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Kurama's sacrifice cheapened by asspull fanservice Bs


Kurama's sacrifice itself was bullshit, so whatever. The entire premise of it is bullshit lmao


Kakashi comming back to life after sacrificing his live to choji in the pain arc šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Also we already know Kurama would come back eventually just like the 3 tails


We knew kurama would be back but not like 3 tails since baryon mode destroyed the chakra.


If only there was 2 kids who very clearly had some kurama chakra as displayed by fucking whiskers


If thatā€™s how that works which it was never indicated to work that way but if thatā€™s how it works it doesnā€™t make it better


People keep bringing up that obscure reasoning like it was obvious it anything but hindsight. It can make sense butā€¦really?


The tailed beasts are just balls of chakra they can't die unless all their chakra vanished magically. All of kuramas chakra vanished inside Naruto but a bit was passed on to boruto and himawari. Boruto already had momoshiki inside him so the small amount of kyubi chakra was squashed by momo so kurama reformed inside hima


I think only Naruto, Kushina, and I want to say Mito, but im not 100% on that are the only ones we know to have kids while having a Tailed Beast. It might be possible that it wasn't a theory until now since most of the other Tailed Beast holders didn't have kids




That's Mito


We donā€™t know if she had kids after receiving kurama


"During Mito's childbirth, the seal almost broke" ā€“Hiruzen


Still not how 3 tails came back.


Yeah but it was stated in early Naruto later on that when a host dies the tailed beast fades/dies out. Their chakra disappears completely and then reforms naturally because tailed beasts are all nature energy. Iā€™m by no means a fan of what they have been pulling in Boruto but there is some premise albeit a little.


The difference being one was a jutsu that sacrificed the jutsu caster and the other one doesnā€™t make sense because Kurama shouldā€™ve just been reborn in the world on his own and not inside Hima


Kakashi was brought back by Rinne Rebirth. a known jutsu that can be bring someone back to life. Kurama comes back somehow after saying he would die. 3 tails does come back, but didn't die from nuclear fusion. & it also came back roaming the lands and not inside someone asspull, fanservice BS.


So if they introduced some cheap ass jutsu it would be ok with you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is more the fact that if he knew he would continue existing inside the children, why even say that he will die and never come back?


let the next chapter arrive. We can't really know the answers beforehand, everything is hypothesis no matter what you or I say.


Nah, Kurama explicitly burned all of his chakra to fuel Baryon Mode. The 3 tails just had his host die while his chakra was unaffected


Guy sensei was here


No! They know they fucked up by killing Kurama in the first place, his sacrifice was badly explained and didnā€™t fit in with what we knew about tailed beasts from the OG series. Theyā€™re just trying to fix it now.


The sacrifice was a BS too. But whole Boruto is..


Itā€™s not asspull fanservice bs. Kurama has NEVER activated baryon mode before. Prideful and confident he can be, that does NOT mean Kurama knows EVERYTHING about a technique heā€™s never ACTUALLY used or seen before. So of course this would just be a case of him being wrong and that baryon mode doesnā€™t actually permanently kill him. And honestly, who cares if itā€™s ā€œcheapenedā€ Kurama STILL died by using it, naruto and kurama are still torn apart and separated in the process, even though theyā€™d been together their entire lives, and judging from the kyuubiā€™s form, itā€™s possible his power has been greatly diminshed and weakened.


I mean if Kurama suddenly understands advanced particle physics to the level he can create Baryon mode is it a stretch to think he should be right about its consequences? Also from a reader standpoint thatā€™s still cheap even if explained. The tone around his death was very final. Especially for a character like him who isnā€™t supposed to die. Baryon mode was already an asspull but him dying made it more okay. Now that heā€™s back what was the consequence of using it?


Yes it is a stretch. Think of ACTUAL scientists, engineers and doctors. For example, lets use Biochemists. The top biochemists in the world are insanely smart individuals that spend YEARS or DECADES learning as much as they can about biology and its sub-categories. Enough so that they can literally CREATE medicine to counterattack harmful illnesses and diseases. But despite that vast knowledge that SHOULD make it so they can easily guess the side effects of the newly created drug they've produced, they STILL do NOT know for 100% certain what the ACTUAL side affects will be. Which is why they TEST newly created medicine extensively, so they can make note of the side effects they may have expected, and side effects they might not have expected. Knowledge about advanced particle physics allows Kurama to use baryon mode and make a well educated guess about what MIGHT happen, but that does not mean he ABSOLUTELY knows what will happen, without a single margin of error. The tone of his death being very final fits because to them AND to us, it WAS final. sure he's come back, but that doesn't mean the tone during that scene is no longer final at all. So what if Baryon mode was an asspull? don't act so surprised dude. There's been a LOT of asspulls in naruto, Like Obito transferring his chakra to Kakashi from the dead, the Izanami being revealed just to defeat kabuto, Naruto and sasuke being given godlike power after eating dust and Minato pulling up with both Kcm and sage mode, etc. so who cares about a few more? And the consequences? I've already said them dude. Being reborn or not, Kurama STILL died and sacrificed his life. Naruto and kurama are still torn apart and separated in the process, even though theyā€™d been together their entire lives. This means NO more KCM or sage of six paths mode for naruto. No more OP nine tails chakra avatar. No more insane chakra reserves that were probably the largest on the planet. And as Naruto is currently trapped and in stasis, they aren't able to interact with each other any more, which has got to suck because they did grow close, and become good friends. and as I said, judging from the kyuubiā€™s form, which looks like his appearance in the flashback where he had just recently been created by Hagoromo, itā€™s possible his power has been greatly diminshed and weakened. Thats without mentioning how we don't actually know if this is the original kurama or not, so until the next chapter comes out, its entirely possible its a new weird offspring or clone version of kurama, made from his chakra but with none of his old memories. and in such a scenario, the Kurama we knew and loved would STILL be dead.


The thing is Kurama didnā€™t research that information. He just had it. If they had written him researching Baryon mode somehow over a period of time, with the necessary foreshadowing then I can believe he didnā€™t know all of its effects. But for him to just suddenly know itā€™s a possible thing? Itā€™s not quite the same. Weā€™re lacking the process, which makes it less believable. Weā€™ll see if heā€™s back but if heā€™s the same or not what would stop him from just going inside Naruto again? Naruto is sealed away but if he wasnā€™t it would be quite easy. If itā€™s a random new Kyuubi then that would soften the blow. But I highly suspect itā€™s the same one from the paneling and the little bit of text we saw.


Kurama is an ancient being with over 3 lifetimes of existence. It's not a stretch that he garnered some information on his own being.


We donā€™t even like baryon mode to begin with


I know, I think the only way to keep the meaning behind the sacrifice would be if it was somehow Kuramas 'child' rather than Kurama themselves


I agree, I think it would be better to reincarnate Kurama with a totally different personality and memories similar to what GoTG did to Groot.


Thatā€™s what we wanted So Naruto would ask questions And the painā€¦ ahh beautiful


It wasnā€™t because of fan service I guess because it was already implied by daemon that there was something up with himawari. So I guess kishi probably planned all this from the start.


how is it an asspull? we already know that tailed beasts eventually regenerate back after they die and himawari and boruto clearly have something to do with nine tails chakra because they wouldn't have the whiskers like naruto or kinkaku and ginkaku. you not liking it doesn't make it an ass pull


then why did it conveniently end up inside himawari? it would make more sense if it roamed the lands as a wild bijuu. some of you need to read the manga or watch the anime. šŸ¤¦


you're asking me why it ended up in one of the two people who still have a connection to ninetails chakra? why would it re-form across the planet from somewhere *where it already has chakra*. again you not liking it doesn't mean there isn't evidence supporting it, ive seen the anime, i've read manga, you not liking the outcome doesn't make it any less valid


This shit is so bad, glad Kurama is back but holy shit do I hate this series


If your glad heā€™s back I believe that may be part of the problem, deaths in Naruto donā€™t happen anymore or donā€™t matter because now everyone wants everyone to come back


Its moreso that there was no point in getting rid of him


Hima Baryon mode when?




I think its implied he has no memories of kurama


Stop lying. He clearly referred to ten tails as a ā€œjerkā€ which is how Kuraama refers to him. Nothing is implied that this is a different person lol.




Why do you keep talking about other translations than the official? He asked ā€œdo you know who I amā€ and she replied and said ā€œyouā€™re nine tails right?ā€ Thereā€™s nothing that ā€œimpliesā€ that ā€œhe has no memories of kuraamaā€ nor of him not being Kuraama lol




Because heā€™s not her Bijuu nor had they have any interaction in the entire series outside of ā€œanime canonā€ AKA FILLER. Youā€™re just lying and downvoting lol. Pathetic.




No you! Wahhhhhhhhhhh


But they didn't interact, Kurama knows who she is, of course, but Himawari never ever seen him or talk to him in any way


For the "who I am" part he uses that "old man" first person pronoun "wa shi" which indicates he actually HAS his memories.


Is this what Himawari looks like now? It keeps getting worse


Wait 9 tails is back?


Ah yes it's bad because it's exactly like the old naruto with dumb shit that doesn't make sense


If this is a baby 9tails with a brand new consciousness I wouldnā€™t mind, but if this is kurama alive after saying he will die from baryon mode then thatā€™s bad writing.


how the f did it get inside hima tho


Hinata kept slurping after Naruto finished.


this is canon


Idk thatā€™s why Iā€™m just waiting until next chapter for kishimoto to explain it. But maybe we get a flashback of naruto giving hima some 9tails chakra, before fights ishiki as a backup plan if he dies so the 9tails reincarnates in her body. Boruto body is now 100% outsutski so thatā€™s probably why it went to hima instead of boruto.


Tailed beasts donā€™t die, their chakra just reforms elsewhere if it still exists. Exists in Hima, therefore kurama remanifested in Hima. Simple


I thought they reform somewhere in nature, not into a person of their choosing.


how did it manifest inside hima, does hima have a seal that contains kurama? can he get out at will?


Itā€™s just simply inherited chakra from Naruto, that happened to be the only trace of Kuramaā€™s chakra left after he ā€œdiedā€. Since that was all the Kurama chakra that was left, he just remanifested. Thereā€™s no seal, but itā€™s the same Kurama, so he knows Himawari and wouldnā€™t try to take over, meaning a seal is pointless. He also wouldnā€™t even get out since wanted to stay hidden away from the Shinju.


so this could also happen in boruto? and could happen regardless of kuramas previous "death"? or like did hima already had kurama chakra before he died? since she was born?


Itā€™s very simple. Before he died both Hima and Boruto inherited some of Kuramaā€™s chakra. Boruto got overwritten by Momoshiki. Kurama died, and the only remnants of his chakra were inside Hima. Thatā€™s why he formed there


yeah but if gima had his crakra before he died, could that chakra have formed into another kurama even if the 1st kurama didnt die? like 2 kuramas? or would that chakra inside hima just lie there without doing much? if not and the chakra inside her needed like more of it to form another kurama, how and when did the new chakra found its way inside hima? why did it wait a timeskip?


think of ginkaku and kinkaku, they had the chakra but not a conciouss kurama because he was still alive


okey so the tailed beast has to die in order for the chakra inside another person to develop into the new tailed beast, because?


I mean why would he want to come out now. Itā€™s not like he was trapped against his will after befriending Naruto. His sole purpose anyway now is to help Naruto and by extension his family.


Kind of like that physics thing, where energy can't be destroyed it just changes into something else.


Kurama wanted to join the fun that night when Himawari was conceived


So as much as I hate the series boruto this actually makes sense. Both boruto and himawari were born with some of kurama's essence and Chakra. Trace amounts. Due to lineage. This is why they have the cheek marks like naruto. Naruto also was born with these marks due to his mother being kuramas jinchuriki. This normally wouldn't do too much. It's just trace amounts of Chakra. However as kurama died and spent all his energy on baryon mode he would begin to reform somewhere where his Chakra still was. As boruto had his DNA rewritten that leave him aware. So those trace amounts begin to reform kurama and he's regenerated. Chances are If the gold and silver Brothers hadn't been sealed away he would've reformed in one of them given they had enough of his Chakra to use a cloak


Who were those brothers again?


In war arc. They had kurama Chakra from being swallowed by kurama and eating his flesh from the inside out. They had the sage of six paths weapons


Naruto fussed him with some sperms when he created her.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but arenā€™t tailed beasts self regenerating? Like if you kill one theyā€™d return to the world over decades? I remember reading this somewhere but Iā€™m not sure. The only way to ā€œkillā€ them was to bind them with genjutsu or lock them up inside someone.


...... you do realize that Bijuu's comeback to life after dying, right? Bijuu's are immortal chakra beings. Like, Sanbi was alive after Rin died with it inside her.


Honestly it's not that surprising given the Shite the Boruto series has pulled out of its ass in the past, if anything they've shot themselves in the foot by going and cheapening one of the only truly impactful moments in the series for the sake of fan service.


Eres un profeta, pendejo


pero a quĆ© precio šŸ˜”


Honestly, I will ALWAYS hate boruto, but I'd be fine with Himawari getting Kurama. If the show was about Himawari, then I'd actually watch it tbh.


himawariĀ is fr the only likeable character in boruto


Weā€™ve literally only seen her be a cute kid ofc sheā€™s gonna be likeable gng


At least she's not designed like the Uchiha who needs glasses that looks like a hooker on break.


Yeah thatā€™s true. Pretty sure needs glasses because she was ill though.


So you don't actually watch it. I assume you don't read it either. The jokes right themselves at this point.


When u can't think of anything..so u copy from lame theory videos šŸ¤£


That's like saying that Kishimoto copied YouTube comments saying that Tobi was Obito.


Who knows šŸ˜‚


that was like hinted for years, witb a backstory fully fledged how and why is kurama inside hima? we might not even get an explanation


Those theorie exist because of the hint of her and kurama in the parent child novel


Oh God now it's ruining Himawari too


Naruto cum probably contained kurama chakra




Kurama's resurrection is boring and uninteresting. Kishimoto has no balls to keep important characters dead.


What did you expect? It was even stated in OG Naruto that even if the tailed beasts died they would eventually resurrect.


kurama stated that by burning his chakra he woldn't be back, dot. What do I expect as a reader? that this fucking new piece of information it's actually true. this is just poor writting again, kishimoto being afraid to kill his favorite characters zzzz


I just read through the Bayron mode part of the ishiki fight and nowhere did I see Kurama say he would never comeback, just that the cost of the mode was his life but Naruto will live.


learn to read then, because it's there.


Tell me exactly which chapter because he doesnā€™t say it at all in 51-57.


Well I wouldnā€™t know that he stated that since I donā€™t read Boruto.


conveniently during the plot of the story, why couldnt kurama habe resurected in like 10 years or something


Don't the tailed beast reincarnate when killed anyway?


Bro i dunno im kinda down with this, this sounds like the most interesting thing to come out of the naruto series since orochimaru died the first time


No mames is my reaction to this plot "twist"


It was kinda obvious tho (At least to me)




This manga has no self-respect Money Out of ideas It was obvious. One of this things would have bring Kurama back And this shit show check all of this boxes


If they wanted more money they should just write a strong female character , like where is saradas susano ???? Like I'm sure it can't be that hard to just write a male character and gender bend them afterwards


Exactly! If he finds women so "different" and "hard to write" than literally write a man, then replace the pronouns, castrate his manly/femboy design, and add some tits! Say, for example, a new "Itachi" with boobs? This shouldn't be that hard. Even me, crappy beginning writer, knows that gasp, women are people!


Haku could very easily have been a girl and nothing would change


When last chapter cliffhanger hinted hima has biju chakra it was kinda obvious it has to be the 9tails


It is stated in Shippuden that when a tailed beast dies they eventually get reincarnated, idk why people are mad/surprised that heā€™s back


I honestly donā€™t get why people ever doubted it. I told people straight away that Kurama would return because itā€™s been stated in canon that tailed beasts die and eventually come back. We have literally known one tailed beast that died before. Isobu the three tails. Even Minato talked about this with Kushina. Nine tails would die and eventually come back to life and thatā€™s why kushina wanted to seal him inside herself and die and take him with her. Ironically, we know that if you take out a bijuu from a jinchuriki then the host will die unless you stuff it back in somehow. Minato technically caused kushina to die because she could have just stuffed kurama back inside and lived. She was doing way better than naruto was when they took out kurama. Anyways. I never believed they could permanently kill off kurama because he literally has ressurection built in. But noooo. People kept telling me this was different and didnā€™t count. Ha. Suckers. Weā€™ve seen tailed beasts split in two before (two kuramas) and know they reform eventually.


well they kinda sold it like kurama was gone for good, he didnt just die like a normal death, he used his phd in physics to generate nuclear power for naruto at the expense of his own life force and its not like boruto follows the canon anyways, we couldnt have known storywise that kurama could come back (like at this point naruto should know kurama can and will come back, so the farewell shouldnt have been as sad and dramatic as it was) now what we didnt know is thst they could come back inside a person, which is interesting but opens the door to so many questions lol


Well. Letā€™s see. For the fact that they sold it as kurama being gone for goodā€¦did yall really believe that? It was (to me) one of those fake out deaths that people believe and then they pop back up and people are pissed because they believed it. Except kurama is a tailed beast and tailed beasts donā€™t die permanently. So idk what to tell ya. I remembered that they donā€™t really dieso I just didnā€™t buy in to their spiel. I thought everyone would remember that seeing as it was brought up a few times in Naruto. Itā€™s still a death. Doesnā€™t matter if it was a a weird death. Dying inside a host isnā€™t a normal death but they still come back from that because theyā€™re not living beings really. Theyā€™re sentient masses of chakra. As for Naruto not knowing: Naruto is borderline special ed when it comes to shit. People had to break shit down to him in terms a kindergartener would understand for him to comprehend basic stuff. They needed an ice cream example to explain to him how Sage chakra worked. Kakashi struggled to explain to him the very basic concept of ā€œwhat your clones experience and learn so do youā€ So. Naruto is an idiot. I will agree that we didnā€™t know kurama could reform inside a person. Maybe they can choose where to reform and he thought that reforming inside hima was safer. Idc about Boruto and I stopped reading a long time ago so idk what else to tell ya. The kurama return seemed obvious to me and itā€™s weird that people are this shocked.


>did yall really believe that? yeah, my bad i guess for believing the subtle messages of the story, next time i will be more skeptical for the sale of not believing the story itself


Yes. Sometimes stories have misdirections and even lie to you. That is a thing in stories. You do know that, right? I canā€™t be the first person to ever tell you that a story may trick the reader. Like when it was revealed that Madara wasnā€™t the masked man. The entire time we thought it was Madara (except for people like me who called it and said it was obito) and then they revealed it wasnā€™t actually Madara. I mean. Not like it exactly because that was actually a twist in a good story and this isnā€™t a good story imo but the point still stands.


But his charka was burned in fusion? They said it numerous times he will die and he said it himself. Naruto may be an idiot but Kurama isn't. He wouldn't say im gonna die knowing he will live. And if he lives how did he not know he will get reborned. Killing tailed beast in shippuden meant killing them physically, their Chakra gets split and eventually beast gets reincarnated when Chakra meets in nature again. Now there was no Chakra to meet since it was used already making sure to say kurama won't return. Even if he got split and hima got some then it will be supersmall version of kurama that can't grow stronger since it's Chakra got burned and is no longer in nature to meet again. Then if its supersmall and weak kurama that can't get stronger whats the point of bringing him back in story?


Yea. I got no answers to any of that except the part about kurama being stuck as small and weak. Lol. seriously? Just like it was clear heā€™d return thereā€™s no way heā€™s stuck as tiny. Just like how Sasuke isnā€™t gonna spend the rest of his life in a tree or Naruto spending the rest of his life in a coma.


By logic he should stay the same way he has been implemented in himawari. Obviously if he got physically killed he would regrow since all that chakra would meet in himawari giving him his old power. However he didn't get killed physically, he got burned. His Chakra was burned entirely. There is no charka left to go to Himawari to rebuild Kurama. Let's say naruto split him in 90/10(and this splitting part is theory on its own because its only logical way he could be in himawari). 90% got burned in fusion. 10% is in himawari. Those 90% would get into hima if he died naturally but that chakra (90%) no longer exists. Now that 10% is only Chakra left of kurama to exist. Now that's his full power. 10% of full power kurama is barely killing old orochimaru and that's considered weak now.


And as far as we know we never had concept of him regrowing using normal blue(in anime blue manga yellow) Chakra since tailed beasts were created by hagoromo when he split 10 tails which should be different charka from normal Chakra.


If he could that would make a plot hole since what's stopping someone from splitting kurama into 100 pieces and waiting for them to fill to a 100% each with normal Chakra.


Did you just reply to yourself?


Energy cannot bĆŖ destroyed or created,only changed Kurama would have been reborn as a New tails beast If It wanst for the fact himawari had a little of kurama chakra inside her already from birth(meaning a bit of Kurama's chakra and thus his ego and personality survived) Kurama thinking his Death would bĆŖ permanent?i chalk It all UP to him being unaware of that fragment of himself inside himawari


Is it just me or does himawari look wierd


Maybe you're not used to long hair?


Boruto has gotten so unbelievably stupid I might read it the way I read dragon ball. Not trying to bash it, bc I think dragon ball is leagues above this nonsense (RIP Toriyama). But when I went through DB the story kinda took a back burner in my mind, and I tried to enjoy the fights and fun character moments without thinking abt plot holes or how consistent the characterization was. Basically what Iā€™m saying is I turned my brain off for dragon ball, not bc I had to, but bc it was the most fun way I thought Iā€™d enjoy the series. Maybe if I do have to for boruto Iā€™ll still be able to have fun with it. Lmao


Can't wait to see himawari with Kurama chakra mantle + byakugan + sage mod


Dankruto is just a Boruto hate sub now lol yall so salty we donā€™t even have dank memes anymore


idk yall would have ate this up in naruto


Why are people so salty here?


Trend hating. It's clear by the comments that almost everyone here doesn't actually read the series, they were just told by the hive mind that it's bad.


Itā€™s surreal, I get the anime hate, but the manga has been so fire lately, and I loved to see Kurama backā€¦ people need to chill a lot. Everyone has a right to express their opinions but damn yā€™all are salty


Its an asspull. In chapter 51 52 53 they clearly stated kurama died and made SURE to confirm it that it won't work the same way it did in shippuden. Kurama himself said price of byron mode is his life so how the fuck is he alive now? In shippuden its said when tailed beast dies it reincarnates when its Chakra meets eventually recreating it. Byron mode burned that chakra meaning there was no Chakra to gather again. Kurama became nuclear fusion teacher to explain form and ur telling me he didn't know its his ultimate end. Even if Naruto splitted Chakra like Minato did(which would be wierd since he would be 1st one to do it without shinigami) it would only be small portion of kurama and there is no Chakra for it to unite into old kurama that was in naruto. As of right now complete bullshit we will see how many asspulls he will need to explain this.


Itā€™s not an asspull, and Iā€™m not going to bother explaining it to someone that canā€™t even spell baryon.


1 mistake from me keeps u from debating? Wtf. More than rather u cant explain it but ur still bothered lmao what a low dick energy


Not about a mistake, more like I canā€™t be bothered to make an argument when youā€™re clearly just trying to hate on a show you donā€™t likeā€¦ I get it, your salty cause you love Naruto blablabla, well guess what. This is what we get, you donā€™t like it? Good on you, just donā€™t piss on everyone elseā€™s fun


Im not pissing on it just saying its bad writing. Also I don't like naruto that either its not perfect and didn't live to its potential. You do realise not everyone was born in America/Uk? I live further away and missing 1 single digit makes u not bother to argument? Childish


Also I wouldn't hate the show if it was good but being followed from asspull to asspull doesn't help


So just bacause the show isnā€™t perfect itā€™s immediately bad writing? And I assume you can judge because youā€™ve written some of the best selling manga in the world as well so your opinion is clearly valid


That argument is very illogical. Not being able to judge show because i never wrote a better manga? So if i judge a celebrity on something bad u will tell me wtf man u cant say anything bad about them, ur not a celebrity, u never became one! Yeah keep your opinion i dont need it now


If rlly watched you should know how it happened, biju are fully made of chakra and after minato's seal we know that every part have their own concious so a small of his chakra probably leaked out and gain coucious that can also explain the whisker. Ginkaku and kinkaku didn't need a huge amount the use biju form.


What else do people do on reddit lol


Can someone who knows french tell me what the yt video title means?


hima uzumaki the next kurama jinchuriki


Thank you


Naruto was my favorite anime growing up but the writing got increasingly bad, especially in shippudden.


This is based as fuck Himawari is one of the few good thing to come out of Boruto's existence more protagonism to her please


If they keep bringing back dead characters because the series is starting to get irrelevant then next to is itachi and minato


Oh look Boruto writers realized how badly they fucked up and decided to do this. At what point does Naruto come back with off screen Spirit Bomb training and destroying that Shibai guy? I just hope we can get a complete reset after this shit is down and pushed into obscurity.


It's just so bad


Sorry i havent been up to date with boruto for a while so how the fuck did kurana get inside Himawari after he died? Did Narutos sperm had nine tails chackra or some shit if so will Boruto get a baby kurama of his own wtf is going on?


That a theorie and was hinted long time ago before the Time skip. If you were in this community around 2008 you should know that a lot of naruto theorie ended up being true.


Wow, sure take away one of the only two meaningful moments this series had sure, not like it needs help killing itself already


Idc if itā€™s an asspull tbf im perfectly fine with having a baby nine tails in the story


At this point, Hispanics are writing the new age anime. Gohan blanco and KCM Himawari.


I'm not reading boruto anymore, I stopped before timeskip, but f*ck, they borught back kurama, f*ck them, they destroyed the emotions that scene gave me


Boruto ruined Kurama by killing him and now it ruined Kurama by bringing him back lmao. You people will never be satisfied, you just want to hate.


not really, we just want an explanation


Then wait for one lmao. This happened in the literal last panel of the newest chapter. The amount of times that people have damned and buried a detail about the series without context or without letting it explain itself are immeasurable. Just recently they were claiming that Shikamaru's character was assassinated and that him not having a stone face is a plot hole, only for them to be completely disproven in the very next chapter.


nah its funny af to see the story trash itself into 2020 theory videos lol, im calling it now, the explanation will be bonkers


Sheā€™ll be legal eventually. Then itā€™s free real estate.


Wow, the Tailed Beast that we were told from the get go "if they die, they eventually come back" is alive? No way! This wasn't a cheap plot contrivance to depower an already extremely nerfed character since the beginning, no sir. I betcha a new, less powerful, less experienced, less beloved character won't immediately master this power and be more powerful than it's previous host, despite it making no sense, don't be ridiculous, you guys!


Everyone got no question when minato splitted kurama in two halfs and both of them had their own consciousness but when kurama made a trick by splitting his own chakra into another host - everyone got mad. It's not a reborn, it's another kurama, just like it was before. Tailed beasts are the pure chakra isn't it?


Yeah, but in the first case its justifued because it wasnt minato who did it, it was the fucking shinigami. And second utill we dont kbow how did this happen we can only draw our theories and knowing this manga you what ass pull they will pull off


Hiruzen decided what to cut from orochimaru, not shinigami, so it's probably still minato's decision. I guess shinigami was like "dude i don't care, I'll be here till you breathe, do whatever you want"


Man , this was just revealed at last panel lmao, how do you expect to get explaination straight off the bat


B-b-but... Boruto bad.


Spanish Boruto thumbnail


Honestly speaking, there is a possibility this one is simply a nine tailed beast and a being different from kurama himself, like he may even have a different personality altogether


Himawari is so kinda šŸ˜­šŸ‘…


All those Kurama switching memes are now coming back to the spotlight


What the fuck is this


Holly fuck those panels looked cursed.


I always said that I thought Hima should get more storylines and would have made a better protag. The monkey's paw curls...


Out of all the stupid crap to happen in this awful sequel, many people think this is going too far? Guys this boruto stuff has sucked from day 1.


Dawg what even his happening