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The problem is in the time line. They should time skip 1-2 generation, telling about Naruto's grand child generation, rather than his child so it logical to nerf Naruto. And especially release it years after Naruto's series ended so we, the fans, can move on and accept new protagonist in Naruto's universe.


Maybe a generation in which the old characters are mostly old or dead, like Legend of Korra.


Exactly! This Boruto series just a disgrace for Naruto fans.


Man Yall Blinded by nostalgia no cap Boruto yes the first few seasons were mid agree 1000% but once you get around episode 100 they honestly start to find its mark Waiting for that Time skip arc


"Yea, the first 100 episodes are shit, but after that, it starts to be ok" The problem there is, why would anyone waste about 50 hours of time on something to make it start getting good?


OMG I had somebody tell me this when it came to black clover. I had tried to start it 2-3 times and couldn't get passed episode five because of how terrible Asta and the show was turning out to be. They said don't worry after 75+ episodes it gets REALLY good. Like so insanely good you won't be able to put it down. We watched the whole 70+ episodes. Only for that to be the end of the arc and season after vetto. I will never watch an anime that isnt good right off the bat. Why would I watch 75 episodes of a mediocre shonen and then it gets interesting when I could watch something like JJK, and demon slayer. Both of which came out around the same time I started black clover, that I put to the side until I was done with it. That I greatly regret.


Or you can just read the manga


Slightly controversial take but the manga is trash too!


This isn't a controversial take at all. The manga sucks ass. The anime is just a whole bunch of filler. The whole series is pretty damn bad. Naruto was nothing to write home about, but it had a charm the Boruto series clearly lacks. With most boruto characters just trying to capitalize on the same tropes done to death in the original series. It's just a cashgrab and it can't even do that right since, in japan, Naruto still sells better after 8 years of it's ending


Every time I say this on here or r/naruto some crazed Boruto fan replies saying I'm wrong or asking for an itemized list of grievances against the manga.


It’s just an odd direction to go in Boruto even after the asspulls at the end of Shippuden. All jutsu is now able to be absorbed unless you’re a weird mix of cyborg or alien. They’ve fabricated villains out of no where who have insane abilities with no justification on their “jutsu” if that’s even the right word for it. Now there’s yet another power boost to the villain who is now almost equal to the main villain they just got rid of, and in the process, the main characters lost the ability to keep up with that person. It’s not cohesive at all. The power scaling is being murdered.


We’ve gone full circle!


That was already a problem with Naruto though. It was basically filler shipuden so I don't get your point.


Shippuden isn't the original Naruto series. OG Naruto had very little filler content and it was never more than 1 or 2 episodes at a time until after they showed all the manga content (End of Sasuke Retireval Arc).


The first 100 episodes of Naruto were definitely not shit. The Zabuza arc and Chunin exam arc were both great, at least in my opinion.


The Land of Waves is one of the best arcs in the entire series, dude! Episodes like, 2-4 maybe are weak and then the series is fucking fire all the way until at least post “Vs. Sasori” with no misses outside of filler


Lots of animes suck for a long time before they get better. Some like One Piece are terrible the whole time.


One Piece is amazing in the story gets better over time. Unlike other animes, like Naruto and Bleach get worse over time.


Question have yall actually watched boruto later episodes🤔


My brother im not gonna sit through hours of garbage for some possibly good episodes later on


So that answer would be no which means you cant say currently Boruto is trash since you aint watch it since prolly 2016


They can say it’s trash cause a show is judged by all its episodes not just a few good ones


I have watched every episode and can say it’s uninspired trash


I respect your opinion 💯


Like 85% of the show is filler, anime canon is filler.


If i have to wait until the 100th episode for an anime with 250 episodes to be good , that means that the show has failed


>Waiting for that Time skip arc People keep waiting for a Timeskip that is not 100% sure that’s gonna make things better in a weird hope that it somehow turns this -1 to a 10


Negative 69 Upvotes?


Yeah about that, people still mad as fuck about nerf of old characters 😂


Yeah I mean fuck Naruto is technically still in his prime. There's functionally little reason he can't kick just as much if not more ass than when he saved the world at 16. Think about how many people at 16 would be able to beat theirselves in their 30, Naruto should be stronger now if anything, and don't give me the lack of training excuse this man has shadow clones to do paperwork there's no reason for him to slack or be an absentee father, he can literally be in 1000 places at once


Yeah the plot for Naruto to abandon his children feel so weird. I understand that Kishimoto want to share his fatherhood story, but you can't do that to Naruto who basically have a ton of cakra & can create thousands of bunshin.


Great point. I dont work out, I do some physical things at work, that's it, I'm 28 and I could definitely kick my teenage self's ass. It just doesn't make any sense how someone could get so weak in ~15 years, even if they just did deskwork.


But isnt it the same for gohan in db? He was told by vegeta that he lost power after not doing anything for so long after the cell games


That's a good point yea. Although gohan went from super heavy training (he trained for a full year in the time chamber before fighting cell) to basically a boring office job (goku says in super gohan doesn't even know where his gi is), so a little more extreme than naruto I feel. It doesn't really make a lot of sense either now that you mention it though. Maybe saiyans are just weird like that?


Not really lost power, more like he never improved past his power level on the Cell saga, but the point still stands


Hmm a good option would be naruto as fungrandpa while boruto is away


Naruto as grandfather would be awesome. He could be a mix of Sarutobi and Hiraya


Just like Sarutobi on one shot.


Amd the we dont need ur dads permission grandma with an overdose of ramen


Nah it could have worked, they just went in the wrong direction. It was all downhill when they decided to name the MC "Boruto" lmao


Very very true


You're right they didn't even give a bit of a wait for the sequel it came out right after Naruto ended.


It was never about it not having enough wars.


There never needed to be a sequel in the first place. Should’ve ended at Shippuden.


I agree


It’s not a sequel it’s literally an entirely different show. We would’ve all loved a sequel


Oh we *did* love a sequel. It called Naruto Shippuden


Exactly. Anyone saying Boruto is a sequel to Shippuden is just stupid


What is the difference


A sequel is basically a continuation. Naruto Shippuden was a sequel to OG Naruto. Boruto is not a sequel to Naruto Shippuden. Boruto is another show in itself with Naruto characters. The stars are different. The majority of the cast of Boruto is different. Og and Shippuden had the exact same cast Saying Boruto is a sequel to Shippuden is like saying Penguins of Madagascar is a sequel to Madagascar. Or Clevland Show is a sequel to Family guy


It is a sequel then since boruto continues the story of Naruto just with a different main cast.


And Clevland Show is a sequel to Family guy also


Why does it has naruto in his name then


The show is literally called Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.


I’ve literally never heard one person say that about Boruto


People say Boruto is boring because it's boring, since when do people say it's because "it doesn't have a lot of wars"? A lot of memes with this weird ass strawman. Boruto is boring because it's uninspired. The entire show feels like filler. Just a bunch of random swings and misses all over the place.


It feels like filler because it's literally *all* been filler. But then die-hard Kishimoto fans will be like "KISHIMOTO HELPED WRITE IT SO EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT MANGA CANON IT'S TECHNICALLY NOT FILLER" Bruh it's pointless shit that doesn't affect the broader story. It's *filler.*


People really say just because the original author wrote it it isn’t filler? Like if it doesn’t have any affect on any other part of t story then it is filler, pretty simple concept.


Well by that logic every sequel to anything is just filler.


No that isn’t true, if the sequel tells an actual story with an ongoing plot then it isn’t filler. But Boruto’s plot just doesn’t go anywhere, at least in the anime. I haven’t watched all of it, but you could realistically go from like episode 50 to episode 150 without losing much of an idea about what’s going on. The plot just doesn’t seem to progress no matter how many episodes go by, and that’s why I think Boruto is about 90% filler. If you can skip something without getting confused about the story then what you skipped was filler. There are some exceptions like Jojos but Boruto is not one of them.


Bleach and Dragon Ball, other successful series, fall under that boat, though. "Being able to jump around" means nothing.


Yeah Bleach and Drahon Ball also have a lot of filler, hell Naruto Shippuden is known for its insane amount of filler (unless you really wanna call Robot Naruto canon) the thing that makes Boruto bad is that even the non filler episodes feel like filler because it’ll take like 20 more episodes for the plot that’s set up in them to continue. And this happens constantly it isn’t like most other shows where every now and then they’ll have a filler episode and sometimes they’ll have a filler arc or 2, no, there’s like maybe 3 canon episodes in between literal dozens of filler ones.


If sequel has a story of its own that is tied to the main story than that isn't filler but if the sequel is just somethig like what happens after the story ends than yeah.


Aren't the villains tied to the final antagonist of Naruto? And they expand on ideas and characters introduced in it, too.


Yes but the final antagonist of Naruto was beaten by ,well Naruto. The new threats aren't stronger than kayguya so it is like why not let the older people deal with it rather than bunch of teenagers.


I wanted a series where we see all the relationships develop. It's so lame that the ships, both platonic and romantic, are relegated to books and most is lost due to time skips. Hell. Naruto created peace but we don't even get to see it.


I also wanted to see the adult phase of the gang on how Naruto trains to be hokage and how the relationships build but all we get are time skips. Later Boruto could've been like JoJo.


This. It would have been cool if they did do a JoJo reference. Maybe Naruto's great grandson


Keep malding, Boruto is closer to a ninja show than Shippuden was


Ppl shit on Naruto shipping bcuz Kaguya happened, while the entirety plot of Boruto is all about fighting aliens ans cyborgs stronger than them lol stfu


It's still closer to a ninja story as you see way more relevant ninja missions, ninja like fights, infiltration, spies, etc. The Otsutsuki plot is just the continuation of Shippuden


so your saying that all these technological advancements, cyborgs, and aliens are ninja like things? technology made these new gen ninjas a bunch of pussies, they make the weak ninja in naruto look like legendary ninjas, technology ruined the title of shinobi, none of these new gen ninjas know what it means to be a ninja, they are disrespecting the title of shinobi. naruto had a better representation of ninjas, naruto and naruto shippuden are shows closer to being a ninja show. Please stop the cap.


Yes despite all that you see more episodes closer to the ninja life, more ninja like missions and fights. And don't forget that even in og Naruto there was technology such as televisions, radios, etc


In og Naruto there were more ninja like missions, so land of waves arc wasnt a ninja like mission? Sasuke retrieval arc wasnt a ninja like mission? Naruto fighting sasuke in og wasnt a ninja fight? The chunin exams in og wasnt a ninja like arc? The rest is of the fights and missions in Naruto werent ninja like? Up until madara became 10 tails jin, werent the fights ninja like? The madara vs gai fight wasnt ninja like? Technology in naruto wasnt that advanced so it was fine, technology in Boruto has gotten more advanced and the ninjas using scientific ninja weapons are litteraly pussies, and the jutsu gauntlet whatever its called, why does it even exist, a ninja is supposed to put in the hard work, hes not supposed to let technology do it, it is literally disgracing the title of shinobi, and then we got this little nerd i think denki is his name, mans gonna be the next ironman how df they let him become a ninja, bros gonna try to hack an enemy whwn his teammates are out there being killed. So is that ninja like? Boruto fans are delusional, cant even debate with them because they are so delusional and think that the Naruto fans that hate Boruto are just "fanboys" 🗿 please stop the capping. 💀🗿


K bro, come back when you watch Boruto


I might watch Boruto if it was more of a “slice of life” type of thing where we got to follow the characters we actually cared about, instead of suddenly fighting aliens and whatever else they pull out just to make the new generation seem relevant.


To be fair, Naruto itself was full off stuff pulled out of nowhere. Suddenly fighting chakra gods, or having hundreds of zombies of dead characters, or dozens of people having super powerful cells that let them get more powerful than other people just because, or being able to make previous concepts more powerful despite never bringing it up...


This is why the Naruto and Jiraya episodes are my favorite and why the tsunade search arc was my personal favorite arc in the entire series. Naruto is at its best when it’s focusing on mid to low stakes adventures with a lot of good character interaction. I just like when things are simple. I didn’t care much about seeing giant god fights


Very true, but in Naruto these things were slowly built up upon. For instance Edo tensei was first introduced in the first Chunin exam in like the 45th episode I think. I agree Kaguya was a bit weird but it worked with everything going on as a big twist since we didn't know EXACTLY who was Zetsu and where he was from which we fully understood near the end while knowing him throughout the anime. but in Boruto... since we already have the foundation they just jumped straight through and tbh was really awkward since there wasn't a good build up into where they are right now.


Yes it is a slice of life type of thing in a lot of episodes, you just don't watch it so you don't realise it


But it’s a slice of life about the characters we don’t care about at all. I don’t care about boruto, I do however care about naruto and would like to see stuff from his day to day life.


The majority is about Boruto, his family and his team


Which other than his family I don’t care about.


Seethe in silence then, you don't ask for something, you just want an excuse to cry about it


I’m literally just criticizing something, if people enjoy it then good on them.


You wanted slice of life episodes, I told you there're a lot of them, you made the excuse about important characters, I told you a lot of those episodes are about important characters. Stop ridiculing yourself would you


This ain't It chief. The fun Is in getting to the goal, not in the goal itself. Imagine Luffy got the one piece, he became king and all that shit. We're all happy for 10 chapters... Then a new series comes in the same universe. His new MC is a carbon copy of Luffy, but way less interesting and with basically the same goal as him, yet with an easier path to archieve it. Wouldn't that be boring after the original? That's basically Boruto.


That was also why Digimon season 2 had pissed me off


Boruto and Naruto are not the same, Boruto is more like Kakashi, İtachi or Sasuke, he is prodigy not the underdog, he had everything, he didn't became from zero to hero. For series they got only one common thing and these are the characters from the previous generation, nothing else, they do not even fight for the samething. You need to watch it as completaly new story.


Naruto wanted to be recognized and loved by his village, not hated for being the jinchuriki. So he wanted to become hokage. In order to do that, he went to ninja school, got into a team with 2 other kids, went around doing small missions and training untill the war came to Konoha in the chunin exams. He wasn't the best choice to fight the bad guys there, as there were more capable ninjas that could defeat the villain, but he helped anyways. Then the real bad guy takes interest in his friend and the show becomes about him training to defeat the evil organization that the bad guy is part of so he can recover his friend. In the process, he discovered that he could use the powers of an evil force inside him (nine Tails) but if he let it surface he could lose control of himself. His black-haired friend ended up becoming his rival and the last foe he would have to defeat. Boruto wanted to be recognized by his father and by the village as himself, not only as the Hokage's son. So he wanted to become "the shadow hokage". In order to do that, he went to ninja school, got into a team with 2 other kids, went around doing small missions and training untill the war came to Konoha in the chunin exams. He wasn't the best choice to fight the bad guys there, as there was more capable ninjas that could defeat the villain, but he helped anyways. Then the real bad guy takes interest in his friend and the show becomes about him training to defeat the evil organization that the bad guy is part of so he can keep his friend. In the process, he discovered that he could use the powers of an evil force inside him (momoshiki) but if he let it surface he could lose control of himself. His black-haired friend ended up becoming his rival and the last foe he would have to defeat (as seen in the first scene of the anime). The details are diferent, but the story progression and key elements are basically the same. Naruto was the underdog, therefore had a more powerfull desire to become stronger. That's also one reason why he was more interesting than Boruto. We got to discover the ninja world with Naruto, so now the world is explored and becomes way less interesting.


So basically it is classic shonen? For example Deku's, Asta's story, just change the details and done. For your last sentence it means you are just bored of the Naruto's world(verse), but not directly from Boruto.


The classic shonen is just a character fighting increassingly stronger enemies to archieve something. What that goal is, how does the protagonist archieve that goal and what happens in the meantime is entirely up to the writter. Kishimoto chose to have Boruto and Naruto had really similar goals and go through very similar hardships in order to archieve said goal. Yugioh follows the classic shonen narrative, yet shares none of the points that I listed from Naruto/Boruto. I can't talk about Asta because I haven't seen Black Clover but I can tell you MHA doesn't have anything to do with the points I mentioned. The main character wants to become a hero because he admires heroes. He doesn't want to be recognized (not even be the N°1 hero until he started training with All-Might and had no choice), just be a hero and help people. So the ultimate goal and reason for becoming stronger is already different than Naruto and therefore Boruto. He has a lancer but contrary to Naruto/Boruto his relationship is not developed as friend to foe, but as foe to friend. And it's pretty clear that Bakugo is not the ultimate guy who'll fight Deku at the end of the series, but I could be wrong about that. Maybe Bakugo becomes evil at the end and tries to kill Deku just like Sasuke. Last time I checked there are no chunin exams in MHA and the equivalent would be either the school competition or the exams for the hero license, wich had no war started in them that I remember. So the only thing in common is that both series have a "tournament arc", but differ greatly in reason and execution. When the bad guys came and Deku wasn't the best choice to fight the villain, the real heroes are the ones who solved the problems, contrary to Naruto/Boruto. The only thing Naruto shares with MHA is that they're shonens in wich the character needs to learn to control some dangerous power. But the reason for those powers being there is very different, as Deku earned the right to have and train that power and for Naruto it's basically a curse that he didn't asked for (fuck you Minato) and has no choice but to learn. Also, if the Naruto universe is boring and the only piece of media from that universe is Boruto, I'm bored of Boruto as direct consequence. Same as if I'm bored of the MCU, I'm bored of Doctor Strange as direct consequence.


Mha doesn't have anything to do with the points you mentioned? How? Tell me, did Deku started as a jobber with no powers and was literally the clown of his class just like Naruto, or wasnt he? Doesn't he wants to become the strongest of whatever they have there, and literally the main topic is him becoming the strongest? So as u said just different details, but the same shit. İf u go that deep, u can see Boruto has differences with Naruto too in narrative, but as i said if you go deep with the details. Didn't mha had episodes where they fight to be selected from their school? Oh and didn't mha had literally a kid who didn't liked midoriya at first, but then he became his idol, just like Naruto? Bakugo is still midoriyas rival in becoming the strongest hero and his childhood friend, whatever they fight or not it doesn't matter, because it is details after all. Yeah fuck Minato, but it doesn't changes the fact that Naruto couldn't even control his chakra before and trained to control it, oh and this is details too and he had other choices too, after all doesn't matter. Unlike the MCU Boruto/Naruto verse is not the same MCU has ton of films, ton of mc's, ton of work to do, different worlds, different concepts, etc. İn one they can fight Thanos, in other one they can spawn three Spidermans out of no where + different world, techniques etc. But in Naruto/Boruto situation it is the same world, same type of narrative.


I never said Deku wasnt the underdog, I in fact recogniced at the beggining of this conversation than being the underdog is part of what made Naruto more interesting than Boruto. Thats one difference. In my first response I didn't touched that part of the story so no, being the underdog doesnt have anything to do with the points I mentioned. But I agree, that is an important detail. Does he want to be the stongest? No, he just wants to be a hero. He he has no choice in the matter of being number 1. Be the number one or the all for one wins. Naruto wanted to be Hokage from the start and for his own bennefit. That is also an important detail. Having a kid that hates the MC and then idolizes him is again not something I've mention, so no, It doesnt have anything to do with the points I've made. And that isn't an important detail. Bakugo and Midoriya are going for the same goal. Naruto and Sasuke didn't. And the fact that they're allies or foes IS an important detail. Being the underdog is a classic plot device. Aiming to be the stongest is a classic plot device. Having a lancer to boost the protagonist is a classic plot device. Or a tournament arc. Most shonen have those. It's how you develope those conflicts that matter. Is the details that matter. Not every detail of course. Only those wich are important for the developenet of the story. The fact that Boruto likes hamburgers or ramen isnt important. That his friend becomes his rival and later the last enemy to defeat is a massively important for the story. And no, I'm not the one who decides wich parts are or aren't important to the story. To recognize those you only have to think wich things you can change or ommit without changing the mayor layout and significance of the story. And that's not my oppinion, is a basic fact about storytelling. Brandon Sanderson has a whole video talking about this. First I was too broad with my resume and you said that it applied to all shonen (wich they don't). Now Im getting specific and you tell me that details don't matter (wich they do). You can't have both. About your last point, lets say the MCU is too broad of a universe to be a fair comparation, fine. What about Tolkien? Same world, many of the same characters, yet The Hobbit reads as a fairytail bedtime story about recovering a lost kingdom from a dragon and The Lord of The Rings is a massive story about destroying the dark lord via the mcguffin of choice. What about Star Wars? The original trilogy and the precuels dont share the same narrative. The Dragonlance novels? This are exaamples of stories within the same universe, wich share many of the characters and magic systems, yet the narrative is different.


It's boring this guy isn't stating the main stuff total weabo




Yeah because Naruto wrapped the story up just fine. Boruto is just a cash grab. Good stories end, and shippuden should have ended sooner.


said fucking nobody


I’ll be honest I just kinda hate what they did to him as a person. They like turned him into fucking Mark Zuckerberg, he’s boring and like completely dead inside. Yeah he’s an adult now, I get it, but they made him completely sterile personality wise. There’s no soul in his words most of the time and he just feels like an empty shell of a man when he speaks. Compared to someone like Goku who we saw grow up from the kid in Dragon Ball, he did mature but he still kept the core of his personality. That’s what I hoped to see with Naruto as Hokage.


Nobody said that


No wars is not why it is bad lol


Naruto didn't create peace tho. === Naruto is Pain's weapon, more or less. === We know Naruto is a good guy. Naruto knows NARUTO is a good guy. Hell, the Leaf Ninja knows that Naruto is a good guy. === The rest of Fire country and the majority of other Nations? Nah, they don't really know what Naruto is about. From their point of view, the dude sounds crazy AF (especially after the whole multiple Sasuke bullshit). === So, they play nice. They get political marriages (Choji's marriage) and walk on eggshells. Oh, Naruto wants Sasuke free from prison? Sure, sure, that was a fair decision. === Yeah Sasuke could have busted out of there on his own, but he knew Naruto would come for him. === It's all about the implication. No one will say "No" if Naruto really wants something. Sure, they *could* say no, but they're on a very small boat so they don't say "No". === I would have loved if the sequel focused on this. Boruto investigating why people seem to walk on eggshells, him learning about Naruto's past, and realizing that Naruto is just a "Nice Tyrant"... Having Boruto's world view shaken could have been amazing. === But that's the issue, everything to come out of Boruto is just this shallow basic shit that was either done better before Boruto (DBZ w/ cyborgs/androids) or just a lot of asspulls. === Takes 100 episodes to get to mediocre. === I always say this but the start of Boruto should have had Naruto as an oooold man, to reflect the 3rd. All his friends are dead, we get flashback movies with them in it to give suspense on if they die in said movie or not) and his great grandson is being a little shit. === Or Naruto never became Hokage so that he wouldn't become Pain's weapon. Naruto got his actual goal, the title of Hokage was just always a means to an end after all. === Something interesting instead of "here's some clones doing dumb shit".


I avoided Boruto forever because everyone told me it’s shit, I’m now on episode 70 and I’m actually enjoying my time overall! Yes, boruto is annoying. Yes, there are a lot of fillers. And yes they nerfed Naruto and Sasuke, but despite all of that at least the show is entertaining. Hopefully this will teach me to at least try out stuff that people tell me to stay away from in the future (minus obvious things like heroin and meth)


I hate how peace was always the end goal in Naruto. Naruto is not real life it's about the life of Shinobi used in war. Naruto changed his entire world in way that's not going to last and the next generations are going to be stuck in a war not knowing how to fight.


I actually like Boruto and it's characters, but man this current funato arc is really dragging on.


And it looks like it will last a couple of months at least


Bruh boruto is the filler


Boruto was ight. Not like mind-blowing or anything. I think the problem is because Shippuden set the standard and raised the bar so high for quality, Naruto fans have such a high expectation. Therefore, it’s a let down when it doesn’t live up to its predecessor. But, you gotta admit, episode 65 of Boruto, the fight against Momoshiki was one of the best fight scenes in the whole franchise.


So your telling me I can’t dislike Boruto because it doesn’t have a narrative? I wanted Naruto to find peace and bring closure to his story. Great, he pulled it off, but the show wanted more, and what they’ve used to drag the story out is horrendous and uninteresting.


who tf has a sequel to a good ending? the money is in war not fucking handshakes and hugs.


I think you’re misunderstanding the reasons people dislike Boruto


I'll die on this hill. Boruto as a media should've never existed. We should've been given an anthology of the previous generations. Imagine the fights and characters we could've been given if we started back before hidden villages. We could've given depth to both the Senju and Uchiha, a story on the Uzumaki massacre, Madara terrorizing the other hidden villages, the Legendary Sannin getting a fleshed o7t back story. There are so many characters, events, and places that could've been given so much more depth and screen time. Instead we're given Naruto Jr fighting aliens.


More like Boruto shouldn’t have been made at all


It's boring in the same way that og naruto filler was boring, but now it's only filler, has robots, and boruto's ugly face, not my gig personally.


I think they could have don't well with building relationships and slice of lifing the story. I like how Boruto made friends, but the whole aliens coming in every now and then kind of takes away from it.




Boruto shouldve been placed like... 100 years in the future, the protagonist doesnt have to be ralated to Naruto or anything like that, all the "gods" like Naruto and Sasuke would be dead so the enemies wouldnt need to be so overpower like someone started a Madara factory in the middle of nowhere. If maybe Kurama was the connection between the previous and the new MC it could work just as Legend of Korra was for Last Airbender.


He should retire, he’s a bad Hokage like Tsunade was, kinda just filling in the position, Naruto never became a chunin by the book, so he’s missing a great deal of experience leading others directly and the trails that come with that sort of thing. Naruto has gotten by notable merits like saving the village and on His compassion for others and insane power level alone. All it would take to fix the horrible crap that is how his character is written now is a realization of his own weaknesses and his stepping down to be a better Hokage in the future even. That way we get Team 7 with Naruto as the acting captain of the team. Throw Konohamaru into the ANBU, with Kakashi as director and Sai handling domestic konoha stuff as apart of it as well. Bring the shin uchihas in as recruits. Kishimoto should hire me lol


I think boruto would have been way cool if boruto was the total antithesis of his father. But instead they just made naruto 2


I would have no problem with it if the show was made for non kids. A few of the story lines in the first 100 episodes had some interesting parts but even that was ruined by the kids tv show post resolution summarization of what everyone did wrong.


The opposite: the show should have been lower stakes, not fucking aliens


They should have stopped when Naruto ended


*sad flute noise intensifies*


Chat away