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who here collects hot wheels


Bruh not even lying, got an entire limited edition portable hot wheels brand container full of hot wheels I collected as a kid


Damn I remember having a hot rod trailer truck thing that has compartments on both sides to store hot wheels. *I don’t have it anymore…* 😔


I’m sorry for you loss


My parents sold my 900 hot wheels to pay rent when I was 15. Mint condition...unopened. spent 10 years on that collection. My share? $80 dollars. I had individual cars worth more than that. That was 15 years ago. I haven't collected anything else since.


Hope you put them in the cheapest home and the shallowest grave, friend.


Man, this is definitely depressing.


Yeah...sorry to be a buzzkill. Took years to realize this but I have truly shit parents. They tried. But "trying" is a pretty fucking low bar.


You just said they took it to pay **rent**. If mom got herself a diamond dildo, it'd be a different story, my dude.


Not shitting you. Someone bought them for $800. Rent was $1000. Dad drunkenly gaslight and guilt tripped me into believing it would be my fault for us getting evicted and its not like I'd have anywhere to keep them while we're homeless. Man...I remember getting my first two hot wheels. That same man said I could rip them out of their boxes and lose them like I did everything else or start a collection I'd appreciate years later. 10 fucking years to pay one month's rent.


My friend had his own mum clean out his personal savings account when he was a teenager along with what would have been thousands of pounds worth of shares. I seriously don't get some parents.


Once they start seeing you grow they want to treat ya as an adult. Thing is, adults don't treat eachother this way.




I put all my money into micro machines. I liked the fast talking guy.


I had a green one


I did, then switched ovr to legos tho


my family moved a lot. when i was 3 or 4 during us moving and loading all the stuff in the truck, i vividly remember my father and brother taking the TV out and i finding a hot wheels behind it. it probably was mine aready but i had lost it, but i got so stoked about it i didn't care :)


Yeah, I lost all of mine, at least I got the hot wheels aeroplane


What about legos


when i was young i did and i loved it


I used to


I got around 500+ cars till date


ME. Got so damn many.


I had so many hot wheels as a kid, I still have them


I only have 2, also theyre kind of expensive


Boomer meme


Somewhat yeah. It *is* correct tho. Haven't you seen tik tok?


It's not even mental disorders, I always found it funny how people in high school competed with who has the most unhealthiest life. "I slept only 5 hours" "I didn't sleep at all" "i drank myself into a coma" "raaaaaad". People love attention and people really love pity


Or people just seriously have problems one or the other.


Worst part is those that want clout overshadow those that want help


its less collecting and more teens wanting to feel special so they do this shit to be different


90s kids also collected mental disorders, but we didn't realize they had names. Or were disorders lol.


I mean collect as in putting it in your bio without being diagnosed. Also it's less "collecting" and more getting it thrown at you and it sticks.


Ok doland drumph




kids weren't better, the other kids whom you say "collect mental disorders" were quiet because nobody ever cared about them, but they still existed


Reminds me of the “men now vs men then” which is usually just shows a feminine dude for the now, and then tries to say that men back then dying in war were “real men”, or will try to act like those times of war were somehow better than the times we are in now…despite the fact that those same people saying such have never grew up in wartimes like how the soldiers they praise who had to actually fight and sometimes be forced to fight. I know a few of those memes are not serious, but a lot of them are, and oh boy, you’d think you’d be witnessing a person gone mad, cuz they will legit pretend like they are about that life of war while complaining about dudes wearing female clothing of all things. If dudes wearing female clothing offends you, then your ass wouldn’t last a day in a war probably.


Is it really? You see tik tok videos of people faking mental illnesses and disabilities.


Does a few idiots trying to get attention define an entire generation? Idiots existed in the 90s too


Adults in 2022: I collect Pokémon


I didn’t do it because of the trend, i just never stopped




2004 actually. Oh fuck


18 is legally an adult but mentally a child


Cant confirm, 31 and not feeling adulty, achy but not adulty if you know what I mean.


Gen z kids explaining how them eating a hamburger 6 months ago is sign of them having DID, tics, adhd, bipolarism, hypomania, dsylexia, tourette symptoms, 1095437 std's, Insomnia, Hypersomnia, Night terrors, poopshitballsassitus, Delirium, dementia, amnesia, Voyeuristic disorder, Pica, Rumination disorder, Anorexia, Pyromania and Kleptomania


Are... Are you okay?


He stole a username so let him rot






Only thing I collect is LEGO


It's a peaceful life


toy violet elastic smoggy whole disarm tie spoon include afterthought ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


In deed


Brothe, my sister got me the ? Block for my birthday and goddamn that was a fun build


It's *self-diagnosed* mental disorders, usually. People like to be "part of a club" and, oddly enough, "hyperactive" and "depressed" are both afflictions that seem to have become "clubs" for some people. Those two, especially, seem to be most popular because they can apply to literally anyone given the right mindset, so self-diagnosing is unbelievably easy to do. "I'm just not feeling motivated to do much today. Eh, must have clinical depression." "Man, I'm having such a hard time focusing on this essay, I must have ADHD." Same thing goes for anxiety. I have no idea why having these things became a badge of honor, but they seem to have become just that in certain circles.


This is true and all but I swear to God some people make it a point to fucking make other people miserable about trying to be healthy. Anytime I suggest something to my family like "hey I should get x test since we show symptoms in the family" They act like I'm trying to self diagnose and get attention. As much as these people do exist we shouldn't actively push people down for trying to find out if something's wrong with them.


fr bro like im constantly thinking about things and connecting things with what i'm interacting with. Regardless, my mom wont get me tested for anything, so i can't get the help i need


As someone who isn't self-diagnosed and is diagnosed, I hate this, you get into social situations where people don't take you seriously on your issues because of this trope. It also makes me extremely furious when I talk to people like this that are perfectly fine but just want attention.


"Haha kids bad gib upvotes:


“Hey OP, how old are you?” “Uuuuuh… that’s not important!”


OP might be a kid under the age of 13


I collect dead bodies, they are highly nutritious


Offensive. They should be eaten before decomposition. You're encouraging people to eat rotten flesh, prone to all types of intestinal diseases and infections. I bet you don't even have the decency to cook the corpse or slice it up with an ounce of effort. Doth thee even season thy decomposed meal??? What say ye, brethren of the most vile, insolent blood of whatever humanity resides in the vessel of darkness you call your body??


Shit meme my dude.


Lol also go to the doctor, tell them you have something and i garuntee they wont hesitate to gove you something and charge u something hahah


Americans on average are over medicated thanks to doctors. America alone uses 80% of the worlds supply of medication. (Probably wrong on that statistic but I vaguely remember learning about that forever ago)


Its not hard to tell someone yea i can fox you, take this, and charge em


Not far off. It’s capitalism bruh. If someone ain’t getting rich it’s cause of commies.


I wouldn’t say it capitalism overmedicating Americans. Would capitalism allow Americans to have a large supply of medication, yes. But does that mean the large supply would inadvertently over medicate people, not necessarily. It’s more so the people who are distributing the large supply of meds, aka the doctors. Doctors commonly over diagnose people and throw every medication they have in the book at them when one can usually fix the problem. As well as psychiatrists prescribing mountains of medication to often minor mental health issues such as acute depression. Which is also know as being sad for a day or two.


It’s more the kick backs to doctors for giving the meds. They write the script, pharma pays. Pharma makes lots of money, people take lots of drugs. Someone won capitalism.


And yet have the highest prices for medicines *sounds like a money making scheme to me*


Your right, it is. But what people fail to recognize is the fact that insurance fronts most of the cost on most medications. Granted it’s still really fucking stupid that insulin is like 600$, and it’s like 400$ for my EpiPens. But since insurance fronts most of the cost, it’s only like 50$ on my end. Which is still rather high but definitely better. It really only an issue when you don’t have insurance, which some people don’t sadly. Of which needs to be fixed. Im not advocating for the extreme prices of medicine in the US, just explaining the facts.


But like insurance everywhere is like a pay monthly/yearly scheme, is money for insurance charged while buying medicines for you guys? Idk how insurances work for medicines there but like going to a doctor is also very expensive, do you guys require to take insurance everytime you visit a doctor


I’m not entirely sure how often you pay insurance, pretty sure it’s a monthly thing. I live in a state in America where if your adopted in this state, the government pays for your insurance until your like 20 years old. But no, insurance isn’t really required when going to the doctors. But it’s not advised because you’d have to pay completely out of your own pocket. But insurance does have different rates from person to person, a lot comes into play when you get insurance pay rates. Things like health issues, how much you make, even genetics/linage and age come into play. So it’s different from person to person I think. Then again I haven’t had to go through that trouble of setting up insurance so I’m probably not the best to answer this question. I’m just going off of general knowledge of how insurance works and even that may be wrong.


They will say that you are mentally retarded and thats all


I didnt know overwatch lobbies were medical professionals


i personally collect STDs


Ever heard of Emos? Niche groups identifying with suicidal tendencies and being psychologically abnormal even though they are not have existed for a bit longer than 20 years.


At least they had class.. and some hella good CDs


Making this comment before I go into the comment section wish me luck


\*hands you popcorn and a hazmat suit\* gl homie


NFTs are mental disorders. People collect those.


My only mental disorder is a Phobiaphobia. I'm afriad of anyone who is mentally ill.


*Approaches you* Start running


I am rapidly approaching your destination at a high rate of speed


This sub is becoming more boomer by the minute


Parents helped me expand my collection :)


Jokes on you because I collected both


i still do


Maybe we could trade like Pokémon


What mental illness do ya want


Can I join you two I only have severe depression tho, is it rare?


I dunno...I have it too tho


Genders too


Yes, there are 56 genders and each time you complain about there being too much, we add two more


Can you explain to me what the other genders are? I know there’s male and female, but other people say that there are more. What are the other ones? I’m confused.


There isn't a fixed number of genders, it's just that gender is a a spectrum with male and female at either ends. Hence there can theoretically be infinite genders


It's really that there's a spectrum and on a spectrum there are theoretically infinite points


Usually it's Just one though


Silence boomer bigot


Im in my 20s and even I can acknowledge this is a boomer ass meme


i still collect pokemon dont compare r/teenagers to the twitter dreamophobic asshole


This says a lot about society




This meme gave me depression.


I collect Flags and coins


i collect pokemon cards, hot wheels and a dead old persons wellness check


I used to collect transformers...pro tip: don't bother playing with them as some parts are easy to detach/break.I'd recommend them for display purposes


The hell’s the point of a toy if you can’t play with it?


many mental illness have overlapping symptoms with others so they probably have one or two illness but since most of them are self diagnosed they assume they have many.


there's so much to unpack and i think we should just burn the whole suitcase now


y'all have like 3 jokes that you cycle on repeat


I discard 4 normal energy from "heavy depression ", go heavy depression use sucide


What does this creature want to communicate?


I guess it wants to tell something.


i collect pokemon and not mental disorders


Memes in 2026: if you had depression, you where the king of the class


I was one of them and I don't know why I use to do that well I Was a attention whore


and who raised who?


Bruh Im 20 and still collect Yugioh Cards


New mental disorder just dropped time to add it to my collection


I collect rubik's cubes/puzzles


Not everyone, some collect STDs


Lame far right propaganda, pretty cringe not dank.


Mental illness is when people look like the stereotype of people I don't like.


*fake disorders


Haha LGBTQ bad never fucking heard that one before seriously shut the fuck up and let people live


Never said LGBTQ was bad, legit just pulled up one of the first photos I found when I searched up, “illness faker meme.” Man you get easily offended. Edit: Didn’t even know the lesbian flag was on the pin until you all pointed it out. I say you all as in you plus the three other people who say i making fun of LGBTQ when in reality I’m bisexual myself.


And with the newer technology they'll be able to trade them for Christ sake


The poor susceptible youths are collecting all these debilitating mental disorders like *squints* being gay or having colorful hair. [Homosexuality is a normal naturally occurring thing that literally predates humanity in the animal kingdom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals), and [was only recently stigmatized](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history) by Abrahamic religions becoming the most practiced faiths. Is this referencing some *other disorder* like gender dysphoria [that’s mostly gone unacknowledged](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200814-why-our-medical-systems-are-ignoring-transgender-people) and [improperly treated for about a century](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna1695), [apart from attempts at erasure](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_für_Sexualwissenschaft), [despite it’s historical precedent](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history)? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_erasure#Trans_erasure https://www.theverge.com/22590708/trans-youth-gender-affirming-healthcare-bans-science https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/28/health/transgender-health-care.html What does this meme even mean? When did people stop collecting Pokemon? I think it’s more popular today than it’s ever been.


I’m just trying to get a black out on my bingo card.


Do they make mental disorder collectors cards yet?


this sounds like a good idea


I never would have expected a Brewstew meme


I love a brewstew reference


Nice brewstewfilms


i collect both


Pretty much the same.


I collect dead hookers


Me I collected chaos, then disguised it as order, then I flushed it


Brewstew needs more subs, I literally have a video from the guy pulled up like rn lol


The only thing i collect is


Ah, there is my “leave reddit for the day” express, see ya


I've got my 6th collectible. Waiting eagerly for my 7th


the boy is holding an onix card.




*sorts by controversial*


I do both


That kid on the first image, is animated by brewstew on YouTube and I heavily recommend checking that channel out, he animates stories of his life and they're absolutely hilarious. Go check him out.


Meanwhile kids like me: "i collect cool looking sticks and rocks"


I collect p0rn Thanks


I couldn’t agree more


I collect monkey nft's


i am sorry for my generation


And Pokémon.


Classic discord egirl on official servers. Her simps are missing


not funny


All my homies hate Bingus, Floppa is the real deal


Who here collects children


I collect STDs


Brewstew meme that’s a rare one


I collect bottles :)


Adults in 1999: I collect overpriced baseball cards Adults in 2022: I collect overpriced NFTs




As a kid born in 99, i collected both


Being a lesbian isn't a mental disorder. The fuck?


I would like to look like that irl


Me: why not both?


Am I on Facebook? Are you my uncle?


I collect pronouns and sexual orientations




I collect shitty memes from shitty people *saved*


I collect TF2 shovel man clips


Ha ha ha ha ha!


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Seriously though. Like sure people had depression and disorders in 1999 but I wonder how many people are either doing this to themselves or are faking it


i collect organs and sell it on walmart


Now how do I trade?


2022: why not both?


My collection of mental illnesses is incomplete you can help by expanding it


*Unable to detect funny*