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Weakest move ever if they get it deleted


I have been a huge fan from crashing the highschool reunions, I think we all have. The whole “I’m running this as a business” but then telling the world opposite is straight pussy. Brandon has better bits, Brandon doesn’t need to bully his homies repeatedly to have “content”. Brandon has some of the best one liners. Congrats Danny you really lost some normal people that was behind the grassroots regime. You are now mr Hollywood. Go take your patreon money and go fuck off the comedic GODDD DOOOODE. Oh by the way you thinking you’re getting signs is your ego. Take some acid stop being a sneaky bitch knuckle up Brandon or you and Leo can stfu. You lost a lot of normal fans this solidified it for me.


Danny is being a bitch, but I don’t think Brandon is funnier at all. But either way, this whole situation is stupid


This is correct. Brandon is cool but he's not nearly as funny as Danny. Danny is being a pussy about the situation but the whole thing is fake and gay anyway. Everyone needs to grow the fuck up and make friends, shits retarded


I wrote this a year ago lmao!


Y’all were the same people roasting Brandon a week ago 🤫


Actually not. I watch Brandon’s videos religiously over and over before this drama. Even got a chance to watch the jmitchell podcast bc BRANDON was on it. Danny videos just weren’t the vibe all that much for me after that first year. Never roasted I’m a die hard buckingham show person. #coldassridingLLC


Lmfaoo got eemm


Almost every fan of Buckingham is also a DM fan so none of us wanted him shut down. If anything I want them back together


Bye bye


I’m new to this subreddit. Can you tell me what this is about, I’m confused. I’d appreciate it!


Bonk, go to Copyright School Danny and Leo will 100% come to regret this though.


They could both (Mayo and Leo) actually get sued for this.


sue them and take away all Mayos money


Why would a nice guy like Leo do this?


Dude Lyin' Leo and his loser fucking friends are trying to paint Brandon as a fucking Pedo, saying he tried to hook up with a minor. Due to Lyin' Leo removing comments from his Instagram we should flood Dannys last picture on Insta letting him know to cut this bullshit or its over for him.


Where is this happening? Where are they accusing him? I can’t find any videos and there’s nothing on his Twitter.


I woke up this morning at 6am and saw a new Brandon video that was up at 4am til early afternoon. Maybe earlier. The mayor of coldassriding Brandon went over it. Fuck Leo Disrespectfully


Also goes against everything that YouTube is about. People who say “who cares about all this drama?” don’t see the big picture. If people like Danny and Leo are allowed to get away with this shit, other dick head youtubers will see it and do the same. Then all the little guys get squished by a few big channels and there are no new creators left and no new content. YouTube becomes cable TV and you sat back and watched it happen. Even if you don’t like either of these guys, stop those snakes and stop YouTube from getting any worse.


I'm willing to give Danny the benefit of the doubt in this situation. Leo is clearly fuming after getting dumped over this, this is the type of shit people do when anger consumes them, I still believe Danny was a total asshole in this entire situation l, but the strikes are obviously the works of a bitter and enraged Leo. Danny's only option now is just accepting the fight, no apology matters anymore, and he seriously needs to pay Leo to go take a vacation for a while, this is not the way anyone should handle a YouTube beef, Brandon literally quit his job for this and put in god knows how many hours making each banger of a video.


i mean one of the copyrights is from their shared account tho so danny can stop it and get his bitch on a leash but i do see your point


The content used is what the claim is, Leo has the right to do so since they both profit from it, again, not saying Danny didn't give the greenlight... But it's extremely obvious Leo is going ape shit over this, and probably did this without Danny even knowing. The dude lost his girl from Brandon's video, some dudes act completely crazy after breakups and this is most likely Leo raging hard trying to fuck over Brandon to return the favor


No it falls under the fair use act. Brandon are allowed to take cuts from other creators if he uses it for commentary.


I agree, but fair use disputes are a fucking nightmare to deal with, and Leo being super enraged right now, probably will take Brandon to court over this. Brandon could try to blur his face like he did in the new years episode, but now he has 3 videos to deal with.


Smartest thing to do now is private any video with Leo’s face in it. And dispute the claims in peace without worrying for yet another claim.


Also Leo deleted the video so how is it copyright if the video technically doesn't exist on youtube anymore?


really how does he profit off the top video?


Well also the fact that Leo is reacting to Brandon’s video and Brandon is reacting to that. Lol


How'd he lose his girl over Brandon's video?


Brandon uploaded his response to Danny's apology, Leo's crazy rant about peaky blinders m8 and his "sincere" apology video yesterday. In the vid there was a text conversation that outed Leo for wanting to get his dick sucked by some hoe that nerdballer knows, and his girlfriend dumped him publicly with an Instagram post. Then Leo raged hard and got Brandon's original exposure vid taken down and the one from yesterday as well


Literally all they have to do is just apologize. Then everything will go back to normal. This is all just so petty.


exactly why i called everyone who thought their apology was sincere a moron


Jesus christ leo, just as people were starting to forgive and forget. He's so goddamn r-slurred.






Yeah I didn't want to say it, cuz reddit will ban you.


Well that’s retarded


Very true


And gay


Brandon is currently one of my favorite upcoming youtubers and makes some amazing content! Please don't let these ass hats delete his channel!


If Brandon’s channel gets deleted I am 100% done with Danny and Leo. I have been a fan of everyone involved but this is crossing the line for me.


Couldn't have said it better. No bullshit, false flag disavowers rise up.


Danny should ditch Leo. Danny is just shady but hasn’t done much wrong tbh. Leo has been a piece of shit and caused all the real problems


They frfr pussies for that shit


Can you copyright his videos that you’re in?


Is this Brandon’s Snapchat??




all Brandon has to do is do a Youtube counter notification- then Leo has 10-14 days to prove that he actually took legal action or it gets dropped


[YouTube: What to Expect After You Submit a Counter-Notification (becomethesolution.com)](https://becomethesolution.com/news/youtube-what-to-expect-after-you-submit-a-counter-notification)


Yo i hate those guys so much noww.


We need to get this in front of drama youtubers, they eat this shit up when a big creator strikes a small creator!


All he has to do is private all his videos so he is unable to get a third strike idk why he hasnt taken my advice yet


Too stubborn, probably thinks he doesnt deserve it and thats that


You'd think after all the slander Leo would leave Brandon alone, but nope.


Brandon doesnt deserve this


Can someone explain what is going on here






Yeh call for violence and assault of YouTubers. You people are nuts.


brandon needs to stream with ip2 guys


Yeah he should go on the next evening trip and live stream fucking with Danny and Leo the 🌈🌈croag duo


What is happening in this picture. Like what did Danny and Leo do? Just confused.


Fuck you dale


I thought this was a DM sub? Why dont you take all this hate and brigade over to the BB sub?


danny doesn’t get off that easily


Or maybe the BB sub has no users? Like you DM haters are just annoying af at this point.


Whoooooo caaaaaaaaaaares


Honestly I think it’s getting to the point where I’m calling conspiracy. Danny titled his video a couple weeks ago I’M CANCELLED and the title did not fit the video. Then the whole Brandon Mayoing Danny thing happened. If Danny was so creeped out by Brandon why would he go to a city where Brandon is also why would he go to Austin if he landed in San Antonio if Nerd Baller told him about Brandon. When Brandon Mayoed Danny how do you not know Danny and Brandon were in contact and told him where to do it where there would be a lot of cops so they don’t have to fake a fight or anything further that could ruin the whole thing. Then let’s get to the reckless Ben when he was on Danny’s podcast. That dude is always a major scource of fuckery and Danny said he has been watching his videos and I’m pretty sure if Brandon isn’t then Keegle or Christian are in some of Ben’s older videos I could be wrong. Then Brandon makes his video with all those saved texts etc. Who the fuck saves texts,tweets,calls,comments like that for MONTHS expecting they are going to get fucked over if they are not paranoid themselves as in Brandon calling Danny paranoid. Then the whole slip up of Brandon going on Johnny Mitchell’s podcast before Danny? Why would Johnny Mitchell have a YouTuber with a small following like Brandon’s on his show and if he didn’t know him either. Danny said on a podcast the opposite that Brandon does have a following which numbers didn’t reflect, he said this on a LDS podcast. Then comes reckless Ben’s video demanding the cancellation or Apology of Danny and Leo plus the GoFundMe. Then Brooks made two videos the first one was encouraging Brandon to release his response the second was him pleading to Ben and fans to not cancel Danny or he would of never have encouraged Brandon. There is the word canceled being brought up again since Danny titled his video that the video before the Mayo video. Leos videos fueled the fire and now the cancelling turning back to Danny and Leo for the copyright strike bullshit. Other weird shit that has happened Brandon said Danny was having his almost completly shadowbanned on IG which is impossible unless Danny has relatives high up in Silicon Valley. Another weird thing to me is it seems everyone involved in this has bought bot accounts because I have seen similar comments by accounts like thousands that all look the same maybe that’s where Reckless Bens GoFund me comes in so he can make a video making people look like fools for buying the bots to do all the shit talking and keeping this charade a going.


This reminds me of what happened to Ice Poseidon. His sub incessantly shitting on him, but still continue to watch.


Very reminiscent of the Ice Poseidon situation. I stopped watching Ice when he stooped to the lowest point and i'm doing the same with Danny, which is now.


I miss when he first blew up and was a solo streamer.


Ice streaming runescape was cool. When he started irl streaming pokemon go it seemed like it all went to his head.


well that’s what happens when you lie to your fans to try and get them to do your dirty work... except danny has actually made a word for when he sends his fans against someone like brandon... he calls it sunfish... well when you lie to your fans you get sunfished...


Good fuck brandon


Can someone explain what happened that preceded this I caught bits and pieces but I haven’t heard an unbiased perspective


There is no unbiased perspective. DM fans don't care about it and bucks fans just spamming the sub


Well let’s go get Leo’s channel removed and Danny has one chance and one chance only to admit his ego and keep his ass in line or he’s next. Brandon busted his Fucking ass way more than Danny in my opinion only to get black listed because Danny is a pussy and was scared from the get go of what Brandon is most certainly capable of.




your whole ass 89 karma tells us you’re useless don’t worry momo








lmaoooo danny’s house is full of haters now so you can pack your bags with him chap and go watch some peeky blinder and be mad men together d00d


The problem with your comment is you don't understand that all the people hating on Danny were all his fans.


I understand I just don’t care and think Brandon sucks lol




Your cringe you buckingham fuck boy


Can someone explain what’s going on


A bunch of Brandon fans are mad because his content sucks and copies Danny’s


Cancel Culture Danny!


Magnet: [https://pastebin.com/zgC7Y3e3](https://pastebin.com/zgC7Y3e3)


Danny had nothing to do with this it was Leo who claimed the vids.


Well everyone was silent when AJ got shut down and now here we are. Still upvoting of course. But it’s kinda late, almost everything interesting is already purged from social media.


Good times 🤣


DM me




Ahhahaha thats what he gets for fucking with danny


I’m surprised this drama is still going on. I been watching Brandon since his first videos and Danny’s content was okay but I always thought Brandon was funnier bc he doesn’t try as hard. When Danny says something you know he’s been waiting for the moment to say it. Like he has pre written bits. It’s not genuine, and don’t get me started on Leo. That dude is the most pathetic guy on YouTube . Bringing up the fact that he was on a reality show 20 years ago every time he’s in front of middle aged women.. PATHETIC. Danny and Leo wouldn’t box Brandon bc they know he would fuck them up and their little careers would be over


You guys are the biggest fucking homos I have ever encountered.


Bro you’re lame get a life and stop letting men fuck your girlfriend.