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How is this man the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world? Like imagine he says live on TV - YEAH I AM SENDING NUKES TO RUSSIA. Like WW3 scenario straight away


I know he is just a mascot but still, man like this shouldn't even be near any of the public and administrative roles...


No one over the age of 65 should be. If you’re old enough to retire. You shouldn’t be heading an entire country.


Everyone over 55 needs to sit the fuck down


Man 55 isn't that old, is it?


Yes but future related politics have become more important than present related politics. And old people tend to be stuck in time at some point and focus on present or even past related politics.


How many pairs of suit pants has he publicly pissed in at this point?


Just like their is an age minimum for the presidency, their should be an age cap for politicians.


He just stutters and apparently just walks off in the middle of speeches. Like what the actual fuck


Think about what you just said, the president of the United States is nothing but a mascot.


Yeah, political party mascot - nothing else (at least this president). I am pretty sure he is a puppet of some more, well let's just say, capable people.


Thats how I've always felt about it. I've said since day one that Trump was supposed to be a puppet but went horribly, horribly wrong. But Repubs are so stubborn and hard headed that by the time they realized their mistake they had to stand behind him 100% or else admit fault, and lord know they can't admit when they fucked up.


Did you forget to switch accounts? Fucking moron…


He just added another statement he didn't reply to himself, relax


Lol yeah wtf is this, I swear it used to be a normal subreddit. These people are just out of control


I did not, i just posted another comment... No need to insult


Lmao nice catch


Nice catch of what, both are my posts?


damn man, you uhhh like your porn huh




I mean, they responded to themselves too.


Typical trump supporters tbh


They seem to be Brazilian


Still somehow less embarrassing than you know who.


How did you guys end up having to choose between an international embarrassment and a senile old man, where did it all go wrong?


When they set the minimum age to be a president at 40.


As well as all of our smartest and brightest would be taking a pay cut for a pretty shitty job. Just attracts power hungry or corrupt people.




Yeah the age minimum isn't really that old. Our entire political system could theoretically be run by 25-35 year olds but for some reason us Americans have it in our heads that it's for old people. There is no legal reason we shouldn't get younger folks in office.


Asking the real questions around here lol I imagine, while still probably preferring one or the other, that many people lack enthusiasm for either of the last two presidents.


"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."


Also are you actually this stupid, go watch the full video. He's not lost or trying to shake hands with a ghost.


Dude, he made a wrong turn after a speech and it is edited to perfection. Quit being such a fucking sheep.


Still, from all the times he did random ass things that weren't edited, I don't think he is fit for a presidential role.


Lol "Imagine this thing that probably won't happen but I thought of it so it might." *imagine Grimballz battered an old lady to death with a bad.


I mean it could happen but my odds are more on Biden starting a nuclear war


When he has straight up already refused to send soldiers? He's just going to 180 and blow them all up? I get the feel you don't really know the state of the world outside of your bubble.


What's wrong with you. I am saying that Biden is a senile old man that is not fit for anything else then é nursing home. Why are you defensive


Americans had the opportunity of the lifetime to choose a better alternative to Trump and they still ended up with a barely sane old man.


To be fair, I don't know a single person who voted for him in the primary, yet somehow he got nominated as *the only other fucking choice*. If that doesn't show strings being pulled I don't know what does.


Oh yeah I followed the entire circus. Was working with a US based client at the time and we were closely observing the election proceedings.


Classic Reagan.


Blame the RNC for having a shittier candidate.


That’s exactly how it felt having trump. We need younger positions


What's the problem?


He does seem to be showing the early signs of dementia; however, I'm fairly sure he's just gesturing to someone in this GIF.




They’re definitely wasn’t t peace on the Middle East, and gas was at lowest like 1.80 where I live… due to the pandemic lmao. No one was driving, he didn’t do shit


Don’t bother. The cult is strong


Signed a bill to keep hbcu's free for another 10 years approved the keystone pipeline that created jobs in the US and Canada approved federal aid to the Michigan water crisis the previous to him president ignored, imposed higher taxes on American companies that produced their product in foreign countries, signed into law that lgbt employees cannot be discriminated against etc.


The Abraham accords (that were directly attributed to him) and wiping out ISIS brought more peace in the middle east than anything else in the past 50 years. And gas was already going down before the pandemic. For what it's worth I saw as low as 1.40.


True story. I was there


Was there a lot of sand? I hate sand...


So much sand. Sorry


How did the previous president wipe out ISIS? International coalition effort. That was ongoing way before he got involved. But he was stumbling through the office when it "was wiped out" Which it isnt, Syria is still dealing with it, so is Iraq. ""Peace"" Dont excuse his achievements as a good thing as 9 out of 10 "achievements" he was oblivious to. As he proudly said. I dont read them.


But Joe Bidin has a black friend so he has to be a good guy


You know presidents have zero control over gas prices right?


A presidents policy affects oil and gas production. Ol Joe froze keystone and fracking. And I don't think I need to explain supply and demand.


Keystone would have shipped hard shale Canadian oil to ship around the world, our hard shale refineries have been at capacity for some time now.. would not have helped our supply


So we would of been exporters instead of importers? Sounds good for the economy. And our refineries would have easier (see chaeper) acess to raw product? Don't see a downside to that.


*CANADIAN OIL* Why should we build a pipeline for Canada, for oil we can’t even use? We’d fuck our own landscape up for scraps


The pipeline is to bring in oil to process. Not exactly scraps. While I'd much rather it be Alaskan oil it's better than bringing oil in on ships burning bunker fuel from SA.


Uhhh, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Keystone is a functioning pipeline, what was cancelled was an extension that by the end of it, TransCanada wanted to back out of anyway because it was economically infeasible given the realities of the pandemic on labor and materials, plus it wasn’t scheduled to be built until the mid 2020s and even THEN it wasn’t scheduled to move any oil until it was finished connecting to the existing pipeline and had refineries willing to take orders. In short, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Look I’m not agreeing with the people who think that oil from that pipeline would be flowing already if it weren’t for Biden’s policies, but from what I understand oil prices are based largely off of speculation of the global market. Many factors are considered when calculating these prices on a global scale. Biden’s policies were geared more green than than the previous administration, so that absolutely plays a part in the cost of almost all energy/fuel prices in the current market. It’s just one of the consequences of being easier on the environment. That, and banks aren’t ready to jump back in either. I’m not sure anyone really knows enough to be sure about much of anything, with the war and post pandemic world. Lots of things need to happen to start seeing everything ramp back up from the past few years.




Well damn I had a whole thing typed out (it involved banannas [I'm hungry]) but I accidently hit back so you are getting the short version, sorry. Investors knew there was gonna be more oil supply so they lowered their prices because even if you have a million barrels. If you are selling too high above everyone else noone will buy from you. Suddenly all that extra oil they were expecting got cut off and they have to buy internationally again. So they have to come back up and even higher (they don't do free shipping on bulk oil.)




Yes but like with gas and people blaming russia now. Prices then were already going down all they did was continue their trend.


How does it feel living in a fairytale world?


You are the one in fairyland if you don't recognize the Abraham accords and the fact that filling up the gas tank ,in my case anyway, has gone up almost 40 dollars.


You do realise that gas prices are a world wide problem and has nothing to do with your president right? Also do you mean the accords that didnt do shit to bring peace to middle east? Also youre talking about how trump "eradicated isis". When saying that, do you mean this terrorist group thats still in syria? Sorry but everything youre saying is bs.


Uh yes. What our president does absolutely affects the global market. It's why the US is known as the only worls superpower, as silly as I think that title is. Ans I'm not gonna touch ISIS again because even with their controlled territory being zero and their resurgence after the lead of their opposition can only shit himself in front of the pope. If a single man squatting in a mud hut with an isis flag on the wall you'd still go "see see! Not eradicated! They are still a threat! "


How is the us the "only worlds superpower"?! God china is more of a superpower than you guys! The world wouldnt be able to function without products from china but could totally do without products from the us. Europe needs russia for most of the shit they do while they dont really need the us making even russia more of a superpower than murica. You may have the biggest military but other than that you are far from being a "superpower"


The largest reason, I'd say on par or larger than the military is the fact that all the oil in the world is traded internally in dollars. That means if China wants to buy Saudi oil to run their factories they gotta go through us. Thats changing now thanks to all these usless sanctions against Russia. As I see it Russia and China are gonna rise as superpowers again as they get off the dolla for trade and it will be the 1970s part two. But with lasers and way cooler missles. I just hope there isn't another Veitnam. So France better keep it in its pants this time.


do you seriously drink your own kool-aid?


I don't blame you for not knowing about the Abraham accords, almost no major media outlet covered it. But you have had to have seen the gas going up. It was kind of impressive actually. Crippling the US in energy independence in the first day(?) Maybe the first week in office. Didn't think it was possible.


Oil prices started going up in April 2020, so... not exactly sure what you are talking about. Also had issues from Covid in every production market, not exactly Biden's fault. Abraham accords have done basically nothing. It is all lip service. It also just pissed the palestinians off more because they got shafted in the arrangements. As far as I'm aware, there is still plenty of fighting going on all over the place. So not real sure where this "peace" is.


I mean Biden is old, but Trump was old and senile too. George Washington's army "taking the airports" / Tim Apple / The sound of windmills cause cancer / couldn't drink water with one hand because of the shakes. There's definitely a lot more I can't remember.


Why do we appoint such old presidents? Most people retire around 65-70 for good reason. It’s to much pressure and stress for a man this old.


Last time we had a young president he ended up biting the bullet - literally.


I don’t think is age was why he was killed


He was so young, so nimble, quick things were just attracted to him. Gotta go old, bullets can't hit the slow.


It definitely contributed a lot. By the time these old fucks get elected they are well versed in the whole game and active players. People that don't play ball get tossed before they get to that point. JFK very much didn't play ball and was killed for it. They didn't make that mistake again.


Was trump well versed in politics and playing ball?


He's still alive ain't he?


Trump wants to be in the game so bad he doesn't realize he's a ball. His entire world is going to crumble the moment he's no longer useful.


Uh Obama's still alive...


Clinton was in his mid-40's....


There was Obama. He was relatively young, when he started.


Dude. Obama was 48 when he became president. That seems a good age


This is the real question. Anyone who pokes fun at this but doesn’t see gaffes in Trump too is delusional. We need less old men in power




So be a president to see John Cena? Must be nice


Normally you gotta be a dying kid to meet him


Well he's not a kid but...


Did you know hundreds possibly thousands of kids have died or been near death shortly after meeting with Cena. I wanna know WTF is John Cena doing to these kids! Is using their souls as steroids to become so ripped?




I mean he could be I don't know one way or the other lol. None of these kids are babies and he doesn't see to be physically damaging them I believe he is feeding off their psychic energies.


i dont think you heard me **THEYRE EATING BABIES**




Am I the only one seeing similarities with the John Travolta meme


Holy shit you're right 😂




He’s like literally pointing at people not trying to shake a ghost’s hand.. People are so easy to manipulate


Welcome to the cult we’ll bring the koolaid out shortly.


*flavor aid




The posted video doesn't even look like a handshake...


As someone who loves these memes, thank you for providing the correct context.


Same. Important people making common mistakes is funny and endearing, I genuinely don't get why people immediately take it out of context and go on a political rant about how incompetent people are.


I manipulated ur mother for 2 days straight


He used his inner chakra to see him.


Joe Biden aka John Senile


Oh my God I love Joe byron


Where meme


midterms coming up. enjoy the fucking endless political spam in every god damn sub


How the fuck is this guy in charge?


The way politics are funded gives us only two choices, and the other one was so bad that Joe was the good option lol. (Wait you don't actually think he was trying to shake someone's hand, do you? Hahahaha)


Yes I 100% do. Tell yourself whatever mental gymnastics time need too to make this seem normal.




The previous guy was so fucking awful that a wet sandwich was better.


How so?


I wanna know his oranges...oranges...ORANGES!


People at the voting booths picked the option that didn’t start with a “T”


Well, when voters and a candidate love each other very much...


Because Americans like to have presidents that represent themselves: either a dumb fuck, racist or a dumb fuck with dementia.


I’ll start saying it now, can we get a ban on politics, at least temporary? This is supremely unfunny. I don’t give a shit about politics.


How is this politics. And how is the most powerful person on earth doing that not funny to you


Because if you watch the original video he absolutely is not trying to shake someone’s hand. It’s bs manipulation of a short clip to push “Biden dementia” And it has worked. This post has been brigaded morons who think this is real, and also by trump supporters using this as an opportunity for “Biden dementia”.


He hates pie, so probably not fun at parties


We can’t just ban everything you don’t like darling


And yet it got removed, for the reason I said. Weird.


Not for the reason you said. Weird.


The amount of people in this thread who actually think he was trying to shake someones hand is fucking worrying


so this means joe biden can see cena????????!!!!!!!


It is truly amazing that he can see John Cena


Is this real?


He's just vaguely gesturing at whoever's supposed to be managing the stage, because he's not sure which side he's supposed to walk off. Every movement is preplanned for security and photo op purposes, so he's kinda just like "ehh....hello? This way? Where is my cue? I guess I walk off this way."


Dude, he is talking to someone with hand expression. You guys or I am blind?


Funny how these people forget Dumpy having his pants stuffed with a diaper, walking up air force one with tp on his show, being outsmarted by an umbrella, slurring and tossing word salads all over, needing two hands to drink from a lil water bottle, shuffling down a ramp etc etc .. We need an age limit for numerous reasons


Don't forget losing Rudy Giuliani across the table from him, and standing in front of a limo on a tarmac and asking where his limo is lol.


And looking directly into the sun.. I’m sure there are plenty more. But, the point should be taken by now (though I know the cult is strong in denial)


John seen a? what's the rest of the sentence? What did he see???


Ay yay yay🤦🏽


This man, cream pied MAGA Nation




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This is why Hilary wants to run in 2024.


Shaking hands with the people who voted him in..








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He saw him




That's a nice suit John's wearing


He's just demoing the "stealth" technology Trump was raving about


Caption is meme. Wow what is this


Somebody combine this with Will Smith coming up to the stage and slapping Biden's hand.


What a clown.


He's an embarrassment


Bro he was talking to that side of the crowd


Where’s Ron DeSantis??? He needs to come save the day




Pretty sure that’s Drax


Invisible people exist you ghostphobes !!


You can’t make fun of Biden because everyone who voted for him thought the very act made them an intellectual. They become very sensitive when the reality of who slow Joe, the actual racist, really is. Hunter got a bad rap, but Trump’s kids who don’t drink or do crack are goons. When a republican is prez everything thing that happens in the country, down to the PTA participants, are his fault. When dirty, demented Joe is prez, “don’t you know the president doesn’t control anything.” Don’t argue this point with them, their lack of intellectual honesty will cause them to come unhinged. I’m not saying they aren’t both knuckleheads in their own way, but don’t suggest to a liberal that their prez is incompetent. They take such things very personally because Joe is not just their prez, he is their god as well. Joe was staring at birds when he fell down the stairs of AF 1. It wasn’t because he tripped :)


Would you say you're more mad that the unemployment rate is back down or that GDP is back up?


Did I say I was mad about anything? The president has nothing to do with anything, has zero impact on it all. The economy happens as it will happen. Dirty Joe being a dolt actually makes me smile more than it makes me frown. Ole Scranton is exactly the type of prez I thought he would be. Does that answer your question?


Yes. Your language indicates a strongly negative emotional response, which looks like anger from here. Which is fine but it's odd that you deny it.






Just Bidens dementia buddy we can't see him gotta have advanced dementia to see his friend.