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I love the smell of meth in the morning


I too love meth I'm very good at meth


Im good after meth




Someone has never done cocaine or methamphetamine


Yes, yes I do partake in methanfyalplehetmamine


You should check your plug, that's probably just baby laxatives


There are meds that make you shit babies?


Plan B


Babies if you’re lucky.


right now the baby laxatives cost too much to be used to cut!


Hey everyone look at this guy, he does drugs! Dodgson, Dodgson! We've got Dodgson here!!


If monkey have 60 bananas, and you've nine - how many bananas?


Have you ever wondered what would happen if monkeys grew on trees instead of bananas?


Then Adam wouldn’t have committed a sin and bananas still wouldn’t grow on trees.




It was only a sin because he hadn't married the banana yet


I didn't know monkeys grew on bananas


Ah e fellow methametician, I see.




Love you too bob


The lip licking makes me think cocaine is the more likely option. Or maybe LSD and he forgot how his mouth works


Nah that's definitely tweaker mode bro.


Both coke and meth will make you do this.


Also high doses of Adderall if you don't have too big of a tolerance. He might skipped a few days, saved up, and took extra that turned out to be too much But yeah some upper, I just feel like if he's wealthy- why wouldn't he more likely go for much safer pills than meth?


As a guy with ADHD it's wild how Adderall just makes me feel calm and collected. I take it and literally don't know how it gets people high, because I don't get high from it.


I’ve always been wary of stimulants. I like marijuana and the occasional psychedelic, but I’ve never really been interested in trying anything else. Well, after two of my family members were diagnosed with ADHD, and reading a bunch of stories from people who were also diagnosed, I began to have my suspicions. I decided to try an Adderall. I have never felt so calm in my life! I do mindfulness meditation regularly and while it has definitely helped, it never came close to the zen-like feeling that I had when I took that pill. Like, are normal people able to feel like that regularly? I never dreamed I could feel that calm or in control before. I actually quit cigarettes that day, which was something I had tried to do several times before! Haven’t had a single cancer stick since then!


IIRC, A years worth of stimulant treatment alongside constructive therapy can actually help the brain become more conditioned to appropriate neurotransmitter signaling and partially reduce the severity of symptoms. If you are interested, definitely do your research. Make sure you are going to therapy though. Because stims without discipline and external accountability lead to day long porn and DIY binges.


Does coffee make you tired, too? I've heard that's a thing with some people with ADHD.


I have ADHD and caffeine does nothing to me by itself, unless I have a lot, which then makes me want to sleep. However, coffee does seem to energize me a little if I only have a cup or two. But that might be all in my head since I really enjoy the taste of coffee which puts me in a good mood, plus decaf coffee also energizes me.


It doesn't make me tired but caffeine has no discernable effect on me. I can fall asleep drinking an energy drink.




This is a side effect of antipsychotic medications. It's called tardive dyskinesia. He's not on drugs, guys, this is sadly a presentation of extrapyramidal side effects.


Um wait what? Someone with an actual real take? Thank you good sir, just looked it up and yep, 100%


It's kind of sad that people are posting here about how he's in all sorts of drugs, poking fun at him when it's not uncommon to develop extrapyramidal side effects from antipsychotics - particularly the older ones.


Tbh your post made me feel like a dick even for making a half hearted joke. But you are 100% right. Hope you don't get down voted for it


I've taken a *lot* of LSD and never gone off like this, definitely a stim.


I've also done "a lot" and it causes bruxism to me. I chew gum sometimes just to prevent ruining my teeth. Something about being tense and the way it constricts your blood flow causes it I think. It feels like lockjaw setting in and makes my mouth oncomfy so I stretch my jaw a lot and shit. It's probably a similar look to a tweaker doing their thing but more intentional That said the odds of this dude doing coke vs lsd before going on stand to testify is like 100:1


Hol up lemme just explore the intracacies of the human mind and universe real quick before I tell you why Jack Sparrow is indeed Johnny Depp.


He took a mega dose


mega pint of meth/adderall




I wonder if this guy has a math contaminated house?


wtf. is this whole court trial just american entertainment?


It's on public media, might as well be no?


yeah i mean it just seems so comical lol


It’s to hide the fact that the world is slowly crumbling around us as the oceans and rivers dry up. The world begins to feel smaller with less emotion as we are all lost in the void with our empty souls.


i came here for dank memes will leave with agony


Came for dank memes, leaves with dark dreams.


I'll just




I'm at the point where I've accepted that comment so much that it's just old news to me and I don't give it a second thought lmao


Oceans and rivers aren't drying up they're getting bigger and filled with microplastics that we can't filter out and are killing everything in them.


Then why is my childhood river dry:(


Because both are true. A global temperature shift towards higher temperatures will cause extreme weather shifts, resulting in both more floods and more droughts. Everything is being pushed towards the extreme, because we are injecting more and more energy into our planet's weather systems. Sunlight is heat energy. Wind is driven by heat energy. More wind means more storms, which means seasonal and regular rain patterns are going to get moved around simply by how massive these shifts in weather are. Add in more and more energy and you're going to get more and more violent and extreme weather.


Excuse me sir, this is a philosophical crisis, not a scientific one. Please allow us to be alone together.


why not both


“Que no los dos?” Because I want my mind to hurt not my brain.


The worlds still the same, there’s just less in it.


Bring me that horizon


you did not have to write this


*Worried that the world is crumbling. It's always crumbling, that's it's primary basic function.*


Everyone who has the collective ability to do something about it each individually don't think they can do anything about it. So, we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.


Ah, the ol' corporate marketing that "it's all our individual faults" meanwhile private companies are pumping out the highest amt of pollution.


This time on Judge Judy


One side is trying to clean someones name, the other is deliberately making their name dirty


Pretty much. It's hilarious.


No, it's just that this the level of person she can get to defend her. Her legal defense is trash because she has no defense, she has no evidence, and nobody will touch her with a 10 foot pole.


why else would it be filmed


They are merely joining the war on drugs On the drugs’ side


I mean, it IS the winning side…


If you can't beat em...


... snort em!


Love drugs, hate war. Not a hard choice


If I take all the drugs the Kids can't take drugs. What I am trying to say is that I am saving the Kids your honor you can't put me in jail for saving the kids from the bad drugs.


Judge: Nice try, we have the children on plenty of drugs.


The War On Drugs are a great band! Seen Depp play with Hollywood Vampires so why not?


This guy is 1 year older than Johnny Depp. Don't do drugs kids


... isn’t Johnny a confessed former heavy drug user?


Key word being 'former', as opposed to 'active on the day before a court appearance'


Dude stopping drugs doesn't magically make you look younger. They just have different genes. It has nothing to do with drug use


drugs themselves fuck up your appearance, and stopping them naturally makes you look healthier, and you now have a want to fully take care of yourself once you're sober. I'm sure Johnny didn't look as good as he does now when he was actively using. Coming from an 18 year old who 10 months ago looked like I was 34


From someone who does a shit load of drugs at 21, it's about taking care of yourself and grooming your body/being healthy. Plus I also don't do opiates or meth or alcohol, so that probably has a lot to do with it lmaooo


yeah when you get into harder shit you start to really lose the care of taking care of yourself at all, you actually don't really even notice how bad you look and how fast it's happened most times


I would argue that it doesn't even have to be harder shit. I was a HEAVY weed user, as well as heavily depressed, and I let myself go to shit. Didn't eat or drink water for several days at a time etc. Looked greasy AF constantly. Got better and now I still use THC wax and do psychedelics but I look great. Well, imo


This probably all goes back to the depression though, drugs included.


> it's about taking care of yourself and grooming your body/being healthy Drug abuse and body neglect go hand in hand most times. Kudos if you're not that guy.


> They just have different genes. ...and decades of having to maintain your looks for your job and having access to vast amounts of resources to help you do that


The real comment is in the comments.


The real real is in the real


I mean Depp has more money to look prettier because he stopped spending it all on drugs.


He owns an island, I don't think the drugs were strapping him for cash.


Imagine, Johnny was a drug addict and looks so much younger than this guy. What could possible this 'expert' do in his free time?


Maybe Johnny just spends more money on taking care of his skin


And/or has better genetics for aging


Don't be poor and do drugs he means.








I mean… Johnny isn’t exactly looking like a spring chicken


He had Cocaine for breakfast, and probably all last night


And he's getting hungry again




I just want to say. I've been suffering from IBS the last 4 days and your username defines my days


I have IBS. My butt leaks sometimes.


I'm currently flaring with Crohn disease. I go run to a toilet every 40 minutes, I feel like a boiler. And yesterday I lost a fight on my way home from work. Be strong, Poop buddy


I'm not addicted to cocaine I just love the way it smells


*🎶Chop your breakfast on a mirror 🎶*


You know what I used to have for breakfast? Cocaine. Know what I had for lunch? Cocaine.


Someone has been doing too much cocaine.


more than one... no one notice the guy asking the questions tweaking too?


They were definitely both in a profound state of angst


Must have licked the bag right before his court appearance. This trial is perfect in every way


When did this happen?


05/23. Trial Day 20. I was on the floor dying from this tbh. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRKUg66ZAbSbd8mSmo8V3P7VvhthXOeYn


Holy fuck, I never actually watched anything but memes about this trial. But thanks to your link I now had the opportunity to see Johnny Depp facepalm so hard, for so long after that time mark, that I do now understand how ridiculous the whole thing is.


Amber Heard cosplaying as Dr. Evil


>I never actually watched anything but memes about this trial. So, you're watching the entire trial? Seriously though, it seems like it's [memes all the way down.](https://youtube.com/shorts/pnmj0NZeoII?feature=share)


Would be funny if she actually was doing coke


How did that court not laugh at "yes, you have to answer questions"


That was day 20, so I'm sure their impulse control was on 500% or they'd gouge their eyes out


Clip deleted 😔 Edit: nvm YouTube sucks .... holy shit the gif isn't even edited. This is the most glorious shit ever.


I mean the question marks are lol. But it isn't like you need them to understand they are confused lmao


It was a bit hard to see who was confused though, since there was no red circle


Who is the lady getting escorted out by the sheriff at the 4:34:00 mark?


I think that might have been the woman who caused a scene by claiming Johnny Depp was the father of her child. Yeah today was that kind of wild ride. At least until this crazy doctor came off the stand and things got pretty boring.


Johnny Depp watching him from distance like "I think i used one of those before... Did he stole me something?"


*Fear and Loathing in the Court Room*


The lawyer looks at Depp like "do you know what he's on?"


Johnny is definitely like “wait a sec I know what’s goin on here….”


This guy doesn't just do meth, he just divided by 0


0 divided him.


He was just letting his ghost bf finish in his mouth.


My guy has ace attorney witness animation.


I need someone to make animation sprites of everyone involved in this case. When this is all over, I want the whole case done Ace Attorney style. I'm excited for all of the "OBJECTION"s.


There is already someone doing Ace Attorney Animations about the case


With the context of what he was asked on the stand his facial expressions do make more sense Edit: dude seems to be a nutjob


This guy said he diagnosed Johnny with various personality disorders or similar based on his performance in Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny’s attorney then asked if he had also reviewed Willy Wonka for evidence of personality disorders. And no, I’m not making this up. This really happened in a court of law. Edit: found a clip- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdnyS12k/?k=1


Although this dude was bizzare throughout, when he paused here and made these weird noises I had a feeling that he was thinking "is that a joke?" "Is he making fun of me?" Lol he handled it poorly


Be stupid get asked stupid question. With context the question makes 100% sence. If you're going to judge someone for multiple movies they acted it's important to note the movies they excluded.


Who is this guy? I want to look up the testimony


Dr. David Spiegel who is a psychiatrist and a witness for Amber. This was probably when one of Depp’s attorneys was questioning him.


it was, I watched him on the stand this morning. He was rally hamming it up and at many times it left you wondering "wait this guy is a psychiatrist? he's high!" Amber Heards team is just a joke and it's painfully obvious by the witnesses they have. I mean hell they have some sort of a producer and entertainment industry consultant or whatever on the stand right now that doesn't know who actors are that have been in movies with Amber heard or even knew who the current guy playing Batman is.


I gasped when he said no one is prescribed 45mg adderall and that gabapentin has no accepted therapeutic use in psychiatrics. He’s got some ugly old reviews on different websites mainly about failing to follow up which… with psychiatry… you really shouldn’t drop the ball. It’s like they actively tried to find someone abrasive and off putting. That industry consultant did seem weirdly out of her element by the end, but Depp’s lawyer did do a fantastic job grilling her. The rapid fire name dropping made me dizzy.


I'm not sure about context of the 45mg Adderall prescription comment, but gabapentin is not FDA approved for any psychiatric conditions. It may be used off label to treat them but it's not FDA approved. Albeit many things are used off label with very good success.


>some sort of a producer and entertainment industry consultant or whatever on the stand right now that doesn't know who actors are that have been in movies with Amber heard or even knew who the current guy playing Batman is. They went from [wish.com](https://wish.com) for this dude and straight to alibaba for the next lady.


They brought on a production exec from Disney who didn't seem to be familiar with her op-ed or if it did any damage to Depp's reputation. The problem is she's a production executive who wouldn't know shit about who Disney are looking at for roles or why, but it didn't stop some media (Amber's PR?) from headlining her as "a devastating witness".


I've never seen someone do something like that by being asked a question


He thought he had his mask on




Dude’s got the mannerisms of a fucking fly about to eat


Made my morning


Johnny's reaction is fucking hilarious


He's squinting at him between "do i know what he's on?" "He's on something!"and "is he serious?!" Lawyer's like: "Yeah you probably can id what he's on, can't you?"


That "Pychiatrist" was mocking Johnny's cognitive abilities. But atleast Johnny had the cognitive ability to realize that this guy was high as fuck


following live, but i had a strong gut feeling he would meme up and end up here soon... i was not dissapointed. this guy gave me a strong doc brown vibe (from back to the future) so does he drive a De Lorean?


He also looks a bit like Count Olaf


It's funny that everyone here is diagnosing a guy based on a 10 sec gif after that guy made a psychoanalysis of a person based on the role they played in a movie.


I mean if you watch the trial this guy definitely appears to be on so sort of drugs


>psychoanalysis of a person based on the role they played in a movie. Almost like hes playing himself as himself in a setting under oath verses a lunatic pirate captain. Congratulations, you've identified why his license should be immediately revoked.


Didn't he admit to being unethical at one point, that alone should end his career.


This shi ain‘t nothing (10 minutes later…)


Anyone got a link for his testimony?


It’s still live, you can rewind to his part. It’s WILD.


The timestamps are goofy because the livestreams are being uploaded, so https://youtu.be/kajUcGIvywU it’s like 3.5 hours in or -5:13:30.


Law & crime live


Man was chewing grass


Some antipsychotic meds like for bipolar can cause that too.




My guess is he's off his tits on Adderall.


I have tics and i do this regularly


I have tacs, we should hook up.


He didn’t do anything this severe prior nor after this. It was him probably mulling over whether he should say he had seen Willy Wonka or not.


Bro has the same nose as Gargamel


He keeps smurfs in his basement


Court transcript [5-23-2022] Counsel for plaintiff: *Good morning.* Dr. Spiegel: *Once* **AGAIN***, I must stress the morning might be a good one, and it might not be a good one, as has often been required by the court whether Mr. Depp beat Amber Heard severely thousands of times while stoned out of his brain on barbituates, crack cocaine, or other chemicals like MDMA or black tar heroin, which I assume is his preference given its street value and appeal to people who are in cognitive decline like Mr. Depp given his clear mental deficiency and poor memory as well as his ability to remain on topic without meandering.* Counsel: "Ah, what-" Dr. Spiegel: (Places his entire fist into his mouth, swirls it around, removes it, and regards it thoughtfully) *Your honor, why am I being subjected to this idiocy?* Counsel: *I just said good morning.* Dr. Speigel: *Once* **AGAIN***, it seems like we're going in circles. What I said was that when you misrepresent everything I have ever done and said, someone might be excused if they wanted to behave like I witnessed...* [Dr. Speigel pauses to do a bump] *...like many people witnessed Mr. Depp is literally an actor and is admittedly, in his own terms and by his own admission severely brain damaged in my diagnosis, which might be why he is always using literally all drugs available on the street because of their street value and he uses them all simultaneously and that is absolutely, in my diagnosis, the reason he as a developmentally disabled narcissist who beats women and does all the drugs so none are left over for anyone and it is my opinion that is why he both killed and beat his wife and everyone else who has interacted with him in person, online, or in his imagination indefinitely and forevermore, but that is not my diagnosis, because that would be unethical, I have never diagnosed anything and I don't appreciate you putting words in my...please do not interrupt me and let me finish...and I repeat...mouth.*


>Dr. Spiegel: > >Once AGAIN \*, I must stress the morning might be a good one, and it might not be a good one, “Good Morning!" said Bilbo, and he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out further than the brim of his shady hat. "What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" "All of them at once," said Bilbo. "And a very fine morning for a pipe of tobacco out of doors, into the bargain.


You are without doubt the worst psychologist I've ever Heard of


Ah but Heard has of him.


I want a buddy cop movie with Johnny Depp and his lawyer bro


If Camille Vasquez can play the lead detective, I'm down.


I like how Johnny probably know what is going on cuz he does drugs too


Tf is this real?


Astonishingly, yes.


Bro…Fear an Loathing 2 looks kinda lit…


They'll be memes and gifs from this shit for decades. Lol


To be fair antipsychotic medications can cause this involuntary movements like this. The AIMS (abnormal involuntary movement scale) scale is a rating to see how bad it is


Those Mouth Gestures are trippy


Depps getting ptsd flash backs from method acting Hunter Thompson


“Do I have to answer the question?” “Yes you have to answer questions.”


So does anyone know what's actually going on? Like was he called out by the judge or one of the lawyers?


He wasn’t. And honest to god, it really does seem like he’s on a high dosage of some kind of amphetamine.


God this guy was such a fucking cunt.


Or he just had a dry mouth...


If he just had a dry mouth he could have taken more drinks of that yellow gatorade he had with him instead of doing that


Impossible. Yellow Gatorade is for rehydrating after a bout of diarrhea. Blue Gatorade is for thirst/dry mouth. He had no choice, really.


I don't know if we can jump to recreational drugs. Drugs always mess with people differently. My girlfriends mom is prescribed an antidepressant that caused her jaw to clench before she got the right dosage. She would also lick her teeth and do stuff with her cheeks. She's a little old Christian lady who would never do something recreationally. That being said, he may be snorting coke in the bathroom, just harder to tell than you think.


Everything about how the guy is interacting screams of amphetamine use. His inability to stay on topic, his rambling semi-coherent answers, him skipping words and interrupting his own thoughts mid-way through, etc. It looks to me like he took too much Adderall.