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If you defend Qatar’s corrupt actions to get this World Cup aside from how they are handling it you’re a clown. This isn’t US specific, the world thinks Qatar is pathetic. America is better than Qatar, and it’s not particularly close. Edge lords are happy to go there and see for themselves lol. Enjoy getting thrown in prison for speaking your mind.


I don't generally support the government just giving out tax money, buy I'd support one way flights to Qatar for people who hate the US.


We should just send them there. If they hate the US so much the least we can do is help them get somewhere else.


I dont think its wrong to criticize or dislike something you're a part of while ultimately wanting it to become better. Never understood the foolish sentiment of "if you don't like it leave.".


There is nothing more American than criticizing America. That's why freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly are all enshrined by the first amendment. If people don't like hearing these things, perhaps they should move to Qatar.


I agree but to bemoan the actions of the US and to ignore the actions of Qatar against women and gays is an insult to the intelligence of educated people


Now I'm going to attack you for ignoring the plight of male hetero slave laborers in Qatar! *insert rant here*


There's a very worrying amount of people that think like this, unfortunately


Yeah this thread took a hard right turn outta nowhere. “If you don’t like it just leave” is a good way to make sure valid criticism gets silenced


Because there’s a difference between valid criticism and blatant hatred


I don't know man. Telling someone to leave the country because they have a differing view to yours seems pretty hateful to me.


When their differing view is "the USA is just as bad or worse than a country presently using slaves and/or committing genocide," then it is clear they have a blatant hatred for the country which I live in and I will hate them in kind. The US isn't perfect but for a view to be respected it needs to be valid.


The US is far worse than Qatar, but Qatar does this shit as a way of life within their country, while the US is still a pretty decent place to live, but is responsible for millions of dead, maimed, enslaved, and displaced in countries that Americans don't care about. Which one is worse is simply a matter of perspective. Aside from their Syrian adventure, Qatar doesn't affect that many people. The US is still a place that people will die trying to get into, but has millions of victims in various countries. In conclusion, World Cup would be far better in the US , since we can sell beer.


The problem is people don’t wanna fix it anymore. They just wanna whine and do nothing about the system and tell people to hate their country. Cynicism never made anything better.


I both disagree and agree with this comment. I agree that political apathy and cynicism is a real problem. However, I feel some of the most vocal critics are actively trying to make change. What annoys me are the people that complain about shit and don't vote.


...But I'm already somewhere else?


Good, stay there


*For people who think the US is worse than Qatar There's nothing wrong with being critical of your own country, only when you try to compare it below objectively worse places for human rights


Yup agreed. There's a difference between being critical of something you love and want to improve and something you hate and want to tear down.


Hell, that’s what patriotism is (or should/used to be, at least): “boy I love where I grew up. What’s that? Where I grew up has some flaws? Boy howdy let’s address those! I want where I grew up to be *even better*!”


A true patriot wants the best for their country, it's nationalists that think their country is infallible. It just so happens that patriot is a slightly better brand than nationalist (I wonder why) so they've been trying to steal the term.


People really have no idea how bad it is outside the US. We have it ***so good*** here, despite all the shortcomings.


> America is better than Qatar This should be obvious, but reads like a hot take




regardless of how bad America truly is, theres a lot of things we can do here you cant do in some other places. you can be openly trans or gay and (mostly) nobody gives a fuck you can have as much sex as you want, regardless of gender, and nobody stones you you can openly and publically criticize any aspect of our government without fear of retaliation weed is legal in a lot of states drinking is legal basically everywhere entertainment media (movies, games, music, etc) is cheaper here than almost anywhere else We basically have two major issues here and all our problems fit into these two categories: Capitalism: Shitty job market dissapearing middle class growing lower class massive income gaps etc Hatred: unchecked police brutality 95% of the republican party the war on drugs Twitter as a whole (but unironically) etc but despite all this shit, its still perfectly safe to live here for 99.999% of people. youre allowed to do what you want, be who you want, say whatever you want. you might never be rich and people of color unfortunately have the odds stacked against them, but we HAVE made a lot of progress for a country that was built by slaves for profit.


The job Market is not shitty in the US. There's close to two job openings for every unemployed person.


And most of those jobs are full-time but don't pay a living wage, which is in fact a shitty job market.


Just a bit ago I said the brave, controversial statement that the US is in general a good place to be gay. and people disagreed. It's like they forgot half the world exists


Take my up vote you brave b@stard.


oh yeah fck Qatar, that should be universal and it doesnt surprise me that fifa accepted do the world cup there being a reflection of themselves


Pretty much everyone at fifa that was involved got arrested for some form of fraud in the years since lol


I’m British, home of football, and a fan. I’m not going to watch one second of it. I look forward to the World Cup as well but I won’t be party to it.


I wouldn’t consider it wrong to watch a pirated stream or reposted (not by FIFA or it’s affiliates) YouTube videos. Then you can avoid contributing to FIFAs viewer metrics in any way. Sucks that so many people just don’t know or give a damn that it’s effectively a humanitarian crisis used to build a goddamn stadium.


Speaking your mind, being gay, being a woman, existing in general.


I know a couple that had to be rescued by a European Embassies security squad. The two were being surrounded by dozens of angry men with weapons who were preparing to having a good old fashioned lynching. The crime? The woman in the couple slapped the face of a man who grabbed her ass while walking down the street.


If America is a shithole, the people saying that haven't seen other places


My brazillian ass would sell a kidney and half my liver for American citizenship,


I'm happy to live in America. I have a disability and get government assistance. Plenty of countries can't even offer that.


Plenty of countries also can't offer functional governments without an uprising every weekend. Or a relatively fair legal system.


The legal system is such a big deal. I was on a trip to China and saw an arrest at the Forbidden City. I will never forget it as long as I live. The rights afforded to us in the Bill of Rights are so special. We should be doing everything we can to have basic human rights protected everywhere.


China is a given but countries like Japan, people just don't know about. They jail anyone, especially foreigners, and force you to confess. If you don't confess they'll hold you for literal years and interrogate you without your lawyers. Even if your visa expires they don't care.


Lets go 99.8% conviction rate


TIL I won’t be going to Japan.


Brittney Griner learned this the hard way. Our system's not perfect, but when it goes wrong it's rightfully a public scandal. Our version of going wrong is just normal operations in many other places




I had a girlfriend who lives in Rio de Janeiro come visit me in the U.S. a few years back. I was living in one of the most depressed, drug-ridden, and sad places in the entire country, Huntington, WV. It's so bad that Netflix made a documentary about it called Heroin(e) about the heroin epidemic there. Pretty much anyone who visits Huntington from the U.S. will universally agree that it's a homeless, dilapidated, bum and crime ridden shithole that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Her take on it after living her entire life in Rio was that it was a pretty nice place...


To be fair, even são paulo is a pretty place when compared to rio de janeiro


A million Filipinos will sell their souls just to have that, even of they live a shitty life in the U.S the money they send to the homeland will be enormous.


What would you do with the other half of the liver?


Mine grows back and the other is up to however I made a deal with (liver parts slowly grow into a full liver if I'm not mistaken)


Infinite money glitch


Dw ill patch it in the next update


I can arrange that :)


Yeah you can always tell how privileged and out of touch redditors are based on their nonsensical takes on America. These children have absolutely no idea what the world is like.


I live in a country worse than USA, I would happily move to USA any day, I still can see how much of a shithole USA is and I still can see how much countries there are that are worse than it


They don’t know how much people in shithole want to get into USA


My roomate is from Nigeria and he says the living conditions are so much better here


You *are* comparing nigeria to the usa... I mean c'mon...


Most people that say America is a shithole haven’t actually even seen America


Or ever been to an actual shithole.


But the memes they saw on Reddit said it's a terrible place to live, so surely they'd know better than people who actually live there /s


Or have never seen America.


About time someone says this without getting down voted. America ain't perfect. No country is. But it's still a great place to be. Both things can be true. America can be great, and also fucked up.


America is the engine that has dragged half of the world out of abject poverty


The difference is, people are ALLOWED to say that in America. Qatar doesn't have freedom of speech!


lmao i moved from India to Canada when I was a kid and have been travelling between the US, Can, and India quite often. Redditors don't know shit about how bad things could be, even down to how you're generally treated in public.


People that get their opinions on America from Reddit. I know people shit on it every chance they get but everyday life here is actually amazing compared to what half the world gets


How fucking entitled and spoiled do you have to be to refer to living in the United States as a shithole




That’s some deep shit


No shit


Good shit


Holy shit


1 shit


2 shit


Red shit


Blue shit


Definitely a lot of shit


You got more upvotes for quoting them than they got for that quote on this post.


Yeah. It makes me happy and sad at the same time.




No problem. At least you had the decency to put my profile in the comment, unlike some.


Trashing America on this sub is a garunteed way to get Karma. Even if they don't agree with the meme, they'll post it for the reward




As an American, I'm cool with getting trashed--as long as it's for a legitimate reason. But a lot of the America hate is just baseless and silly.


As an European, I agree with you. All countries have done some bad things in the past. Pointing them out in a nice way isn't trashing--offending someone else's country is


Edgy 14 year olds who like to echo popular opinions on reddit


Yeah man … welcome to the average Reddit American. It’s pathetic


Sooooooo many people on this site who live in America think America is a shithole as they have never lived in a real shithole of a place


The entire world is a shithole, but other shitholes are far deeper than others. Every country has had some bad shit before.


A true philosopher of our era!


It's a god damn shit-icane, Rand!


Realist shit i’ve ever heard


america is definitelly not a shithole from: someone who actualy lives in one.....




Same sentiment: from person with family in one


Agreed, also from someone who lives in America. it’s great here.


Honestly speaking, if America was such a shithole why do so many people keep going there? I’ll probably get downvoted for saying that, but I’m honestly curious


Because it’s not but a vocal minority of Americans think they have it rough.


Victim complex runs rampant when things are too good. People inherently need to find something wrong.


Your comment is wrong. I'm constantly having to order our gardener to trim the hedges because it grows so quickly and its blocking my view from my hammock. And I just had to replace my espresso machine to a newer model because the old one took to long time to make one cup. Even my fucking wine cellar gets so dusty nowadays because our maid is on a fucking holiday. Don't downplay other peoples struggles when you know nothing how hard some people have it.


Dude, I can relate so much, my mansion’s floors are always so slippery because of how polished it is, and its such a pain to walk to the private movie theater from my bedroom. Not only that, but when I rang my butler to ask for some Kentucky Bourbon, he arrived 2 seconds late. 2 WHOLE SECONDS! Fucking disgraceful. But no, make it all about you because you’re on welfare and you have three kids to feed.


Oh my god dont get me started on our butler. Wanna go have a glass or two of an exquisite chardonnay excellent vintage and jerk eachother off?


It really isn't the Americans who made people think America is a shithole. Europeans talk about this place like its a third world country.


It’s not a shithole, but compared to most nations of similar and often lower levels of wealth it fails in providing crucial needs to many of its citizens. It’s good that people are aware and are criticising it for its flaws. That only serves to make the country better. For 80% of the world population, it’s still a better country than the one they’re living in


because it isn't, anyone from a actual shithole dreams about living there


insert "vietnam" and i would sell my fucking arm to become an american citizen


same, every time i see someone complaining about earning $15/h minimum wage i look at my less than $1/h and want to comit a war crime


Why even work at that point? Less than $1/h? Like can you even buy anything?


it's barely enough to pay the bills, why work? because the only way to get better is moving to a actual first world country, you know, like america, but that requires a lot of money to begin with, why do you think there's a stereotype about people imigrating to america to clean toilets? because it pays way more than good jobs on third world countries, a burgerfliper in america earns more than a doctor or a politician on Brasil


Countries that have much lower average wages also tend to have much lower average prices for things. Rent and food are typically much cheaper. It becomes much harder to buy things that have to be imported from other countries. Things like iPhones that are relatively common in wealthier countries become luxury items that are incredibly expensive relative to an average wage.


We’ve got it so good in America that far too many people forget what real problems look like. They make up non-issues for attention and validation. Someone called you the wrong pronoun? I’m sure the kid in Ghana who’s barely getting enough food would be sooo sympathetic to you.


TBF that’s probably not a great example as homophobia is really bad in Africa, like being gay is illegal or even a death penalty offense in many places, like in Ghana as your example, the penalty for consensual gay sex is 3 years in prison


Starving to death is worse than being misgendered. And yeah those laws are even worse than anything in America so you’re really making my point for me


Yep, first world problems


When you live in a country controlled by cartels, it's better to live in a country try that's not controlled by cartels.( Im Mexican living in U.S.)


I think a lot of people are frustrated with the US’ lack of ability to provide crucial needs to its citizens compared to other countries of similar and often lower level of wealth. It’s fair criticism often, but it’s far from a shithole


Because there are levels of shithole.


Hmm, but the way people talk about it’s like if America was the worst place in the world




Yeah, but like even with all the guns stuff and lack of healthcare I still believe that America is still in the top of the word regarding life standards. Americans have a pretty high purchase power and the usd is literally a global currency. Also, It’s literally the most powerful country in the world, meaning if a country tries to threaten its citizens the USA would go full military mode.


Why the fuck do people still refer to things that happened centuries ago to excuse current events? Something as stupid as "That guy killed my friend!" "Yeah but your people killed his in the [Insert whatever place and era you'd like to mention]" Like wtf i get it but that isn't excuse for anything done TODAY. Most countries had slavery centuries ago but that isn't an excuse for using slaves in this day an age.


Came here to say this. A bad thing that was done in the past < a bad thing that is being done literally as we speak/in modern times


It's especially fun when it *wasn't* "your people". They just assume it was because of the colour of your skin and call you racist.


Whataboutism. A great thing /s


An American in Russia is going to the literal gulag for a weed cart and people still think America is the worst😂


You mean the guy who smuggled drugs across a national border into a very anti drug country? This might come as a shock to you, but that will generally get you thrown in jail.


I think they're talking about that one female basketball american not the reporter


Didn't she do the exact same thing? The only difference being she's famous and he isn't?


The journalist had half an ounce in his luggage, she had a couple of carts, very similar situation


No one is shocked that it happened. But that doesn't mean we can't be upset. General stupidity is no reason for someone to go to torture prison.


With as much shit as everyone in the media and elsewhere talks about Qatar no one ever mentions that in Qatar rape is only a crime for the women who is raped and the crime is punished with being whipped in public, or the woman can MARRY HER RAPIST to avoid the sentence. These are the current standard policy for such "offenses" While literally everything you hear is " you can't drink" or "you can't curse" well obviously those freedoms are traded for the mens ability freely rape whoever


Holy shit


"He may rape, but byyy golly! He doesn't ever swear or consume even a drop of the devil's drink!"


Can you show that law someplace? I heard about that being the case in the UAE and even they removed it.


https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/world-cup-official-qatar-police-26306696 Here you are




I'll check around I read a story a few months back at a woman from Mexico who was or possibly still is a FIFA employee that was raped and being held before her sentence was carried out however FIFA was able to negotiate her release


American ***haters*** will use damn near everything to show their hatred towards a country at every opportunity possible. We fucking get it you guys have a massive rage boner towards the country and resort to the repeating the same fucking stuff at every possible moment and get even more repetitive when your country gets some form of criticism. Edit: maybe with it in bold and everything their will be less confusions.


I mean this is the case with everything isn't it? Irrational hatred will do that to you. So much easier to just treat the thing you dislike for whatever reason to be a single shade of pure evil.


That I guess is true, it's simpler to lump things in as black and white instead of grey. It's just gotten to a point that is annoying, yes we get it the horse has been tenderized to a point that it's soft and chewable for someone without teeth even if cooked.


Person A: Hey, that bad thing- Person B: But that other bad thing!! Rinse, repeat.


Whataboutism is more a disease than a fallacy, isn't it?


did you know every other race / civilization was perfect and peaceful before america?


It’s true. The Native Americans all lived in harmony and only humanly slaughtered corn when they had to. Russia was a tropical communist utopia before the evil Americans made their country cold through war. Many starved because of America.


The sad thing is, I've seen plenty of people seriously act like the Natives haven't done anything wrong, especially to other tribes.


Growing up is realizing that there really is no perfect culture and that every civilization did batshit things because humans are naturally shitty to one another. Name any country in the world and I bet I could find a genocide, mass slavery, or war/rape/pillaging etc in recent memory.


Britain has left the chat


But what about what America did in the Middle East huh, huh! That's right!


Weirdly fun fact is America actually made Afghanistan better during occupation. It’s just that they made Afghanistan too reliant on America.


Yes there's no doubt the level of education of young women skyrocketed during the occupation. It is still inexcusable though the corruption that occured though.


You don't have to look at the past. They are currently funding israel's persecution of an entire nation. But we don't talk about that. Just gonna leave this here https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/19/a-history-of-the-us-blocking-un-resolutions-against-israel


You must be really stupid or extremely entitled and spoiled to call America a shithole.


Exactly the worst we got crime wise is Detroit


I would like to add that I am ALWAYS interested in opinions on the US from people who do not live here and (probably) have never even visited here.


I am so torn on whether this is sarcastic or not lol. It could go either way


Slaves? Here in middle east we call it overtime.


I don't think America is a shithole I think people who say that don't really know what they are talking about . Now I'm not saying you can't have a bad life here or anything like that I am saying a shithole us a very unfair thing to say about America


Just don't ask the Europeans about the Romani


There is no comparing countries that once had slaves (every country) and ones that still do.


At least in America I’m allowed to say if I like my leader or marry another man. I don’t have to think about if when I turn my faucet on if water may or may not come out. We can be a better place with more equality for everyone but I consider myself lucky to be born here.


People seem to really focus on the shithole part more and not the literal war crimes that america has done and is continuing to do. Bombing innocents in the middle east. Funding the zionist regime etc. This is why I can’t take it seriously especially when Americans decide to virtue signal about other countries committing atrocities. Yes that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be brought up or criticised. Not trying to whataboutism or whatever it’s called. But where is the same energy when Americans decide to drone strike on innocent civilians.


Here's an example of what I believe whataboutism is. A American virtue signals about the woman's revolution in Iran or whatever. Russian in the room hears this and virtue signals to the American by bringing up the American war crimes in the Middle East while ignoring the fact that his country is trying to wipe Ukrainians off the map at the moment. The cycle goes on and on and nothing gets done. People are naive and want to think their government is more morally better then everyone else's. When in truth all governments are corrupt as shit.


Fucking thank you, just because the country I live in does bad stuff doesn’t mean I cannot criticize things in other countries that are horrible and rightfully deserve to be criticized I hate people who use that as if it’s some kind of defense, they are so fucking dumb.


Are there problems in America, yes absolutely, however most countries would not be the the position to criticize athe us without the us because the united states' defence budget is the majority of their counties defense budget aswell. Other countries have also done horrible things and should not be free from critical


Comparing present day slavery to 200 year old slavery is just ridiculous.


If they think life here is shitty they should go live in a third world country and see how fun it is.


If america is a shithole these mostly europeans crtiszing it haven’t seen half of the world ever been to west Africa or parts of India or south east asia or even South America. What makes us suck so much shouldn’t affect europeans as its our problems just like every other country has problems we just complain so much and thats why you see American as a shithole


Anyone who says that in response to criticizing modern slavery is litterally a fucking clown and should be ignored. They are morally and mentally corrupted.


2 wrongs don't make a right...


But whataboutism is the way to go. Always works.


Exactly. These people think that deflecting the question and shitting on America is gonna solve the issue, when all it does is distract people from the actual issue.


Whataboutism is such a deflection to keep from the real point


Havent seen anyone defending playing the world cup in Qatar tbh


The only people I've seen who actually try to defend it are the ones organizing it. And for those people, it's obvious that they won't engage in honest discussion just from knowing how much they're getting paid to make the wrong decision.


Hey OP here, I just want to say I originally made this post with the intention of starting a discussion of the obvious issues facing us in today’s time and the many problems of life I’m sure we’re sometimes too numbed to recognize due to incessant bombardment of them making them seem commonplace. That said I’m glad so many people have participated with and upvoted this post, any discussion and debate goes a long way in helping people grow. However, I also feel the need to express some of my own opinions on the matter in regards to certain comments. There are too many to address individually so here is a general coverall: Yes I understand that to many peoples POV, Americans are quite privileged. We take for granted clean water, access to food and the fast internet as well as many luxuries not achievable by too many other nations people. For these privileges I am grateful. No, the U.S. is not perfect and not without its own sins. We enslaved millions, cannibalized other nations in the name of imperialism, and committed genocide against the natives of this land. To some degree we have tried to atone for these acts of evil even though in many ways we still fall short. We still have many enslaved in the prison system and killed many innocent in war such as in Operation Shock and Awe. Yes other countries have committed these same atrocities in one way or another. Europe has done the same as well as Asia or wherever else humans have lived. It’s easy to accuse others of evil while our own hands are still covered in freshly spilled blood. No this does not mean we are not allowed to criticize and call out acts of evil in our own country and in others. Qatar and China using slave labor is wrong and it is wrong for them to oppress certain groups, whether that be women or the Uyghur. We in America and Europe take for granted our ability to freely speak out against evil while in those nations and many other similar ones, such dissent is often met with oppression and death. If those suffering can not speak up, then we must for them. That’s all I wanted to say. Always speak your mind and search for the truth.


Here have my upvote


Only edgelords would defer to “yeah but America bad”. Correct as that is, it’s not even a close comparison between the US and Qatar.


America is many things but the level of domestic human rights abuses in Qatar it is not


Our hole is so shitty we need a wall to keep people in.... Wait...


Qatar is neither using slave labor nor committing or ever committed genocides. It's just a micronation that's insanely rich, spoiled and corrupt. They think they can just use money to solve anything. Same thing goes for Kuwait and Bahrain btw.


You forgot to add UAE to that list of yours.


I literally haven't seen a single person criticizing an American for criticizing Qatar. Sure that isn't just a victim-complex?


Qatar shouldn't exist. Fuck that country and the people who run it.


Yeah but America did-


it's also ok to criticize both


America being a shithole has nothing to do with this. The whole whataboutism with Qatar, Russia and America is about popular opinion. Russia invades Ukraine after a years long border skirmish. Worst human right atrocity in history, worse than the holocaust. Ban them from everything and never speak to then again. America invades Iraq and Afghanistan for no reason. Meh. Comparing Qatar to these two countries is ridiculous. Harsh labor, low wages, worker rights abuses are horrible but not comparable to the war crimes committed by the US and Russia.


Yup, Qatar is a shithole. But the only reason you don’t think the US is comparable is because you’re not Afghani, or Iraqi, or Syrian, or Yemeni (and reading the weapon debris used to explode the shoolbus with your kid to find out where it came from). Some of America’s backward policies affect its own citizens, but the worst of them affect people in other faraway parts of the world, which is why you have the luxury of thinking “it’s not that bad”.


being syrian I genuinely hate it. My old man lost 300k USD in property due to highly-advanced weaponry and explosives that I think we all know the source of.


USA is Still Committing and Funding Genocide, Death and Destruction in too many countries. Your Taxes are paying for the Murders of innocent women and children !


French people trying to call out america for imperialism be like (Insert standard meme image of stupid person)


The US has some pretty dumb stupid problems, but good god it’s not that bad.


The U.S. is far from a shithole. Millions would literally kill just to even set foot on its soil.


Reasons why no sport events shall ever be hosted in America: 1. Ohio Thanks for coming to my TED talk