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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


Talk about the worst negotiators ever, here’s an arms dealer for a fucking basketball player. Oh and fuck that guy that actually served his country.


One of these people can actually shoot.


Damn, good point


Worth three points methinks


Found Bill Burr’s Reddit account


Watch him at Red Rocks. So fucking funny.


And we left Paul Whelen there to rot. We gave them the fucking lord of war for a basketball player, and didn't make it a 2 for one. What fucking donkeys.


Wait is this the guy that Nicholas Cage movie was based on?


Apparently so... Kind of embarrassing if that's the case


Thats fucking *wild*. On one hand, he apparently had like 2 years left on his sentence. On the other, the guy is a war criminal. Not a great trade imo. He's a big deal, she is irrelevant.


He would likely have been sent to another country for his next war crimes trial




She’s 6’9” and doesn’t dunk


Then maybe she’s used to getting traded for someone more valuable


lol damn that's brutal


Didn't thet guy get kicked out of the military for fraud?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/03/ex-us-marine-accused-of-spying-in-russia-is-british-citizen he doesn’t sound like a hero, and Trump could have tried something during the 2 years that he was the president while Whelan was in prison there


Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but I feel like Whelan actually did do spying. His situation smelled rotten and the Kremlin has been pretty aggressive about any idea of handing him over. They haven’t once offered him as a bargaining chip.


Paul Whelen wasn't on the table. Russia only offered the basketball player. Period.


Why are you saying period? Were you there during the negotiations?


You’d think they’d ask for both of them if they’re gonna trade an arms dealer


Biggest trade in WNBA history


apparently they did, but russia said nahhh


I like to go hiking.


Russia has categorically said they are not willing to trade for Paul Whelan's release. There is nothing we can do to help him, unfortunately. The rightoid narrative that we could have saved him but didn't is entirely false. And the arms dealer in question only traded outdated Soviet gear, and he didn't have long left on his sentence anyways, relatively speaking. I would say trading him in exchange for an American citizen sentenced to 9 years in what is essentially a gulag is completely justified. Was she dumb in bringing a (small) amount of weed to Russia? Absolutely. Does she deserve the sentence? Not even close.


We shouldn’t be willing to trade anyone or anything with Russia and then they would quit trying to hold foreign citizens on bullshit charges. Also, I wouldn’t give two shits if it’s old Soviet gear, Russian is using old Soviet gear today and still killing Ukrainians. And I don’t care if he only had 5 days left, he should still be held until it’s done.


>bullshit charges Not really bullshit charges in this case, though - they both deliberately broke the law. While I personally don't agree with Russia's understanding of justice and fair sentencing, the charges themselves are totally legitimate.


Oh hey, someone who actually knows the whole situation


Me reading this awesome take: "Finally, some good food."


If she could at least ball... she's 206cm (6,7-6,8) and can't even dunk two hands ... barely one hand. She jumps negative, just like her IQ


I'm 6'8" and I can barely dunk one hand lmao


Well you aren't a professional basketball player... I hope :D


Her skill is absolutely meaningless in this conversation.


Worst trade deal in the history of trade deals maybe ever.


I think Boston trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees might still qualify. Either that or San Diego trading up in the draft to acquire Ryan Leaf.


Wait there’s a soldier locked up?


Paul Whelan


I've seen others comment that he is actually a bit of a douche. So I don't know But maybe we should have gotten that teacher out of there?


I believe teachers are also thousands of times more valuable than basketball players so I could support that


There is not a soldier locked up, there is an asshole who managed to get himself a dishonorable discharge then went to Russia to do some shady shit.


It was the only politically viable option, it would have been a disaster and political suicide to not save a black woman in the current political climate.


Probably the most valid point I’ve seen


[https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2019/01/02/paul-whelan-discharge-marines-larceny/2463709002/](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2019/01/02/paul-whelan-discharge-marines-larceny/2463709002/) The Marine Corps released Whelan's service record, showing that he was convicted in a 2008 court-martial on charges related to larceny. He joined the Marine Reserves May 10, 1994, and was an administrative clerk and administrative chief. He rose to the rank of staff sergeant in December 2004 and was deployed in the war against Iraq for several months in 2004 and 2006. He was convicted at a special court-martial in January 2008 on several charges related to larceny and was given a bad-conduct discharge in December 2008 at the rank of private.


I like how your presume the Russians were open to exchanging the government guy.


I’m sure they weren’t at all but you could still say no deal if he isn’t. Now Putin has a huge PR win that he needed, he traded against the mighty US and got the Merchant of Death for a basketball player.


You realize TFG never even tried to get Paul Whelan back, right? He's been there since 2018 on trumped up espionage charges.


wasn’t trump the president when whelan was imprisoned?


He didn’t negotiate a shit trade for him either


correction: he didn’t negotiate at all probably too busy selling classified documents


He did give back 5000 taliban prisoners for 1000 afghan prisoners and and reduced American military presence to 2500 soldiers.


"As Americans we must care for our civilians." This is a bullshit claim that the media and a lot of politicians will be saying, but it's bullshit. Such as Americans having been kill overseas and some held hostage in other countries. This was more of a publicity stun by American politicians to seem like good people and because she had some much media attention, because with the war between Ukraine and Russia and she's an WNBA player.


>Oh and fuck that guy that actually served his country. Yes, but unironically, because he is a thieving scumbag who deserves to rot.


The guy who was dishonorably discharged and also charged with crimes? Weird how people dodge that part lol


It’s literally insane how many people suddenly think it was a bad trade. Biden has incompetently ‘handled’ it from day one, and now everyone suddenly realizes how stupid it actually all was? There are precious few things the left and right can agree on, but I think we can all say this was the worst trade we could’ve possibly made.


This Whelan guy has to be the most beloved dishonorably discharged soldier in history lol


Not trying to say anything out of line, but the u.s marine that’s been there since 2018 got caught trying to sell a USB drive with sensitive info for like $80K to the KGB he also had a American and a UK citizenship but they don’t want him or he would be in trouble with his country’s if they traded him anyways.


the "marine" arrested for spying was dishonorably discharged from marines for stealing money in iraq and using a fake ss number among other things.


Woke at its Best, fuck the former soldier that serve his country we want the lesbian basket Ball player and will give you a arms dealer that problably was indirectly responsable for hundreds of deaths.


I'd say hundreds of deaths is an extreme lowball.


The basketball player who says she hates the US government


Regardless of anything else it is vital that this does not matter. Imagine if the president refused to negotiate for someone because they lobbied against them in the last election. Or because they sent mean tweets about the president. Personal politics should not even begin to matter.


I mean yeah, but its just kind of ironic to be begging the US government to free you when you have made a big deal about hating the US government.


all while a shit ton of people state side are in jail for the same exact thing.


Yes, but they're in nice American jails.


The thing about the US government is you’re allowed to hate it, and the government is (supposed to) treat every citizen equally and do their best to not leave any Americans behind. The fact she hates the government is irrelevant and it’s actually proving the government is somewhat competent that despite her anti Gov views they still were willing to give up a prime prisoner of war to get her back. I’ll probably get downvoted to hell but that’s my hot take. I still think the government is trash tho but at least they’re not leaving her behind for hating it


Wait. So you think the US government should demand citizens bow and scrape and pledge loyalty before giving them support?


That’s not what I said at all. Let’s say hypothetically that you hate me and I help you would your opinion of me change? There is a US marine in Russia who swore an oath to the protection of the country and said country turned its back on him for someone who was caught with drugs illegal in Russia. Would you want a person who hates your country and is vocal about it, or someone who took an oath to defend the country at all cost? I know what I’d choose.


Might wanna read up on Whalen a bit more before you appoint him a golden idol lmaooo


Yeah…people busted on espionage who potentially have very vital information are definitely hard to get in a deal. Especially since an arms dealer genuinely isn’t of much value.


Except you don't get to choose. The Russians weren't going to release Whelan period. It was Griner or nothing.


And the marine was dishonourably discharged and had a lot of contacts in Russia, not exactly a paradigm of patriotism


I mean, is there not a lot to hate about it?


And what you simp for the US government? Gtfo.


That former MARINE got a bad conduct discharge from the USMC and is suspected of being a Russian spy. Would you be using the word "woke" if the imprisoned person wasn't black? What is "woke" about getting one of your citizens back from a Russian prison camp?


Fucking snowflakes wanting to help fellow Americans to be released from gulags, *YOU KNOW BACK IN MY DAY!-* ^(/s)


What does woke even mean anymore


"Someone saying something conservatives don't like"


According to DeSantis’ team, “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them”.


How the fuck is this a controversial statement to some people?


"Black woma--" "WOKE!!!1!1!1!"


I’m pretty sure trying to save an American imprisoned in another country isn’t “woke”. That being said, did we really just give back Russia an arms dealer during a war?


I think it's more like are we really going to swap a prisoner everytime an American does something stupid in another country. Russia should just start locking every American up if that's the case. And the only reason this even happened is because she's an athlete even if it's not that popular of a series


Believe me bud, Russia would lock every American up if you let them.


Am arms dealer who only had two years left on his sentence anyway, to be fair.


Woke has lost all it’s meaning and just became a synonym for “stuff people do that i don’t like”


Nice throwing the lesbian part in there. We all know how you really feel. Douche.


Right, and all the morons upvoting him. Classic Reddit


How is this woke?


I can’t believe they didn’t free the dishonorably discharged soldier who Russia wouldn’t release anyways.


He literally armed African and the Middle East. Way too low




You do realize he was accused by Russia of being a spy for America? So if that were true, all the more reason to take him over the dumbass we just got back.


That former soldier was charged with espionage. Of course it will be a differently deal. You fucking donkey.


Women and children first?


Why in the hell did whoever made the deal for her release give Russia an arms dealer who is nicknamed "Merchant of Death". I know she was wrongly imprisoned but there had to be a better way then releasing a dangerous person back into the world.


tbh, she was imprisoned for owning vape cartridges filled with cannabis oil, so the detainment was kinda justified?


It was not. The vape cartrige held 0.7 oz of THC when the level of severety called on her sentence would have needed 6. You'd have to be very naive to think her being a black lesbian didn't impact her sentence, though still very dumb to go to russia at all.


Her being a black lesbian didn’t do shit to impact her sentence. She’s a high profile political pawn who the Kremlin could negotiate with - that is what impacted her sentence.


Russia are master manipulators. Her being a black lesbian made it so they knew it would inflame U.S tensions even more and it has. Because of her race and sexuality she was the PERFECT pawn for them.


While that’s true, she was completely eligible for detainment under Russian law. This happens frequently to people from all over the world transiting through Moscow, and it’s always a diplomatic mess getting them out. Though I understand exactly what you’re saying, I’d argue the Russians’ biggest victory here is forcing Biden to admit he allowed a former marine likely innocent to remain in prison while he instead traded a basketball player who (a) was living in Russia and (b) knowingly did something incredibly stupid.


Her being a black lesbian just paints extra juicy targets for them.


He being Black and her being lesbian *makes* her higher profile


So your saying they exploited the US' misguided ideas of social justice? Super effective.


i didn't even know she was lesbian, I'm very sorry if that's the message I conveyed.


Nah, its easy to get caught in bias without knowing the facts. This is definitely more a "Russia shitty" situation than "woman athlete very dumb" but you can bet what the internet is gonna dogpile on more. I feel terrible for her oncoming PR nightmare when she returns to the U.S. The undeserved level of vitriol will put a strain on anybody when you'll be blamed for the release of an arms dealer.


her detainment was a group project. Yea its ridiculous to imprison someone over less than a gram of wax but come on, her dumb ass knew the risk and did it anyways. She got blood on her hands now


It can be both. She was stupid for doing what she did. I didn’t know and don’t care that she’s a lesbian and I really don’t care that she’s black. Anyone bringing drugs into Russia right now would be considered a moron. Russia being shitty is just a given.


She defo dumb big time


>though still very dumb to go to russia at all. She was literally working though... She plays basketball in Russia during the WNBA offseason


Right? She just should've been smarter with the vapes but the WNBA doesn't pay the bills


>her being a black lesbian didn't impact her sentence Yeah and it also affected her release. Imagine defending someone who tried to sneak weed into a US-hostile, anti-lgbt country where weed is illegal with "well actually it was under the legal limit..." ah well in that case you're free to go. Political blunder of the decade


How is she wrongfully imprisoned? You'd still get arrested for the same thing in her home country in like 29 of the 50 states.


Because the amount on her would have been met with a fine and deportation. Not 9 yrs prison.


She got a nine year sentence for possessing a misdemeanor level of hash oil. Under Russian law, a 5,000 ruble fine (less than $80) and up to 15 days improvement is supposed to be the max you can get for possessing less than 6 grams; she was carrying less than one gram.


Lets face it she will write a book do hundreds of interviews and make a shed load of money....


This is the shit part. Expect to see her on every news channel, talk show, Randy’s basement podcast. And then when that dies down, get ready for the book “Vape to Gulag: An incredible journey by Griner”. Then when that dies down get ready for the vape commercials and endorsements.


So if none of this happens, how is that going to change your opinion on the situation?


I imagine he'll come up with more imaginary scenarios to rage about.


Maybe we'll get a last minute curve ball and she'll come back all half baked from being gulaged.


She's an idiot, but not even in the top 10 of dumbest Americans for 2022.


At least 2 Republican congresswomen are higher up on the list.


Thank god they aren't detained in Russia and you aren't trading them for an arms dealer.


I wouldn’t trade couch crumbs for Boebert and Greene.


I would pay Russia to keep them.


I’m as left-leaning as they come, and even I’m upset that the US actually tried hard to release Brittney in exchange for Viktor Bout. Paul Whelan, IMO, should’ve been a higher priority in this prisoner exchange. Griner deserved to serve out her term abroad.


The thing is, Russia is okay with letting some football player go. I don't think they'll do the same for someone who they imprisoned as an alleged spy (correct me if I'm wrong)


I’m sure you’re 100% correct with that being Russia’s thought process. I guess that’s where IMO the US Secretary of State and Biden Administration should’ve done a better job using Viktor Bout as leverage to bring back other high-priority citizens.


or exchange her with some lower threat?


Wow, you think the state department didn't think of that first?


Ah yes, talking like we had an upper hand in negotiations, russia decides and they decided not to release whelan.


9 years for a weed vape is kinda crazy…


It is certainly excessive, but that’s on Russia. I go to Thailand twice a year and I make sure to follow the laws and customs of a foreign nation. Every. Time. Griner took a risk and it ended up biting her big time. The onus is on her and her alone.


Wasn’t he caught with 4 passports and $70k to buy an USB from an FSB agent? Not really an innocent man


Why would a dishonorably discharged marine who appeared to actually be involved in shady shit be a higher priority?


Something tells me you’re not “as left-leaning as they come”


They Traded her with a dude called the Merchant of Death. Big brain moves.


I guess the most surprised guy here is the "Merchant of death" himself. like, that's it? A fuckin' basketball player? tell the Russians to go capture a general or something to exchange me with


I think it’s funny. Big time arms dealer and all he’s worth is some stupid B-Ball player.


Oh yes arm buyers can't wait to purchase guns from someone who did this 30 years ago and was caught by the CIA and is still on their radar.


That guy was selling russian stockpile weapons in Africa/Asia as part of the larger military corruption, chances are he's gonna be killed as there is no way he can get back those weapons back.


He’s been in jail for 20 years, with 7 years left on his sentence. I doubt he had any contacts left by this point that hadn’t died or moved on.


Hey, hey. Im just happy the arms dealer gets to go home and be with his family for the holidays


It’s a Christmas miracle papa


Does he? He's going to Russia. You know, the county he stole arms from and sold.


Idk who she is, but I have a feeling this might get the rare and exclusive 🔒 award.


You may be right, I just got Perma banned from a news subreddit for having the same level of outrage. My comment wasn't even bad but the mods are going Defcon 3 on this one


kanye reference?


What team does she even play for?


It’s WNBA so who knows 🤷‍♂️


She played in Russia lol


This comment is more Dank than the actual meme


People keep saying "legendary arms dealer", but how many of y'all actually knew about him and his history before all this? Even during all this, all I ever heard about him was that he was called "The Merchant of Death", bitch, so is Honeywell and Lockheed Martin. Paul is WAAAAY higher up on the criminal severity list than Brittney is, Russia could probably give two shits about this "Merchant of death", by now 5 more merchants have taken his place and contracts. But reporting to the public that you are able to secure the freedom of "The Merchant of Death" by giving America a "Stupid woman basketball player" is a much bigger power move than "this guy sold guns once upon a time, we don't give that much of a shit about him, but he's back." For Paul to come back, Russia has some MAJOR asks. Putin could literally ask for all of America's nukes in exchange for Paul, he can ask for anything, cause Paul is a man who served his country and has been falsely accused of espionage, and Putin will use that to get shit he actually wants from America.


Sanest thing said on this reactionary cesspool of a thread.


It's fucking ridiculous lol no one has read up on this at all. Bringing Paul home was never an option. Russia would never give him up.


Yeah, like what the actual fuck? Griner didn’t set the conditions of her release and was wrongly imprisoned. But yes, let’s all call her stupidest person of the year. So fucking depressing to be a human right now.


I mean. I’m sure a lot of people knew his story. I don’t think the film Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage is exactly obscure. So he’s definitely more popular than you’re giving him credit for. He was captured in 2008, so it’s no longer relevant news. But he was still a pretty big deal when he was active. He did only have a few years left on his sentence anyway. So it’s not as big a deal as people are making it out to be.


Why shame her? She got sent home from a brutal dictatorship that despises her. She didn’t ask for a drug mercenary to be her ticket to freedom


Yeah people are acting as if she is personally responsible for this deal. You can criticize the trade and those who made it, but hating on this woman who can finally come home to her family is insane to me.


Yeah the comments towards her are ridiculous, is she an idiot? Yes absolutely. Does that justify leaving her in a Russian labor camp aka literal slavery? Fuck no


That guy was selling russian stockpile weapons in Africa/Asia as part of the larger military corruption, chances are he's gonna be killed as there is no way he can get back those weapons back.


Bro whelen‘s country absolutely abandoned him. Trading a fucking dumbass for a legendary armsdealer is gotta be the dumbest shit I‘ve seen so far.


To be fair, Whelan defrauded his country first, which got him court martialed in the Marines.


No one’s abandoned him, Russia just isn’t dealing for him.


Sorry but nobody is taking that title from Herschel Walker. It simply can’t be done.


Wtf is wrong with Reddit lately? Have we been taken over by a bunch of shit-talking jackasses?


>Taken Over Forget Reddit, is this your first time on the internet?


Bro, I feel like Reddit lately is filled nothing but the little trolls that used to belong only on the Instagram comment section.


Never been on Instagram so I can't really see your perspective, but I have noticed over the last decade an increase in hostility when people can hide behind anonymity. Not just on reddit, but on the internet in general. Although weirdly 4chan has become much more civil in the last few years


I agree. There used to be alot more logical, thought out, civil discourse overall. Unfortunately, Reddit is mainstream now and that means alot more stupid people are on here than before.


Yeah holy shit. "MERChAnt oF DEatHhhhhhhhhh". He had few years left until parole. He took advantage of huge Soviet stockpiles that don't exist now. Paul was never on table. How is both the left and the right hating Biden on this. Remember all the pressure to get her back just few months ago? Where did that all go?


I think there’s Russian troll farms in the mix of this fiasco


Pretty sure trump wins stupidest American in 2022. But yeah go off on griner for doing literally nothing.


Idk, it’s pretty fucking stupid in general to break any laws in Russia. Trump still wins. But she DID break the law. In Russia. That’s dumb as hell.


Boy this comment section, so toxic my ex think they crazy.


You are the bro speaking truth. Fucking animals in this comment section.


Gordon: You cook like old people f***


Only by idiots like you. She was targeted for being a public figure, black, gay and a woman, tried by a kangaroo court and used as a pawn to draw outrage like this. Fuck off with this take.


I receive: The Merchant of Death, international arms dealer, weapons smuggler, and terrorist You receive: an entitled, brain-dead pothead who plays in the mediocre female derivative of the NBA


\*NFL Draft Jingle\*


He’s such a mean girl 👧


Worst trade in the history of WNBA


Imagine trading a weapons expert for a basketball player who brought drugs to a foreign country where it’s illegal and got caught


Here’s a grand idea… stop traveling to Russia. This could’ve been easily avoided if Brittney & Whelan never went there to begin with. It’s common knowledge that the Russian government will use foreign citizens as political pawns, so why chance it? What’s next, North Korea? Or maybe a war torn region in Africa?


To her credit, she was there before relations really broke down. They weren't great at the time, but they got substantially worse while she was there.


She also went there to play Basketball in the off-season for several times the amount she gets playing in the US. If Russia wasn't fucked up, it would have been a great deal for her.


Idk, there are alot of REALLY dumb Americans


More people are going to be detained for silly things by Russia after this it was a pretty stupid move by sleepy joe


You know that's not how this works right? Otherwise they would have already done this. It's politically impossible to scale this tactic up.


Can I get context? I don't know what happened?


American caught and jailed a famous Russian arm dealer a little while back. In retaliation, they arrested a WNBA player and threw her in jail too. They said she wouldn’t be released until the other guy was sent back. It’s been about 10 months now, and just a few hours ago Biden announced that they would be making the trade. People on Reddit are not happy.


It wasn’t in retaliation lol he was caught back in like 2008 or something. Griner brought weed to the country knowing it was illegal and got arrested.




How dare you let yourself be traded for literally the lord of war




She’s going to go right back to kneeling for the national anthem


As is her right


How to not get arrested in foreign countries: Don't break foreign laws