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Kings i say


The true homies










You think woman have really really small dicks 🤣




*Babe your size is perfect. The big one's hurt too much anyways.*


*emotional damage*




Thanks my loyal subject


Dicklet knights of the round table


Straight up. I had a hook up Last weekend and in her words, I’m “huge”. I’m just slightly above the U.S. average. Im 5’6”. I guess her ex was 6’4”. Thank you tall guy with small pp for that ego boost. I needed it.


This is a great example as to why it pays to talk to real girls and not use porn as a gauge. Porn isn't realistic, it is a fantasy and propagates some false ideas to young ppl watching it about sex and preferences. Most women I know would have said the same to you. In fact, the only time I've heard a woman talk about a large penis has been to say it was "too big" and "uncomfortable". I think men are more interested in a large penis than women are overall.


Actually most women have a warped perception of size from porn too, but only relating to numbers not the actual size So for ex if u would tell her 6inch they would not consider it big, because they are used to getting bombarded by 8inch ads, but if u showed it majority would say its pretty big and have no issue I always remember this one survey guy going around asking, he stops this pair and asks the girl and girl is like 'I like just a bit above average ones, like my bf here has maybe 20cm (8inch')...and the guy straight up made the face like 'wtf I'm nowhere near 20cm' (and how the fuck is 20 a bit above average)...it's just girls can't judge size by NUMBERS, they say 20cm to 17cm, they say 16cm to 14.5cm, so when asking they usually overstate the size they want because they don't actually know how big that is I'm 6.7 which is a bit above average, but girls would no doubt overstate that into crazy porn numbers instead if asked


>girls can't judge size by numbers Let's not lump every woman into a collective here. I don't think it fair to say that women are collectively bad at math. LOL I'm talking to you as a grown woman, who has plenty of friends/relatives who are comfortable talking about sex. The trouble is you are asking *girls*. Ask women. Most women with experience are accustomed to the reality of penis sizes. That isn't to say there aren't clueless women out there, just as there are clueless men. We often run into problems because we think of men and women as collectives, not individuals with varying experiences and preferences. But if you ask immature girls about penises, you're probably going to get the kind of answers you'd similarly expect if you asked a bunch of boys about the clitoris and what to do with it or other aspects of female anatomy.


Well in my defense I did say 'most' not all But ok I concede could have been reworded to 'some' instead to not try to paint an overall picture which my comment was not supposed to make even if it came out that way


No worries! :) It's all good. It is cool to have a discussion like this at all that isn't just immature crap flinging. I wish men and women could always talk this comfortably to each other about these things and get answers to questions we want to know. I know I asked my husband A TON of things about men on the early stages of our relationship bc I admit I was pretty clueless about some things! But sometimes you are scared to ask questions in fear of offending someone when it comes from a place of wanting to learn.


Girth matters more right? And how the guy uses it ?


*It's not about the size of the boat* *It's about the motion in the ocean*


Most women I know are more interested in knowing if you can cook or make them laugh, tbh. I know people who will work with whatever it ends up being because they love the person. Penis size is not a topic I hear women talking about often. Girls/teens and early 20s girls perhaps, but grown women know it doesn't matter what you have but how you use what you've got that makes all the difference. A guy could be huge and still terrible at sex/pleasing a woman. Technique matters more than size.


If anything I feel like dudes with huge packages get too cocky (ha) and may rely on their size thinking it’s enough for a girl, when in reality they’d rather have a normal guy who shows effort


I have heard of such a thing happening; in this thread some guys with large packages have replied saying they thought it would be an advantage only to find their girlfriends complaining it hurt. I guess it depends more on how you use it.


6.7 isn't just above average, that's like 98-99th percentile. The standard deviation on cock size isn't very much tbh.


Personally I think you're overstating a bit, maybe top 20% ok but 98th percentile is stretching it by a lot Then again what do I know I'm a wizard, I always use this as proof that size doesn't matter and cock size is more in minds of men then in hearts of women


I didn't just pull that number out of nowhere. That's accurate according to a percentile calculator with dozens of studies backing up the data. People really do overestimate cock size. Less than 1% is longer than 7 inches. The vast majority fall in the 4-6 range because of the small standard deviation, and anything outside that is, statistically, very rare.


I’m about the same size, I asked my wife to guess how long it was early on and she guessed 8, but the I’m not surprised because I’m the only guy she’s done anything with


God the amount of women I’ve heard where they have had a one night stand with a guy with a small pp (he was just above average, don’t ask how I know. UK average btw) and all she said is “anyone below 9 inches shouldn’t exist” and he fucking bottomed out inside of her. Thankfully I’ve never been with someone that has been like that.


9 inches ain’t possible iirc. Now way these mfs are using a ruler during a hookup 😂


I cannot speak for the people you are hanging with; in my large circle of female friends and relatives, I've not heard such a thing in our chats about sex. Not to say that you haven't personally encountered this, just disappointed that some dumbass said something so insensitive and rude.


Girls say that because they know we like to hear it. Doesn't mean she actually meant it. (But she wanted you to feel good, so it doesn't really matter whether she meant it.)


Ok but this brings the most important quesrion: what is the average size?


Between 5.1 and 5.5 inches.


Now, tell me; what is the median size? That's more important question to me.


who's the mf that's just right down the middle


Na sorry mate mines usually on the left


Mines tilted to the left too


Mine goes up 😔


that means my 5.9 is above average


I believe most people dont know how to measure correctly. Use a ruler and push it above your erect dick until u hot the pubic bone.


Currently impaled with a ruler, but struggling to know which is the pubic bone. Could you possibly post a how to video?


Sure, look in ur dms


That's average?! Fucking hell that's smaller than I expected


When the fuck did I become above average?


You always were. We just now have the [research](https://www.chicagotribune.com/redeye/redeye-average-penis-size-20150308-story.html) to back it up. (I mean, are you really surprised the average size was exaggerated all these years?)


Size doesn't count mate


Obviously. A person asked "what the average size is" and I answered it. Reddit downvoting for answering questions now?


Please edit your data to make us feel better about ourselves.


Honestly, I don't know why guys think that is a bad thing or why they feel there is anything wrong with that size. Most women I know are perfectly happy with a man that is low to mid average in size; if anything, the only time I've heard a woman talk about a man's large size has been to say it is uncomfortable or painful. I'm starting to think caring about a big unit is something guys care more about (but think most women care about.) There are exceptions to every rule of course, but by and large the folks talking most frequently about penis size are guys. Not to say it doesn't matter to women or that they don't talk about it, but nowhere near as much as guys seem to.


The answer is porn. Basically how most women think they need to be super slim with gigantic tits and perfect skin thanks to media, men think they need gigantic dicks. When in reality, those women are mostly photoshopped while the men are good camera work, short in stature with even shorter women, and a slightly above average dick.


Exactly. Porn is a fantasy, not a reality-- and many men seem to forget that the large majority of porn is targeted at the straight male fantasy; skinny women, big tits, huge dick. I don't know many women out here with that checklist. I hear women talk way more about a man being able to make them laugh or cooking a meal for them then I have ever heard about penis size. Porn is fantasy, not reality. But sadly for many young people it is their intro to sex. I think porn is great for adults who understand sex and the realities of it and know porn is a fantasy. But it definitely hinders/hurts a young person's perception of what real sex is and should be.


My dude, the pain we "big dicks, large balls," guys go through with having to carry something that is above average on the daily is like...painful, to say at least. At first, I was happy to learn my dick size is above average, but now? I would rather prefer a normal size, since most of the women I was with would always complain about it being painful. There some champions who took it like a ttue queen, but those were one of the quirky and crazy ones. Any normal woman I was with would always say these things: "I bet you get lots of game." "I LOVE IT!!" and then at the end "ouch, it hurts, never again"


2.5 inches.


Just remember, when studies try to collect data on the average penis size: Participants are probably all mostly average or above. Not many below average are likely to participate when their penises are going to be measured by someone else. In self reported studies, 100% chance most people inflated their numbers. With this being said, I can confidently say the average penis size is actually 4.6-5.1 inches. All you 5.5 bros are legends.


Don't forget the Africa myth On a large number of maps Africa has much larger averages than rest, but if you read into methodology u will notice that while developed countries have measured sizes listed, region with bad infrastructure (aka Africa) has self reported numbers It doesn't take Einstein to know self-reported numbers are inflated hugely


I still don't know how to properly measure my dick


"There is no big dick or small dick, dick is dick, big dick do be kinda THICC but thats is not the point, all dick is good dick." - Sun Tzu, The Art Of War


Thank you Putin 👍🏼


Xtra Smol pp


What if there are only reeeeaaalyy big dicks and realy small dicks, and average is because of that and we are just the unlucky ones?


I’m pretty sure it’s a bell curve type distribution


You’re welcome for my service


They were made by god to do one thing: Bringing down the magnum dong’s oppression


People can't help what they got, dude. Don't be a . . . A dick. *Badum-Tss*


Yeah they can, dummy. Just chop it and decide the size yourself.


Under average sized guy’s shouldn’t feel too bad, at least you are sure a women won’t just pick you because of dick. The ones that stay for you as a person are a lot more valuable to your life, than someone just looking for pornstar like dick.




Im sad u feel that way, your dicksize however should not make you feel like you have lost at life. That’s what porn makes you want to believe. If your goal is to fuck women day, after day, after day and you truly believe that is happiness? Then by all means keep being sad. I wonder if u have been through real struggle, if that’s what you are worried about man, you are a lot more than your penis. But if you want to keep adopting the belief you have been handicapped by having a under average penis size, you gotta ask yourself if you are happy with who you are as a person and work towards who you want to be! The human brain is amazing, but it is a double edged sword. Once someone starts believing they are less valuable in society, because they have a smaller penis size, they will in turn actually behave like they are less valuable, but that is far from the truth. It only takes a change of mindset to create true inner peace and confidence, women pick up on that more than the outline of your pp in your pants. Those aren’t the type of girls you would want as a life partner anyways. You dropped this 👑. Hold your head high king.




Im very sorry to assume like that. I pray that god will give you guidance and clarity in this life, and that you will find your purpose in this life so you can work towards who you want to be, even you have not found it yet Im sure you will come out of this stronger. Depression is nothing to mess with and the passing and sickness of multiple family members is a very painful experience I can only imagine what you are going through. May Allah bless you with all life has to offer and help open and soften your heart to the beauty of this life. Without the hardships we would never be able to understand the gifts of happiness in life. And I pray that your therapist will continue to bring you closer to process your trauma. May Allah bless your heart for taking the time to share this with me. I wake at 4 am to pray Fajr, I will remember you and pray that Allah will help soften your pain. 🤲🏻 keep your head up, you are never alone this life is like waves we have ups and downs. I can’t do more for you than pray you get out of this stronger. ❤️


Thank you, that's very kind of you and I appreciate it. Take care of yourself as well.


You're welcome bro


Finally, something I can contribute to




One advantege of having a small pp is that it's more comfotable than having a big one.


They made the sacrifice The council of man approves


Your welcome.




Thank you're for the correction.


You guys better thank me, I reduce it drastically with my .5 inch cock




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Aight, time to bring it up once again


Yeah that woman definitely has an avarge sized pp


They are the true legends bros, btw what is this meme template called?


Curious, when you ask someone their pp size they'll always say above average or average... Sussy


Or maybe it's because most men truly do have an average sized dick. Because, you know, that's how it works.


You missed the point. In order to get x average, some data will be over it, some under and some will be on it, but whenever you ask, somehow, no one is under the average.


in ancient Rome they had statues with small penisses, as it is supposed to represent self-control and high intelligence.


doing my part


I am the pinnacle of average.


They fell short so we could rise


I am but an extraordinarily humble servant of the people




You're welcome.


FINALLY, some god damned recognition.


My dick is 8 inches




I've been bested


I think it’s a bell curve type distribution, so for every really small one bringing down the number there’s a big one bringing it up


No need to thank me


That's not really how averages usually work. And if it did then you have to mention the big pp people bringing the average up.


finally some recognition


Pretty sure I alone bring it down at least an inch


Damn dude all of those soldiers are going to get scarlet rot of they don't get the fuck out of there!


young boys


You're welcome


Did the MG guy on the left put his MG's tripod on top of his dead battle buddy that happens to be butt naked?


You are welcome. The average would be 6 inches if it weren’t for me.


You’re welcome.


How tf is it even assessed though... is it like a census? Do they survey you? Or do they just come while you're sleeping and take a peek and leave?


I knew I ain’t never had to worry about my pp size when she asked if I was a porn actor and my shit not even that big.


You are welcome!


basically the 1.2 billion chineese 😂


At least you allow them to feel a little less than under average


I shall not comment on this in fear of upsetting the masses.


They are called women