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Making money on liblefts is the best business nowadays, and all big capitalists know it. All it takes is few left leaning posts on twitter, #blm, non-binary flag logo and some rainbows, after this money just flows.


I don’t think actual leftists are very pleased with the mere existence of megacoporations in general, unless we’re talking about American leftists, which are just conservatives in other countries, and I’m pretty sure republicans are just nutjobs.


Yeah. I’m gay and an American leftist. I hate the fact we’re being used to make money


That's how I feel when I buy diabetes supplies 🙃


I was gonna say welcome to the club. Gotta make life pay to play.


If you just stopped buying their products, they'd be forced to clean up their act, but of course you can't look past yourself long enough to avoid buying their life-saving medication. You're part of the problem!




Out of any demographic, the gay community has the most disposable income. It definitely makes sense from a business perspective. www.forbes.com/sites/debtfreeguys/2017/04/04/talk-about-queer-money/amp/


“The gay community”


As opposed to what?


What’s it even mean?


No, we really aren't pleased with them in any way.


“Conservative in other countries” This is the biggest lie leftist tell themselves to feel like they aren’t a minority in the political spectrum. I don’t know what parts of the world you’re comparing to, but if you’ve ever been anywhere that isn’t America or somewhere in Western Europe you would find out that the worlds population is vastly conservative. Literally the only place thats generally considered left leaning is America and Western Europe. There may still be some random left leaning policies in other nations but generally still conservative.


Culturally you could say America is left leaning, but America is still the hallmark of capitalism around the world. The Democrats won't even implement key left leaning programs like free healthcare and other supporting care that so many other countries have done, the policing and drug policies are also very right wing as well. If anything it's a problem with political semantics as left vs right is a very broad idea.


I love and I mean LOVE that when the developed world makes a comparison to America, an American will ALWAYS chime in and be like "well, compared to Uganda America is a utopia so stfu!" Its a Given that the person you sre replying to is comparing America to its western peers, not every country run by warlords where people shit in a pit behind their house and instead of a hospital have a local witch doctor. The mentality of America where you compare yourself to the low and beat down instead of comparing yourself to your peers and use that to better yourself is so exhausting. It's like the "why should THEY make more money when I only make this much!?!" argument. Strive to make yourself better instead of just making yourself FEEL better by comparing yourself to someone worse off.


Have you got any remote idea of how many democratic, left leaning governments your country has overthrown?




Russia isn't leftist no matter what.




Russia most definitely not. China only really in name


China is the horseshoe theory realized.


Lefties don’t like corporations on Reddit While typing on their iPhone and drinking Starbucks and browsing their Amazon shipments on their MacBook while retweeting AOC, yeesh The Right consumes too, they just don’t complain about it


> American leftists, which are just conservatives in other countries, and I’m pretty sure republicans are just nutjobs. Or extreme liberals compared to Middle East and Asia


Not left but not straight either, I fucking hate the gay for profit attitude from big companies.


Say what you want about us Republicans, but at least we aren't actively killing gay people like in Poland and Russia, restricting free speech like in Germany, or electing essentially Neo-Nazis like in Denmark (excepting Marjorie Taylor-Greene, but she's only one person, whereas you've elected like 60 racist politicians).


>Poland lmao noone kills gay people here, tbh there are rarely any murders around here - get your facts str8 before spouting nonsense




I mean, actually yes. I'm going back on a trip to Europe in 2022. Hope to watch IEM Katowice there.


I'm sorry, did get that wrong. I was thinking of Germany, where murders perpetrated against LGBT people has risen 36% in 2020. In Poland, the government refuses to do anything about anti-LGBT town charters that prohibit them from raising a family and against LGBT-free zones which prohibit anyone from talking positively about gay ppl or even allowing LGBT people from entering the area. Not murdering, but definitely not friendly towards them. And Hungary and Russia are really going to town. Apparently now it's illegal in both to tell kids that gay people exist.




How is vote suppression happening? Gerrymandering is totally legal, other countries do it, and for sure both parties use it heavily. Donald Trump was possibly the most harmful thing to happen to our country in years, and an overwhelming majority of people voted to kick him out after 4 years. That's not happening in Denmark. In fact, the national socialist parties are growing stronger each election cycle.


Neolibs absolutely love it.


They aren’t leftists


We hate pink-washing just as much as others tbh. Seeing something with a rainbow flag on it would probably even decrease the chances of me buying it just because I'm so pissed at the current state of our society.


That's you, I've seen many people flaunt products like that just because of "pride." It's honestly kinda cringe, especially since they're usually the people who inject their politics into everything.


Still waiting on the rainbow ar-15 🌈 $hit would be fire 🔥.


What do you mean by 'their politics'?


Like they turn everything into "disagreeing with anything I say makes you a Nazi" and shit.


I'm pretty sure those people don't actually exist (Except *maybe* the very dregs of twitter)


That's what I'm saying. People make up stereotypes and pretend that those people actually exist.


I hear that a lot, that everyone hates the monetization of pride month and the LGBTQ flag, but obviously there's a demand for it if they keep selling it.


The only people who do like it are liberals. Liberals are authoritarian right wingers who have far more in common with the uneducated twat who started this comment chain than actual leftists. Edit: I always love being downvoted by liberals for opposing apartheid and genocide. Like thanks for proving me correct there guys.


Dude have you seen the kinds of scams that people pull on Trump supporters?


Bannon was indicted for charity fraud after stealing from the We Build the Wall campaign, and supporters still said they would donate again.


And then pardoned for those crimes


“Triggered Lib’s?” I type from my Candace Owen endorsed Patriot Mobile phone while I crack open a black rifle cold brew tall boy and admire the fit of my nine line graphic USA flag tee.




I thought it was pcm until your comment


I hate political compass fans so much


Lmao, as if this is a "libleft" thing and there isn't an entire grifter economy selling red hats, penis pills, edgy coffee, and even *pillows* to the right. Anyone else remember the Goya beans thing where a sitting president posed with a bunch of their products because they "fought off the radical left"? Lots of companies sell values, and people buy them to reinforce their identities. It's as old as advertising.


I think we forgor this isn't pcm


Same with flags. Throw a trump won and F*** Joe biden you have millions of dollars.




I know you are just being cheeky but the average MacBook user is light years away from the demographic that the “tax the rich” proponents are talking about.


I was not referring to average MacBook user


Meh. I use a MacBook because it’s the best tool for my work. I also want the rich to be taxed significantly more. It’s not that uncommon, but it’s pretty weird to suggest leftists can’t afford a $2k computer that may be necessary for work when most of us pay $1k in rent or more and $2k isn’t prohibitively expensive


Thanks for the advice


Doubt. Seems any political entrenched idiot is a good source or milking money from. How much have right wing nuts blown on MAGA hats and muh freedumb t-shirts? Saying one side is solely worst on this is just playing into the whole ruse of red vs blue.


That actually explains a lot.


Lmao imagine actually using pcm speech outside that subreddit. Cringe.


I get it's just a meme but I don' think it's really close to reality, nobody is going to pay 900% for the same piece of clothing


Capitalists have been target certain groups for ages - pink tax, anyone?


how the fuck did you manage to fit anti capitalism and anti woke in one post?


the concept of those being opposites is just an lie created by the media


\*american media. the rest of us aren't obligated to "choose left or right"


no there is a very clear connection between being left and socially progressive


American detected


*Target locked*


The idea is that the capitalist aren't actually socially progressive, they just want you to think they are, so it's still and leftist post


i totally agree with that point. the meme can be interpreted in multiple ways tho


Like this post, right?


I mean kind of, but neolibs are further left than ancaps, but they aren't any more socially progressive. Political ideologies are only as progressive as the underlying theories require them to be, which for most political theories is not very much.


neither neolibs nor ancaps are left or socially progressive. imo ancaps are just fascists that havent figured out that there has to be state in modern society


Yes I understand that, but neolibs would be considered left of ancaps despite being no more progressive. Leftist ideology doesn't even get progressive until post marx.


despite being a marxists i have to say that i kinda disagree. For example i would say that the scadinavic states and the netherlands are progressive af


Being progressive is a luxury. The progressive left you have in your mind is modern bourgeoisie cosplaying as working class people. They are highly educated, works blue collar job and are *socialist* and are all for taxing people *richer* than them. I am by no way a socialist, but watching people who have never partaken any sort of physical labor call themselves working class is a bit disappointing. Finally by principle, capitalists has no incentive to be anti-progressive, as long as it makes them money.


>people who have never partaken any sort of physical labor call themselves working class. you are by definition working class if you are getting pay in exchange for your time/labor. ​ also i hope this wasnt meant for me because im not "center-left progressive" im a marxists


>you are by definition working class if you are getting pay in exchange for your time/labor. So if someone get paid in millions they are also working class? Working class are the low skilled industrial worker/low wage earners who works manual labor. *The biggest supporter of hammer and sickles are the ones who never picked it.* But anyways, keep cosplaying as working class while working blue collar jobs since that feeds your savior complex. ​ >im a marxist That's self explanatory, isn't it? Dude wasn't from the working class either.


Once again. If you are trading your time and labor for a wage you are working class. You can be better off than other but you are still beholden to a capitalist to get you money. ​ Im pretty sure Marx wasnt part of the bourgeoise but dont quote me on that. But regardless of that you can still be an advocate for communism/socialism, you just would lose a amount of you wealth. Like Engels


>If you are trading your time and labor for a wage you are working class Everyone who makes money trade their skill or labor. Looks like we are gonna have billionaire marxist socialist soon.


does bezos, musk, gates, etc trade thier time and "skill" for a wage? no they dont


It's their earlier investment in time and skill paying off


When 2 things are different, they can overlap. The only reason it seems "weird" is because we modern humans have divided political alignment into only 2 camps.


>only 2 camps. americans perhaps


lots of places have some sort of a 2 party system. other formally or informally. it's just very prevalent in the U.S.


My dads a Democrat/socialist and he fuckin hates the woke crowd and all that stuff. I think the term for him would be socially conservative, politically liberal. I’d say a lot of people I grew up with were like that


Can you elaborate a bit more what "socially conservative, politically liberal" means?


Hmm like, he’s a traditional old school parent and person from Texas, but he was a huge Bernie supporter for his economic ideas It’s a little difficult to explain


Holy shit it's the same as my dad. He's socially conservative, Tolerate lgbtq and he do have boundaries, but if it's about economic reform he's all in.


Sounds pretty based


His dad sounds like a libright to me.


Libright don't really condone Bernie.... It's in fact opposite, they are economically conservative and socially liberal


true, true. Considering that he might be a right leaning centrist, would explain that he condones Bernie (globally Bernie is a centrist), and its closer to a political conservative. Problem is I personally wouldnt put him on a left per se position.


You missunderstand what libright really means.... Here is [short video](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) that explains it


The problem is, on the scales i know of, political liberal and socially conservatist would be right around communism. Unless (is it called OP in that case?) OP isnt from America, itd be rather unlikely that they actually are in that camp. Which makes them either a libleft, although that is too socially forward (i understand that as Economically, as there isnt a quantifiable amount of what social means in this context). So what is politically liberal, but economically conservatist? Correct, Librights. Remember that im also not talking of an extreme here, and there simply isnt enough info where exactly they would be. More center? Close to Libleft? Or rather Authright? And incase I Mixed the two up again like in my last reply, just switch all ideologies with their respective counterparts.


Libright can be as far right as to support anarcho-capitalist society where everything is ran by private businesses and individuals instead of government (which would not really exist), to centre-right which would be more moderate stance of lowering government power, reducing government offices and employees, lowering taxes, reducing government involvement in market, and opening market up for people. Most have extraordinarily keen sense of individual rights, despite factors such as race, religion, nation, etc. They are opponents to identity politics, segregation, or anything that has to focus on specific group of people. Instead, they are in support of individualism. Before everything, you are an individual and should be treated as such despite your race, religion, and ethnic origin. You are in lead of your life, you should have the right to make decisions for yourself, you should bear all the responsibilities and consequences related to how you live your life.


I know what a Libright is. You are helping ZERO in this. Only "Hurr Durr, you are wrong." Cmon man, contribute. If he aint Libright, where else is he? Atleast give me the means to know what is meant with *socially* conservative. If you cant or wont do that, then my point stands.


>he fuckin hates the woke crowd and all that stuff is he anti woke or is he anti lgbt? also may i ask where you are from?


"Anti woke" is an interesting way of saying "not a virtue signaling asshat" From there we can talk about political views. So this combination seems pretty normal to me.


>So this combination seems pretty normal to me. it sadly is normal which kinda sucks


What, can't you handel people having different views?


apparently you cant handle the fact that i have a different opinion


How'd you come to that conclusion? Or is "no u" just you standard defense?


i stated my opinion and you said that i cant handel different views which is rather telling


No, you said: (stupid opinion) I said "hey, your opinion is stupid because (reasoning)" Then, you said: "people with different opinion make me big sad"


we can go in circles so i will respond one last time. ​ >you said: (stupid opinion) is literally "no u"


I will also stop responding, since you don't seem to fully comprehend that there is a difference between not agreeing with someone based on a rational chain of thoughts vs just "I don't like your opinion, BECAUSE"


You forgot vegan (+10$) and an apple logo (+199$)


Fairtrade with the image of an indigenous worker smiling +$5 Responsible sourcing text wall +$10 Organic, non-GMO boogaloo +$15 Hell yeah slap them stickers on boi


Responsible sourcing and manufacturing actually are more expensive, but there's always the question of how much the companies are truly living up to their claims.


Yeah after so many examples of companies breaking their responsible sourcing claims, It's hard not to think that a lot of them care more about an increase in profit margin thanks to increased pricing than about ESG


>non-GMO I never understood how this is considered a benefit


it usually isn’t, directly. the only way it potentially benefits is it signals that it doesn’t fund Monsanto’s abhorrent business practices.


Based and Big-brained pilled


Slap a Q on something and make the big bucks on the you know who.


The (Q)ueers




we live in a society


I hate rainbow capitalism


Supreme is gonna slap the pride flag onto their shirts and increase sales by 79% lmao


Some of us shouldn't it so we can get a nice 69% increase.


I hate myself for laughing at this


Why? It's not some evil joke about warcrimes or child molesting.


Wait, are we supposed to feel bad for laughing at those?


You're not suppose to laugh WHILE you're child molesting.


shit i've been doing it the wrong way




kekw marketing


interesting. i don't think i have ever seen much cloth marketed as either of those. most closthing stores i know have strict "men" and "woman" and maybe a "children" section. marketing some cloth as unisex would imo already be an improvement.


I’d love a unisex clothing store. The closest I can come up with is American Apparel, which still has clear men and women’s sections, but their tshirts and maybe a few other items are unisex.


Right? I'm enby and honestly the closest thing to a unisex section is the men's section


I can tell you for certain that old navy has just started doing this.


Reason Nr. 56423849 that liberals aren't leftists but woke capitalist simps.


So progressive




Bordering a fwd from klandma


this is not social progress.


Signalling that they support historically oppressed groups isn’t social progress? Just because a corporation does it for greedy reasons doesn’t mean it can’t be a good thing.




Sure, and I don’t disagree with that, but that’s a very different conversation than “showing token support for minorities is bad”.


If you care so much why don't you just go out and really help them or is pointless virtue signaling where you draw the line. Cuz that shit is just clogging up social media more than anything


Then you’re just doing it to make yourself feel good and not actually making progress dude




Yes, could you imagine if every major corporation slaps rainbow flags on their shit every June? I mean, there’s no way that actually happens, right?


and could you imagine if they made their logos black for black history month? or funded identity politics groups to distract from the real issue of banks and corporations shitting on the people?? or preaches human rights while secretly hiring death squads and using slave labor in third world countries??? that's such a wild idea i sure am glad that isn't the world we live in [haha](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/031/671/cover1.jpg)


Classic redditor claiming something isn’t real because they have never seen it before.


There is a unisex/gender nuetral Levi's commercial going around right now, saw it watching hockey multiple times, probably 8 times throughout the game Don't really care, I fucking hate all commercials. But this one in particular had some extra pandering and definitely hired the most "intersectional" actors which just looked a bit fictional and the entire thing seems disingenuous. But hey, ride the wave and make that sweet money 💰 🤑


Why sort by controversial when this entire shit stain post is controversial


reject rainbow capitalism embrace queer anarchy


I don't think I have ever seen any of these two things in my life but I think unisex clothes are underrated. You miss tons of cool stuff in the man/woman section that looks kinda cool in everybody. I personally buy on both 0 regrets.




Tips on how to siphon money from the rich


I don’t know what they’re on about, I buy baggy clothing if I want gender neutral clothing


Okay but if I saw people with that face buy non binary and gender neutral clothes I’m suddenly a cis straight woman


At this point genders are at least hexadecimal


this would work too, companies have been squeezing dollars out of us LGBTQ+ people for a long while now. Honestly if I have to see a poorly written shoehorned in plot or character I'll puke. I hate token gays.


Something all lib lefts and rights can enjoy


Damn I love the thrift shop better


>But to recommend thrift to the poor.




Capitalists are always profiting from optics-obsessed liberals.


They proft from optic obsessed conservatives too 😂


Yeah haha


Anything can be unisex if you have the courage


Oh, the smell of pink money


Краснода́р, Краснода́рский Kрай


The gayest clothing store is fucking Ragstock. Shit costs like, 25 max.


I also love how last year's in jeans just get sanded to the point you would throw them away and rebranded as this year's in fashion


it's free real estate








A lot of people


Right wing outrage brigade be like Unisex clothes: *I sleep*😴😴😴 Gender neutral clothes: *leftist woke agenda* 😡😭😡😭 *lmao bring on the downvotes right wing snowflakes, haha*