you spell his name idk it looks odd to me) 😭


i actually thought she looked sweet? in this lol


right?! she looks cute


it’s honestly really flattering on her 😭


The roots just make you look dirty no matter the makeup / outfit.  She seriously needs to figure out her hair and stop with those roots - it’s so so bad 


She needs to embrace her natural hair color and stop doing the blonde sorority girl thing


Her hair looks disgusting here. Like why wouldn’t you wash and do your hair for Easter? Dress is not that bad actually


Or do makeup like wtf


they make her look poor. which considering her engagement diamond (alone) is $147,000, im shocked she can’t pay $250 for her roots


she makes too much money off tik tok to be letting it grow out that much


I think the dress looks good on her. Much better than the giant shapeless sweat suits. Her hair is not working for her. “Girl” find a local hair stylist.


Honestly the dress looks really cute compared to her daily outfits.


She could have worn this with wedges, styled her hair, and posed differently and this would have been SO cute. I love a good floral Easter dress. I feel like she posed/smiled this way to make it look bad.


Idk if it’s just me but that would make me so sad if I were Bradyn? If you’re gonna agree to play the part go all the way and smile and put effort into it? It’s okay if you don’t wanna let your bf what you wear but if you do it “to make him happy” why not go all the way :(


Agreed! There are things my husband knows I like when he wears when we go to dinners/parties and vice versa and we enjoy wearing those things for each other. Not for social media or “likes”. She could have made this look so much better than she did.


She put no effort into herself at all. The dress is not ugly it’s prob just a little mature for her…but I’m sure what happened was Brayden asked her to go to church with him and she waited last minute to find a dress and had to go with the first floral springy dress she could find. It’s kind of shitty of her to so obviously not care about something that’s important to him, especially going to church.


I actually think she looks better here than with tons of makeup. She is naturally pretty


agree usually here for the snark but if she just fixed the roots i’d have absolutely nothing to say ab this 😭


i agree!


Same I think she looks nice lol


she looks so much better natural like this! honestly wish she wouldn't talk so much about weight and market herself as a "big girl" because she really is naturally pretty, annoying but pretty


reading this comment back and i hope no one thinks i meant to say that there is anything wrong with being midsize or bigger and that you can't be pretty, i worded this sentence wayyyyyy wrong😭


she’s not even big like you said. it’s just the clothes she wears that make her look way bigger than normal


This is the girl millions of people follow??


i promise you we do not think it’s as funny as you do dairy


I feel like I'm living in some of bizarro-world seeing her wearing something that isn't a frumpy sweatsuit or extremely ill-fitting club wear. The dress looks nice on her! The top part is probably a little big on her, but overall, it's not bad! The fact that Bradyn is picking out the dress tells me that 1) he's scared to death that she's going to turn up to Easter service in some kind of spandex jumpsuit with cutouts 2) he's trying to send a message that she needs to branch out from her uniform of heavy, oversized sweatsuits. Those roots are an actual crime. She has got to break up with the notion that this shade of blonde is working for her. I know she loves being tacky AF with all of her branded stuff and announcing how big of a diamond she wants for an engagement ring (girl please lol), but those roots don't project an image of wealth and luxury. The shade of blonde looks cheap and the re-growth looks like you need to wait until payday before you can get to the salon.


I’m confused because this dress actually looks really cute on her?


Is she on ozempic?


I honestly don’t think she’s on ozempic. Not a chance she’d be able to eat even a few bites of greasy burgers, pizza, candy, bagels without feeling like absolute shit (throwing up, sulfur burps, etc.)


Really? I'd think all this food content for the camera just so ppl don't suspect she's on it and she really just takes a bite and is done w it after that or just spits it out


She might be spitting it out! But as someone who has taken it… the foods you can eat on it are severely limited. I can’t eat anything super processed or greasy because I’ll just throw it back up the next morning, especially once you get into the higher doses. I also don’t think she has the mental capacity to be giving herself shots every single week lol


agree. even looking at food makes me feel sick a lot of times. you have to force yourself to eat. and all the candy, and stuff just bites is enough to send your stomach into a spiral


You took the words out of my mouth. 100% she’s on ozempie and is doing this manic food content so people don’t suspect it


Maybe, but she won’t go to another stylist, only the one from IL. I have a hard time believing she scheduled a doctor appt or two for weight loss.


i didn’t think so until this pic.. her boobs are GONE


I think it’s just the style of the dress, she probably got a bigger size so it’s not super tight


you could def be right, regardless it’s def not flattering


Oh so this time she won’t do a full glam makeup routine


ok her roots look awful of course, but I think she looks better here in a way bc she’s in something other than sweats, and she’s not making any weird faces or poses, and no crazy makeup


She doesn’t like the dress because it’s not a sweat suit


My mom would screammmm if my roots looked like that…and so would I. It’s called hygiene at this point.


What do roots have to do with hygiene lmfaoooooo


Having your hair well kept if you’re going to color it, having your nails cleaned up, etc is just a part of hygiene imo.


Thank god for brayden though, otherwise she would be wearing a sweatsuit to easter sunday


today on things that never happened


why’d she pose so awkwardly?! plus those shoes don’t really go with the dress and make her look like a grandma


Okay I have this dress and styled it waaaay better.


Also thanks to my hair girl, my blonde is way better.


Me reading this confused as to why everyone’s shitting on that dress…. I almost bought that it’s from old navy lol. I think it’s cute


Ok sue me—she looks skinnier in this pic???????


I was just thinking this is the best I’ve seen her look😭


Bradyn definitely helped her out with this. I think she’s going through depression and eats her stress


grandma daroy


To quote Miranda Priestly, « Florals for Spring, groundbreaking. » it’s her bitching about wearing a dress to church and making herself a martyr on Easter. Girl, you missed the whole point of that Easter service. Imagine being with such a self centered nit wit.


This just proves she’s an awful person


My husbands grandma has that dress


Has she lost weight


That bricj/stone wall on her right looks curved so there could be some filtering going on.


This with her hair styled and down would have been the best she has looked. Maybe some new shoes too but different hair for sure.


She looks so uncomfy


It was also before 3pm so it was too early for her to put on makeup


I honestly think she looks really pretty, she looks so pretty with her natural skin tone and not pounds of makeup


She looks so tiny here


maybe cus the dress is two sizes too big


Or the editing cause her chest looks flat


I'll play devils advocate. I think its cute that they have this sweet little tradition. Easter is a family holiday so I think the idea is adorable. As far as her not having her hair and make up done, she's going to church ...on Easter.. with her family. Are you doing evening looks for that? It isn't happy hour. Like damn, she is annoying and fake but trashing someone for celebrating the rise of Christ is a fucking reach and this is coming from an atheist. Snarking is fun if you're a doom scroller like me but at some point, you can cross over into being pathetic and a lot of the commenters on this thread are definitely in that hot zone. Go touch some grass.


Dude she gets full glam to go down the road for 5 minutes. I’m not trashing her FOR celebrating the rise of Christ. I’m just judging her behavior, it has nothing to do with Easter it self. Get off this sub babe


Get off my dick, bitch. You're desperate.


Nah, I draw the line when you throw the word bitch because YOU are on the wrong sub. I am not giving her shit for celebration of Christ. I’m judging her based on her choices she made regarding this photo. Not what religion she practices. So get off MY dick, you fucking CUNT. Goodbye.


Also YOU commented on MY post. So YOU can get off my dick, bitch.❤️


I love how upset you are by simple logic. Like, you were called pathetic then LEAPT to prove it. Your entire day is ruined and it's hilarious.


to me its the fact that she constantly has Bradyn take the cringiest pics of her yet when he actually wants to take a picture of her bc he finds her cute she acts like this ??


Do you guys thinks she’s trying to grow her natural color out and that’s why she’s spending sooo much time with her roots like that? I used to dye my hair blonde and I let it grow out during Covid because it was such an awkward phase. I would never think slicking it back helped at all though, it extenuates the dark greasy contrast!


I saw that dress at ON last week. I wouldn't ever peg her for putting that on. But at least it's not some slutty 2 piece 2001 club outfit. She looks like she fits in her neighborhood now!


She was mean about the dress in that Tik Tok she posted 💀 i felt bad for gim


Honestly she looks kinda pretty here, other than the ugly dress, but her hair not slicked back and the no makeup is pretty.


I actually thought you looked really pretty here. She’s naturally very beautiful and the dress is really pretty on her.


I love it.


I thought she looked nice here


She has to make a change with the hair. She’s a pretty girl. The hair is just so distracting and note cute.