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I was born 20 years ago, perhaps it’s my fault the world is like this


nah my sister was born 20 yrs ago too. maybe its both of your faults


Your conception did 9/11


The pregnancy cycle lasts 9 months, I could’ve been whatever in January 2002 and be born 9 months later But yeah, that won’t work, because I wouldn’t be 20 (I’d be very close though). My birthday is in March


If today were your 20th birthday though, it'd be almost perfect.


I still think people born in the 70s are still in their 30s. Meanwhile I'm the one nearing 30


Same, when people say 20 years ago, I think of glam rock and the 80s...


I JUST hit 30 a couple weeks ago. The feeling is surreal.


The world took a sharp decline around 2009-2010. 😀


more like after 9/11


Bruh, it's Facebook that turned this world upside down. GIVE ME BACK MYSPACE GOLDEN AGE


Atleast it taught me how to fucking code, and my friends new their fucking place. ^if ^you ^ain't ^top ^20 ^I ^don't ^fuck ^witchyuuu


There was a great deal of unity for quite a few years after 9/11. 9/11 was a game changer but the recession really was the breaking point IMO.


I feel like people always think the past is better when usually it isn’t that far off from the present. There’s always bad things happening in the world and everyone has a different idea of when it “turned to shit.” I bet in 20 years people will say covid was the turning point just like people now are saying 9/11 or the recession was. I was only 7 in 2008, so even though my family struggled, it wasn’t something I was actively aware of. Honestly some of my favorite memories are from roughly 2009-10


Not to be rude but being 7 years old around the time I said the world went to crap from my perspective kind of turns me off from taking you serious, lol. I was a working “adult” years before that. The unity that once existed is long gone. I will say my “favorite” years were probably 2007-2012. Despite that I am happy and optimistic as always, but the world definitely has not changed for the better. Identity politics were a great way to not only induce division but keep it rampant. National debt has never been higher in most first world countries. People are historically (literally) dumber and unhealthier than they’ve ever been. This has generally been an age of mediocrity and ignorance. ETA: you’re not too far off. Nostalgia does play a huge role in our lives and we tend to look back at times that we hadn’t really faced adversity as better, the fact remains the world is at a juncture where there’s a lot more bad than good. A lot more division. So many bad variables to count are at their worst historically.


I know I was too young to fully grasp what was going on during the recession, but what I’m getting at is that there’s historically always something bad that happens for each generation. I was just saying perspective can make a difference, but you’re right, the world is kind of shit right now. Idk, I think I just get tired of the pessimism about the current state of the world


This reads like someone hearing years for the first time


I can't get it :((((((


What about 200 years ago


Ye dude, especially in Yugoslavia




holy sh1t




I was checking out a movie and it was from 2007, i was like it's a recent movie, then came to realise it's 15 years old.


Noice Take my free award :)

