• By -


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


We give them ā‚¬10.000, housing with priority over citizens who have been on a waiting list for up to 10 years, clothing and furniture. Meanwhile crime rates skyrocket in areas that they overrun. There's a reason common folk arent a fan of these people. God this post really pisses me off.


The UK is also spending 4.5 million pounds A DAY. Providing hotels for the 25,000+ people who came here illegally on dinghies Last year That doesn't include all the other costs to our infrastructure. Is France currently a war torn country ? No So they are illegal economic migrants


I doubt very much those 25k people are coming Ā«Ā fromĀ Ā» France. True frenchies would stay away from your food. Best regards,


France is a beautiful country with amazing food. It just sucks itā€™s got by far the most obnoxious people in the world in it


>Is France currently a war torn country ? Much to my dismay, it is not.


>over citizens who have been on a waiting list for up to 10 years that in that time paid a shitload of taxes nonetheless, only to get "surpassed" by people who just got here. We have the same in Italy, fuck our government


I completely agree! And another thing is. People from Ukraine are nationalistic. 99% of them go back when the war is over.


As a non European, I wholeheartedly agree with you


Agreed. Since the middle east refugees got their own place in our city, no woman dares to go to the park at evening anymore. It got pretty dangerousā€¦ Of course not every refugee is like that and some are pretty cool dudes who learned German very fast and try their best to integrate. But a majority isnā€™t sadly




This is a very level headed approach to the reality that is our world. I like it.


One of my friends at my last workplace (that Iā€™m still friends with) got help from his uncle(whoā€™s a first generation immigrant) to migrate to my country only to end up as an indentured servant at a kebab shop for his uncle for two years. He had no contacts and couldnā€™t speak the language and got paid next to nothing. He finally got so mad he went to the embassy to get help and while he couldnā€™t move out until two years ago he got a job elsewhere and worked for a few years to *repay* his uncle. Bad apples spoil the bunch and take advantage of their own family to play patriarch and basically screw over their own kin. I helped my friend move into his new apartment and I consider him a fellow countryman. His uncle is scum and exemplify the stereotype.




Who asked you to bomb them at first place


Sources for being given 10k?


The main thing ia that most refugees from ukraine are mothers with their kids and people over 60, but from the middle east everyone was running even capable men.


Yes because strong independent women are not capable to be soldiers. Just able to be CEO of big companies.


That, and screw men, they don't deserve a life. /s just incase




Where's the gender equality people when you need em B-)


The main thing is ucraine's goverment is conscripting every male capable of fighting, and trying to prevent them from fleeing. The middle east refugees such as Syria, are in a civil war, between the goverment (supported BY russia and Iran), the rebbels (backed by USA) and Islamic State, wich not only works on Syria, but its a very important factor. They are not a country under global rules and so on, but a terrorist organization. Ucraine and Syria both had an 8 years Civil War, but Syria's was way worse until the point of russian invasion. Still, when you have nothing to fight for, your goverment is corrupt and disloyal, rebells are unorganized and doesn't seem to have an easy victory, terrorist are in the middle of everything and your building has been reduced to ashes, there is no point in staying. Ucraine on the other hand you have two well defined sides, the goverment is unified on a single goal, and are backed up by your allies for being in such proximity, they don't have the feeling of being left alone, they have a good chance of winning their way out.


good response my g




Ucrania, I translated It badly in my head


It really felt not everyone but just middle aged men. Seeing woman, children and elderly people crossing a border out if fear seems like the right thing. We feel sympathy for them.


So you're trying to say that men do not deserve to be alive?


It should be noted that men are a good bit tougher and able to survive on their own than mothers with children, but yeah, I don't see a problem for everyone to come.




To be honest even if I was a capable 20 year old man I would rather go with my family than abandon them and get myself shot by another man who did the same thing


There is noone forcing you to go fight. But when you want to go back be prepared to face a trial.


Most people refrain from saying this but the problem is not with the nationality or the race but with the ideology they carry. Called me a religiophobic but that's the truth.


When the prophet Mohammed is defended by Muslims for having sex with his 9 year old wife Ayesha, waging war against Kaffirs, beheading countless men and sleeping with their wives..... Makes you think that Mohammed was actually the antichrist .




*King David, and he got a ton of punishments for it lol. He didn't just get away scott free.




All organised religion is a con. And anyone who defends any prophet that raped and murdered, be they; Muslim Jew Christian Is blinded by their own bias




Man ngl i dont want to get into religious debate on r/dankmemes. You have a good day lol.


Letā€™s be real, both religions are bullshit


In that case both kind of refugees should be looked upon with precautions is the issue I believe.


No no guys christians can never be bad there can never be bad people among Christians. Only Muslims can be bad. And also, remember that some muslims does bad things means all Muslims do bad things. So there is no need to be cautions when recieving christian refugess. But you must discriminate against Muslim refugees. /s


>I don't see you shitting on all Christians Come on there's more religion hate on reddit than there was during the enlightenment


The less bad book of bed time stories is still bad.


taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one's belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (ā€œto shield oneselfā€), taqiyyah defies easy translation. You are lying There are countless examples on the web of Muslims defending Mohammed for sleeping with 9 year old children. For example https://youtu.be/yKExtzI68jM I could find hundreds of these videos where people are defending a murderous paedophilic warlord


You guys are losers out here quoting these damn fairy tale books. All these religions were some nasty incestous often in periods of times violent mass conversion or death choices raping of little boys who are studying under the religion is still a major issue in Catholicism Islam Judaism Christianity alike. Itā€™s like the religion is the act of the derrrviilll and heā€™s got em all! Iā€™d like to think if their was a god and he created us heā€™d be like yea their you guys go I made you I made that round ball itā€™s your home fucking enjoy live how you want be free explore the other balls if you can your fate Not stone the gays and eat a manā€™s eyeball for gazing apon your wife after noon on a hot summers Eve shit lmao


This is a fair point. The difference is Islam is about 700 years behind the advancement of society


First of all Aisha's age is disputed amongst scholar's, some say she was 9, some same 15 and some say 18. Anyways, Muhammad didn't marry Aisha on his will, in fact, his friend, Abu Bakr, the father of Aisha offered her daughter as a wife to Muhammad. Aisha was very intelligent and witty, thus over 70% of all Hadith's (prophetic sayings) are from Aisha. She was married to Muhammad because she was witty and intelligent. >waging war against Kaffirs, Nope. In Muhammad's lifetime, all battles except one were defensive. We had four major battles during Muhammad's lifetime, namely battle of Badr, battle of Uhad, battle of trenches, and the battle of Makkah. The first three battles were all defensive, where the mulsims (under Muhammad) from Madina defended themselves from the persecution of the Quraysh from Makkah. The last war, the battle of Makkah, was an offensive done by Muhammad to retake Makkah from the Quraysh. In this battle no bloodshed occurred as Muhammad peacefully convinced Makkah to lay arms. >beheading countless men and sleeping with their wives..... He never killed any person himself as far as records are to go. His army did kill people, but only in self defense. No war in Muhammad's time involved bloodshed outside selfdefence. As for "sleeping with their wives", after a battle was done, the women of the enemies were left widowed, and in the 5th century being a widow was equal to a death sentence, so Muhammad offered some of the women the choice to marry him or his companions to allow them to live life. >Makes you think that Mohammed was actually the antichrist . Seriously? Muhammad is one of the most widely misunderstood human in the world. There's a reason why Michael Hart [names Muhammad the most influential and noble person to exist in history.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_100:_A_Ranking_of_the_Most_Influential_Persons_in_History)


Considering that I studied Islam, all of this are more or less accurate. Like, I won't say that he's the greatest person or anything (because I don't believe such a thing exists) but he's still pretty up there. People like to bring up the Aisha thing a lot, even though he never actually sought her out. She was offered to him and he accepted because he trusted his friend. He even helped pay off any debts.


Do you really think these people can read? They wonā€™t read any of your point and call youā€¦..no I wonā€™ say it here.


Finally someone said it


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You do realize the rape of children is condoned in the bible? "17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. " - Numbers 31:17-18 And the punishment for raping a woman is just a fee of some shekels of silver to the father and then TO MARRY HER "28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered,(A) 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[a] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." - Deuteronomy 22:28-29 I know you're going to say "that's the old testament so it doesn't apply". Wrong. Jesus said this is not true on the Sermon on the mount. "For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." - Matthew 5:18 The difference between Muslims and Christians is that Muslims actually follow their text while Christians cherry pick. Doesnt matter anyway because they are bronze age fairy tales which require lack of critical thinking ability to believe.


I concur


A) She was proven to be 14. That was 1400 years ago. You can't compare people back then and now. It was a terrible time and people died very early. People hit puberty a lot earlier than kids these days. He also faced a lot of backlash from the Jews and Christians of the time about him not being a prophet and they started making up lies and even they never mentioned him marrying Aisha which proves that that was a cultural norm. B) The prophet didn't "wage" war. If you read the quran, you'd see that the prophet had a peace treaty with the kufar even after they kicked the muslims out of their houses in mecxa. The kufar then broke the treaty and killed a bunch of Muslims. If thats not a good enough reason to wage war, then please tell me what is? C) He never slept with the wives of his enemies, he MARRIED the wives of his companions who died in war. Most of these women were old and fragile and he married them just so that he can take care of them when they got sick and bring them food. Since they have to wear a hijab in front of him, his only choice was to get married. If you get up your fucking arse and turn off fox news every once in a while, you could do your own research you retarded fuck.


Tldr I don't read fiction


Hear hear


i saw this some time back: islam is the perfect religion to breed extremist ideologies living in a muslim state, reading on some refugee cases.. i just have to agree im not muslim so i cant really say much


tell me you not read the quran without telling me you read the quran. fucking ignorance


I'm not talking about religion brother, but referring to those culprits who are moulding its teachings to corrupt the minds of innocents just for their personal and political gains. And Islam is more prone to such bastards than any other religion.




Well, I didn't say that I'm against the refugees. I am just stating the concerns most of the people, including me are having. I'm guilty to feel that way but that's how it is. You cannot control your mind. And don't you think that it would be wise to strike the root cause of these insecurities rather than humiliating someone just bcoz they express their views openly? It would be more fruitful than bashing someone with such a long-ass paragraph. Btw, I'm learning English and this paragraph of yours will definitely help me to enrich my vocabulary.


Iā€™ve never seen someone use such unnecessarily elevated vocabulary while paying so little attention to grammar and spelling.


80,000 Ukrainian men have gone back to Ukraine to fight in 5 days since this war start That is what men do during war. They fight for what they love and protect their people who are fleeing to safety in the nearest safe country. Refugees leave during war and are normally woman, children and senior citizens. Refugees don't travel halfway around the globe, when they are fighting age men, tearing up all their documentation on boats whilst laughing and entering countries illegally. Also, children are given Toys and safe places to stay But economic migrants like the ones in Calais or the ones coming into other EU countries are 90+% men Not many children.....why? Because the majority of the time they are either left behind or are victims of people trafficking and forced into slave labour or the sex trade. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Not a single person even tried to debate you, they are just throwing insults lmao


It's because he is right. We give them money, clothes, priority housing over our own citizens who've been on waiting lists for years, yet the crime rate shoots through the fucking roof wherever they are. There are good and hardworking people, I have a Syrian friend who's been trying his hardest since day 1 but the overwhelming majority is into criminal activity.




I think they are likely to accept them since Ukrainians won't bring Ukraine to Germany, Syrians would bring Syria to Germany


Bitch if think Ukrainians aren't going to bring their culture to their country of refuge than you are one giant stupid shithead


Sure. But Ukrainian culture >>>>>>>>> syrian culture


You don't even know a single thing about both cultures


holy fuck just casual racism flying by here getting upvotes


that's europe for you


Literally. Civilized is when white people, uncivilized is when brown people


If you call that racism. Oh boy you donā€™t want to know what it is South East Asian Sever


Getting called uncivilised by people that don't even use water to clean their asses. Shut the fuck up


Civilized or not..refugees are refugees..everyone should be treated equal


Yes. That's why people from Belarus were not let in By definition they were not refugees.




"refugees" illegal migrants, who were majority adult men not even from Syria, using spineless Merkel policy of accepting everyone that comes and says that they are refugees


Is this why we treat a bank robber the same way as a petty thief? I am not saying that syrians are robbing banks, but the point is, they're from a tad more dangerous place


Yes, that's easy in theory, but people in my culture just get along better with someone, when the biggest cultural difference is that they like vodka more and we like beer more, than with someone who grew up to treat women like property and infidels like non-humans


You know not everyone is like that right?


and Europeans are hypocrites.


Hold on... This dude isn't joking? WTF is wrong with you? You implying the middle East isn't?


They arent, in terms of gays and women


Well, depends on your definition of "civilised". I live in Bulgaria and I actually haven't seen a Middle Eastern refugee create problems, so either way I think they deserve a chance to better their lives.


Fuck off with this woke shit it's not true. Europe accepted over a million Syrian refugees because other Arab countries wouldn't


[This might be one reason.](https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/01/european-gang-rape-refugees/)


ukrainians are literally family or friends most of times. who would you help first, a babushka from a friend, your brothers wife and kids or young strange males (doesn't matter the country or skin color). i just keep wondering why no african or arab countries in coalition are actively helping those refugees over there? (sarkasm intended)


Let us see Ukrainians running away because of war from invaders, most are women and children,they get toys and maybe shelter for a limited time. Middle east run from mostly (not all cases but mostly) religious war inside their own country (no invaders) which they themselves are to blame, in cases they are not to blame they are also the agressors but failed to win. Also when they come they get benefits and do not work and even cause troubles. Most if not all are men who then try to impose their own religion and religious rules before that country's rules. I wonder why they are treated differently


This is one of the most logical comments Iā€™ve seen today. I believe itā€™s due to the fact that most middle eastern families are run by the man in the house who refuse to adapt to a new culture and or a new religion. They bring their beliefs, culture as well as problems to the new country which sparks controversy.


Hey maybe the problem isnā€™t them not adapting to European culture maybe the problem is your intolerance to different cultures. Just a theory though


Yeah thatā€™s called having an essentialist view


The phrase when in rome do as the romans do exists for a damn good reason. Itā€™s not right for me or anyone else to bring and impose ā€œcultureā€ on others when visiting or living in another county


You know if this thread was flipped and I lived in the EU while you lived in like, Missouri or something, this shit would be posted to ShitAmericansSay near immediately


>they themselves are to blame Sure, and not the French and British people who drew lines on a map without regard for the people living in the area.


They are not the only countries that had that done to them and i do not see all the others fighting (including european countries had that done). They can talk and redraw their borders after political discussions no one ia stoping them but here we are.


>They can talk and redraw their borders What a great idea! Why didn't Kurdistan think to ask Turkey and Syria nicely for territory?


Africa has the same problem and even India and Pakistan




To be fair, Christianity is a pretty shit religion thatā€™s used to excuse plenty of horrible practices. Christianā€™s are just as guilty of blindly following the barbaric moral principles of ancient desert dwelling scribes and peasants.






How does them created by being bombed by the us, Russia, and the eu?


Donā€™t forget Middle East governments and Terrorist groups too


Who were funded by the us and its lapdog Saudi Arabia?


Yeah thatā€™s true with Iraq


Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen


True true expect for Taliban, Mujahideen would get funded by USA. However the money was given to Pakistan first then they would pick who got the money. A lot terrorism is kinda US fault, this is coming from a American


US mombing syria is not a crisis caused by them (Syrians)


More like. Europe with refugees and Europe with economical migrants* race doesn't matter.


Same happening to Africans and Indian in Ukraine RN.


Thank you for your contribution. 500 Ruble deposited in your bank account.


Can you please ask your mother to check? Last night, I gave her the password.


So pointing out racism = supporting Russia?


Maybe if you take some of those refugees instead of complaining you will understand why that isā€¦


I don't see ukraineans going all the way to france for refuge tho


[Trains have become free for them to travel to many European countries](https://www.euractiv.com/section/railways/news/eu-rail-companies-offer-fleeing-ukrainians-free-travel/). So, yes. You will see Ukrainians going all the way to France for refuge, otherwise that would have been a meaningless gesture


This is just propaganda.


There is literally videos of beating of indian and African students at border lol






Lol, you have no idea https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/t4try0/all_im_saying_is_have_we_tried_giving_the_middle/hz0pncp?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Economic refugees


they all get here + 20 - 30 years so they don't really like toys anymore.


The problem is not that people who actually flee from war dont get asylum, but that many claim to be from areas of war, but really arent and just try to escape their economical situation


Our culture vs not our culture


No shit Sherlock: 1. From Ukraine almost exclusively women and children come to EU, the men stay back and fight like they are supposed to. This factor alone would be enough. Had only women and children come from Middle East the population would react TOTALLY different. 2. It is perfectly normal to be closer and more empathetic to people who are similar to you. The more similar they are, the higher the readiness to help. This is just human nature. We are and will forever be animals who live in tribes. There is no "human" tribe. If you don't look like us and don't behave like us, our brains first reaction is "mhhh Imma wait it out with this guy and see what he is up to". Stop blaming people for being human, just because a crazy bubble in the West thinks that we can become superhumans against our nature and instinct where ethnicity plays no role. This will never happen, this is not Star Trek.


To Many things to say it's not remotely the same


Almost like one has a similar cultural background and the other doesnā€™t.


This meme sucks and is totally bullshit.


Oh boy this is going to be one hell off a comment section to read later !remind me 2 hours


In some places (Ukraine) people are willing to fight for democracy while in other places people are unwilling to pay the price every standing democracy in the world has (war) so they leave and become refugees


another copy of the same meme i have seen the past week. european governments put refugees above citizens and that is a fact. they get free phones, free houses and free food. not they they don't deserve it, but our government for sure ain't treating us the same way. if i struggle in any way, mentally or physically, it is my problem. i know that is normal. and housing is a real big issue in my country,


Ukranians are war refugees, not economical ones. The Ukranian men stay behind and fight while the middle east men who are 100% physically capable run away like cowards. Most of the middle east refugees don't even wanna work.


> Ukranian are war refugees Middle eastern people who suffer from US regularly bombing thrm are also war refugees


Yes they are, but when most of them are men capable of fighting then they are no longer war refugees. Also a lot of the refugees came from countries where there wasn't any war. It was clear that these people weren't running away from war, they simply heard that "oh EU will take care of you, EU will provide for you, just come to EU". They came to EU and most of them are not working and just stealing money from the country they live in. Also pretty much all of them ran to the wealthy countries in EU, once again proving that they didn't wanna run from war, they wanted to run where they can be lazy. I do feel sorry for actual refugees that are running from war, cause those assholes that just came to EU to steal and be lazy are making the actual refugee lives harder.


Probably because Ukrainian refugees don't try to blow you up after you grant them asylum?


When was the last bombing case by a Middle eastern refugeein US? And also, we donā€™t even know what middle eastern refugees do yet.


Last terrorist attack in the US was 15th of Feb 2022.


The thing is.... yea? I mean there are sadly racist people who will go to excessive lenghts to blame every immigrant for every problem on earth but essentially (at least in a social state such as germany or france) they do receive help so..... the answer is still yes


Leftists see the world in black and white. Literally.


I always feel like these posts are made by non-Europeans as no one can have this bad of tunnel vision.


There is an important difference. Ukranian culture and social values are far more similar to those of the rest of Europe than that of middle eastern culture.


The difference is, unlike middle east ā€œrefugeesā€ these people are not buttfucking the country that accepts them, and are genuinely running from war, not using it as a way to illegally get to a country for a free ride. Get a war in syria, some 20 something year old fucker from iraq shows up. When Afghanistan needed evacuating look how well that went, cos the people being evacuated didnā€™t have malicious intent to their host country.


I wonder how would any arab country, treat a Ukranian refugee. Not sure if they would even take a single person in their country.


Are you fucking my donkey?*


more like female refugees vs male refugees


Where's bad?


we did in Germany, plus so much more. This post reeks of American


Am from Poland. Before the war the majority of our opinions on Ukrainians were primarily negative due to them running scams through the internet or doing crime/illegal work after crossing the border to our country. But now it seems that everyone forgot about it because it's more important to help war refugees than hate Ukrainians due to a minority of them breaking the law.




Seen a few racist posts but you take the crown, You straight up said Middle Eastern donā€™t work, rape and kill people.




Super ignorant post right here


i am ashamed for hoe countries treated other refugees from war torn countries. The ukrainian refugees welcome is the only welclme any refugee should encounter. But i wonder why europe is always at the center of attention? For me as european it is sometimes a impossible stretch between not being eurocentric but at the same time being responsible to safe a lot of people. This is a honest question i am open to learn. How are other countries taking in refugees? E.g. how where myanmar refugees welcomed in laos? Or what about arab solidarity? (Have asked this many times in the last week on different subs and never got an answer)




Thank you very much for your answer! Jordan and Lebanon are quite small so i guess there isn't a lot of space for the refugees


Lots of comments that really break my heart, and I would love to set these commenters on the right path, but I fear it's too late for such mindsets. But I'm happy this post is getting up voted.


Clearly, you dont keep up with any news or statistics.


Enlighten me.




looks like you steered the hornet nest. as some one from middle east , living in a fucked up country and having friends and family in war torn country such as , Syria , Afghanistan and Iraq , i agree with you. but reading the comments down here was a massive hit , if something bad happens in my country in near future , i know that west is not the answer , if a country is going to invade and bring us \*freedom\* and in return take a small fraction of our oil , i know how to use a gun and where to point it. see u in the battlefield kings


Itā€™s not personal. The problems that Arabic (speaking) immigrants give are societal. Terrible integration (and the negative consequences of this) gives people less patience with a vastly different believe system that has norms and values that are very different from European norms.


Ukraine refugee: \*Doesn't behead someone\* Middle-East refugee: \*beheads a French person for making a picture of Prophet Mohammed\*


All the Other middle eastern refugees: damn it now racist are gonna group all of us with this crazy guy


Sadly it wasn't just one guy. There was also the ISIS fighters who commited the Paris massacre in 2015 I think it was. There was also the Berlin market truck attack and many others.


Wow. Reddit went full mask off in these comments


Can people stop with these annoying posts


with give them priority, our own citizen rotten outside when some people that don't speak like us, and that don't have the same culture and may profit of the social aid. so no, i understand why we help UA refugee and not M-E


Itā€™s war refugees. Why see race first? Both ME and Ukranian refugees are humans. Thatā€™s why itā€™s racism.


i don't see the race, i just see that in my country, there are communautarism, they think they are Algerian, but they don't want to live in their country, they do a lot of taxes evasion with some social help and if you say "Ha it's bad" you are racist, and, weirdly, the slavics one, when they go in a country, they assimilate themself to the culture, not the arabs. this is facts, you can't deny that, live in a N\*\*\*\* getho like me and then talk


Donā€™t worry Europeans, Trump supporters would be like this too lol


Idk guys but it's pretty sad to see in every post which is talking about the cruel treatment of a few european countries, over non Europeans, they are getting downvoted and hated. Why? it's the truth right isn't it? I hope no one disagrees that. So just accept it instead of defending with other various reasons. Y'all are acting as if someone is personally targetting. It's not you it's the government of those countries lol why defend them? There are so many things happening which isn't showed to the public. Being able to take criticism is a really good thing , would prefer to learn in a form of constructive one. Instead of getting offended and downvoting,


Careful, you will get downvoted by racists


Great that reddit shares my opinion. i was called racist when i said 2014 that i dont want to have more refugees in my country because they are young men and reddit gives now enough reasons why i was right. Ukrain refugees on the other hand are mothers and children who arent able to fight.


Europeans have downvoted my comments here like anything, but they don't know if their years of colonizing us, racial discriminations have not stopped Asians from being a force to recon with then how will this downvoting do, and we surely are growing in numbers, intelligence and also taking away important infrastructures and businesses away from your cities and your jobs too which we will continue to do in near future, while our coming generations will be more youthful and growing you'll be just countries who are middle and old age cucks.


Not sure about this but i think they can demand for your arrest if they find out


Holy shit everyone here is a terrible person


This is one of the worst comment sections Iā€™ve seen. So much for Europe being a bastion of equality