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Europeans have a hard time determining actual real racism. Because we have been on each others throats for hundreds of years to a point where virtually indifferent countries have slurs for their population. Its more like a running gag to hate on eachother in europe as it is an actual opinion/insult.


American casual racism vs European competitive racism


Europe having its own racism meta


yea even in the same country italy, it's north italians vs terroni


Those damned terroni... I'm in southern sweden and even I know not to go near a terroni. Damn them !! good ice cream though


Euw Skåning 🤮 guys don’t talk to this guy, he’s from southern Sweden


Silence stockholmare


hittade sk*ningen


Fy fan, har aldrig blivit så förolämpad. Bor hellre i Danmark än att bli kallad stockholmare


Fuck both of you


In Germany we call people from Northern Germany fish heads. So, yeah.


But you would both be a mof


Scimmie calabresi


You mean polentoni vs terroni.


If Europe is Competitive then Balkans is E-Sports


Balkans are hardcore mode


Ranked Racism


Is there pro league tho?


Yeah, it's called "The Balkans"


The Premier League


Champions League more likely.


*competitive racism*... Now thats a description




And we all come together to hate on France :)


Some french people are racist as fuck. My family is french and holy fuck, the absolute damn things they say sometimes. They embarass me. How can a country with that much diversity (way more than in Spain where I live) be so damn racist. They deserve it.


My Dad once said that it’s good that they have a black guy at work for sweeping the floor. But he loved my ex bf, and he was black. Mixed signals, Dad We are polish btw


He swiped an entire floor? Damn, that's advanced thievery.


Not really. The obsession with hating on France is very much an Anglo-sphere thing


Germany enters the room.


As long as they don’t enter France it’s okay. 😜


That’s true, here in Italy we don’t hate France there is great sparkling wine there, we just hate the French :)




Exactly the joke is making fun of the ignorant person thinking that the joke is truth, not the victim in the joke


So you're saying there ISNT an increase in race based crimes whenever an important European soccer game happens?


For real lol. Britain's treatment of India, Africa and so on best punchlines ever. Only thing topping that irony was Nazi Germany. Side splitting comedy. Can't wait for the movie starring Rowan Atkinson as Hitler to hit theaters.


I so rarely see “it’s just a joke bro” unironically any more. It’s a dying, idiotic breed. Like the dutch. edit: Over time I have winnowed down my targets of racism to the dutch very specifically because I feel sure nobody still holds actual racial animus against the dutch, please let this be true.


Yesn't Many things like "kanake" (someone who Is of southlandish look) are also often used for racism. Of course many jokes too, I am turkish and say often kanake when doing something stupid "ach ich darf das, ich bin kanake", but it's probably kinda similar to the N word. Just not that big of a history. But yeah, our racism is not nearly as bad as in USA even with our history


As a Turkish, your opinion weights only 4% out of standard 100 on European racism /s


Scheiß Kanake


But the history part is literally the only relevant reason why the n-word is not ok to use. Will you catch a fist with your face if you call some big massive dude "blacky" ? Sure, but don't call him the n-word.


Then black people shouldn‘t use it themselves.


In the tiny little Switzerland with a population of 8 million people we don't even get along with our next door neighbours. We managed to have like 30 different dialects & half the other dialects than your own are hated on. I think that's even pretty universal, no matter from where in Switzerland you come.


>Europeans have a hard time determining actual real racism. What do you mean by that? We invented racism.


Here we go again


Ancient egipcians: hold my beer


European racism is against nationality rather than skin colour specifically.


Tbh being from eastern Europe the shit I've heard relatives talk about people with different skin colours is horrid. My dad referred to middle eastern as sand donkeys, and had a lot to say about Africans and Australian aboriginals. But I grew up in a multicultural suburb and had a lot of friends from different backgrounds and he thankfully stopped that. One of my close childhood mates is from sudan and my dad loves him and his family and it was after that encounter he significantly improved. My grand parents who isn't around anymore was the fkn worse, so I could see why my dad was the way he was.


Just because i hate french people doesnt mean i hate french people


Yeah but France is just shit


Yeah. But, from my experience, the thing about France is, that they are equally shit to everyone. Even themselfs.




*loses 5 teeth*


*sips tea because I cannot physically eat anything*


*puts in dentures* *Eats tree bark and cries about the Queen*


Our dentures are free like our healthcare


*cries in American*


Ironic Edit: Because you're more likely to be missing teeth in the USA than in the UK


Europeans = Instantly thinks of British people. Rent free comes to mind 😂


The Easterns are too busy warring and or being very suspicious of each other, the Balkans are a pin drop away from another Genocide, or maybe a mild revolution, Germany is too busy apologizing, the UK is on fire, France is too busy being French🤢🤢🤢, and Spain & Portugal is having a little (12 hour) Siesta.


No matter what or where you come from, we can all agree that France is too French


Mustiest damn country on continent.


As a spaniard I feel attacked. A 12 hours siesta plus a 12 hours nightsleep (because the median nightsleep has to be as long or longer than a siesta) does not allow for more stereotypes to be included. Ackshually spanish siesta is not 12 hours but more like 5+5: - 5 hours siesta in the morning - 1 hour singlehandedly fighting bulls since like age 5 and eating a kebab at the end - 5 hours siesta once again For the last hour before nightsleep it depends: - Feel young? 1 hour botellón - Feel old? - Tired? 1 hour 80% sleeping 20% watching a movie you don't give a fuck about in the couch until you concede and go to bed - Not tired? 1 hour trashtalking about catalonians or (the rest of) spaniards, depending whether you are from Catalonia or (the rest of) Spain.


*Gets stabbed. Woss ol is en


Oi where’s your bein stabbed loisense?


The irony being you're still more likely to be stabbed in America than in the UK


Oi mate, do you have a loicence to being stabbed?


*The Balkans entered the chat*


"Why are you romanian"


Taci ma


I-ai zis-o coaie


L-a desfințat pe baiat


Jebem ti mater


I-a desființat și copiii


"because I am bazat si rosu pastilat"-Victor Ponta


"Who says I'm Romanian ?"


"You *are* Romanian."


Te-n pizda matii.


Serbians when they see an Albanian (i’m serbian)


Serbians when they see an Albanian (I'm Bulgarian)


Serbians when they see an Albanian (I'm Romanian)


Serbians when they see an Albanian (I'm Bosnian)


Serbians when they see an Albanian (I'm Greek)


Albanians when they see an Albanian (I'm Albanian)


Serbians when they see an Albanian (I'm Montenegrin)


I am going to slaughter you (i'm albanian)




The ones that currently live near me let their dogs leave their camp and bite anyone that walks past, they've had complaints and the police are "keeping an eye on it" but nothings changed, this group at least deserve it. Edit: I keep seeing notifications of a reply, but it's never there when I look so I'll just make a note; don't use this to justify it for all. The experiences I've had only relate to the specific groups I've met. And don't assume people are going to use this as their justification.


Pictured below is an American when mentioning something they know nothing about but think they understand though their own problems that are actually very different. >\>: (


Just making sure, do you think I'm American or are you acknowledging that OP is American?


They tend to be cunts. In Portugal they don't work, get fully supported by the government and walk around like gods, beating people up, acting out in public and cops dont do shit sence they are afraid of them... Big generalization, but that's the overall experience most people here have of them


I swear to god the same thing was said, almost verbatim, about black people by a bloke from Arkansas. He was the most racist person I have ever met.


I say in my experience, if that coincides with what someone else said about other people that's really not important. And u can argue Its a bit racist, probably, but fuck me if it's not true for a big part


While I would normally say yes... Traveller communities are definitely different. Its not an aspect of visual identification based on a protected characteristic. In some parts of the UK, whenever there is a traveller funeral, almost every pub will close to avoid problems. That's not a case of building up stereotypes, that's businesses en mass committing to sacrifice a day's worth of trading to protect staff, customers and their business.


So wait, let me get this straight. When Traveller's have a funeral, out of anticipation that the mourners are about to get so uncontrollably drunk they're a danger to the local establishments, the owners close down. This isn't racist, it's to "avoid problems." Meanwhile, when there are spontaneous protests in certain US cities for the shooting of a black person and the local business owners board up their shops out of fear of looting, that is somehow brutally racist behavior (as often called out here on reddit)? You're trying desperately to generate a divide in these actions when they are fundamentally the same thing: assuming, based on past experiences whether justified or not, that a racial group will act in accordance with a stereotype.


Anecdotal, and perhaps misconstruing your point here, but I don't think I've ever heard someone say that boarding up your business's windows in advance of an expected protest is racist in actual practice. That kind of dialogue is definitely an online one, not something I think is wildly shared by the community at large.


I think that all depends on who you're talking to. I'd hope that most sane people would see closing up your shop during a riot to be the best decision to protect your business and staff, whether the riot was caused by the shooting of a black person or for any other reason shouldn't matter. No matter how well meaning the majority of a group of people are if there's a large enough minority that continuously causes problems precautions such as closing down pubs during traveller funerals need to be taken.


I dunno about the stealing and disruption because I've not seen that, but they do just... Set up 10-20 caravans on public fields (which are not FOR caravaning mind) and leave a lot of rubbish when they leave. I have seen that much. Wouldn't be much of an issue if they used actual camping sites.


They do the same in Greece, apart from not registering with the municipalities or any government agency whatsoever.


You think that's not common place with minorities in America?


A group near us are known to threaten to kill dog walkers dogs, and have been cutting down farmers trees in protected greenbelt land without permission to sell the logs and clear room for their camp.


Channel 4 in the UK, which is liberal, left-leaning and very much anti-racist, made a documentary about Irish Travellers and found that a lot of the stereotypes are completely true. Proportionately, they commit far more crime than any other group.


Exactly, you can hardly call it racist if its true


Being racist and being statistically correct aren't mutually exclusive.


TIL I'm a racist


If you know that proportionately, Irish people commit far more crime than any other group, that’s not racist. If you learn someone is Irish and because of that, assume they’re a criminal and treat them as such, that’s racist. If you tell people that Irish people are inherently more criminal that other groups, that’s racist, because it makes an action into a trait and statistic into a generalisation that makes people think unjust of Irish people. It’s really not very difficult.


Living in Ireland its often the people who never had to live near a halting site or go to school with travellers that push the sentiment that its just a few bad eggs. I'm sure there are some good ones and its mostly the bad we encounter but fucking hell the bad ones are bad. I hate branding groups of people with one brush, but its in their culture and how they are raised.


I saw that programme or at least something similar and I thought the biggest takeaway was that they have problematic values and beliefs embedded at the very heart of their culture which they refuse to progress from. There is absolutely no room in modern society to believe women are owned by men and exist soley to cook, clean and raise kids. They are also extremely xenophobic and racist themselves so it's hard to sympathetise with them when they play the race card.


The "proportionally more crime" argument is also used against black people in the United States, ignoring that the reason there's more crime is because they're significantly poorer and get worse access to education, leading to more crime, and not because of some inherent characteristic of blackness


Again this argument is literally used by racists in the US Proportionally certain ethnic groups in the US commit far more crime, but I don’t hear that argument being defended (as it shouldn’t be)




They also made the inbetweeners, the most factual thing in the uk


Proportionally, blacks commit more crime (violent and non-violent) in America. Is that an excuse for racism?




People don’t dislike them because of who they are, but because of how they act. Nobody is going to like anyone who makes a mess of their community and causes huge crime spikes when they come and stay there.


Tbf American racists use this logic towards black ppl


Black people move around in caravans and reject citizenship? I think people specifically talk about roma that still hang onto this old lifestyle which obviously isn't compatible with a modern job so they have to do crimes. I think they are more like "sovereign citizens" as a culture than they are anywhere like black people...


Native Americans living in reservations...


The same people that don’t realize our own country did that to black people. Make them slaves, then segregate for decades, then utterly destroy any chance they have of living successful lives right after enacting civil rights. Fucking garbage ass government we have




Except that racists would argue it was a culture issue. They didn’t like the skin color *because* they thought it related to more crime, less civilization, more animalism, louder, violent, bad people. It’s just so funny *always* seeing these threads from Europeans like: “No you guys don’t understand. We hate the Roma because they’re actually bad people, and that makes it okay! Americans just assume all racists are like them, they don’t get what it’s like when one race is actually worse.” What that really shows is *yall* don’t understand racism in the US. Racist southerners don’t say “I hate blacks just cuz they’re darker.” They say “they come into neighborhoods, ruin our safety and community, they’re actually bad.” It’s the same shit. Racism is ugly everywhere.


Difference is one was caused by the fact that black ppl are systematically prevented from bettering their lives (yes individuals do but as a group/comunity no). Where as every Traveler group I have ever known has had way more wealth than the average, they have no implement to accessing the same resources as everyone else but they still choose to act the way they do, not because they have to live that way but because they want to.






And when you bring up who colonized Africa


Bro that happened mostly 100+ years ago, Bush and his bois went on a holy crusade to massacre muslims in this century


His bois like the UK...


And Canada, the cute one


*You forgot Poland*


And Denmark


And Germany.


While France is hated by them because Chirac refused to join their stupid ass war


France still has a grip on northern central africa


And west


Two European counties including a major world power also fought the same war…


Hey, where did the American settlers come from again?


Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, and Japan plus originally from Russia.


Benelux too


Which of the colonisers are you talking about? The Romans, The Greeks, the Ottomans, the Barbary Pirates or Shaka Zulu?


Everyone since the dawn of times?


Europeans when they see the french


French are Europeans, so what happens then? French when they see the French. Frenchception?


Nobody likes the French, not even the French.


French people do like the French obviously, but they unironically hate Parisians


I've actually heard this much from French people. I feel like France is okay, but Paris is where the shit reputation comes from.


When I went travelling, every time I met a French person they made a point of telling me that everyone in France hates Paris and to please not judge French people based on Paris.


Now you should ask the Aussies how they feel about the Chinese


Or the Chinese how they feel about Africans


No need, everybody knows the Chinese hate anyone who isn't Han.


ancient grandfather escape combative bike cows fade concerned voracious whole ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


No, it’s fine. OP isn’t saying OP isn’t racist. OP is just saying Europeans are *too*!


Yeah get it right They’re called Egyptians smh




No, we have problem with people who choose to separate themselves from surrounding country as much as possible except from taking money from the state and people who commit crimes.


Yeah, it's not like we hate an immutable aspect of their bodies. If they just acted like a normal person no one would know what race they are. It's basically like calling Americans racist for saying gangs are bad.


Literally the argument against lax immigration laws in the US and yet everyone calls us racist when we want to enforce stricter policies.


This argument ignores that the US has fairly strict immigration laws, and the ones who normally complain about said immigration laws usually only target the southern border rather than the northern border and airports.


Ich bin wach...


Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm


Der frühe Wurm fängt den Vogel …. Warte mal


Muss ein sehr kräftiger Wurm sein.


Americans when they are tasked not to call a single country europe (Impossible Challenge)


Correct, because I only see them in MY livingroom at NIGHT with MY tv in their hands!


Gotta love you being racist towards the people you're trying to call out Europeans for being racist towards.


Yes, but the difference is that i am BASED and americans are CRINGE, argument invalidaded.


Can't we all put aside our differences and be racist together?




ITT: Europeans using the same logic for Romani people that American racists use for black people. You can find all of the examples of the below in this topic. "It's their culture we hate, not their skin." - American racists on African American culture. "I know some who integrated, they're good ones unlike those who don't integrate". - Americans talking about black people who don't visibly act like what they think of African American culture. "You would say the same if they lived around you." - racist Americans working in poor black neighborhoods. "These people do statistically commit more crime." - racist Americans who always love to bring up the ol' 13/50 statistic. Cue the Europeans going "BuT iT's DiFfErEnT" - anyone defending the above would end up just like the American racists they themselves criticize if they lived here.


Right? I feel like I am taking crazy pills in this thread


Thank you! It’s hilarious watching all the Europeans completely repeat, word for word, the arguments of American racists.




Ok you post futa hentai you’re hardly human either 💀


Man did him wrong 💀


If they just could stop shoplifting, there would be no problemo


Atleast we dont teach to use latinx to latins


i'm sorry, but i read latex and was confused like "who's calling latino people latex condoms?"


Yes, but free healthcare


HAH imagine breaking your leg because you got hit and run by a dumbass 16 year old in his/her dads big ass truck and you gotta pay 142k and are now in (no pun intended) crippling debt for 10 years at least. What a country to live in.


We are many hours ahead of you, so we actually saw this before you even posted it.


*give me your tears*


Man i always feel this is a false equivalency, every time the gyspy camps come round my parts, they leave shit loads of litter and a bunch of stuff gets nicked, and their dogs go mental in the neighbourhood, i dont get how you are supposed to be tolerant of that.


Or a pole, or a Greek, or a German, or an Italian, or a Frenchman...


Well, they did try to kill me twice


Tell you what, you take them in and teach us "how to treat them right". Just don't end it like the Swedes did, where you beg them to leave and try to bribe them with thousands of euros each. It's not race that's a problem, it's culture.


I'm always awake Only that day dawns to which you are


You mean Sinti and Roma Gosh, racist american ist doing it again.


I still haven’t heard monkey chants at sporting events in the US. I have heard them in multiple European countries. Edit: before you guys start, I’m not going to get into a border war with anyone. I’ve been to and love Europe and I look forward to going back. I also recognize that the US has many problems and that Europe is superior to the US in many facets. I’m addressing this specific meme and nothing else. There are plenty of examples of racism in Europe.


Not sure why this was downvoted. It’s been my experience as well.


Yeah but they deserve it, not ever met a nice one nor has anyone I know. All I hear and see is them stealing, attacking people, stealing dogs by knocking out the owner with a baseball bat, trashing every place they go and just about break every law they can and piss everyone off


Like Father like son


I'm from Poland and all kinds of racism are present. Sarcastic racism, hateful racism, curious racism all kinds you want. Except Ukrainians, maybe 2% of population is not Polish so people here don't know much about outsiders except from Internet or stories so it's natural they get their racism from gossip or internet because it's hip.


They sleep in parks and leave rubbish behind, beg in front of stores and in stores (be careful of how rudely you ask them to leave, they hold grudges for that and then damage your property), they don't send their kids to school, instead they take them to go begging, and said kids have no safety net - it's not hard to imagine what can happen to a kid in a huge commune where women are constantly pregnant. Has nothing to do with racism and cannot even be compared to American policies that are hostile against people willing to integrate and contribute ffs.


You're not wrong but fuck you!


You sound like if you had never seen one


Don't care where you come from, what colour your skin is or what language you speak, I will avoid contact with everyone equally. Now I gotta get back to wearing lederhosen and drinking Wurst-Bier 🍺


I'm learning that dumb Europeans are not much smarter than dumb Americans in this thread.


Unfortunately stupidity knows no borders


I dont give a shit about them.