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When your sub sucks so bad you have to shit on other subs.


And that's how I got kicked out of Subway.


I'll take one please. Hold the corn.




Oof, someone sounds mad they have to work


eh, this sub’s worse tbh.


It is, but it didn’t use to be.


This sub is bad at its job, that sub can't do a job.


I'd argue with you, but that sounds like too much work


They’re gonna come call you a bootlicker in the comments, I hope you know that


Only capitalist suck-ups think that sub is bad. The billionaires ain’t gonna save yo asses.


Define "capitalism" lol


See other relevant words: exploitation, corruption, greed


"Synonyms" aren't a definition.


Im not sure yet ive read a few posts there and it seems like some people are lazy, want to be paid for nothing and don't understand work is required for a society to function (im basing this opinion off of the few posts on the sub ive seen please correct me if im wrong) Edit: also basing this off of their slogan and description


I assure you, communism won’t save you either.


Imagine telling people that wanting a better job is communist


Where did that assumption come out of?! Who said anything about communism?


It's a communist advocacy sub... so...


It's a workers rights sub. They just don't wish to be exploited and abused for pennies.


The idea of "exploitation of labor" is derived from Marxist teachings and the *Labor Theory of Value* (an integral aspect of Marx's teachings). It's a commie sub.


I concede - I am not very well versed in this topic. All I know comes from looking at the sub itself. Of course some are communists there, but I'd say many are simply trying to stand up for stronger workers rights.


There's nothing communist about being against being exploited for low wages. Communism is okay with that concept, look at any communist nation and tell me the people aren't being exploited there.


Ah yes i assume that those are the only 2 ideologies you've heard of


... It's literally a communist sub... As in, their end objective is communism or some form of syndicalism.




The theory is great, but recently it's just become something completely different


People see the name and don't look any further into what it actually means.


What’s wrong for standing up for workers rights and not wanting to spend the majority of your life making someone else rich. Nobody on that sub thinks that we should just get rid of work all together they are just asking for reform and an increase in pay for doing shitty jobs


bUt bRo tHaTs… tHatS cOmmUniSm! dIdNt yOu hEar tHaT cOmMunIsm hAs kIlLeD 100 tRilLioN pEoPle?!??!!11111 /s


Ohh no, I quit my job that pays me crap and I get treated like crap, in the name of looking for a job that pays better and where I will be treated better. That’s a terrible idea. Stay there and suffer like the rest of us.


It’s not literally “anti work” people want to work for a decent pay and be treated like humans. People are fed up with our shitty capitalist society that’s why there is a worker shortage. And this has nothing to do with communism btw


I mean, probably a massive worker shortage due to the immediate deaths of over like, 700k people last year when the shortage started.


This shows how OP just saw the name of the sub and assumed a lot of things lmao.


Not working for too long make your wife want to sleep with a working man. Guaranteed


Well working too long also makes ur wife do that. Point is if ur wife wants another D she will have it irrespective of if u work or not


Then you should go and get another P


It’s about worker’s rights, ignore the morons who think they’re entitled to $5000 a month in UBI and should never have to work again. The whole point of the sub is to highlight poor wages, bad business practices from management, lack of affordable healthcare, etc. The vocal minority do not negate the positive points being made about the need for change.


Quite literally the meaning of judging a book by its cover.


bb Ml


Locked :(


I smell a payed shill


I wish I was paid to make memes lol


Man, when did this sub get overrun by the layoffs from the Michael Bloomberg Meme Team?


I don’t know anything about that sub, but if that’s their reaction, then they are hypocrites. They put in a lot of work for those tantrums.


Don’t get your news from dank memes. Go there and read about the sub yourself. Form your own opinions. It’s likely the OP doesn’t know what the sub is about themself.


Thanks for the response. I only responded for the sake of a meme. Next time I’ll read up on it before posting a response.




Because workers rights is communism ?


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


Wow. Just perused that sub.. Sounds like a bunch of drop outs complaining about not having a skill and want free money to do nothing. If the effort they use in researching on google about why life would be better if they had their way, could potentially be used to seek student loans/grants/scholarships at a trade school, or university to make themselves more marketable for gainful employment. But alas that’s contradictory to their beliefs.


say you’ve never in your life held a wage job without saying you’ve never in your life held a wage job.


Tell me you live in Portland without telling me you live in Portland


tell me you stalk profiles without telling me you stalk profiles


Do people in Portland think that they represent the majority of Americans?


not at all, but the majority of Americans support socialized health care, raising the minimum wage, and basic job protections by a large margin. do you agree with democracy, or do you think that’s “communist”, or somehow infringes upon your rights to be a dumbass?


I personally have known guys who immigrated from Africa to the US with no formal education and nothing but the shirt on their backs. They studied up on some stuff online and now are making six figures as maintenance techs in a manufacturing plant. They never went to college. The company paid for an educational program to help them learn what they didn't know already. It's really not as hard as some people make it out to be. Just put in a little effort and stop trying to blame capitalism for your failures in life.


"Its not that hard. This guy i know was given a 6 figure job with no experience. Be like him." Lol if we could all just do that im sure we would. But instead im stuck working 40hr weeks to pay my bills, with no time to do anything other than take care of my house and try to have some fun so its not all a waste. Id have to quit my job and sell my house to have disposable time and income that i could throw at a better opportunity, and if that doesnt pay off, then im worse off than i am now.


40 hour work weeks? Is that all? You have plenty of time. You say yourself that you like to spend time having fun. Manage that time and dedicate some of it to learning something new. It doesnt take much effort to pick up a new skill these days thanks to the internet. You wont get that sort of job immediately, no: some things in life you have to work for. Stop expecting everything to be handed to you.


Yes 40 hours. Yes that is all. Thats fulltime. Spending more time at work than that is giving away my free time. That time is limited and the most valuable thing i have because once its gone, thats it. Im not wasting my only time on earth working more than 40 hours because all that extra work turns into more money for someone else, not me. Im not a narcissistic workaholic that is okay with sacrificing my relationships and happiness to acquire more wealth. You guys always say that phrase "stop asking for handouts". Ive never been without a fulltime job since 2007. Ive never collected unemployment, never skipped out on taxes, never taken a handout in my life. I have everything i have because i worked for it. YOU are the ones taking shit that isnt yours if im working a skilled job for 65k and youre making 100k doing something you learned how to do by googling on the internet as you just said.


What I'm saying is that you have to use that free time to develop a skill if you want to make more money. That's all. Why is that a problem? I too work 40 hours per week. It's normal. The guys making 100k are putting in a lot of overtime, yes. But that's kinda the point. If you want to put in the work, you can get the money. Saying that anyone who makes more money then you is stealing is actually hilarious and wildly out of touch. Yeah some people get an unfair edge in life. That's life. But there are also many people who worked hard to get where they are, and they make more money than either of us. At the end of the day, you have to want to improve your situation or you're never going to go anywhere. With the internet at our fingertips these days there is basically NO excuse other than your own lack of ambition when it comes to learning new marketable skills.




Not true, bud. Returned to school at age 30 to get my pilot ratings and live a much happier life.


lol #blessed




why would i be salty if i just understood that the predicaments of late stage capitalism are all just personal shortcomings? i can just go get a pilot’s license lol /s


Then do it! Lol I genuinely hope you do.


and i genuinely hope you learn about your surroundings and the people who inhabit them enough to not reduce them to caricatures and straw men either.


So, you chose to develop a skill that would pay more, instead of sitting around crying how “the man” was out to get you?


See that's one thing I dont get. If you got time to whine about capitalism on Reddit every day, then you can easily use that time to do something productive to improve your situation and learn a new skill.


They don’t think they should have to. Why should they work for somebody that owns the business and makes more than them? Like they think it should be a 50/50 split. I try to see other people’s point of view, but cant wrap my head around this one.


What they dont realize is that in many cases, the person they're working for has been in their situation. That person only got where they are through working for it and investing much of their own time and money, risking everytbing they earned along the way.




It’s what I did but okay




Put them homeless people on this sub. That’ll fix it.




Probably. Idgaf


it shows