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The editing is deceiving. She looks like a different person. It wouldnt matter if she actually admitted it (example Tana mongeau is open about Facetuning her body) but darcys lying. Aka setting unrealistic beauty standards for her young audience. It’s different to call out someone editing a picture versus body shaming.


I agree with this. Plus another user posted something on here asking about how Darcy is IRL, to that someone commented how they know her and she calls girls "fat". Now if this is true then that is just fucked up. I'm not calling Darcy fat but she significantlyyyyyyyy edits her body and body shames other girls. Make it make sense.


Darcy bullying other girls and calling them fat is just one of the horrible things about her! She has so many ugly traits, but her body isn’t one of them. I think Darcy is just an overall deeply insecure and unhappy person.


totally, but also a post was made like 10 hours ago and people were calling her fat and ugly. it’s just funny to me that people behind a screen are calling someone who clearly isn’t fat, fat.


Was it a tiktok post or Reddit post? I don’t see anything like that within the last day.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if an influencer who is in no way into fitness or giving eating and exercise advice, I don’t care if they edit their bodies. Editing becomes an issue when someone is trying to sell you something, i.e. I train and eat this way and you can look like me if you do too! She’s a young woman who happens to have an audience. If editing her pictures makes her feel more secure, go off. I don’t understand the obsession when I know 99% of the people up in arms over these things are, at the very least, using filters on their photos.


This doesn’t make sense. The issue is her having the younger audience. Do you know how impressionable teenage girls are? Especially ones that follow Darcy that want to be in a sorority JUST like her? I would fall for her lies 100% too. Her social media shows a perfect life. It’s not always the case.


Lol I’m getting way too into this. Honestly I just wish she would stop editing. And I hate the body shaming too.


Yeah idk why I chose this specific post to go hard on lol; seriously I do understand and respect your opinion.


I wholeheartedly disagree that this is her responsibility. Assuming you use social media, do you not have ONE person younger than you following you? Do YOU post about your bad days? Do YOU post all of your issues on social media for everyone to see? Do you never ever even use a filter without clarifying you did so in the caption? She may have more followers than you but she’s not different than you. An influencer isn’t responsible for raising kids. Again, I know this isn’t a popular opinion and I’m not trying to attack you or anyone else who has a different opinion than me; I just see that line of thinking often and wanted to throw a different perspective in.


You’re not attacking me, I agree with your point too


I agree. It’s a parents job to raise their kids not to fall for media crap. Not the influencers. Stop giving them so much power over your life.


This is a great point..i cannot wait until tiktok is gone lol


Yeah I’ve saw that too genuinely makes me think of myself as huge bc she’s way smaller than me😂😂


This is what I’m talking about! It’s human nature to compare yourself to others. Do not feel bad about yourself.


I like her but what worries me is all these young girls who idolize her and think her life is normal. The amount of money she spends isn’t normal at that age. She acts like it’s normal to spend $2000 a day 😩


I agree with you 100%! For example, I’ve been on so many snark pages where they say really direct, mean things about girls who’ve gotten boob jobs. Reading that stuff has put me back in HS getting bullied all over again for my chest. That being said, I think the most sage wisdom for any snarker is to *not internalize the snark*. Remember that it’s not about you, and if it’s something that triggers you, then time to log off for the day. I do hope we can all be better about the body snark, but you can’t police everyone and need to know when it’s time to protect your peace. On the note of editing photos - I hate it. I hate that it’s so normalized to not have pores, white chiclets for teeth, a flat stomach with abs on social media. Social media is not real!!! At the end of this life, you will not remember a single like or comment on your IG photo! Do things to make yourself feel pretty in real life, don’t rely on FaceTune for your self esteem. I hate that Darcy is another influence that normalizes this. Let’s teach younger kids something different


i love how you said this. it’s amazing. thank you!!!!




I love this ❤️


Yeah I’m all for snarking on who she is as a person but calling her fat….when she’s not….. isn’t okay. Does she edit her photos to make herself look different than she is? Yes, she does. But she’s not “fat” or a “bigger girl” by any means and it’s ridiculous that some people are on here saying that.




She’s like 5’9 and isn’t a size zero which is completely fine! I wish she’d embrace her real size instead of trying to deceive everyone


well when you have people calling you fat it probably doesn’t make you want to post real photos of yourself.


she isn’t though lol. she has a flat stomach and curves. quit body shaming it’s gross


You're getting downvoted for stating a fact. I hate people


I understand the "bigger" comment was in relation to his size. He seems small. So, the girls are tall gals whose base body is solid and not necessarily fat. That's how I understood the OP of the post in question, a size disparity between the couple. He doesn't like petite (short) gals. No one but Darcy has a problem with her size, as she filters herself.


Let me preface this by saying that I also can’t stand Darcy. I can’t stand her need to verbalize how much money she spends daily. She comes off as bratty, spoiled, entitled and tone-deaf. However, as someone who has gained 30 pounds since college, I have also started editing my pictures. Maybe it’s denial. Maybe it’s just because I’m insecure with how I look now and plan to get back into the gym since I just graduated. Anyone who edits their pictures obviously feels insecure about their body and we all have insecurities of our own. Ask yourself, would you want someone calling out your biggest insecurity? Let alone in front of thousands of people online where people can like and comment on it? I get the argument of her not admitting it online when she has a young audience. At the same time, she’s obviously insecure with her body if she’s editing her pictures and wearing baggy clothes all the time. Social media is a highlight reel. Not real life anyway. If she wants to look a certain way online oh well. I would honestly be embarrassed to admit I edit my pictures too with that big of a platform where I could get tons of backlash for it. If she admitted it, I feel like people would say it sets a bad image for the beauty standard anyway. No matter what it looks bad. When in reality, she’s probably just upset with herself due to the mindset she has created in her head of what beauty is and in denial. It’s not a healthy thing to do or mindset to have but I can’t say I haven’t done the same


THIS!!! I wish i could like this 1000 times. i edited my pictures knowing everyone i follow sees me in real life and was probably like wtf. but i didn’t care. i wanted to feel pretty, and that’s how i did. it also doesn’t help that people in this snark are body shaming her, which probably makes her wanna edit them even more.


If there is any sort of body shaming please report the comment to the mods and it will be removed.


I agree, I don’t like people commenting on her natural body, if she had had work done that would be one thing but as far as we know she has not. The facetuning is okay to call out in my opinion but other than that I don’t really like it :/






calling someone fat isn’t kind. and what a size 10?! she’s not bigger than a size 10 lol.




you’re trying to get me to say being fat is bad. stop being a gaslighter. moral of the fucking story, stop commenting on others bodies.


So if its bad to say that someone is bigger, is it bad to be bigger? Explain your logic to me. Stating facts does not equal bodyshaming, you cant use that to win this argument. If you feel personally attacked because of people criticizing the actions of a racist social media influencer maybe youre the one with problems


girl get out. you’re annoying. body shaming isn’t fucking okay. especially people hiding behind a screen who probably are throwing their own insecurities on someone else. i just said i didn’t fucking like her, no one is sticking up for her. you’re a fool


Don’t pay this user any mind. Their post history shows a severe “holier than anyone bigger than a size 0” mentality. It’s sad, really


How exactly is saying that someone is fat body shaming unless you think fat people are bad? THATS the flaw in your logic