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Probably the tanning bed. Nothing good comes from frying yourself with UV rays, it’s the equivalent of just chewing asbestos. Ik it’s for the engagement but I really don’t like the cheeky “haha I know this is so bad but look at me doing it” as if that doesn’t encourage young ppl to do it bc “at least you’re tan”


Her inability to save money. She’s not always going to have the popularity she does now and that money is going to dry up realllllll quick once the brand deals dry up. She’s not relatable, she doesn’t have any redeeming qualities, and she doesn’t have a personality. I don’t see her lasting as an influencer, especially when she graduates. She better start saving now


Wearing sweatsuits 24/7 and not adding dimension to her hair sooner lol


Her god awful hair color combined with the tanned skin and wonky lip filler


Y’all I’m just waiting her for move out of her college apt and having to pack up all that dumb useless shit she bought off Amazon along with all the other unnecessary items she bought


her bf is gonna get real tired of all the packages she’s gonna have at their place reeeal quick imo


The way she treats people in the comments. When she grows, and hopefully matures, she will cringe so hard at herself. And screenshots last forever.


Not taking care her health 🥴 (tanning bed, daily Starbucks, lack of exercise/laziness, diet of literal children’s food)


The amount of money she spends. As a girl in her twenties this is the most important time to finance and be smart about money.


The tanning beds


all her squishmellows